Ainsely 13

"Ainsely's visited by her parents and has to conceal her promiscuous behavior."

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I left the front and back doors standing open with just the screens closed because it was so nice out. Carolyn just hollered out a hello and walked right in, leaving her stroller on the front stoop. Knowing she was bringing her two little hellions with her, I’d put up everything breakable before they arrived. “You never talk to me anymore,” she whined, as she hugged me hello.

“I’m sorry,” I told her. “I’m just so busy these days. Classes three days a week and the homework are keeping me busy, not to mention having to drive up to school and back on class days, not to mention having to get groceries and keep the house clean and laundry done—it’s about as much as I can handle.

“Is that so,” she winked at me conspiratorially. “I’m sure having to give Javon a ride every night doesn’t leave you much time to yourself, but I’m sure you’re okay with that.”

“C’mon Carolyn, he’s not here ever night. He is here a lot though, actually every other night and usually sometime over the weekends.”

“So isn’t Jack fed up with his shit yet?”

“Actually, Jack and Javon are getting along fine. I mean I know they both want me, and what girl wouldn’t like that? I don’t know if this is how it worked out for you, or for Maria for that matter, but I think we’re all figuring out how to do this. We’re kinda making up our own rules as we go,” I told her, ignoring her knowing smirk.

“Well, I’m glad you seem to have things under control.”

“Yeah, well it may look like that, but we’ll see if we survive this weekend with my parents coming in,” I told her with a shrug.

“That could be fun, baby, not to mention that parents usually pick up the tab and want to buy you things while they’re here! You oughta get your mental shopping list together.”

“Yeah, they are very generous with their little girl,” I admitted, mentally recalling how loving they were to me, always. “I try not to take advantage of that, though.”

“Yeah right, by taking a free ride to college?”

“That’s something my dad really wants for me, and I appreciate it. He wants me to be able to work and earn my own way in the future in case I need to.” I didn’t say it but it kind of creeped me out to know that he was thinking of Jack getting killed someplace overseas. Getting educated, trained, did appeal to me for the pure intellectual pleasure of it too. Hard to believe about a girl who’s so into her sensuality at the moment, I guess.

I did admit to her that, “I know they’re just missing us and wanting to see how the newlyweds are doing, but I can’t help feeling like they’re going to be spying on me. I mean, I guess they should. I’m not exactly walking the straight and narrow the way they brought me up to.”

“So what are you and your black boyfriend going to do while the folks are here? Introduce him and invite him to dance with your mother?

“My god, that would be so weird,” I told her with a grin. “Actually I think we’ve got it worked out pretty good. Javon doesn’t like it, but he’s going to stay out of the way, and Jack and I have talked about how to prevent any slip ups or accidental compromise.”

“Well good luck,” she told me. “Just be ready to think on your feet. Secrets have a nasty way of wiggling out from under the rock when you least expect it!”


“Thursday night is Javon’s,” she reminded me, though she didn’t need to. He’d already shown me some sexy thing he was going to use on her that night, since we stored that kind of thing in the trunk of the car. “He knows he has to be out of the way while they’re here, so he’s going to take me over to the airfield when they’re due to arrive and catch a ride back to the barracks after we leave. He just wants to see them, and I told him it would be okay to see them from afar.”

At the time, I didn’t see a problem with that, although both of us were about to find that we were justified in getting more and more nervous about being “caught” when her family and friends arrived. Thursday afternoon, I gave Brown the keys and told him to have fun with her. I expected to be back home later and would catch a ride with Mike. At the last moment, I teased him that she was probably going to fall asleep on him since I wore her out pretty good last night!

That afternoon was a busy one, but I was distracted by my thoughts, checking and rechecking our plans to make sure nothing about us and Javon got out during Ainsely’s parents’ visit. Occasionally I would daydream about the wonderful piece of ass my girl had become since she started studying sex under “Professor Brown.” But then, the event that would rattle us to the core went down.


We were laying in bed catching our breath. Javon had already fucked me twice and it wasn’t even 9:00 yet. My pussy was a stretched open cummy mess, but that’s the way Javon liked it! I liked the way I looked in this sexy little leather strap arrangement he brought for me to wear tonight.

It was like a broad leather strap around my neck and around my rib cage connected in back by a strip of leather with a handle on it. In the front, the collar and rib cage strips were connected by strips of leather that outlined my breasts and looked like a bra with no cups in it. I looked positively wicked in it, not to mention super sexy. Javon told me it was a ‘fuck harness’ made to keep me from bucking him off while he’s fucking me. Funny, but sexy, and you know I didn’t mind wearing it for him. Actually I kinda thought Jack would like it too. But when he came clomping up the steps and barging into the room, he seemed not to even notice it.

“They relieved the captain,” he announced with a serious expression. “He and his family are probably already gone. They’re shipping them out to some other post.” Our blank expression probably told him we didn’t know what that meant. “That’s army talk for fired him,” he clarified. I still wasn’t sure why that would be such a big deal to me, and to Javon, it seemed even less so.

“I still don’t know much about it, but the rumor is that tools have been missing from the company and they did an investigation of him to see if he was involved. They did a search of his home and found him and his wife with a couple of their black lovers in a compromising position. That could just be a rumor—it all seems a little too weird to be true, but the captain’s definitely fired and he’s definitely gone.”

Suddenly, we perked up with interest. Maria and her husband gone? She was the one who had it all together. They were the once that had the system figured out. “How about Mike and Carolyn? And Richard?” I asked him, the first thoughts that came to my mind.

“What’s this about tools?” Javon asked, immediately realizing he might be in some kind of trouble since he worked in the tool room.

