Accidental Seduction

"My wife says, "You can't put a man and a vibrator between a woman's legs without consequences.""

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I turned the Harley around the final corner and struggled to keep the speed down as we rode the final block back to her house. My passenger knew I was struggling, and yet she scraped her nails up my ribs and pinched my nipple again. She let out a moan that echoed mine as her other hand caressed my hard cock through my jeans.

As I turned into her driveway and screeched to a stop, she stood on the foot pegs and planted a biting kiss on my neck.

“Leave it running,” she instructed as she hopped off. She fumbled in the saddlebag for a moment, and the garage door started to open. She ducked underneath it and motioned for me to pull forward. As soon as I was in, she hit the button, and the door started to close. I killed theĀ engine and pulled the kickstand out with my toe.

She stood for a moment beside the bike with a desperate look. She stepped forward before I could dismount, and she pushed me back onto the seat.

“Please don’t tell me no,” she pleaded. Without waiting for an answer, she pushed her way between me and the bike, moving to sit on my lap, facing the handlebars.

Reaching out for the bars, she moaned, “Touch my like I’ve been touching you!”

There were so many reasons to tell her no. As I scraped my nails up her ribs, I found there was no bra to stop me from pinching her nipples. I knew then that I was going to give her anything she asked for. I remembered a time when I had told her I would not do that.


It all sort of started with a botched bank robbery. I was minding my own business, standing at the little island counter at the bank, filling out a deposit slip, when a very nervous guy stopped next to me. He had an odd colored piece of paper, and he was trying to write on it, but his hands were shaking too much. I guess that’s why I even noticed him.

He swore loudly under his breath, pulled out a gun, shot at the security guy, and yelled something about a robbery. I remember thinking that I must have had the dumbest look on my face as I just stared at him. I remember thinking that it would be dumb to die while trying to deposit a stupid ten dollar check. I remember thinking that it would suck if anyone else died because they worked there or had a stupid ten dollar check to deposit. I don’t remember deciding to do anything about it.

I was about as shocked as he was when my fist hit him squarely between the eyes with all the force I could muster. I was also shocked at how quickly the light in his eyes went out as he crumpled to the floor.

If they ever make a movie about what happened, the director is going to make that scene last five minutes. Maybe more. It sure felt that way as it happened. Somehow, the director will need to fit too much action into the next ten seconds.

The security guard wasn’t hit. He rushed over. The thief had dozens of guns, or at least three, and they went flying everywhere as the guard disarmed him. The police showed up. Questions were asked. Information was written down. I was allowed to leave.

In the end, I guess the only thing that mattered to me was that I was going to have to find a different branch to deposit the stupid check. I declined my fifteen minutes of fame, and after a couple of weeks, the whole incident was forgotten.

I was a bit surprised when nearly two months later, the company receptionist called my desk to transfer a call from the bank. My expectations were low as I took the call.

I was a bit skeptical at first. The woman on the other end of the line sounded very young and more than a little apprehensive. She quietly explained that she was asking for a favor that mostly had nothing to do with the bank. She sounded like she was about to break into tears as she explained that she was merely asking for my cell phone number and permission to call me later in the day. When I asked why, she was barely able to answer that it was complicated.

I guess I’m a sucker for tears. I gave her my number.

She called my phone in the middle of my commute home, and we were able to talk for quite a while. She explained that she was the bank teller that had been standing next to the security guard when the would-be thief had shot at him. She had been seeing a therapist to work through the anxiety of the event, but she had reached an impasse.

She was able to return to work, and most of the time she was fine. Loud noises would still startle her more than they had before, but sometimes a customer would do something and it would scare her. She said it was little things that scared her. Maybe a customer would appear nervous as they fiddled with a pen. Once it was a customer coming in with a loose piece of paper that looked like the note.

The therapist wanted her to use a visualization technique to calm herself when those things happened. She was supposed to think of a time in her life when she felt safe, and to use that memory as a shield against her fear.

