A Wild Night With Sue

"Sue does all six guys from the Play Group, with some help from Melanie"

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It was Saturday morning on a beautiful Indian Summer day, warm, sunny, not a cloud in the sky, and my best friend Jake and I were out on his driveway winterizing his boat. Almost every one of our male neighbours was also outside, performing Fall chores and enjoying the sunshine. I had just straightened up to ease a crick in my neck when Jake looked over my shoulder and said, “Hey Nick, take a look at this!”

I turned to follow the direction of his gaze. A stunningly beautiful woman with a mane of long, straight brown hair and fabulously long legs was strolling down the street with every male eye following her as she strutted along, rolling her hips suggestively. She was wearing a pair of cutoff blue jeans that had been cut so high they were little more than a thong at the back, a scarlet silk camisole with spaghetti straps that looked as if it had been sprayed on, so closely was it moulded to the outline of her breasts and nipples, which were doing their best to escape from the flimsy fabric, jiggling as she walked, and a pair of silver strappy sandals with three-inch heels. My wife Melanie: Super-slut, the love of my life.

“Christ, Nick, I’ve got a boner so hard my pants are trying to cut my balls off!” Jake exclaimed. “I am so going to fuck the ass off that!”

This wasn’t just wishful thinking on Jake’s part; we have a very satisfying arrangement whereby my wife is his mistress and his wife Sue, Melanie’s best friend, is my mistress, so there was a very good chance his wish would be fulfilled. More often than not though, we would both do one wife together, then do the same for the other, because both women prefer two dicks to one. Of course, they also preferred three dicks to two, but that was what the Play Group was for – to allow them to get airtight. That is, one dick in their mouth, another in their pussy and a third up their ass. They are women of large appetites, as are all the ladies in the Play Group. Melanie was, in fact, returning from a coffee morning with those other ladies.

As she approached, she caught us staring at her and gave us her megawatt smile, the one that takes a man’s breath away and usually gets her whatever she wants.

“Hello, my two favourite guys,” she greeted us as she slid between us and gave us each a deep kiss on the lips.

“Mel, I’ve got to tell you, I have a hard-on for you right now that’s like an iron bar,” Jake gasped out.

My wife giggled throatily, ran her right hand over the straining front of his pants and her left over the front of mine, then said, “Well we wouldn’t want to waste a couple of good erections, would we?” Placing both Jake’s hands on her breasts she continued, “Why don’t we go inside and the two of you can fuck me to within an inch of my life, then I will tell you a little bit of news that will make your day.”

“Another Play Group date?” I hazarded eagerly.

“Well yes, that too, but that’s not the news. Now get inside and get naked,” she responded, slapping my ass.


We got inside pronto, whereupon Melanie grabbed our hands and led us through to Jake and Sue’s bedroom, where she promptly stripped the pair of us, kicked off her heels and threw herself down on the bed on her back. Jake bent over the foot of the bed, unbuttoned her slutty shorts and slid them out from under her ass: Mel raised both her legs into the air, pointing her toes, and Jake slid the cutoffs up her long legs and off, tossing them into the corner of the room. Mel peeled off the slinky camisole and tossed it after the shorts, then spread her legs wide, fingered her clitoris and said simply, “Do me. Hard.”

Her very dark brown pubic hair was still in its summer mode, trimmed down to about half an inch wide either side of her vaginal lips, coming to a point above her clit. Her pussy was already moist. I climbed aboard, drove my rigid eleven inches deep into her waiting wet warmth, then rolled over onto my back, pulling her with me so that she was now on top, because we both knew what Jake wanted. The girls in the Play Group don’t call him the ‘Ass Bandit’ for nothing.

Jake crawled onto the bed, got up behind Melanie, astride my legs, and drove his dick up my wife’s ass in one swift, practised motion, the result of many previous excursions into that hallowed shrine. Mel moaned with pleasure as the sensations of the double penetration swept over her. Then Jake and I went to town, banging her like a big bass drum. Jake’s repeated slams into her ass set Melanie’s generous 36C tits swinging wildly, so I grabbed them and tweaked her nipples up to their maximum two-inch extension, a sure sign that she was enjoying herself, as I rammed my cock in and out of her now sopping wet pussy, bucking her into the air with each thrust. Mel was thrusting down and back to get as much of both dicks inside her as humanly possible. At one point she reached between her spread legs to rub Jake’s balls as he reamed her ass.

When she reached the point where she was moaning constantly, she suddenly expostulated, “Geez, I wish I had a dick in my mouth right now!”

Jake and I both laughed.

“You’re a greedy long-legged slut, aren’t you?” I ribbed her.

“You better believe it, hubby,” she gasped just as Jake came up her ass. He promptly rolled off to one side. Mel immediately spun around on my cock to the reverse cowgirl position, leaned to her left, scooped his cock into her mouth and began sucking as she continued riding me. She got me off after about another ten minutes: I came inside her like a jet boat’s exhaust. She then climbed off me, settled herself on her knees between Jake and me, and divided her blow job skills between the two of us from thereon.

