The Professional Woman, Part One: Ups and Downs

"Trying to balance a professional and home life stretches Stephanie to the limit"

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Life had gotten boring for me. It had come down to work and home life, which wasn’t bad. I have a good job working in the clothing industry. I was married to a good man for twelve years. But now reaching into my late thirties things were beginning to get routine.

It was not anybody’s fault that I was starting to feel bored with my life. Mark did all he could. We tried to excite things in the bedroom many times. Role Play, Videos, New Toys for both of us. He was satisfied with how things had come around, and I had agreed with him, but deep down I was bored.

“See you tonight,” Mark said as he kissed me on the forehead.

“I am working late this evening,” I said as I sipped on my coffee. “I have to plan the fashion show for tomorrow.”

“Okay,” he said as he picked up his briefcase and walked out to the garage.

I heard the garage door open, then his car left. I sighed this was the routine. He would leave, either one of us would be late getting back home. One of us would order something to eat and leave the rest in the oven for the other. I knew already that he would order Baked Ziti with Italian Sausage and Garlic rolls.

The commute to work was the same, I looked over at the car beside me and nodded. I had seen the man driving his luxury car many times. The lady on the other side of me was doing her makeup. Walking into my office the same faces greeted me.

My two assistants had their desks in my large office. They sat across from each other. Lucy handled most of my personal business, while Ginger handled most of the professional.

“Morning Stephanie,” one of my assistants greeted me as I sat down at my desk.

“Morning,” I replied. Lucy was always bright and chipper. It was one of the reasons I hired her. The other was she kept up with me, if I was at work, I was on the move all day. Except for office days like this one.

“Did you cancel all my appointments?” I asked as I looked at my schedule.

“Yes, but you do have the interviews for the new limo driver today,” she smiled as she looked at me with those bright blue eyes and dark brown hair with highlights. She could be one of the models that floated around here. Slim build, tall, and very attractive.

“Today?” I looked up at her. Sitting back in my chair, I looked out of my office through the glass. A large group of men was seated there, each with a portfolio in their hand. “Bring up the lingerie models for the new ad campaign,” I smiled.

“You’re so mean,” Lucy smiled. She picked up her phone, and within a few moments, the elevator chimed. Forty models dressed in different makes of lingerie began to come out.

“I want to talk to the ones that don’t gawk and stare,” I said as I went back to working.

It was a while before my second assistant Ginger came in. Her name suited her well. She had ginger hair. She was taller than Lucy. She wore glasses over her green eyes. “Four made the cut,” she said.

“Out of?” I asked not looking away from my monitor.

“Fourteen,” she answered.

I looked out into the hall throught the glass wall that separated my office from the rest of the floor. The ladies were still there. The four men did nothing to make it seem like they were looking. “Lucy and I think they may be gay or married.”

“Married,” I smiled looking at them. “The closest one to us is using his phone to look. He can go.”

“Okay,” Ginger smiled as she leaned against my desk. “The others?”

I sighed, I had to hire a new limousine driver. I was tired of paying for the models to take other means of transportation. “Send them in,” I caved.

One by one they came in they told their stories. None of them interested me enough for me to take a second thought, so I sent them all home. I still had the event to be fully planned out for tomorrow.

I saw someone that I hadn’t seen before. He gave Lucy a package. Then walked back to the elevator.

“The new color schemes have arrived,” Lucy said as she came in.

“Who was that?” I asked.

“Jefferey,” she smiled looking back at him. “He’s a beefcake, isn’t he?”

We watched as Jefferey got into the elevator. Ginger came into the room. “Okay ladies, pick your jaws off the floor,” she said.

“I am happily married,” I said shaking my head. “I was just…”

“Undressing the new courier with your eyes,” she quickly said.

“You were only undressing?” Lucy said. “I had already…”

“We know what you were thinking,” Ginger said.

Lucy was known to be very open about her sexual encounters. I sometimes got jealous about things she had done.

I got back to work. The day went by quickly. Most of the other interruptions were minor. The fashion show plans were going ahead full steam, which was beyond my wildest expectations.

“Yes Kenneth, for the fortieth time, you will not be seated by Gordon,” I said to one of my photographers. He had broken up with his longtime boyfriend Gordon who had gone to work with another company.

Kenneth was a whiner, he whined about everything. He was never happy; I would have fired him months ago if he didn’t take the best pictures in the city. Everyone wanted him, and he knew it. He made the models come to life.