She said that was where the impasse came from. She quietly admitted that she had never in her life felt more safe than she had felt the moment after I had knocked the guy out. Her tone of voice implied that she saw me as some kind of hero or guardian angel.

She felt that if she used the memory of me standing over that guy, it would calm her against any fear. But as she brought up that memory, she could not stop herself from remembering how big the gun had looked, and how loud it had been, and how scared she had felt.

She admitted that calling me had been her own idea. She had been thinking about how to resolve her problem, and she decided that a real-time response would be better than a memory. She was hoping that I would agree to answer back any time that she texted me. She said she would send me a quick “Good morning” and when I replied “Good morning to you”, she would feel that safe moment.

I wasn’t so sure that her idea would work, but it wouldn’t hurt anything either, so I agreed. I also teased her a little bit about calling to make her request. Just because she sounded both cute and scared, she shouldn’t think that she could call a stranger and get anything she asked for.


“Do you have any idea how dangerous of a game you were playing?” I growled into her ear, emphasizing the word ‘you’.

My fingers splayed out to fully cover her breasts and I caught both of her nipples between my knuckles as I kneaded her flesh. She leaned her weight back into me as she closed her hands on top of mine, although my hands were under her shirt while hers were not.

“It’s not a game,” she moaned.

“Put your hands on the grips,” I barked out and she gasped and reached for the bars.

“Do you pretend that you weren’t teasing me, testing to see how far you could push me?” I asked.

I released her breasts, only to drag my finger nails down her abs. I pressed my chest into her back, and rolled my shoulders to mimic the way she had been teasing her breasts across my back. I let her feel the heat of my breath as my lips nearly touched her neck.

“Did you think touching me like this wouldn’t affect my concentration as we rode?” I whispered, letting her feel my lips brush against her skin.

She groaned and turned her head away, offering her neck to me. I had no doubt that her eyes were closed. I pulled her body back against mine, sliding one hand up under her breasts. The other hand slid down to cup her crotch, and I pulled her ass roughly back against me.

“Do you imagine that stroking my cock was less than distracting?” I asked.

I lewdly stroked the front of her jeans while pushing my cock forward. She rolled her ass against it and moaned in need.

“Please,” she begged needily. Her hands shot together under mine, and the button and zip of her jeans quickly parted. “Touch me!” she demanded.

There was not even a flicker of hesitation as my hand dove into her panties. There might have been a time when I could have resisted, but now I was hers to command.


We talked every once in a while, but mostly we shared very bland texts. At first, it was a couple times a day, but it tapered off to once every couple of days. She would send “Good morning” or “Do you like Calvin Harris?” or “Rain makes me sad” and I would answer “You too” or “Never heard of him” or “Rain cleans the air”. When we spoke, she often thanked me, and she said that it really was helping.

I was surprised late one morning when she texted me, I replied, and she continued the conversation. When ten messages had gone back and forth, I asked if she needed to call me. About a minute later, my desk phone rang and I knew something was wrong.

It turned out to be nothing. There was a corporate manager visiting their branch, and he had the same body build as the would-be thief. She knew she was being silly, but she couldn’t concentrate. I suggested she go out for an early lunch. She said she hated eating alone. I didn’t think twice about offering to meet her at the sandwich shop near the bank. She accepted.

I don’t think either of us were nervous or worried, but we knew we were crossing a line of some sort. When we met, I realized that I had seen her at the bank many times. She was older thanĀ I expected, based on her voice, but still only in her early thirties. The cashier at the shop put everything in perspective when she asked if “the father” was paying. We both laughed, and of course I paid.

As we walked back out to our cars, she asked if she could steal a hug. I told her she could have all the hugs she liked, but anything more than that, she would have to steal. She laughed and stole a hug. She clung to me a lot longer that I thought she would.