“Hey Mel, where’s Suze?” Jake asked. He had obviously only remarked his wife’s absence once his lust for my wife’s ass was satisfied.

Mel stopped sucking; I wanted to kick Jake.

“Still at the coffee morning,” Melanie replied.

“How come you’re here then?” Jake persisted.

“Yes, well, I suppose this is where I should give you my bit of news, ’cause the two things are related,” Melanie responded. “When I got to Sylvie’s place this morning I was the last to arrive, and the others were all a bit pissed with me. They got on my case about me fucking you two and all of their husbands at your poker night. They pointed out that this has become a thing, that I do it at every poker night now, that their husbands all look forward to it.”

“What? Since when are they jealous? They get fucked by all of us at Play Group nights. Gang-banged in pussy, mouth and ass even!” I interjected heatedly.

Melanie laughed. “They’re not jealous,” she corrected. “Well, at least not in the possessive sense. What they are envious of is the fact that I get to fuck all of you and they don’t get a turn. They all want to fuck all of you more often than just on group nights. They suggested that we all take turns being your poker night slut, but I nixed that; that’s mine! I invented it, I love it, and I’m keeping it! They got a bit shirty with me at that point, so I started looking for different ways of giving them what they want without surrendering my poker night privileges. I finally came up with a suggestion that they all approved of, and that is the bit of news you will like.”

“Come on then, spill it,” I demanded.

“The Play Group is introducing two new events in addition to the Play Group Night orgies, The first new event is being called Open Legs Night. Each month every lady in the Play Group will be entitled to call an Open Legs Night once, at a date and time of their own choosing, except for nights that have been booked for Play Group. No two ladies can compete on the same night, so it is first come, first served when selecting our night. The horny slut who wants to get laid will simply send a text to all the men in the group just saying “OLN” and giving the date. If no time is specified you can turn up when you like and stay all night if you want. If a time is specified it will be something like “7-12”, in which case you show up any time after seven o’clock and you are gone by midnight. Any or all of you guys can show up, entirely at your discretion, and the lady will satisfy all your sexual needs, at her discretion, of course. These OLN nights are not transferable to subsequent months: if a lady doesn’t use her night in the current month it is gone forever. Given that we are all horny sluts, as you well know, I don’t see that happening, but we thought it should be stated to avoid future arguments. So that means that in any given month there could be as many as six nights when you can bang one of the other guys’ wives or your own to your heart’s content with your spouse’s complete approval. Clear?”

“As crystal,” I averred. “Terrific!”

“Great,” said Jake.

“The second event is Swap Meet Tuesdays. We all agreed that with the girls getting OLN there needed to be something specifically for the guys, so Tuesday of every week is being declared Swap Meet Night. On Tuesday nights you will be able to call any one of the other guys in the group and offer to exchange your wife for his for the night. If the guy is up for it he will call his wife to the phone to talk to you. You then have to make the most original or most exciting indecent proposal to his wife that you can think of, describing in graphic detail exactly what you would like to do to the borrowed wife. If the wife agrees to the indecent proposal the night swap is on and it is the responsibility of the proposer to deliver his wife and pick up the other slut, then to return the borrowed wife in the morning and pick up his own slut. This will require some discretion to avert the neighbours’ interest. We wives are all looking forward to being passed around frequently. So what do you think?”

“I love it,” I replied immediately. “I like the idea of some one-on-one time with the other ladies, getting to know them better, what they like and what they don’t like, etcetera.”

“Ah, such a sensitive man,” my wife observed sarcastically. “And I suppose the idea of screwing the ass off several beautiful women holds no appeal at all?” That was just plain derisive.

“Well, I suppose there is that too,” I smirked back.

“What if I make a proposal and it’s the wrong time of the month?” Jake asked, ever pragmatic to a fault.

“Ah, the practical man speaks,” Melanie cooed. I looked around for my running shoes: my wife cooing has that effect on me. It is her version of sulphuric acid. “You will be given a polite response, such as ‘I’m afraid that is not possible right now’, dear,” she added. I might have imagined it, but I believe Jake’s face paled at that. Even he knows that Melanie’s use of the endearment ‘dear’ is a five-alarm warning. He probably had no idea what he had done wrong, though.

“And what does this have to do with Sue not being here?” I inquired, both because I wanted to know and to divert Melanie from whatever evil intentions she might be harbouring towards my best friend Jake who, let’s remember, she had just finished shagging thoroughly.

“Well, the ladies all wanted to go for their first OLN tonight, so I suggested we draw straws for it. They agreed, but then they kicked me out, saying I got gang-banged last week at poker night so I am not eligible for today’s draw; it has to be somebody else’s turn. Meanies.”

I guffawed. “You really are insatiable, aren’t you?” I teased.

She opened her lovely brown eyes as wide as they would go, fluttered her eyelashes and tried for injured innocence.

I laughed harder.

Giving it up, she gave me that knockout smile again. “Yes, but who is lying here naked and thoroughly shagged out right now and who is still sitting around talking?” she murmured.

I laughed some more. “Now all you have to do is brag about it to them,” I pointed out.