“Yes, you will be the nearest to the stage. You’re beginning to push that button,” I stated. There was silence on the phone. He knew better to press the subject any further. I hung up the phone.

Jefferey was back. He was delivering another box to Ginger. She lightly smiled as she took it from him. I got a good look at him. He was a young man I would guess in his late twenties or early thirties. A fit body, probably worked out a few times a week. Bald head, clean shaven and brown eyes.

“You’re doing it again,” Ginger said. I hadn’t even noticed that she had come back into the office.

“I can look,” I said taking the box away from her.

“That wasn’t looking that was salivating,” she smiled.

“Shut it,” I smiled. Ginger was right I had been more than looking. I hardly ever got attracted to the male figure anymore.

“I bet he his hung,” Lucy said, entering the office.

“Now that is speculation. We have seen many models of all races. Just because he is black doesn’t mean he is hung,” Ginger said.

I nodded my agreement. I had seen many males in the nude of all races. None of them were any bigger than the rest. It was pure genetics on who was big and who was small.

“I just guess,” Lucy said.

I shook my head. The day got late, and most of the staff had gone. I stayed behind to look over some last pictures for the show.

“Leaving,” Lucy said as she picked up her coat.

“Will be leaving soon,” I nodded.

Soon turned to three hours. When I got through a few pictures, there was more to look at, which turned to looking up more.

“Stephanie?” a voice said. I looked up to see Mark staring at me.

“Is it that late?” I asked looking at the time. It read 9:00 pm. “Shit!”

“I called four times,” Mark said.

“Sorry, I got carried away,” I said. I got my stuff ready and walked with Mark to the elevator. I could tell he was mad. “Sorry,” I said.

“You said that already,” he said folding his arms. That was his way of ending the conversation. It wasn’t the first time he had come to my office late in the night to come and get me. I shook my head. I followed him home, he slammed the bathroom door closed as I sat on the bed.

My phone rang it was the security at the office. “Hello?”

“Sorry, Mrs. Conner, but we have a situation downstairs,” the guard said.

“What is it?” I asked as I began to undress.

“There is a courier here. He says he has an important package.”

I heard some commotion in the background. “Put the courier on,” I said as I slipped out of my dress. Mark came into the room.

“That better not be work. They can handle things without you,” Mark said staring at me.

I shook my head and disappeared into the bathroom. I had enough of him for the night.

“Hi,” a voice said.

“This is a bad time,” I replied standing in front of the sink in my bra and panties.

“I know, but we got this package late, and it has urgent in bold red letters all over it,” the voice said.

“Who is it from?” I asked picking up my toothbrush.

“Jennifer Collins,” the male voice replied.

I stopped in my tracks. “Does it have neon graphics?”


“Shit!” I replied. Jennifer was the lead designer for tomorrow’s fashion show. I had hoped that she wouldn’t change her format, but she was notorious for changing things last moment. “Open it.”

“We are told not to…”

“Hand, it to one of the guards,” I barked.

“Yes Ma’am,” the guard said.

“Open the damn package,” I said.

There was silence then he read the note. It was worse than I had expected Jennifer had changed the order of the dresses. She also wanted the models to get there an hour earlier than anticipated.

“Fucking bitch!” I yelled. I hated designers.

“Okay,” I sighed. I needed the color scheme to change the lighting. The models weren’t a problem. Ginger had all their phone numbers. The problem was I needed the order as early as possible. “Put the courier back on.”

“Yes,” he snapped.

“Sorry for yelling at you,” I apologized. He didn’t work for me, so he didn’t know that I yelled for the sake of it.

“No problem, stress is a mother,” he replied.

“Can you meet me tomorrow with the package? The guards will give you the address and time,” I said.

“You paying for the time?”

“Of course,” I replied.


“Thank you,” I took a deep breath. After giving the guards the right time and the address. Everything was back to normal.

When I got into the bedroom Mark was gone. I went down the hall and saw him sleeping in the guest room. “Fuck him,” I said to myself as I went back to bed.

The morning wasn’t good at all. Mark left without saying anything. He was getting jealous of my job. It was getting evident that he couldn’t take my success.

I had started as an intern at a no name design studio and worked myself up to be the head of one of the leading modeling agencies on the east coast. I managed most of the models for many of the largest cities. On the other hand, Mark was still trying to make partner at his law firm.