Nature never ceases to amaze me. When I had cupped her jeans to pull her back against me, I might have imagined that I could feel her body heat beneath my palm. I could not believe that as my hand shot inside her panties, my fingers found a burning puddle of wetness. Her body opened up and pulled my fingers inside. Her wordless cry of affirmation drove me to curl my fingers in and out repeatedly.

She half turned in my arms and she pulled me down into an aggressive kiss. I think she wanted to turn more, but her legs were trapped on either side of the bike. I eagerly returned her kiss as I reveled in the feel of having her trapped in my arms. My hand under her breasts slid up to pinch her nipple, and she cried out. She turned away and threw herself back against me as she started to cum. My lips found her neck and her jaw as she shuddered and cried out again.

When she couldn’t take any more, I pushed my fingers in deep and pulled her body tight against mine. I wondered how long she would let me hold her.


I had to tease her about the change in her texts. After that first lunch, she started sending texts three or four times a day. They were always simple and friendly, but I don’t think she was using them as a crutch anymore. We started meeting for lunch once every two or three weeks. Lunch always ended with a hug, but she never held me as long as she did that first time.

Although we never spoke about it at the time, sexually speaking, I equated her with my co-workers. She was a good enough looking young woman, but she was twenty years younger that me, and we always kept things polite.

In all of that time, we had never spoken about motorcycles either. I am a bit of a fair-weather rider, and I have a fairly long commute. I won’t ride the Harley to work unless I am certain it will be sunny and warm the entire day. I have been caught in the rain, but not very often.

One day, she asked me to lunch. Of course, I agreed. I had ridden the bike, so at lunch time, I jumped on it and rode over to meet her. Her eyes got big when she saw me pull up, and she shyly asked for a ride. We ate a quick lunch, and then I took her for a twenty minute spin around town.

When I pulled up next to her car, she threw her arms around me and held me for a long time. I hugged her arms to my body and told her she was welcome. She laughed and made me promise not to tell her mother, which, of course, I teased her about.

She shrugged and half explained that she still lived with her mother, and sometimes her mother tries to be in charge. Her mother had not liked the last boyfriend she’d had because he drove a motorcycle. I warned her to stay away from guys like that.

She laughed and told me that it wasn’t a problem. She was focusing on education and career, and she didn’t have time for men. With that, she hugged me, and we both left to go back to work.

We had a fairly nice summer, and I was able to ride quite a bit. Two more times, I happened to have the bike when she asked me to lunch. Each time, we ate quickly, and then went for a spin around town. Both times, when I killed the engine to drop her off, she hugged me from behind for a longer time than I deserved. I kind of thought it was cute.


I held her and gently nibbled on her neck as her breathing slowed. Her breathing deepened, and I almost thought she fell asleep in my arms. I held her as long as I could, but the heat of the engine beneath us in the closed garage was getting to be too much. We needed to move, and I needed to see where we stood. We had just crossed a huge line, and I needed to see if we were going to apologize and pull back, or boldly keep running on this new path.

She took a sudden deep breath and pulled my hand from her panties. Holding my hand, she turned and rolled off the bike. She pulled my hand up and started licking my fingers as she also pulled me off the bike. She rolled her eyes in pleasure, and gave me a seductive smile.

“Wanna guess where I really want to find my flavors?” she teased. Her other hand stroked the bulge in my jeans. “I want you naked,” she commanded.

No hesitation. Well, slight hesitation. She found nakedness faster than I did, and I couldn’t stop myself from stopping to gawk at her. She accepted the flattery, and then stepped forward to make me finish. I got the distinct impression that she liked what she saw. Although, in the end, she did turn her attention back to the Harley.

“I wish we could get back on the bike,” she said. “The heat from the engine was too much.”

“It won’t be as bad, now that we’re naked,” I teased.

“Want to try something?”

Her eyes were big as she looked up at me and said, “I am yours for anything!”


