Adam awoke late on Sunday with a large headache and remembered what he could of the previous night. He’d had lots of friends over, and the party had become an orgy of beer, overturned flower pots, broken bottles, and spilt glasses of overproof rum.
Adam tried to clear his head. The mob of the night before had been replaced by complete solitude; his stepmother was out in Calgary, and he was king of his own castle, at least until her expected return, which was at 3:00 pm. Adam looked at the clock and saw 2:45. This was rather inauspicious, as hours would be needed to clean up, and his stepmother would be most furious when she saw the state of the house.
It was a house that was new to Adam. His parents had divorced when he was very young. His father had remarried, and Adam had grown up with him and his stepmother in Toronto. Two years ago she had left his father and moved to Vancouver. Now, at the age of twenty, he had moved there to attend university, and so he was living with his stepmother Julia.
What could he do? He pondered a while and decided that lying in bed with the blankets over his head was probably the most reasonable way to handle this situation. Presently, he heard the key turn in the lock, and his heart began to thump. He wondered what was in store for him when he heard the click of her heels as she ascended the wooden stairs.
“Adam,” she cried, “come out here please.”
Adam was petrified with fear; he was unable to move. In a moment his stepmom would burst in, and that was just what she did. Julia stepped boldly into Adam’s room, up to his bed, and pulled off the blankets and sheets in one swift motion, revealing Adam in a rather pathetic state, clad only in boxer shorts.
Julia was an intelligent woman, who could usually keep her head in such situations, so she spoke to Adam in a strong firm voice: “I want you to get up and clean this outlandish mess, after which I shall tell you what consequences you will have to face. This clearly deserves a punishment that is fair, but even more so that is firm.”
Adam had no choice but to comply. He swept, washed, scoured, fumigated, and dusted the house from top to bottom. It took four hours, and he was tired, sweaty, dirty, and not quite recovered from the Saturday night revelry.
He went to the living room where his stepmother awaited him.
“You look utterly horrendous,” she said in a stern voice, “Get into the shower, wash, put on a dressing gown, and report to me.”
Adam did as he was told, with mounting trepidation in his heart as he considered what might be in store. In truth, he really had no idea, but his stepmom had emphasized that the punishment was to be firm.
Julia awaited Adam in the living room, seated on a chair in the middle of the floor. In her early forties, she was a comely woman, a lovely brunette with a curvaceous figure, large full breasts, luscious thighs, and a beautiful round bottom. She was wearing a light blue blouse and thin cotton slacks.
Adam entered the room and was commanded to remove the dressing gown. As he stood there in his shorts, Julia informed him of her decision.
“I have been considering what would be an appropriate punishment for such a transgression,” she said, “and given the immaturity you have shown, I have decided on a punishment fit for a child, namely that you will go over my lap and receive a good hard spanking.”
Adam trembled. He certainly wasn’t expecting this. He was twenty years old, an adult, and here he was about to be spanked by his stepmother! It was so humiliating, but he could see no way out of it. Julia was deadly serious. He just hoped she would let him keep his dignity intact and his boxer shorts on.
Julia had other ideas. She commanded Adam to stand at her right side and proceeded to pull down his shorts most unceremoniously. He stood totally naked in front of his stepmother, as she proceeded to inform him of her intentions.
“I see that I am going to have to deal with you as the child you are, and no chastisement has the beneficial effect of a nice solid spanking. Therefore, from now on, you will be subject to a spanking for any kind of misbehaviour or misdemeanour. It is my duty to impose this discipline on you.”
Adam was shocked. He stood fully exposed before his stepmother, and he was becoming aware that his penis was stiffening slightly. He wasn’t shocked and aware for long, however, for Julia took him firmly by the arm and pulled him down over her lap. Adam could just support himself with his hands and feet as his view of the carpet became clearer. He writhed a bit and tried to find a comfortable place for his penis, which was still active. Finally, he was able to find a spot pressed against her thigh, where it might also have room to grow. He lay there, bent over his stepmother’s lap, and awaited the spanking.
Julia might be harsh when necessary, but there was also lightness and humour in her heart. She sat looking at her stepson’s plump round bottom and chuckled.
“You really have a nice bum, Adam,” she said. “I might even get to enjoy disciplining you.” She gave his bottom a few light taps, making his cheeks jiggle, and added a few pinches. That put a smile on her face, but she again grew stern as she prepared to administer the spanking.
After a few more taps, Julia began in earnest. She was a strong woman, and her spanks were hard and heavy. She proceeded to redden Adam’s bottom from cheek to cheek, aiming some of her blows to the left or right, and some straight in the middle. In no time Adam’s whole bottom was a brilliant red, as his cheeks bounced and jiggled in every direction. Still, she kept up her spanking, and Adam began to moan. Eventually, she began to grow tired, and her bosom heaved while Adam squirmed about on her lap.
Julia paused and gently rubbed Adam’s bottom. Adam was breathing heavily and gasping for air. At first, he couldn’t believe how hard his stepmother was able to spank him; the pain was intense. But then he became aware of a sort of pleasure in the heavy sting, and although he had a feeling of intense pain, he was enjoying himself just a little bit.