I left a nasty note on the dinner table then left the house. Traffic was the same; I saw the same people I usually saw they were doing the same thing that they always did. I turned towards the entertainment center. My phone rang it was Ginger. “Please say you got ahold of all the models?”

“Of course,” Ginger replied. “They will all be there on time, we just need the order, and Jennifer isn’t here.”

“The courier should be there soon,” I replied turning into the parking lot.

“Jefferey?” she asked.

“I think,” I replied not knowing the name of the person I spoke to last night.

“Lucy will be excited,” Ginger replied.

“I bet she will,” I said as I pulled into the large parking lot. “I am here, I will see you inside.”

As I walked inside I saw the usual people, some of them were doing a final walkthrough. They saw me and a smile went across their faces. I had worked hard for those smiles. They knew that I would make sure the show went exactly as planned.

“There you are,” Jennifer’s assistant smiled.

“Henry,” I nodded.

“Jennifer wanted to know if you got the changes,” he said as he tried to keep up with me. I had a lot to do and not enough time.

“Yes. And tell your boss the next time she wants to make such drastic changes there is something called a phone call. Use it,” I snapped at him. He was a tall, thin man. He wore thin wire glasses and had spiked blonde hair.

“Here you go,” Ginger said as she handed me a Bluetooth ear bud. I put it in my ear.

“Hi everybody,” I said. To which I got a chorus of greetings. “We are going to have a great show if everyone does what they are supposed to do.”

I looked over at the assistant and waved him off. “I am expecting a courier. Security as soon as he gets here send him right on in.”

Everything was going to plan except for the lineup. I was growing anxious as Jennifer was not answering her phone. No doubt her assistant had told her what I had said. “He is here, where should I send him?” a voice said.

“I am in the back dressing room,” I replied.

Lucy came charging into the chamber. “How do I look?” she asked.

“So, it is Jefferey,” Ginger smiled. I winked back at her.

“You two knew?” Lucy looked at us. We both shrugged.

“Sorry, I am late,” Jefferey said as he entered the room.

He stared right at me even though there were many other women scantily dressed all around him. “Thanks,” I replied as I took the envelope. I looked inside and shook my head. The order was the same except for two of the dresses switched places.

“Here,” I said handing the letter over to Ginger.

“Bitch,” Ginger said under her breath. She raced off with a trail of models behind her.

Jefferey didn’t even flinch or move his eyes from staring at me. “Is that all?” he asked.

“Yes, thank you,” I replied with a smile. “Do I owe you anything?”

“No, everything is in order,” he smiled. It was the first time I had seen him smile. I had to admit to myself he had a great smile. He began to walk away.

Lucy nudged me. “Hey. Jefferey?” I asked.

He came walking back. “This is Lucy, one of my assistants. She wanted to know if you would like to stick around for the show?”

“A fashion show?” he said with a puzzled look on his face. “I wouldn’t know what I would be looking for, or at.”

“Lucy will be glad to explain the whole thing to you,” I smiled as I left the two of them to talk.

Jennifer finally showed up thirty minutes before the show started. We had a few choice words to say to each other before she stepped through the curtains and introduced herself.

My part in the show was done. Ginger’s had just begun this was her chance to prove to me she could handle the models as well as the pressure of making sure they wore the right design at the right time.

I took a seat and listened to Jennifer talk about herself and her designs. Like most of the other designers, Jennifer had the same problem they didn’t know when to stop talking and just show their product.

“Does this always happen?” a voice said from behind me.

I looked around to see Jefferey. “No, usually they don’t talk about themselves as much,” I whispered back with a smile.

Finally, she stopped talking, and the lights dimmed. The first model stepped out from the curtains and began walking down the runway. Jennifer explained the design and the concept of the outfit. Three other models came and went.

“What do you think?” I whispered back to Jefferey.

“None of them is my type, and the dresses look too high end for me,” he shook his head.

“Really,” I said turning around. He had caught my interest. It wasn’t often I found a man not fascinated by the models, even though some stated that they were a bit too thin. The moment they started walking down the runway and strutting their stuff that argument usually went out the window.

“Yeah. I like a woman with some shape and curves. If you know what I mean?” he smiled.

“Curves huh?” I smiled. “Ginger?” I said as I pressed the button on my Bluetooth.