We had a few nice days in a row, and she asked every day to see if I had ridden the Harley again. When I finally said yes, she asked for lunch and a ride again. Of course I agreed to meet her, and once again we ate quickly and then went for a spin around town.

When we got back to her car, she hugged me from behind again. This time, she held me longer than ever.

“Did you ever want to play a game that you knew was too dangerous to survive?” she asked quietly.

Her lips were right next to my ear, and I think that was the first time I allowed myself to entertain naughty thoughts about her. I had no idea what she was thinking, but in my imagination, she was about to make an intriguing proposition.

“There’s dangerous, and then there’s dangerous,” I teased back.

She continued to hold me as she considered my answer. She gave me a quick squeeze as she decided her next move.

“Enjoy your afternoon,” she said with another tight squeeze, and then she stood to get off the bike.

Just before she turned to hop off, she planted a biting kiss on my neck. It wasn’t just a quick taste either. She nibbled on my neck as goosebumps popped up on my arms. I tipped my head away to give her more skin. She made a funny squeak and then jumped off the bike and ran to her car.

She had a huge smile on her face, but she purposefully didn’t look back at me as she jumped in and sped away. I had to sit on the bike and breathe for several minutes before I felt it was safe for me to ride.

I resolved that I was going to have to talk with her about dangerous games.


I pulled her body to mine, and I kissed her hard. I grabbed her ass with both hands and lifted her from her feet. She made a funny squeak noise that I had heard before, and this time I recognized it as surprise and lust. She wrapped her legs around my hips, trapping my hard cock between us, and she kissed me with the same intensity that I had kissed her. She squeaked again as she felt our bodies sway as I took two steps to the bike.

Leaning forward, I eased her ass down side-saddle onto the seat of the Harley.

“Keep your legs up so you don’t get burned,” I warned.

Her only answer was to thrust her hand between our bodies to grab my cock. I eased back just a bit, she pushed my shaft into her folds, and I plunged deep into her. She cried out in need and we started thrusting together.

“Ride me!” she cried out. “Make my engine roar!”

I didn’t need to be told what to do, but I loved her enthusiasm.

Somehow, she managed to cling to me while leaning back to expose her breasts. She saw the lust in my eyes and she pulled my head to each of her nipples. I managed to continue thrusting into her as I teased each one to full hardness.

Suddenly, her breathing turned raspy and urgent. I increased the strength of my thrusts and brought my face back up to hers to kiss her. She pushed me away with a look like fear in her eyes.

“Stop, stop,” she cried, and I froze mid-stroke. The trembling of her body with my cock still inside of it made it impossible for me to ask what was wrong. She saw the worry in my eyes.

“Things were about to get messy all over the bike,” she explained. I think she was hoping I had a solution. I took a couple of breaths to regain control.

“You started a dangerous game, touching and teasing while we were riding,” I said. She struggled to figure out what I was getting at.

very slowly, I pulled my cock mostly out, and then slid it all the way back in. Her eyes actually closed as she struggled with the sensations she was feeling. At full penetration, I rolled my hips against her, and then slowly pulled half-way out. Her entire body trembled as she fought to keep from cumming.

When she realized that I had stopped again, she opened her eyes to question my actions.

“Why did you do that?” I asked. She looked lost. “Why did you start this dangerous game?” I asked.

Her eyes darted to the front of the bike and then back to mine.

“I always loved riding on my boyfriend’s Honda,” she said. “That never made me feel like I feel when I am behind you on this bike.”

Her eyes got big again as I rolled my hips again, They swept down to watch my cock withdraw and then push deep again. Her body trembled in need as I stirred her insides with my cock, and then pulled away again. When I stopped half way out, she looked up at me and smiled.

“So you couldn’t help yourself?” I teased, and she nodded. “And are you turned on for me or for the bike?” I asked, teasing her again.

Her eyes rolled halfway to the bike before she forced them back to my face and answered, “Both?”