“Ooh yes,” she said eagerly, looking around for her handbag. “Where’s my phone?”

Jake and I both cracked up this time.


Sue breezed in fifteen minutes later while we were all still naked and Mel was still on the phone bragging to Sylvie. She was dressed in an outfit remarkably similar to Melanie’s, but the cutoffs were slightly more modest, only showing the lowest few inches of her ass, while her top was a basque rather than a camisole, black and silver, showing a startling amount of cleavage; no surprise there, Sue is well aware that her thirty-eight Double-D tits are her most advantageous feature and she exploits them at every opportunity.

“Oh goody,” she said, taking in the two available dicks at a glance and dropping her cutoffs with a single deft flick of the wrist and wriggle of the hips. There was nothing underneath but a delightful bush of dark brown, curly pubic hair. She kept the basque on, knowing that I liked it, but wriggled her shoulders so that her nipples popped free of the cups. I like that too. Then she crawled onto the bed like a big cat, straddled my face and bent forward from the waist to suck on my dick, which immediately sprang fully erect and as hard as a diamond. She then went to work on the head with her tongue and I groaned happily.

Melanie terminated her call, dropped her phone beside the bed and said, “It drives me nuts when you do that, Suze,” she complained. “What is this mysterious power of yours? You only have to touch his dick and he’s good to go straight away. He doesn’t do that for me or any of the other women.”

“I know,” replied Sue, a distinct gloat in her voice. “It doesn’t work with any of the other men for me either.”

“So what is it, Nick?” Melanie demanded.

“Beats me,” I answered honestly. “But I like it.”

“So do I really,” Melanie admitted. “Any time I want a good bang all I have to do is get Suze to give you a lick and I can jump your bones right away,” she added with a huge self-satisfied smile.

“I feel so used,” I whined. “You sluts only want me for my body.” This was said from between Sue’s silky thighs.

“You bet!” both women chorused. Mel then swung into the same position as Sue, knees spread wide, pussy poised over Jake’s face, her mouth engulfing his slightly undersized cock as his tongue penetrated her pussy.

Sue broke off sucking my dick for long enough to say to Mel, “I won, by the way.”

With Jake’s balls up against her upper lip, Melanie just made a ‘What?’ noise in her throat, currently occupied by Jake’s dick.

“The draw. I sent out my first OLN for tonight. No time limit. I hope to be a very busy girl tonight.”

I stopped licking her clit to say, “I’ll be there.”

“You better be,” she said. “I want you in every hole tonight.”

“You got it,” I mumbled back.

“Come on then,” Sue urged, stepping off my face on her knees and dropping to her forearms in the classic present position, “Doggy me.”

I did, hard and fast, just the way both she and my wife like it.

Melanie had sucked Jake back to life by now, so she dropped into an identical position right next to Sue and plugged Jake’s cock into her pussy right where she wanted it. The women synchronized their rhythms, Jake and I matched them and were both then treated to watching our own wives at the same time as we were fucking each other’s wives. There is something incredibly erotic about watching another guy’s dick plunging in and out of your wife’s pussy while his wife is happily servicing you. I reached forward with my right hand and grabbed Sue’s right tit then grabbed Mel’s right tit with my left. Sue ground her ass back into me and rotated her hips to give me a swirly fuck, a trick Melanie had taught her in return for Sue teaching her the tongue flutter for her blowjobs. The women gradually accelerated until we were all gasping for air as we rode and were ridden hard. They both orgasmed within a minute of each other and Jake and I each filled the other’s wife with a flood of semen. We all collapsed in a happy, sweaty, tangled pile of interlaced limbs.

Both women are terrific fucks in every orifice, a fact that Sue would amply demonstrate later in the day when the rest of the guys showed up, which they all did. Nobody wanted to miss out on a slice of Sue’s pie.


Mel and I stayed at Jake and Sue’s place for dinner, because Mel wanted to watch her friend in action and I wanted in on that action, quite literally. At about six-forty-five, Sue took off to the bedroom to get ‘gussied up”, as she put it. At one minute before seven, she strutted back into the living room wearing a leather vest, open with nothing underneath except her gorgeous tits, a black garter belt with black seamed stockings and a pair of Jimmy Choo’s, black with five-inch gold stiletto heels – nothing else. Her magnificent cloud of wavy, dark brown hair swirled from her shoulders to her waist as a silken cloak.

“How do I look, guys,” she chirped.

“Good enough to eat, kitten,” Melanie offered.

“That damn boner is back,” her husband contributed.

“I want to fuck you all night,” I asserted.

“And you will,” Sue promised. “Along with all the others, of course,” she added.

“Maybe they won’t show up,” I said hopefully.

Melanie snorted derisively. “Would you miss out on that,” she said with a nod at Sue.

“Hell no!” I responded.

“I rest my case,” my lawyer wife responded.

“Would you like to take care of that boner for me, Mel?” Jake asked my wife plaintively.

“No, she wouldn’t,” snapped Sue. “There is a strict prohibition on poaching during Open Legs Nights, so you hang on and I will take care of it.”

