Camp Slut

"A Reverend meets a young woman who is not the saint she seems."

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Rev. Thomas.

Family church camp at Green Lake was easily my favorite week of the year. Folks from all over the state gathered “up north” at a log cabin lodge set among big trees overlooking the crystal clear water. Each family unit had its own cabin with adult bedrooms and rooms with kids bunk beds. It was very relaxing with no required activities but plenty to do. There was always beach time, canoe activities, and a never-ending bridge game in the big hall.

Maybe my favorite thing about it was getting away from the small town where I was the pastor of the Methodist church. While at home, I was under a microscope, it seemed. The minister was supposed to be on the straight and narrow. No swearing or smoking, certainly never be caught drinking, definitely stay out of bars. Up at camp, I felt like a different person. I even thought it was a possibility, however remote, that my wife would agree to sex in our small room while the kids were away on the organized hike later in the week.

When I drove down the long trail and the lake appeared, a load was lifted from my shoulders. We parked and the kids, my wife, Peggy, and I climbed out and headed over to the registration table. As we got our name badges and greeted old friends, I noticed one of the children’s counselors getting acquainted with the kids in the play area. She was exceptionally attractive, even from fifty yards away.

As I walked back to the car, Peggy went to get our kids so we could settle in. I got the luggage from the trunk and pulled the miscellaneous stuff from inside the car. When I looked around for my family to help to get it inside, I realized Peggy was still down at the playground, chatting with that sexy counselor. After they came up and we loaded the kids up to take their stuff in the cabin. I asked Peggy, “Was that the children’s counselor you were talking to?”

“Yeah, she is a cute girl, very pleasant. Our kids seem to take right to her. It looks like a good week coming up.”

“Did you find out her name?”

“Her name tag said ‘NAN’ so I asked her what was it short for. She told me it was her middle name, that she didn’t like her first name, Judith, because people always called her Judy. We laughed when I suggested her middle name would work out well when she ended up being the nanny for this week’s bunch of p’nuts.”

“Sounds like you hit it off well. I am looking forward to meeting her.”




I loved working with kids, they were so innocent in their games and the way they interacted with each other. The camp manager had put me in charge of the 4-10 age group. There were two other counselors and they handled the 12-15s and 15-18s. The last group was the smallest with only five teenagers. They spent most of their time either doing water sports or fishing. The middle group was the hardest with lots of in-fights and jealousy.

The woman, Peggy who had come up to see me was very friendly but seemed a bit uptight. She wore a turtleneck sweater and a long skirt even though it was already hot. I wore the usual camp uniform with its knee length blue shorts and a red polo shirt. When she had left with her children I saw her talking to a man who I presumed was her husband. He wasn’t very tall, in fact, he was half a head shorter than she was. I figured his age to be in his mid-thirties about the same as Peggy and ten years older than me. He wore shorts and a T-shirt, showing strong arms and legs. I had caught myself right there, this was a church camp, not at a luxurious hotel lobby in Miami where I used to work as an escort. I was not here to be paid to have sex with men, I had left that life behind. I had graduated from university with a teaching degree and I was now living a normal life. But still, after eight years being an escort, I still looked at men like walking wallets and Peggy’s husband was not someone I would have looked at twice back then.




My head was spinning as my husband and the kids walked to our cabin. Growing up in a Methodist family and then being married to a Reverend was not what I had wanted in my life, but that’s the way it had turned out. From my early teens I had felt an attraction to girls my age but there was no way I could explore it. The guilt of my thoughts left me sleepless and at the end I pushed them so far back I thought they had gone, but no, Nan had brought them back. She was not a church member, she was not from the conservative north. She was a wild flower with sparkling eyes, raven hair in long curls and a lush mouth. Her skin was the color of cinnamon and looked as soft as velvet. Her voice had been deep but soothing and I could understand why the children liked her so much. As she pointed at one of the kids her polo shirt had stretched against her right boob and I realized that they must be quite large. I knew I had blushed so I took the kids and walked back to my husband.

“Honey, isn’t this nice?” Thomas said as we walked into the cabin.