I gave her a wry smile and a head shake as I did the slow withdrawal and thrust again. She looked up at me expectantly again when I stopped.

“Both?” I teased and she nodded. I nodded my head with her, and then said, “Then we both want to feel how messy we can make you be.”

As I saw her realize what I was saying, I jumped into motion and started thrusting hard and fast. She cried out but she also spurred me on with her heels. I caught her hair and tipped her head back to kiss her hard again.

“No,” she cried out urgently, possibly begging me to stop.

“Fuck!” she cried immediately after, certainly begging me to go faster.

I squeezed my hand in her hair, and she came explosively. She arched her body, pushing her hips into my driving cock. I couldn’t stop from dropping my face to her breast and biting her nipple. She cried out again, and her orgasm intensified.


Have you ever had one of those days where you just want to quit? I was having one of those.

The day started great. The weather looked to be fair all day, so I rode the Harley to work. Somehow, half way to work, a single cloud showed up and dropped pouring rain on me for five minutes. It happened so fast that I didn’t have time to stop and put on rain gear, so my clothes were soaked. By the time I got to work, I was almost dry, but I was chilled to the bone.

Then my boss pulled a fast one on a project that he had assigned to someone else, and he blamed me for the delays. By the time I had things sorted out, I was frustrated beyond measure. Although I had never done so before, I sent a text asking for a lunch date and ride. She didn’t answer right away.

Her reply was oddly to ask why. I gave her a quick summary of my morning, and I told her I was about to take a long lunch to go riding. She asked how long and I answered a couple of hours. Then there was a long pause.

Her answer was a street address in one of the towns nearby. I sent three question marks, and she replied that it was her day off. I shrugged and asked if she would be ready to ride at 11:30. She replied that she would.

She was waiting in front of the house when I pulled up. She was smartly dressed in riding clothes. It was warm enough that she put her jacket in the saddlebag on the bike. I did compliment her on her looks, and on her clothes. I had to tease her for how her shirt was a bit low-cut, and how you could see her bra straps. She laughed and jumped on the back of the Harley.

One of the things that I like about the area where I work is that there are a lot of hidden scenic byways. It looks like you are in the middle of suburbia, but a quick turn here and another turn there, and suddenly you are riding a scenic lane past horse farms and pastures. Another turn or two, and you are riding through a rich neighborhood of million dollar estates. It’s fun and relaxing at the same time.

She had no idea that half of those roads existed. She was smiling and pointing at sights and enjoying the ride as much as I was.

We had been riding for most of an hour when something changed. I didn’t even notice at first.

She had been riding on the back with her back against the backrest. Occasionally, she would lean forward or tap my shoulder as she pointed out something. I had slowed way down as we rode past a pasture where a colt was running circles around its mother. She slid forward to say tell me how happy she was, and she stayed against my back after that.

Shortly after that, we were riding a curvy road through some woods, and she got very squirmy back there. I didn’t know at the time, but I’m pretty sure that’s when she lost her bra. I never saw it later, so for all I know, it’s probably hanging on a branch or a mailbox on the roadside.

Not long after that, she leaned forward against me, pressing her breasts into my back, and she slid her hand over my shoulder and down into my shirt to tease my skin.

“We should head back to the house,” she breathed into my ear.

I couldn’t even speak as a thousand naughty thoughts jumped into my head. I nodded and briefly squeezed her leg with my free hand. I quickly plotted out the fastest route there, and gunned the engine.


She clung to me for dear life as the orgasm raged through her body. I slowed with her, and gently kissed her as she enjoyed herself.

Suddenly her body flexed against me, and she gave me a puzzled look as she intentionally rolled her hips to milk my cock.

“I wanted you to fill me,” she complained.

“I was too distracted, keeping us both from getting burned and trying not to tip the bike over,” I teased.

A smile spread across her face. “Tell me you were saving a treat for me,” she teased.