“Spoilsport,” Jake muttered. His wife cuffed him lightly about the head.

“Lech,” she said. Jake subsided.

Phil, Pete, Tom and Steve all turned up together around seven-fifteen, clutching bottles of wine and a two-four of Corona high-test, the good stuff: Pete had picked all the guys up and was the designated driver. Jake admitted them and took them through to the living room where Sue was already on her feet with her leather vest artfully positioned to show off the inner curves of both breasts. The guys all stopped in their tracks to admire the succulent flesh on display.

Pete murmured, “Wow! You look wonderful, Suze.”

“Thank you, kind sir,” Sue responded as he moved in to kiss her. She pulled him in tight and kissed him long and hard with lots of tongue while his hands roamed around inside the leather vest and down over her ass. When he came up for air, Sue pushed him away and embraced Phil in the same manner, then Tom, then Steve. When they had all partaken of a good grope she commanded, “Let’s all go through to the bedroom. Jake and Nick will take care of the drinks.”

As she stood up to follow Sue into the bedroom Melanie shucked her little black dress to the floor, revealing a minute lacy black thong and a tiny matching bra that revealed everything but her nipples, with black hold-ups and black high heels below. Sue made a hissing sound between her teeth, a sign of her frustration. Mel flashed peace signs to her with both hands.

Speaking rapidly she said, “I just want to be your warm-up act, Suze. After that I’ll just be decoration, I promise, absolutely no poaching. Sixty-nine?”

Sue’s smile lit up the room. “Sounds yummy, but I want to be on top.”

“Deal. But if you’re on top I bet my husband will stick his dick up your ass while we are playing.” This last with a significant glance at me.

“Even better. Let’s do it,” Sue said, licking her lips salaciously.


So that was the opening act. Melanie lay down on the big brass bed on her back, Sue knelt over her face and slipped off Mel’s thong. Mel spread her legs wide, giving all the guys, who were standing or sitting around the bed propping themselves on the walls and the two armchairs in the corners, an outstanding view of her capacious pussy framed by her mile-long legs in their black holdups.

“For crying out loud boys, get naked,” my slut wife ordered. “We girls would like something to look at too!”

Clothes went flying in every direction as we all complied as fast as we could.

Sue took her weight on her arms, spread her knees wide and lowered her pussy onto my wife’s mouth. Melanie slipped her tongue into the groove and commenced slurping the warm, moist pink. Sue ducked her head down to suck on Mel’s clitoris for several seconds before parting the lips of Mel’s vagina and running her tongue down the exposed pink slit.

I gave them a few minutes until they were both making appreciative noises, then acted on my wife’s suggestion by ramming my cock unceremoniously up her best friend’s ass, right in front of her face, which was only inches away between Sue’s silky thighs.

Mel murmured, “Attaboy.”

Sue’s ass was still deliciously tight, even after all the reaming Jake and I had given it, supplemented with assistance from the rest of the Play Group guys. My dick felt right at home there, and Sue’s happy noises were getting louder. She loves taking it in the ass.

After about twenty minutes of this, Sue glanced around at all the guys, saw a bunch of very stiff dicks and called a halt to our little show, crawling off my cock to sit on the end of the bed, legs crossed, tits out from the vest, nipples sticking out like organ stops.

“Now boys, I want you all to think about whatever fantasies you have had about me, the things you would like to do to me, then tell me about them. I promise I will then do my best to make them a reality for you,” she offered.

Pete spoke up immediately. “I dreamed this the other night. I want you to stand at the end of the bed in those fantastic heels, spread your legs as wide as you can while standing, then bend forward over the bed and take your body weight on your straight arms while I do your ass and Phil stands on the bed and fucks your face,” he requested.

“Done. You’ll be up first. I suppose this means I should ask Phil next. Phil, what’s happening with you?” Sue continued.

“Well, I’m happy to be a part of Pete’s fantasy, but mine is a little different. I want to get you spread wide open along the edge of your bed so I can kneel in front of you and chow down on that delicious pussy of yours until you are wet and dripping. Then I want to fuck those marvellous tits until I come all over them,” Phil elucidated, blushing furiously as he made his request.

“It will be my pleasure,” Sue responded, licking her lips, clearly visualizing it. “Tom?”

“I saw a blue movie recently about fisting,” he began. “For some reason, I immediately visualized myself doing it to you. I want to put my fist into your pussy and slide my arm in up to the elbow, then work it to see how you like it. If you do, I’ll see if I can make you come that way. If not, I will move on to stage two, in which I slide a beer bottle up your ass, a long-neck of course, and another up your pussy and work you with the pair of them until you say you have had enough, then I want to fuck your face while your husband does your ass, until we both come.”

“No problem, that will be a new experience for me. I hope I will like it. Steve?”

“Oh, mine is simple, but fun,” Steve gushed. “I just want to fuck you in the face and come down your throat, then have you suck me hard again, then fuck you in the pussy, come in there, more sucking, then fuck you in the ass and blow my wad up there, so you will have my sperm in every hole, “ Steve suggested.

“I can certainly do that,” Sue granted his wish with a huge smile. “Nick?”