I looked around and he was right. It was very cozy with an open fire in the living room and even a small kitchenette. The kids went off to their room and I began to unpack.

“Why don’t I go to the store and buy us some sodas,” he suggested.

“Sure, that’s a great idea.”

When he had left I sat down on one of the beds. My body was still reacting to Nan and what my mind said was that was not something that I could act on. I knew my pussy was moist and I wanted to play with myself, but the risk was too big of getting caught either by the kids or Thomas coming back. It had to wait.


Rev. Thomas


After we all got ready, we headed over to the lodge for dinner and the first gathering of everyone. We had a great meal to kick off the week and had a chance to meet other campers. The staff was introduced and few basic rules were set up so that we would all pitch in to help set tables, take out trash, and just generally keep things moving smoothly. As people were finishing eating, we sang camp songs. I loved to lead them and we got into boisterous group singing some children’s song which had motions like a fox sneaking up on the rabbit or doing the head, shoulders, knees and toes song. We would sing later in the week adult stuff, a favorite of mine was “Tell Me Why.”

As I led the kids in their songs, I noticed Nan participating vigorously and, considering her smile and her outfit, she was pretty distracting. She had on tight shorts with a very loose camp staff tee shirt under which she did not seem to be wearing a bra. I could see her ample breasts moving around. When I had the kids bend over the touch their toes, the top gave me a very sensual view. Then when we did the Hokey Pokey and they turned around I almost choked on my words when I saw her ass.

We finally got done with dinner activities and I hoped nobody saw me drooling over this very sexy counselor. I was glad I wore tight underwear because my cock was straining to get out. Not a good way to start church camp! When we all trooped outside to enjoy the sunset and relax in the big yard, I made my way over to where Nan was hanging out with a couple of younger kiddos, bouncing a ball back and forth. “Hi, I just want to tell you how much I appreciated you taking part in the children’s songs. You make it so much more fun because the kids followed your lead.”

“You are certainly welcome, it is great fun for me. By the way, aren’t you the minister who is married to Peggy who I met down at the waterfront earlier?”

“Yes. We live in southern Wisconsin in what I like to call Smalltown, USA. My name is Thomas and my wife tells me yours is Nan. I like that.”

Laughing, she responded, “I know just what you mean about villages and I was so glad to get out of my hometown and move away for school. Glad you like my name, too. Call it anytime you want.” she said with what I swore was a seductive smile.

“I will. Let’s talk again. There are some opportunities for getting away from here in the evening. Maybe you and I could go with others to the local bar.”

“Oh yes, be sure to keep me in touch with that. I would love it.”




I shared a room with another girl who was from Oklahoma. She attended to the older kids and was pretty okay as a roommate. When I got back to my room she wasn’t there yet so I decided to take a shower.

While standing under the hot water my mind went back to Reverend Thomas. He had looked much better up close than from a distance. His clear blue eyes had humor and something naughty in them. I wondered if he and his wife got it on regularly or if he was one of those repressed men that jerk off daily due to lack of pussy. Peggy had seemed all right but she might be a frigid woman.

As I soaped myself my fingers ran across my shaved pussy and lingered there way too long. My body tingled and knowing I was alone in the room I decided to get off. Adjusting the shower head and standing away from the water I spread my lips so my clit became visible. Leaning against the tiles I closed my eyes and let the water take me to heaven. My breathing became shorter and as the orgasm came closer I began to whimper a little, at the same time as my knees became weaker. While making a real effort to stand up my body convulsed as the orgasm ripped through it, finally I slid to the floor with a happy smile on my face.

When I walked out with a towel wrapped around my head, Linda, my roommate was sitting on her bed.

“Hey, did you just get off in there?” she said with a smile.

I blushed. “Yeah, sorry about that.”

“Oh, that’s okay, I do it in bed while you sleep.”

She giggled and went into the bathroom and closed the door. I had no idea Linda did that at night, maybe because I was a deep sleeper. In any case, the sexual activity had woken something in me that I had hoped would be dormant. My body craved cock, and I wondered if Reverend Thomas would be kind enough to supply one for me so it could fill my needy pussy.


