What is it about you?
Why am I so tangled in your web?
What is it about you?
Why do I always come back for more?
What is it about you?
Why does my mind wander and find its way to you?
What is it about you?
Why do I shiver when you’re near?
What is it about you?
Why do my knees turn to jelly at the sound of your voice?
What is it about you?
Why does my heart race at your touch?
What is it about you?
Why do I walk that line between pleasure and pain?
What is it about you?
Why do I relinquish control?
What is it about you?
Why can’t I resist the pull?
What is it about you?
Why can’t I stay away?
What is it about you?
Why can’t I say no?
What is it about you?
Why can’t I just let you go?
What is it about you?
Why is the answer so simple?
What is it about you?
Why are you my only one?