“You have already fulfilled all my fantasies, Suze, so I am struggling a bit here,” I admitted. “How about, er, you get on the end of the bed, I pin your ankles down next to your ears and get into your pussy, Pete gets up your ass, and Tom gets in your mouth. We all do you till we come, then change places and do it all over again until we have each come in every one of your available plug-in points?”

“Ooh, I like that!” Sue exclaimed. “Mel, will you be my fluffer?” she asked my wife.

“Love to, kitten,” Melanie complied eagerly, “But isn’t that poaching? I promised not to do that.”

“It’s not poaching if I request your services,” Sue demurred. “It’s assistance.”

“Ah, a loophole, I like it,” my lawyer wife responded, then slid her middle finger into her mouth and sucked it lewdly. “You’re on, pet.”

“I thought I might be,” Sue jibed snarkily, grinning at her friend. “Slut.”

“Queen of…” was the response.

“Hey, what about me?” Jake demanded.

“What about you?” Sue responded. “You’re my husband: what could I possibly do for you that I haven’t already done many, many times?”

“Nothing,” Jake admitted, “But I still want my wish.”

“Okay, what would you like, sweetie?”

“I want you tied face down on the bed by wrists and ankles, then all us guys get to do you in whichever hole we fancy, as many times as we want.”

“Ooh, you are such a good husband,” Sue burbled. “Done.”

And so it began in earnest.


So, my lovely mistress spread her legs in a wide V then bent over to rest her hands on the bed, giving us all a great view of her luscious pussy, her lower lips open to expose the moist, glowing pink, black-seamed stockings forming a nice contrast with her delightful, pale ass, tits swinging low. Pete stepped up behind her and eased his rigid member up her back door entry, spreading her buttocks wide with his thumbs, then drove it right home until his balls were snugged up to her rectum.

Phil clambered on to the bed and fed Sue his dick from a standing posture; she swallowed it down to the root effortlessly.

The three of them established a rhythm: Pete would slam his dick into Sue’s ass, which would rock her forward as Phil rammed his dick deep into her throat, then the two men would withdraw as Sue pushed back with her ass, slurping along the shaft in her mouth then tonguing the head as both men paused, repeat.

Pete came up her ass after fifteen minutes, Phil gushed in her mouth after another five. Sue collapsed face down on the bed, murmuring “That was wonderful, thanks, guys.”

We spectators gave them a round of applause.

When she had caught her breath Sue rolled up on to one elbow and said, “Okay, I think I will take Tom next. He’ll be doing most of the work.” So saying, she wriggled forward on the bed until her pussy was on the edge at the bottom of the bed, bringing her knees up to place her feet at 180 degrees to one another along that edge, then lying back and inviting Tom to “Have at it.” The view was spectacular – all gaping pussy, lovely black stocking-clad legs and upright tits.

Tom knelt in front of her and began working her pussy with his fingers, first one, then two, then three and finally four, revolving his wrist back and forth to spread her open. When she was wide open and very wet, he folded his thumb in and wiggled his entire hand into her pussy, up to his wrist. Then he formed a fist and began gently forcing his forearm up Sue’s uterus.

“Ugh,” she groaned. “Take it slow, Tom.”

He did, easing in by one-inch increments until her vaginal lips were clamped around the muscles just below his elbow. Sue was peering with great interest down at her crotch.

“Wow, you’re right up there,” she murmured.

“How does it feel?” Tom enquired.

“Like I’ve got a gigantic cock up there,” she replied with a huge smile. “Okay, start working it.”

Tom began working his arm, clenched fist and all, in and out, wrist to elbow, slowly. Sue sighed loudly and thrust her hips upwards, saying “Faster.” Tom accelerated, his arm now slick with her juices.

After about ten minutes Sue looped her right leg over Tom’s shoulder, hooking it behind his neck, saying, “Now go for it.”

Tom pumped his arm hard and fast, driving it like a piston in and out, in and out.

After a while, Sue told Tom, “Alright, this just isn’t working for me, your knuckles are starting to hurt me.” Tom whipped his arm out like it had suddenly become red hot.

“I’m so sorry, Sue,” he apologized.

“No sweat, it was something new to try,” Sue replied graciously. “Let’s get to the bottles now.”

Tom grabbed two empty Corona bottles from the floor, Sue swung her feet up behind her ears, Tom inserted the long neck of one bottle up her anus, easing it in until the point where the bottle swelled out and holding it there with his left hand while he worked the other bottle all the way into her pussy until the whole thing was inside and his fingers were in there too, rotating it. Then he removed his hand so that we could all see just the base of the bottle spreading Sue’s vaginal lips wide as they gripped the slick surface.

“Yeah! You take it, girl!” Melanie yelled at her friend, winding up the peanut gallery, who all followed up with ribald comments.

“Shouldadoneit with a full bottle, we could all have had a drink!”

“Twat shandy!”

“That’s what you call bottling it!”

“I know you wanted a fucking drink, but…”

Tom resumed working the bottles with both hands, Sue holding down her ankles by her ears with both her hands, murmuring happily for about ten minutes then demanding, “Okay, enough with the foreign objects, give me the meat now. Mel, fluff Jake for me please.”