“Did I do something wrong?” she asked worriedly.

“No, you are doing great. The seventh outfit is the long flowing orange dress right?” I asked looking back at Jefferey.

“Yes, the model is about to put it on now,” Ginger replied.

“Is that going to be Karla?” I asked.

“Yes, Why?” Ginger asked.

“Put Tiffany in it,” I said.

“Tiffany?” Ginger replied puzzled.

“Trust me,” I said as I turned it off.

“Let’s see how curvy you like them,” I smiled.

The models kept walking then Tiffany came out in the orange outfit. I looked back at him, and he still shook his head. Tiffany was still thin, but she had hips.

“Really?” I asked.

“I don’t my kind of curvy woman could be a model unless we are talking plus sized models,” He shrugged.

“Ah, got you now,” I nodded. “You like some junk in the trunk as they would say.”

“Yes,” he said. I could tell he was holding something back.

“But?” I asked.

“More of a boob guy really,” He admitted. Which I knew must have been hard as he was trying not to look at me.

“Just like my husband,” I nodded. “Got to say I love a boob guy.”

Jennifer came back to the front of the stage as she announced that was all of her concepts. “That’s it?” Jefferey asked.

“For my models and me. Yes, it is, there are another group and another designer afterward. If you want to stay for them?” I answered.

“No,” Jefferey said as he quickly got out of his seat.

“It was nice to talk with you finally,” I said shaking his hand.

“You too,” he replied.

I joined the rest of my team in the back room. I congratulated all of the people on a job well done. Most of them left leaving me alone with Ginger and Lucy.

“Why did you change the lineup?” Ginger asked.

I smiled and explained. “Well that leaves me out,” Lucy said as she crossed her arms. “Damn, boob guys.”

I shook my head. My phone rang looking down at it; I knew I had to answer it. “It’s Mark,” I said to the girls. “I will see you both tomorrow.”

“Are you done?” Mark asked.

“Yes,” I replied.

“I got home early,” he said. There were too many times that his bosses had told him he could leave early. I knew his company was getting ready to let him go. “I found your note,” he said with anger in his voice.

“Good,” I replied as I got into my car. “Next time don’t act like everything is my fault.”

“I never…” he said before stopping himself. “Are you coming home?”

“Yes, I am on my way.”

“We will talk when you get here,” he said then he hung up.

We didn’t do much talking. We yelled a lot. He was angry that I was paying too much attention to my job and not to him and his problems. Lack of support he mentioned many times. I yelled back that he had never supported me throughout my career.

“This is getting us nowhere,” I retreated.

“I should turn in my resignation,” he shook his head.

“No,” I shook my head as I held his hand. “That is what they want you to do. So that they don’t have to give you a payout option.”

Mark pulled me close as he looked into my eyes. “You always know what to do. So what do I do?”

“First you go in there like you always do. Don’t let on that you know they want you gone,” I said as I unbuttoned his shirt.

“Then,” he said as he squeezed my ass.

“Then you wait,” I shrugged. “Do your job the best you can, and you wait until the right time to pounce. Get them in the position to either let you go or give you an alternative.”

“They might demote me,” he said as I pulled his shirt down his arms.

“Then you can ask to be let go,” I smiled up at him, kissing his chest.

“Will you stick with a man that has no job?” he asked.

“I don’t know,” I said as I turned around on the kitchen table and bent over. “Depends on how good that man can fuck me.”

“Oh really?” he said as he pulled my skirt up and over my ass. Exposing my panties to him, with one yank he had them down to my ankles.

“Come on big boy,” I flirted as I looked back over my shoulder.

I felt his stiff seven-inch dick at the entrance of my ass. He loved fucking me in the ass when he was angry with me. He thought it made me submissive to him. The truth was since the first time he did it. I was hooked. I loved it. I wouldn’t tell him that of course. If he wanted to believe it hurt me, or that it made me bend to his will, then so be it.

“Not there,” I whimpered.

“You wrote this nasty letter,” he said as he grabbed the paper and shoved it in my face. “You deserve this,” he growled as he pushed forward pushing his dick inside my ass.

“I’m sorry,” I teased as I pretended to try slip away from his grip.

“No!” Mark yelled as he slapped my ass hard. “Never write anything like that to me again.”

“I promise,” I lied. I loved how he was fucking me hard. He reached for my hair and pulled it back. Mark looked me in the face as his dick was deep inside me.