Rev. Thomas


The next day, the complete camp schedule was in action, with great meals, sunny beach time, volleyball games, canoeing, and card games on the veranda. Even with the obligatory hour rest time after lunch, everyone was pretty worn out with the summer activities by the lakeside. As the families all started back to their cabins, I noticed a bunch of the staff sitting around on the camp director’s cabin porch, listening to a guitar and laughing together.

When we got to our cabin and Peggy went in with the kids, Nan caught up to me. “Hey, Rev. Thomas, a group of us are going into the bar in town to wind down. Would you like to go too? I would like to get a better acquainted with you.”

“Well, uh, I am not sure. The wife and kids are already settling down for the night.”

She stepped up the porch and came close to me. “That’s even better, so she won’t worry about how long you are out,” she said with the same seductive smile. “Go in and make sure everything is okay and slip on out when you can.” She moved very close and gave me a hug and bounded off. “Meet us at the canteen and we can carpool.”

Did I dare, I wondered. She was so sexy and fun. Could I handle her, especially after a few beers? What was I getting myself into? When I checked on the kids, their lights were out and Peggy was in our bedroom reading. “Is everything okay in here? I may go back outside and hang around with some of the camp staff.”

“Go ahead, I’m just about ready to conk out anyhow. It’s been a long day.”

I went out to my car, made sure most of the trash was out of the back seat, and drove down toward the main road to where the group was meeting. I rolled the window down, “Hey, I’ve got room for three or four in my car.” With that a couple from the group opened the back doors and jumped in and before I realized it, Nan was in the front with me.

She had a clean pair of her short shorts on with sandals and a tank top that emphasized her full breasts. She grabbed the seat belt but put it on loosely so she could lean against the door. She put her leg up on the front seat, so she could turn and look directly at me. My god, I thought, she had spread her legs apart and I was looking right at her pussy behind the tight jeans material. Quickly, I looked away and realized I was about to miss a turn on the gravel drive. I had better not be looking over there or I would have accident.

The bar was a typical north woods restaurant, with moose and deer heads mounted on the wall, various neon signs advertising beer hung on the log cabin structure. Most of us sat at the bar, which went across the back wall. Some of the staff found tables nearby. Once again, before I knew it, Nan was on the stool right next to me with her whole body turned toward me. We got our drinks and started chatting.

She was bright and fascinating. She told me about the high school kids she taught and the antics they pulled. I told her about my sedate life and as the evening went along, I commented on my lack of sex life at home. She loosened up too and pulled her stool closer, she wrapped one of her legs around my ankle, her arm lying over my shoulder. She leaned close to my ear so she could be heard over the noise. “Hey, let’s just you and I drive back to camp in your car. We should probably wait until everybody is leaving but we won’t ask anyone else to go with us.”


The road back to the camp was empty and as Rev. Thomas drove I put my hand on his thigh. He jerked but didn’t say anything when I slid my fingers closer to his crotch he glanced over at me.

“Keep you eyes on the road,” I said.

“What are you doing?”

My fingers were now massaging the bulge inside his pants. “What you have wanted me to do all night, and don’t be shy about it. All that talk about your shitty sex life was sending a clear message.”

“But I didn’t mean to…”

I saw a lay by coming up and said, “Stop there and turn off the engine.”

He did what I had asked him and when we sat in the silence he turned towards me gently pushing my hand away from the bulge.

“Nan, I’m not sure this is such a good idea. I sure miss sex but I can’t cheat on Peggy, that wouldn’t be right.”

I took his face in my hands and gently kissed him. He didn’t pull back instead his lips parted and our tongues met.

“This feels good,” I whispered.

“Mm, it does but I just can’t.”

Again my hand reached for his cock.

“Your dick says you can, it’s so hard and ready for me.”

“You are the devil’s child, did you know that?”

I giggled and kissed him again. His hand slid in under my tank top and up towards my left breast. When he had it in his hand he sighed, “Good Lord, thank you for making boobs like these.”