“Yummy!” my slut wife exclaimed. Jake sat on the edge of the bed, Melanie knelt between his spread legs, unhooked her tiny bra and tossed it in Jake’s face, scooped his cock into her mouth and started blowing him vigorously, swallowing his entire cock in one swooping gulp, then bobbing her head up and down energetically, cheeks hollowed out by suction, jaw flexing as she made dexterous use of her tongue. I got a hard-on just watching her!

“Hey! You’re just fluffing him, don’t you dare make him come!” Sue warned her friend. Mel managed to laugh around a mouthful of dick, but she did reluctantly desist and turn Jake over to his wife.

Sue was already on all fours on the bed, guzzling Tom’s cock as he rammed it in and out of her throat with her red lips gripping the shaft, by the time Jake got behind her and drove his freshly fluffed dick right up her beautiful ass.

“Ummmmm,” Sue murmured as her back passage absorbed the full length of meat. “Do me hard,” she instructed her husband, who was happy to oblige.

Sue loves a good face fuck: Tom banged away at her mouth, driving his cock into her throat until his balls contacted her chin at the end of each thrust, for about twenty minutes before coming like a fire hose in her mouth. Sue swallowed it all down greedily: she and Mel both enjoy what they call “semen cocktails”.

Jake rode her ass for about ten minutes more before he blew his wad up her back passage.

“Ah, that’s better,” Sue observed as she climbed off the bed and made for the bathroom.

“You can do that to me later, when we go to bed,” Melanie promised Jake. We had been invited to stay the night and Mel planned to make the most of it. Staying on the sidelines while Sue had all the fun was frustrating the hell out of her.

Sue brought a round of cold beers back with her when she returned from her bathroom run. Passing them around, she said, “Okay Phil, you’re up next.”

She then performed the splits along the bottom edge of the bed, black stockinged legs spread in a straight line, pussy front and centre. Phil got down there and slurped on the pink, sucking on her clit every few slurps, and nuzzling his face deep into her cleft to lap her inner juices. He kept this up until he had Sue moaning, then clambered on to the bed, straddled her belly, flopped his erect cock between her bountiful breasts, then pressed the boobs inwards from the sides to engulf his cock, and began humping them while tweaking the nipples between finger and thumb. Sue took over the task of squashing her tits together, then just lay back and enjoyed it as Phil fucked them.

After about ten minutes Phil ejaculated copiously all over those magnificent mammaries, then stuffed his cock into Sue’s mouth: Sue obligingly cleaned him up with her tongue. When Phil climbed off, Melanie threw Sue a box of Kleenex.

“Steve, you’re up,” Sue called just moments later, sitting on the end of the bed. Steve walked over to stand in front of her, Sue opened her mouth and Steve slid his already erect cock in. Sue clamped her lips around it, Steve flexed his hips driving his cock all the way home until his balls were bumping her lower lip; he withdrew as Sue slid her lips back up the shaft to the head, fluttering her tongue all along. They established a compatible rhythm between thrust and gobble, and Steve banged her face hard for ten minutes before coming in her mouth.

Sue swallowed it all down, licked her lips appreciatively, continued sucking until it firmed up again then scrambled onto the bed on all fours, knees spread wide and backed up to Steve’s dick. Steve rammed it into her gaping, wet pussy, took her by the hips and battered in and out at speed, hauling her on to each lunge. Sue jammed her ass back into him, moaning happily and rotating her hips. Steve leaned forward to grab her wildly swinging tits, using them as his new point of leverage, only releasing her right tit momentarily to give her ass a stinging slap and exclaim, “Giddy up, gorgeous.” Sue responded by grinding her ass harder and faster.

Steve released his grip on her tits to beat a tattoo of drum beat slaps on her ass, which drove Sue frantic, and Steve grabbed her hips again to hold her ass tight against him while he exploded deep inside her.

“Fuck, that was good!” Steve gasped as he pulled out.

“Of course it was, honey,” Sue agreed as she collapsed on her face.” ‘Cause you are getting Suzie Slut’s best ride.”

“You’re not kidding,” Steve said appreciatively. “Thank you, Suzie Slut.”

We all laughed.

Sue rolled over on to her back and wriggled around until her head was hanging down over the end of the bed, in front of Steve.

“Stick your dick back in my mouth,” she ordered, opening her mouth wide.

Steve stepped up and slid his limp dick between her lips. Sue gripped it with her right hand and started teasing the head with her tongue, circling it round and round the head then lifting the cock to lick it repeatedly from balls to tip. As soon as it began to respond she took it deep into her mouth and swallowed it to the balls, sliding her lips back along the shaft to the head then plunging back down, again and again and again. It was soon as rigid as a sergeant-major’s baton.

Sue lay back, spreading her legs wide, Steve stepped between them and slid his erect cock into her welcoming pussy. Sue swung her black stockinged legs up to rest on his shoulders and Steve went to work, ass bobbing up and down like a donkey engine, pounding away faster and faster until they were both gasping for air, Sue moaning and clawing at his back. They both came in short order, Sue with a satisfied smirk, Steve with a loud gasp. Steve collapsed on top of her.