“I don’t believe you,” he snarled shoving my face back down onto the table. He gripped my hips with both his hands. His intensity went faster, pulling me back onto him.

“I won’t. I promise,” I whimpered. I was on the edge of climaxing. I wanted him to go faster, harder, deeper anything to push me over. Then I felt it. The small but recognizable swelling and throb of his dick that signaled he was going to cum. I pushed my ass back as I felt him empty his seed inside my ass.

Mark pulled out of me. “Now clean this mess up!” he said he walked away.

“Yes,” I nodded. I watched him walk out of the kitchen and up the stairs. Then I held up my middle finger. He had gotten what he wanted, and that was it for the night.

I had just gotten started. I cleaned up the kitchen picking his clothes off the floor. Then wiped up some of the cum that had dripped onto the tiles.

When I got upstairs, Mark was sleeping. I shook my head. At least there would be no more arguing tonight I thought to myself. I grabbed my favorite toy and went into the bathroom.


Morning came fast, and Mark seemed much happier when I greeted him downstairs. I guess he felt like he was back in the driver’s seat.

“Are you going to be late tonight?” he asked with a smile.

“No,” I responded.

“Good,” he said as he picked up his briefcase. He gave me a kiss on the forehead, and he was out of the door.

I had so many things I could have said to him. None of them seemed worth the childish fighting that would have ensued. I grabbed some breakfast and headed for the door.

“I can’t believe it,” Lucy said as we sat down for our daily meeting. I looked up from my computer to see her staring out into the lobby. Jefferey was giving a package to one of the secretaries. I shook my head.

“Get over it,” Ginger said.

“That is easy for you to say. You have a pair that he might like,” Lucy said.

“That’s true,” Ginger said with a grin. She pushed her chest out taunting Lucy with her D cup breast pushing against her tight button-down shirt.

“I hate you,” Lucy replied. She wasn’t taking the news that the new office eye candy was a breast man.

Lucy had nearly nothing in that department. I didn’t feel sorry for her at all. She could wear anything without the fear of falling out or being too revealing.

Today she wore a pink top with no shoulder straps. The upper part of which had folds that crisscrossed at her chest. If I attempted anything like that, I would be falling out the moment I stood up or bent over.

“And you,” she said turning to me. “You are in first place according to him.”

I smiled and shook my head. “Mark has already claimed mine and does so on a daily basis,” I lied. Mark had loved my large breasts at the beginning of our relationship. Now he barely touched them unless he wants something to hold at night.

“Whatever,” Ginger said. “I saw how you were staring at him at the show last night. Mark or no Mark you were interested in him.”

I looked up at them both. Apparently, I couldn’t hide anymore. “He is an interesting person,” I shrugged.

I couldn’t put my finger on it. I had met many males in my business. Short, Fat, Tall, Skinny, Well built, Muscular of all races. I had traveled most of the East coast, and some of them had left me with a smile. But none of them interested me like Jefferey.

He had done nothing to perk this interest. He didn’t talk with an accent. He was always casually dressed. He wasn’t overly good looking. He was just him, and maybe that was the reason for my interest. In the world full of people trying to be someone or something else. He stood out.

I watched as he made his way back to the elevator. One of our models passed him dressed in a little black dress. I could see even from my office she wasn’t wearing a bra. Even though she was small chested, anyone could see her natural cleavage sway side to side beneath the material. Jefferey kept his eyes forward, pressed the button for the elevator and waited. Even if she weren’t his taste, any man would give her a second look; it was in their nature.

“Like I said it is an interest, nothing more,” I said.

“Huh?” Lucy asked.

“Jefferey,” I replied.

“Oh,” Ginger smiled. “We started talking about the Miami swimsuit event,” she said.

“Looks like someone has Jefferey on the mind,” Lucy laughed.

“Shut it,” I replied.

I looked over the spending report for the last month. I shook my head. “We can’t keep spending this much on Taxi’s and rentals.”

“Well, you haven’t decided on a new limo driver, and Jake can only be in one place at a time,” Ginger said.

Jake was the only limo driver on our payroll. The other limousine was sitting in the downstairs parking garage collecting dust. “Fine,” I threw my hands up. I had been putting it off for too long. I had to hire someone.

“What about Jefferey?” Lucy asked.