It made me laugh and I said, “Rev, why don’t you just take me here and now, you know you want too. Just imagine your cock sliding in between my wet folds as you lower your body on top of mine.”

He didn’t answer me, he just moaned and then let go of my boob and started the car. When we were moving again he said, “Nan, you are a bad girl.”

“You have no idea how bad I can be.”


Rev. Thomas


The wake-up bell was like a gong in my ear the next morning. That many beers, or any at all for that matter, gave me a hangover and reminded me why it was not a good idea to overdo it. As usual, the kids were up and ready for action. Peggy was in the shower so I dragged myself out of bunk and sent the little squirts down to the lodge ahead of us. I thought of peeking in the bathroom but knew my wife would get grumpy about that. Then I remembered with a vengeance the way Nan had come on to me in the car. I felt good that I didn’t give in but wondered why I kept blowing opportunities like that

The day started off normally and after breakfast everyone poured out into the yard, deciding which activities they wanted to do today. I spotted Nan gathering her kids for children’s activities and watched her, distracted and a bit paralyzed by her body and outfit. Then, all of sudden, she turned and waved at me. That sent a wave of testosterone through me and jolted me back to reality. I looked away and got moving. I went down to the beach and talked with a group of swimmers and canoeists who were planning a contest swim across the lake. I ended up choosing a swimmer to accompany me and went back to the cabin to get my swimsuit.

This was a little lake about a mile across. I didn’t do much open water swimming but I thought if I swam slowly I would be able to make it. Plus, the person paddling nearby was going to be the cute wife of one of the other ministers so I could think about her if I began to flounder. If she had to rescue me, there could be worse fates. I made it fine but by the time we got over to other side and started the swim back, we were late for the noon meal. Thankfully, the cooks made us bag lunches.

I was really dragging as I went to the cabin to take a shower and get dressed. I would recover soon after I had more coffee and a couple of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I had just turned off the shower and stepped out to grab a towel when I heard voices coming from the family room. It was already rest hour so I wondered what was happening. I wrapped the towel around me and walked quietly to the door and eased it open a little bit. It was Peggy and Nan sitting on the couch talking. They obviously didn’t realize I had come back to the cabin.

I started to go back and get dressed when I thought I heard the phrase “your body” and that stopped me with a jolt. I peeked out again and saw Peggy slide over close to Nan. I couldn’t believe my eyes when she put her hand on Nan’s thigh. They were close enough to kiss but they were now whispering I couldn’t hear what they were saying. God help me, I thought when I realized that I was rock hard.


Being that close to Nan was driving me crazy. I wanted to touch her, hold her but most of all kiss her lush lips. When she smiled I spotted her pink tongue and I wondered what it would feel like to have it touch my clit. All those dirty thoughts I had had in my teens came bubbling up and I decided to be brave, there was something in Nan’s eyes that told me she was open to whatever was coming.

My gaze flickered from her eyes to her lips and back, we slowly moved forward until out lips met and then we were stuck together. Our tongues played as we wrapped our arms around each other. There was eagerness to our touches at the same time we explored. My hands slid up her back and her skin was so soft. When I slowly pulled them around I found she wasn’t wearing a bra and her boobs were bigger than my palms.

Nan herself had done the same and as we came apart a little we sat opposite each other with our hands on each other’s boobs. Her nipples were hard against my palms and my hand found the same on her.

“Peggy, are you sure about this?” she whispered.

“Yeah, I haven’t been so sure of anything in my life.”

“What about Rev. Thomas?”

“God, I love him but he can’t make me feel the way I think a woman can.”

She pulled back a little but didn’t let go of my tits. “You mean you have never been with a woman before?”

I slowly shook my head, “No, what about you?”

She smiled. “A few times, yes.”

Then I giggled. “Good, please, teach me. I have wanted this since I was a teenager.”

She leaned in and we kissed again. When we pulled apart she stood and took my hands in hers. “Come, Peggy, your children won’t be back for a while and Rev. Thomas isn’t here.”