Sue rolled him off to one side, on to his back, scooped his flaccid cock into her mouth and began sucking.

“Christ, have you no mercy, woman?” Steve objected plaintively.

Sue stopped sucking long enough to reply, “None whatsoever. You asked for it, you’ve got it. Quit bitching.” Then she went right back to work, blowing him like a pro.

I laughed out loud. Sue can be as demanding as Melanie at times.

Once more she coaxed Steve’s limp member back to rigid life, then assumed the classic present pose, on her knees, head down, ass up, pussy staring at its target.

“Now do my ass, cowboy, and do it hard,” she ordered imperiously, waggling the part in question.

Steve was happy to comply, easing his nine-inch nail up her ass, then attacking it furiously, with Sue slamming her ass back into each thrust and grinding her ass into his flat belly, seeking maximum penetration. She got Steve off in record time, no more than five minutes max, at the end of which Steve just lay on the bed like a dead man.

“I think you broke him, Suze,” Melanie jibed.

“Nah, just drained him dry,” Sue shot back.

“Too fuckin’ right,” Steve gasped out. Everybody laughed; there were some catcalls.

Mel made another run to the fridge, distributing cold ones all around on her return. Most of the guys gave her ass and/or her tits a quick grope as she handed them their beer, for which my slutty wife would return a quick kiss and/or a pull on their plonker.

When she reached me she murmured, “I am so damn horny I could scream!” I laughed. Abstinence is not her thing.

“Later,” I promised.

“If your mistress hasn’t knackered you by then,” she hissed back.

“You mean your best friend?” I teased.

“Yes, that greedy little bitch,” she replied, but she was smiling now.

As if receiving a telepathic message, Sue appeared behind Mel, head over her shoulder, cupping Mel’s tits with both hands, and whispering in her ear, “This must be killing you, honey buns, isn’t it? Come on, admit it.”

Melanie growled theatrically and ground her ass back into her friend’s pelvis.

“I’m so desperate I’d settle for you and a strap-on right now,” she averred throatily.

“Settle for? You love it when I do you,” Sue asserted forcefully, tweaking Mel’s nipples.

“True,” Mel admitted, “But right now I need some real meat.”

“Later,” Sue said.

“That’s what Nick said too,” Melanie complained. “Delayed gratification is such a pain.”

“Poor baby,” Sue cooed, giving Mel’s nipples another tweak. “Never mind, just remember, you can do all three of us later.” Meaning her, Jake and me; our usual four-in-a-bed. Melanie ground her teeth by way of an answer.

“Now Mel, get fluffing,” Sue continued. “It’s time for you to get your husband and Pete and Tom ready to get me airtight, three times. So get gobbling, girl!”

“Finally, some action,” my wife murmured contentedly.

Sue stretched out languorously on one side of the bed, one leg up, one straight, posing for her audience. Melanie sat on the other side, summoning the three of us to stand around her, then swallowing each cock in turn, blowing it for a minute or so before moving on to the next one, and round and round she goes. My lovely wife loves sucking cock and is very good at it; a mouth like silk and a very proactive tongue. I relished the sight of her blowing my friends, tits out, bare-assed, stockings, heels: life is good. She obviously thought so too, as she was swallowing each cock right to the balls on every stroke, head bobbing up and down faster and faster, cheeks hollowed out as she applied maximum suction, using tongue, teeth and lips to great effect. Soon she was swallowing swords and showing no sign of letting up.

“Hey, knock it off, slut-face. You’re trying to make them come!” Sue yelped.

Melanie desisted. “Spoilsport,” she snarled. Sue laughed.

“Come and get it, boys,” she invited, spreading her legs wide and sliding two fingers into her pussy suggestively.

Pete lay down next to her, his dick sticking up in to the air like a flagpole. Sue crouched over his hips, back to him, located his dick with her left hand, nuzzled it up to her rectum, then lowered herself on to it until it was fully ensconced in her ass, at which point she lay down with her back on Pete’s chest, lifted her legs into the air to display her vacant pussy and invited me in. I lowered myself between her thighs, supporting my weight on straight arms, astride Pete’s thighs, and thrust my swollen eleven inches all the way into her warm, wet interior. I then straightened to allow Tom to kneel in front of me, astride Sue’s luscious tits, and plunge his cock deep into her mouth and throat. Everybody settled, Sue tucked her feet behind my shoulder blades, and we each began banging her in our respective orifices.

I could feel Pete’s dick reaming her back passage as I rammed in and out of the main entrance, and see Tom’s ass bobbing up and down as he stuffed her face. Pete came first, about ten minutes up Sue’s nice tight ass. Tom came in her mouth five minutes later and I filled her pussy shortly after that.

Sue called for her fluffer and Melanie eagerly guzzled all three cocks until she had revived us all and we were ready for the next round. Pete moved to Sue’s mouth as soon as Sue rolled over on to all fours and mounted Tom in the cowgirl position. I crammed into her ass for the second time that night, doing it doggy style, then the three of us fucked her hard again. She orgasmed noisily this time.