“He is clearly not interested in any of our models,” Ginger added.

“If he can get around the city quickly on a bike, he can surely get around in a limo,” Lucy said.

“Okay,” I nodded. “Get him in for an interview.”

It didn’t take long for Lucy to get his number and get him back into the office. I looked over the desk at him. He was wearing a shirt that had a name of a rap group on it, black jeans and brown boots. “I thought I was coming to pick something up?” he asked

I looked over at Lucy. She had apparently lied. “Well, no,” I said. “We were wondering if you were looking for a better job.”

“Isn’t everyone?” he replied.

I nodded. Ginger coughed. “We are short a limousine driver,” she said. “And since you know the city, we thought you would be interested.”

“I never been in an interview with three different people before,” Jefferey smiled.

“They are just helping with the questions. The decision comes down to me,” I said making sure they also knew I wasn’t going to hire him because they liked his looks.

“Thought as much,” he nodded. “So why me?”

I looked back at him. Then it dawned on me. He wasn’t interviewing for a job. He already had one. He didn’t come here looking for one either. “Well like Ginger said, you seem to know the city. You’re respectful around the girls as well as the clients. So why not?” I asked.

“True,” he nodded. He looked around. “How much does it pay? I don’t want to lose money if what I make now is more.”

I nodded. I wrote down the going wage on a paper and pushed it across the table. “That is what you will be getting paid. We will pay for the gas and any other expenses. Including food and drinks while you are driving around the city. Once you return the vehicle any other charges is on you.”

“You’re serious?” he said with a huge smile.

My heart sank, surely he couldn’t be getting paid more delivering packages.

“I will drive whoever, wherever for this kind of salary,” he said with a smile. “Sign me up.”

We all smiled. I told him to go downstairs to fill out the necessary application as well as get a physical and drug testing. Jefferey smiled as he left my office.

“You know you just sent him downstairs right?” Ginger stated.

“Yeah,” I nodded.

“Sara,” Lucy said as she got up. I smiled and shook my head as I watched Lucy run out of the room. Sara was our blonde, blue-eyed receptionist. She was also naturally busty.

We both laughed. Ginger and I were good friends in and outside of work. I knew that she was pretending to be interested in Jefferey. She had an off and on again relationship with her boyfriend. I knew she was trying to tease Lucy.


A full two weeks passed in a blink of an eye. It usually did when things got busy. Between shows and photo shoots the days passed quickly. The great news was Jefferey had been excellent at his job.

I got no bad calls from any of the models he had picked up. Most of the news was good. He was always punctual. He made sure the models made it into the building. He made sure they were at the right place. I could not be happier.

On the Homefront, nothing had changed. Mark was still a pain. His career seemed to be going down the toilet at an ever-increasing rate, which meant he was taking out his frustrations on me.

I couldn’t help that things were looking up for me. The company was doing well, and I was about to make a big splash in the Miami market which had been previously dominated by a competitor.

“I have to get those swimsuits down there as quick as possible,” I yelled at one of my distributors. “Thank you,” I smiled as they gave me another date. It would be close, but I could make it work.

Mark walked into the lobby. I glanced up as I watched him walk towards my office. “Give us the room,” I said to Ginger and Lucy.

They walked passed him as he entered. “Hi girls,” he said as they passed. They didn’t say anything, they knew all about our arguments.

I loved them both they were like my guard dogs. I knew they wanted to tear into my husband and at this point, I was ready to let them.

“Sorry,” he shrugged.

I shrugged. “For what?” I said leaning back in my chair. “Calling my job pointless, calling my models whores?”

“All of it,” he said as he sat down across from me. “I know you have poured your heart into this job.”

“Career,” I corrected him. “This isn’t just a job to me.”

Mark nodded. He knew I had worked my ass off for this company. Apart from having my name on the side of the building and all the papers, newsletters, and stock reports. It was mine.

The stockholders, as well as the Martine family the owners of the company, trusted me to run it. I never heard from any of them unless the company was in the negatives or something was said about it in the magazines.

“I know,” he said looking at me with those steel blue eyes of his. “It’s hard for me. I should be a good husband and support you in every way.”

I folded my arms and waited for the apple to drop. “What is it?” I asked, knowing that he came here for a reason.

“Nothing, I swear,” he said holding his hands up. “I just want to make it right. I am tired of the arguing.”