As I followed her into the bedroom I thought I heard something but my body didn’t care. A tsunami could have come through the cabin, all I wanted was Nan.


I gently undressed her, which didn’t take long since Peggy was only wearing a short skirt and a blouse. When her clothes fell to the floor she covered up her boobs but I carefully moved her arms away.

“Don’t be shy, I think you look great,” I said while leaning in to kiss each nipple in turn.

“I…I…I’ don’t know what I am doing,” she whispered and put her hands on her head.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it.”

I kissed my way down her belly towards her panties and when I reached them I knelt in front of her. I pulled them down and she wiggled her way out of them.

Her bush was neatly trimmed and I could see her swollen lips waiting for my attention. Her sex gave off that special fragrance of horniness and when the tip of my tongue touched her clit she moaned loudly.

“Oh, Nan, that feels so fucking good.”

“You taste good,” I managed to say before going back to licking her.

Peggy quickly became soaking wet and when I stood up she held me tight. I pushed her onto the bed. I noted the door was still open but I didn’t care. Instead we began to kiss and I guided her hand to my pussy.

“Wow, you are so wet and hot,” she whispered in my ear as she found my hard clit. I kissed and sucked on her nipples while she finger fucked me slowly. I knew she wanted some so I began to do the same to her. As I slid off her body we lay facing each other with our legs at an angle, giving the other free access to our sexes. Her eyes closed and her breathing became shallower and faster.

“Almost there, Nan, almost,” she panted, her warm breath in my face.

I pushed my fingers deeper inside her and found that certain spot, which I rubbed. She did the same to me and almost at the same time we cried out as our pussies clamped down on our fingers. We both jerked in bliss as we had full orgasm.

We lay quiet on the bed, only our breathing could be heard. Our bodies had a thin film of sweat and our chests and boobs were heaving.

“Wow, that was like nothing I have ever experienced before,” she said and giggled.

I kissed her nose and then her mouth. Her tongue met mine and they played a bit before we pulled back.

“Good, I hope we can do it again sometime soon.”

She smiled at me. “Every day, if possible.”


Rev. Thomas


I would never think of Family Camp the same way again. That day changed everything.

When Peggy kissed Nan, I grabbed my shorts, shirts, and sandals and slipped out the side door before they could see me. When I was sitting on the step getting dressed I heard them walk into the bedroom. I was almost paralyzed. I knew I couldn’t see them from here or even hear them. Then I remembered that we kept the windows and curtains open in the back where there were only trees. We needed the breeze at night.

So I slipped around there quietly and found that I see them on the bed already, Nan was undressing Peggy and kissing the front of her body. I was hit with so many mixed emotions that I could hardly think at all. I couldn’t believe that my minister-wife was actually having sex with another women. I felt betrayed and hurt but something told me that Peggy having any sexual attraction could be good. I also could not take my eyes of Nan’s wonderful naked body.

Standing there, with all this stuff running through my mind, I realized that I was hard. That made me feel guilty but I as I saw and heard them I became excited and turned on. I pulled my cock out and began to stroke it. When they finally had a simultaneous orgasm, I shot my load all over the logs under the window.

I slipped through the trees and took the path down to the lake front outdoor chapel where I sat on one of the the benches and thought about what had just happened. I had almost given in to Nan but couldn’t. Now Peggy had actually seduced her. My marriage had changed in the last few hours. I loved my wife but what did her attraction to women mean, especially now that she had had sex with this young teacher?

I don’t know how long I sat there looking out on the water but when I heard the dinner bell ring, I walked toward the lodge determined to be calm and wait to see what all this meant. We would leave tomorrow and had a four-hour drive home. I really hoped I could accept what had happened so that our sex life could be enhanced by these new things rather than increasing our struggle.


After dinner I took Peggy’s hand and we went over to where Rev. Thomas stood talking with some other men.

“Hi, can we talk to you for a second,” I said.

His eyes moved down and when he saw us holding hands he said, “Sure, I guess so.”

When we were alone Peggy said, “Honey, there is something I have to confess.”