As Julia paused, Adam felt her fondling his flaming bottom, and his penis began to grow again. He hoped she wouldn’t notice, but it just kept growing and was now pressed firmly into her thigh.
“Adam, are you getting an erection? ” Julia asked.
“How dare you get an erection when I’m spanking you!” bellowed Julia.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t help it. It just happened.”
Julia softened a bit. A young man can’t really help it if he gets an erection, can he, she thought. If he gets an erection, so be it. I can’t be prevented from giving him the discipline he so clearly needs. That’s just the way it is with young men: they need discipline, and they have a lot of erections.
Julia looked down at Adam’s now scarlet bottom. As she gently caressed it, she saw how red it was, and thought how painful it must be. As Adam wriggled about and gasped, she could feel his penis against her leg. That must be so embarrassing for the boy, she thought. Suddenly she was overwhelmed by a surge of pity. Adam had thoroughly deserved his spanking, and no doubt he would deserve others in the future, but now was the time to show him some mercy.
“Adam, would you get up and stand in front of me please.”
Adam got up, and Julia could not help but see how swollen his penis was, but she tried not to take any notice, so as not to embarrass Adam further. Adam on his part was as embarrassed as it was possible to be. To be stripped naked and spanked by his stepmother was bad enough, but now here he was getting up from her lap and standing in front of her with his erect penis in plain view, barely a metre away from her voluminous bosom. What would she think of this? Was some further punishment in the offing?
Julia, however, addressed him firmly but compassionately: “I think you understand why you needed this, and why it was my duty to administer such a punishment. There must be serious consequences for what you did, and I don’t think you have fully learned your lesson yet. From now on, any misbehaviour will result in a spanking like the one you just received. In fact, you can expect the next one to be even more severe, and I am always prepared to increase or add to any punishment I deem fit. Do you understand this Adam?”
“Good. Now go to the medicine cabinet in the bathroom, and you will find some cream that will help soothe your burning bottom.”
Adam went to the bathroom, his erect penis swaying and bouncing as he walked up the stairs. He found the cream and brought it back down to his stepmother. I’m really in for it, he thought. That was one hard spanking I just got, and now I know there will be more to come. Still, there was something pleasant about it.
Adam again stood before his stepmother naked and hard. She took him by the arm and pulled him down over her lap. Adam tried to find a comfortable spot for his erection and managed to guide his penis into the cleft between her legs. Julia shuffled her hips slightly, and this gave Adam a chance to thrust his erect penis into her warm enveloping thighs. He felt the smoothness of the thin cotton slacks as it slid in.
“Adam, what are you doing!” Julia cried. “This is punishment! You are not meant to be enjoying yourself! It seems that you haven’t been sufficiently spanked!”
And with that, Julia lit into her stepson’s poor bottom. With only her bare hand she rained smack after smack upon the hapless Adam. His bottom cheeks had no chance to be still as they jiggled and rippled unceasingly from the repeated force of her open-handed blows. Julia had warned Adam that the next spanking would be even more severe, and she lived up to her word.
Adam was experiencing a level of pain and pleasure he had never felt before. This last bout of spanking was much harder than the first two, and his bottom was on fire as if he had been sitting on a bed of coals. But his penis was still hard, and he found that if he just tried to raise his bottom up a little, his erection could slide between his stepmom’s thighs and rub against the cotton slacks pressed tight to her skin. He was beginning to sense an approaching orgasm, and he prayed that his stepmother would stop before his embarrassment and humiliation were magnified once again. Julia seemed to take no notice of this, however, being so focussed on administering the spanking.
Julia was completely absorbed in spanking Adam. She felt a thrill and a surge of adrenalin as she tried to cause him so much pain that he might be compelled to learn from his misbehaviour. She was aware that the thrill also came from the pleasure she was having striking Adam’s bottom cheeks, and seeing them fly in every direction. Adam certainly did have a nice bum, she thought; it was firm and muscular, yet covered with enough fat to give it a pleasing round shape, and a very nice bounce.
Just then Julia noticed that Adam was beginning to sob, and again a feeling of pity came over her. She ceased spanking Adam and tried to soothe him by rubbing and massaging his bottom. She had been almost in a trance during the spanking, and now, coming back to herself, she became aware of Adam’s erect penis between her thighs. She thought and decided that it was no cause for concern, that a man so young was prone to having erections for all sorts of reasons, and she also considered that Adam would be more comfortable with his penis tucked between her legs than pressed hard against her thigh.
“Okay, Adam, I think that will be enough,” she said as she rubbed Adam’s bottom in a circular motion. “I think you have learned your lesson, at least for the moment. I’m sure more discipline will be necessary in the future. I surely haven’t finished with you yet. Now let me relieve your pain a little.”
Julia took the cream and rubbed it into Adam’s bottom, making sure to cover each cheek thoroughly and taking care that it was absorbed by the sensitive red skin. She was very gentle, and Adam could sense that behind the punishment his stepmother really wanted the best for him, and to bring him up the right way.
“Okay, that’s all for now, Adam. I think we have had a good start to the new regime of discipline I intend to impose.”
“Yes, Julia,” Adam said, but his mind was on a personal task that he needed to perform. “I think I’ll be up to my bedroom now.”