I looked at him. Mark had always had a way of making me do things I would normally not do. I looked out of my glass wall at my two assistants who were shaking their head. I bit my lower lip. I was going to ask for a separation, which would have been the first time I had ever thought about it. “Fine,” I said looking back at him.

I knew Mark didn’t mean any of the words he had said. He was under a lot of pressure, and if he lost this job, it would mean starting over for him, which at the age of forty-three would be hard for him.

“Thank you,” he said lowering his head. “How about dinner tonight?”

“Sure,” I shrugged. “Where?”

“Nilani?” he said with a smile.

“Are you serious?” I asked. Nilani was a premier Italian-American restaurant in the downtown area. Many people had to put in their reservation months in advance.

“I did some papers for one of the managers there, he said he would return the favor anytime I wanted,” Mark said with a grin.

“You’re serious,” I smiled. I had always wanted to go to that restaurant. Not just for the food. There were top models and big named celebrities that showed up there every night. If I could drop my name and a few business cards, I could drum up some serious business.

“Be ready by eight,” he smiled as he stood up.

I nodded. I watched him exit my office and head for the elevator. As the girls came back into the room, I shrieked with excitement. “What?” Ginger asked.

I told them about the dinner reservations. “Shut the fuck up!” Lucy said. “I have gone there just to stand outside and look at people as they leave.”

“Who hasn’t?” Ginger added.

“Can he afford it?” Lucy asked. “I heard the cheapest plate is like five-hundred dollars.”

“Yeah,” Ginger said. “And they frown on you if you order it.”

“I don’t know,” I said. “All he said was the manager owed him a big favor,” I shrugged.

The door opened, and Sara walked in. “I heard someone is going to Nilani’s,” she said with a huge smile.

Jefferey was right behind her. Over the two weeks, the two of them had gotten close. I could understand his interest in her. She was his type, well rounded in the right places. Thick hips, thighs and a set of F cup breasts.

Lucy went from hanging out with her on lunch breaks to not talking to her at all. Which Sara being the stereotypical blonde had not figured out. “How the hell do you know already?” Lucy asked.

“Hello?” Sara said. “My desk sits at the entrance of the elevator!”

“Two floors down,” I said.

“Okay, maybe I overheard someone say they heard a particular person saying something in the elevator,” Sara backtracked.

“Your husband told one of the mail clerks,” Jefferey said as he leaned against Lucy’s desk.

“Shush,” Sara said putting her hand on Jefferey’s shoulder.

“Yes, but no,” I said shaking my head.

“Oh, come on!” Sara squealed. I knew she wanted me to get pictures with anybody famous. It was her hobby to collect pictures of the celebrities.

“What’s the big deal with that place anyway?” Jefferey asked.

All of us looked at him. “Oh honey,” Lucy said. “You’re the most handsome man in this building, but right now you just made my stomach turn.”

“Yeah,” Sara said. “I think I felt a bit dizzy after you said that.”

“It’s a high-priced restaurant that puts flakes of gold on a frigging donut and charges you to eat it,” Jefferey said. “I should charge them for ruining a perfectly good donut.”

Ginger laughed. “When he says it like that it does sound stupid.”

“I don’t care,” I shrugged. “I will eat that gold flaked donut with my pinky finger in the air because I can!”

We all laughed. I loved this bunch even Sara. She might be a nosey, dumb blonde. But she was loyal to a fault. Many other companies wanted to hire her, just because she was excellent at getting models to sign. She also ran a tight department. I never went downstairs to check on things. Sara got the job done plain and straightforward.

“Have fun,” Jefferey said as he looked over at me. “Try not to get frostbite.”

“Frostbite?” I asked.

“With all those people in there looking like penguins and having their nose so high in the air. It must be cold as fuck in there,” Jefferey said.

Again, we laughed. “I am serious,” he said, “Have you seen those fuckers coming out of there?”

Jefferey proceeded to walk around with his face aimed at the ceiling and pretended to be a rich person with an accent. “Have you seen my car?” he said. “Yes, it is the car with the wheels and big emblem on the front that cost way too much,” Jefferey said.

Lucy got up and put her arm through his. “Oh, darling remember we had it detailed for the seventeenth time. We had the limo bring us.”

They all took turns walking around with funny accents. By the time, they were finished my sides were hurting.


I looked in the mirror. I wanted to make sure I looked good enough to be seen on camera. Just in case someone was taking pictures.