Before she continued Rev. Thomas spoke up. “I know, I saw you two, and it’s okay. I understand that you have feelings for each other and that I should have known before that Peggy was into women. The signs were all there I had just ignored them.”

Peggy looked surprised. “What signs?”

“Well, whenever we are out and a beautiful woman walks pass you stare at her.”

It was time I took control over the situation. “Rev. Thomas, your wife loves you very much and she is actually bisexual, not a lesbian. We wanted to ask you if you would like to have some fun together since this is your last night here. I can have one of the other counselors take care of the children.”

His jaw dropped and then a smile grew on his lips. “Wow, I didn’t see that coming, but yes, I would love to have some fun, just the three of us.”


An hour later we met in our cabin and within minutes we were naked. Thomas immediately began to kiss Nan’s body from her lips down to her feet as she lay on our bed. When he began to move up again he stopped at her pussy where he licked and sucked on her pussy and clit.

I was hunched down over her face and Nan’s pink tongue was giving my clit the attention it needed.

“Thomas, I need your cock in me, fuck me!” said Nan.

As I watched, my husband grabbed his shaft and pushed his cock head into Nan’s pink pussy. She gasped for every inch and when he was all the way deep inside her she sighed.

“Fuck, I have longed for a cock. Now harder!”

Thomas grabbed her hips and began to vigorously go in all the way in and then almost out. Her boobs bounced seductively for every thrust and I lowered myself a bit more until my pussy covered her face.

My orgasm was close and I began to moan and whisper to Nan. “Yes, yes, lick me, suck my clit, make me come baby, make me come.”

Meanwhile Thomas’ face had begun to show the first signs of his orgasm, and while I watched he gave Nan a few more thrusts and her body tensed as her orgasm rolled over her. Thomas pulled out his cock out and let his cum spray over her tummy and boobs.

“Yes, yes, yes,” I screamed as my orgasm ripped through my body and when it was over I slumped down on the bed where we all lay breathing hard.

When Thomas and I woke up in the morning, Nan was gone. I made coffee while Thomas went to pick up the children. When he came back I asked him, “Did you see Nan?”

“No, I didn’t.”

We drove back in silence, each of us in our own thoughts. I wondered if I would ever see Nan again, I hoped we would. She had my number and she had promised to call.

When we drove up to the house a figure was sitting on the curb.

“Is that, no it can’t be,” said Thomas as we came closer.

The figure stood up and I realized it was Nan.

After hugging her I said, “What are you doing here?”

I quit the camp staff because I realized that I could work for you guys for the rest of the summer, since your jobs take up a lot of your time.”

Thomas and I looked at each other and then he said, “Sure, that sounds great, and I guess you already know that it comes with a few extras. ”

Nan giggled. “I was expecting that, or I wouldn’t have offered my services.”

We all laughed and when the kids ran in front of us I whispered in my husband’s ear, “Honey, thanks for taking me camping, it opened up a whole new world for me, and I love you for it.”

He just smiled and then opened the front door.


Rev. Thomas (Six months later)

I would never have believed how our lives change over that summer. The kids adored Nan and she loved them. Peggy and I began have sex again, just us, and often she would spend private time with Nan. Of course, we couldn’t stay away from each other so we three often went to bed together.

There was a serious problem that we had to face. Our town was too small. The people would not have cared when Nan was a nanny in our home but when school started up again, I knew they would be suspicious of her coming to town so often. One solution could have been for us to go there but planning and meeting somewhere was a turn off in many ways.

Now I am the chaplain at a big hospital in the city and although I am often the one on-call for emergencies, this is a regular 9-5 job. We live about a half hour straight down the interstate from Nan’s house where we can spend a lot of time without people gossiping. Sometimes we even meet here in the city at a hotel for dinner, a movie, a concert, and, well I guess I don’t have to say that included much more when we get back to our room

No longer, an uptight worried minister, I was now having the time of my life. Peggy was so happy. We both found ourselves flirting with attractive women. The door to our sexual future was wide open.


Published 8 years ago

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