It was my turn to look puzzled, but she pushed me away. She quickly stood and turned me. She was nearly laughing as she pushed me to lean on the wet bike seat.

“I know I have never been that messy before,” she laughed. “You two are very good for me,” she added. She gave me a seductive smile again. “I told you where I wanted to taste my wetness,” she reminded me.

She moaned almost as loudly as I did as she swallowed my cock. We both moaned again as I thrust both of my hands into her hair. I let her do as she pleased, but we both liked the feeling that I could have forced to do my bidding as well.

Her technique was incredible, and in moments I could feel the pressure building. She had to have felt the swelling at the base of my cock.

Suddenly, she pulled back. Her eyes were hard with lust as she looked up at me.

“Make it messy!” she commanded.

Her eyes stayed on mine as she swallowed my cock again. Somehow, she managed to smile even though my surging cock was buried in her throat. I growled as I came, and she she moaned her appreciation.

She took every drop. When I was mostly done, she switched to licking her own juices from my balls and thighs while occasionally coming back to get another drop or two from my cock. I wanted to pull her up and hold her, but I didn’t want her to stop either.

When she eventually had finished licking every drop, she sat back on her heels and looked up at me thoughtfully. She took a deep breath and then swallowed deeply.

“So, how much trouble do you think we are in?” she asked.

“Trouble?” I asked, trying to shift gears back to the real world.

“My mother heard me talking to one of my friends about the effect of riding behind you, and she about went ballistic,” she said. “When I explained who you were, she went insane, warning me about dirty old men, and motorcycle hoodlums.”

We both smiled at her words. They weren’t exactly the truth about me, but they weren’t wrong either, and we both knew it.

She pursed her lips for a moment before she continued.

“Your bank records say that you’re married,” she stated. Her eyes were watching mine closely for my reaction.

I smiled as I said, “My wife was surprised when I told her I wasn’t trying to seduce you. She predicted that this would happen, but I didn’t believe her.”

“What?” she asked in surprise.

“We have an open marriage, and I have had a fling or two over the years. Most of the reason that it works is because we don’t have any secrets. She was mad when she first saw your chats on my phone, because she thought I was hiding something. When I explained how it came about, she understood.

“I told her how you hugged me after that first ride, and she teased that you can’t put a man and big vibrator between a woman’s legs and expect nothing to happen. When nothing really happened on the next couple of rides, I teased her that I was right that nothing was going to happen.”

I gave her an apologetic shrug.

“She thinks that you’re too young. Her biggest concern is that I don’t mislead you or break your heart.”

She stood and put her arms around my neck.

“I’m younger than you, but I’m not that young. I’m old enough and smart enough to know I’m not in love with you, although I’d love to do this again. Maybe after the next ride, we can make it to someplace soft, like a bed.”

She almost pulled me down for a kiss. Her eyebrows pressed together.

“My mom’s going to kill me!” she mused.

I started to laugh, and she gave me an angry look to ask why.

“Listen to you,” I teased. “‘I’m old enough to know better’ and then ‘my mom’s going to kill me’.”

She started to smile as I mimicked her voice and she realized that I was right. She reached up and caressed my face.

“You’ll still answer my texts?” she asked.

“Of course.”

She smiled. “Then I’ll feel safe, telling her the truth when she asks.”

She pressed her breasts into my chest as she kissed me. We both felt my body respond as my cock started to stiffen.

She pulled back and shook her head sadly.

“We probably need to get you cleaned up and back to work. Do you want to clean you bike, or leave it as a trophy?”

I pulled her close and kissed her again. I kneaded her ass and my cock grew harder still.

“I probably need to go back to work eventually,” I teased. “I’m very sure you need a trophy of your own. Didn’t you say something about a bed?”

The shocked look that she gave me was also full of lust as she realized she liked my idea. I wasn’t worried at all that my two hour lunch was about to stretch into a three hour lunch.


Published 8 years ago

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