Melanie was called in to service our dicks once more, performing the service superbly as usual, and we were soon ready to go again, although we were all beginning to tire. Pete moved to pussy, Tom moved to ass and I moved to mouth. And away we went/

Sue swallowed my dick down with the ease of long familiarity, slurping happily on her favourite meat–tube steak. She was on all fours again, this time impaled on Pete’s dick in the reverse cowgirl position with Tom doing her ass from behind. Sue showed no signs of flagging despite her hours of constant shagging. She was driving her hips hard down and back, still striving to get as much dick as possible as deep as possible, meanwhile swallowing my dick all the way down and using her tongue and lips to stimulate and titillate. A multi-talented lady! She got everybody off in about twenty minutes, then promptly demanded another beer, which her husband fetched.

There was a long break in the action here while we all consumed multiple beers, the women moved on to wine, and we all relaxed and recovered from all that sexercise! Finally, Sue said, “Alright, boys, strap me down and let’s do this one last thing!”

Jake and I tied her wrists and ankles loosely to the bed posts with four silk scarves, face down, loose enough to be comfortable and to allow her to wriggle, wouldn’t want to lose that, but tight enough to keep her spread wide open and permanently accessible, pussy, ass and mouth.

Melanie sat in the armchair, facing the bed so that she could watch the action, with her head at the perfect height for a standing guy to slot his cock into her mouth.

Pete immediately took advantage of that, walking over to stand in front of her, waiting until she obligingly opened her mouth, then sliding his cock between my wife’s luscious lips and deep into her mouth. Mel rubbed his balls as she swallowed him down then dragged her soft lips back along his shaft until they reached the head, before slurping him down again. Her cheeks hollowed out as she generated more suction and her head began bobbing in and out. Pete hooked his left hand behind her head and began actively doing her face as his cock hardened. Once he was fully erect he pulled her gently off by her hair, spun on his heel, crawled into the wide vee between Sue’s legs and began doing her pussy hard with a serpentine motion. Sue rotated her hips slowly, presenting all of the spectators with a beautiful view of her succulent pussy enveloping Pete’s cock as it slid rhythmically in and out. It got me hard!

The rest of the guys, all four of them, moved to stand with me around my cock-hungry wife, who worked her way around the semicircle sucking one dick after another, getting them hard and keeping them that way until Pete finally ejaculated inside Sue. When he dismounted Phil climbed over Sue’s spread legs to sit astride her hips, then drove his dick up her ass. Sue moaned happily. Phil cored her ass for about twenty minutes before giving her a gusher between her cheeks. Steve stepped up and mined the same shaft for ten or so minutes before adding his deposit, at which point I plucked my cock from my wife’s mouth and slammed it up her best friend’s ass from a kneeling position, reaming it for fifteen minutes until I blew my stack up there. Tom’s turn, same hole, another ten minutes, another sperm bank deposit. y

Finally, it was Jake’s turn: he did his wife’s ass proud, getting right over it on straight arms and jackhammering it for a full fifteen minutes, squelching on the in-strokes as he compressed all the resident semen, and squishing on the out-strokes, spanking his wife’s ass as he rode, taking his weight on one arm to do so, alternating arms. Sue was squealing by the end, a most unusual noise for her, but a joyous one. When Jake finally added his load to the cocktail mix , he collapsed to one side and beat a drum roll on his sexy wife’s ass, for which he got a round of applause, led by his mistress, my wife, Melanie.

For the next hour, the ministrations to Sue were more sporadic and varied, with all of the guys, including me, visiting my wife for a thorough sucking then using the subsequent erection to fill their choice of Sue’s very welcoming, pliant orifices, each of which was thoroughly bored out and filled to overflowing on multiple occasions. Basically, we all fucked her in pussy, ass and mouth until we ran out of steam. Sue was happy to take dick forever!

When we could no longer deliver, we released Sue’s bonds, fetched her a giant glass of wine and sat around drinking beer and discussing her performance with great relish until Pete, Steve, Tom and Phil headed out for home.

Was that the end of the festivities? Not quite.

My slut wife insisted that Jake and I had to satisfy her needs before she would allow us to go to sleep. She wedged herself between us on the bed and sucked both cocks until she got us both up again, then mounted me in the reverse cowgirl position so that I could watch as Jake got his cock up her beautiful ass and began banging it hard, once more in his favourite place, my wife’s ass-hole, as I drove my cock hard up into her pussy, repeatedly bouncing her into the air. Jake came up her tight ass long before I creamed her capacious pussy, but Mel was moaning happily long before either of us came.

She allowed us a brief rest before enlisting Sue’s aid to suck me while she sucked Jake until we were both ready to go again, then taking Jake’s cock into her pussy doggy style and mine into her mouth for a fast, hard spit-roast that left Jake and I in a state of total exhaustion.

That, finally, concluded a very long night of superb sex.

Sue declared Open Legs Night a huge success.

Published 2 years ago

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