“You’re wearing that?” Mark said as he came into the bedroom. He was dressed in nice dress pants, with a matching top and a blue tie.

“Did you dye your hair?” I asked looking back at him. All the gray that usually flaked his head was gone, leaving only the black.

“Yes,” he said as he looked in the mirror to straighten his tie. “I thought you would wear the green dress that I got for you.”

I hated that dress. Mark had got it for Valentine’s day last year. We went out to dinner afterward. I never wore it again. “You know I hate that dress. I fall out of it too quickly,” I said looking at him.

“I know,” he smiled with a devilish grin.

I shook my head and smiled. “Okay, don’t get angry if my boobs make it on the front page of a newspaper.”

We pulled into the underground parking. When we got, I had had to pull the front of the dress up. It was too low in the front. It was a perfect dress for someone built like Lucy who could wear it and look cute.

On a busty woman like me, it made me look sluttish. I was showing way more cleavage than I was used to, and every time I took a step or moved the front wanted to fall completely down. Let alone the sides were split straight down, so my thighs were open for the whole world to see.

“I hate you right now,” I said looking over at him.

“Look at that line,” he said as we got up top.

I looked at everyone. The line as well as the people standing across the street, waiting for someone important to come out. “How long do we have to wait in line?” I asked.

Mark pulled out two gold pieces of paper. “We don’t,” he smiled.

“I take back what I said,” I laughed at him.

“You love me now huh?” he said with that grin. He looked down at my cleavage.

“Later,” I said as we walked up the ramp.

“Now,” he said pushing me back behind a large silver SUV. He cupped my breasts. He was horny, and so was I. I also loved when we did naughty things in public. He quickly pulled the dress up above my hips. I felt him pull my panties to the side.

“Hurry,” I said under my breath. Anyone could see us. We were in the open. Even if someone came from any direction, they would see or hear us. I felt him slip inside of me. He gripped me tightly as he grunted. He fucked me hard and fast. I lifted one of my legs and wrapped it around him.

Mark grunted as he fucked me. He sucked on my neck pushing himself deeper into me. I met each of his thrusts with my own, grinding myself down onto him, milking his cock for his cum.

“I’m cumming,” he whispered.

I pushed him off me and lowered myself. I took his cock in my mouth as he fucked my throat. Mark tangled his hands in my long hair gripping my head tightly as he pumped his hips forward. I felt him cumming, spewing his cum down my throat.

I wiped my mouth clean as I stood up. Mark zipped his pants up as I corrected my dress. We walked towards the restaurant. I took out a mint from my purse and slipped it into my mouth. I smiled and nodded at people as we went to the front of the line.

“Here,” Mark said as he gave the men at the door the tickets.

“Yes,” one of the men said. “Your party is waiting for you inside.”

“Party?” I asked as one of the men opened the door.

Inside the place was luxurious. Statues of god-like men and women met us at the entrance. A small waterfall was built in the near the wall. The water splashed into a golden basin. Another well-dressed lady opened the other door.

“Mark?” I asked but he just gripped my hand tightly as we walked inside.

I stood in amazement. The interior was magnificent. Tables were everywhere, with lighted candles on them. A band played light music at the far back. Waiters were like bee’s moving this way and that. The crystal chandeliers hung down from a glass ceiling. The stars in the sky were just above us.

Another man took the papers from Mark. “Yes, Mr. Crawford is waiting for you,” he said.

That name stung me like a bee. Now I knew how he could afford to come here. The CEO of his company had given him the tickets. I wasn’t here because he wanted to make up. I was her as eye candy for his boss. I looked at him with fire in my eyes.

“This way,” the man said to me as I was standing still.

“Do you really want to make a scene?” Mark asked.

I could feel eyes on me now. I walked forward as Mark put his arm around me. “You’re an asshole,” I whispered through gritted teeth.

I felt ashamed. Most of the women around me were dressed smartly, and here I was dressed like a high-priced hooker. With cum on my breath. I reached into my purse and took two more mints into my mouth.

When we got to our seats, I looked at the people around the large table. Not only was it just the CEO. But most of the board members accompanied by their wives and husbands. I was out of place, and the look on their eyes told it all. I looked over at Mark with a fake smile. Under the table, I gripped his thigh tightly digging my nails into him.




Published 8 years ago

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