Madness or Passion? EPIC It became

"He loved her until the very end whether he got her or not"

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The mango grove with a lass called Paro perched on a tree

among thick bush of leaves that Devdas could not see

bleeding she came down as a stone was pelted

sweat and spattering rain divulging her femininity fully wetted

sweetness exuberant youth and defiant peaks of two

about to mature fully globes,  areolas and perked up nipples too

un-kempt hair and a cut on her forehead

Devdas looked at her dazed standing stone dead

silence in the woods just the chirping birds chatter

then there were shouts, curses, abuses,

apologies and laughter

starts the story of love that was yet to mature.

Holding hands giggling, dancing, laughing  galore.

Honey flows of deep affection love and passion

the forest and the mango grove and the river and rain

the flowers and dancing and blossoming no strain

but the stars and the zodiac the enemies of the pair

the lass was married off and the boy would not dare

they were not to be each other’s fair or unfair

the dream crashed so did he, lifeless withered and

disoriented alcoholic deserted roaming streets and towns

seeking love that was then someone else’s

summers and winters and springs and monsoons rolled

sick haggard broke hungry beggar young tuned old,

counting his last days lands unaware in Paro’s town  

the quirk of fate!

She runs to meet him after the murmur spreads

To see her ex-love Devdas calling out Paro, Paro, Paro

and dying in the street in front of her

Was this madness or passion? Who knows?

It has turned into n epic for sure

that people still savour

Published 8 years ago

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