“Look, I don’t know anything more yet. And frankly, I’m a little hesitant to ask too many questions. I have no idea what’s really going on and don’t want to make myself or any of us more visible. For now, I’m just worried we’re going to be of interest to the powers that be and we’d better be sure that we keep our noses clean and our mouths shut.

I started panicking. “Maybe you should go, baby,” I told Javon, very disappointed that the night of hot sex with him I was anticipating was suddenly overtaken by events.

“No,” Jack interrupted mid thought. “Don’t do anything out of the usual pattern. I think the best thing to do is stay with the routine we’re in and watch and listen until we know better what’s going on. Drastic changes in behavior of any type will only attract attention. Not what we want. Right, Javon?” I looked at him. He nodded in agreement with Jack. Great, I thought. It’s going to be hard to forget about this and enjoy the night together now.

Jack went in and took a shower, then bunked in the guest room, leaving Javon and I to have our evening together. But all we did was lay there naked, side by side, staring at the ceiling and wondering what might happen, swerving often to the worst of possibilities. Oh he tried, fingering me, sucking on my breast, sucking hickeys on my neck, but I was just too preoccupied. Maybe even a little fearful. I should have fallen asleep. After all Jack had put me through it the night before and Javon had already taken me to heaven and back. But all I could do was lay there and worry. The fact that my mother was coming tomorrow didn’t help me calm down at all.


I wasn’t sure it it was the worst idea for me to leave after her husband barged in on us last night. After that announcement, my hot to trot little piece of ass got all withdrawn and unresponsive. I’d never seen her like that. Scary. Still laying naked beside the white man’s beautiful wife all night long, touching and stroking her creamy white skin at will, now that’s something you don’t just get up and walk away from. Besides, I told myself, I love her and this is the time to prove it.

We slept late and ate together. Then I helped her clean up the place a little so it would be presentable for her parents.

And more important, so no traces of our ‘situation’ would be accidentally stumbled upon. They were due to land at about 1:00 or so, which is when I pulled the light blue compact into the airfield parking lot with Ainsely in the passenger seat, all nicely dressed for parental inspection. “I hope this blouse and the makeup cover all the hickeys,” she worried out loud. “Sometimes I wish you weren’t so rough with me.”

“You know you love it, babe,” I grinned at her. “Remember to be confident. They have no reason to believe their little girl is anything but a perfect Southern wife. And besides, if anyone notices hickeys, I think Jack can take the blame.” Ainsely giggled at that.

I didn’t know one small plane from another, but had the feeling that the one I saw sitting by the terminal with two older couples unloading their bags was the one we were there for. Hoping nobody noticed me and Ainsely arriving together, I handed her the keys and ducked away from the car over to the fire station. They always had up to date fire extinguishers and I was supposed to be checking on getting some for our motor pool buildings. Anyway, it was a great smoke screen. From the open bay, I could see Ainsely walking toward the terminal, then breaking into a girlish run to hug her mom and dad as they left the airplane.

The older man tying down the plane and talking to the fuel truck crew that was gassing it up kept looking over in my direction. I was hoping against hope that he hadn’t seen us together. I kept ducking behind the trucks, staying out of his line of vision while waiting for them to leave. Ainsely was holding one of their bags and they had the rest as the walked over to her car, stuffed the trunk full, then all sardined in for the drive to their hotel off post. I caught a ride back to the company area after they were well gone. I was kind of down. I wasn’t supposed to see her, or especially be seen with her, until they were gone. I understood, but I really hated the idea.


“Jack’s really sorry he can’t be here,” I apologized for about the tenth time. “This inspection coming up has them all working around the clock almost.” Both her dad and Burton nodded, understanding the situation from their own military experience. The ladies, however, were less forgiving.

“Now Ainsely, dear, you’re going to just have to insist that boy learn to behave like gentleman. One doesn’t just show one’s elders this kind of indifference,” Maggie declared, my mom nodding in apparent agreement.

“I’ll try, Mom,” I said directly to my mother, trying to gently show Maggie it wasn’t her position to interfere.

“Listen, missy, I’m not your mother, but I just as well might be, and you’ll do well to be respectful, you ken?” My mom rolled her eyes, used to Maggie’s pushy behavior. She clearly had no desire to get into it.

“Yes Ma’am,” I deferred, trying to duck the first confrontation of a potentially very looooong weekend.

I waited in the hotel lobby for them to settle in their rooms and meet me for a drink in the lounge. Burton came down first, and as usual, gave me a big hug and a kiss on the mouth. I did my best to pull away without being too obvious. He just laughed at my reluctance. “Still stuck up as ever,” he teased me.

Well known in our town as a major pussy hound, he’d been hugging and kissing me and all the other girls who knew his daughters as long as we could remember. I’d put him in his place more than once but he just never stopped, and no one seemed to have the strength or courage to shut him down, least of all my parents who were long time friends.

Thankfully my parents came out of the elevator a moment later to rescue me. We all took a table in the lounge and ordered drinks while waiting for the perennially late Maggie. We’d all finished a drink when she made her entrance, complaining from the moment she was in earshot.

“That’s three of them I’ve seen so far,” she groused. Mom asked her three what. “Why white girls with blacks. I mean it’s an absolute disgrace! You wouldn’t see that back home. What are these girls thinking? They’ll have no respectable life at all if they keep up this nonsense. Why thank you dear,” she smiled at Burton as he handed her a rum and coke. I did my best to keep an even countenance and not crawl under the table with embarrassment like I wanted to. My mom made a half-hearted effort to contradict her pointing out that times were changing, but got pretty much ignored for the effort.

“I think it must be a lot worse than anyone suspects,” Burton picked up the conversation. “The men gassing up the plane were talking about some officer on post here who’s wife has been playing around with some black guy. Must be a pretty lax atmosphere around here if some officer’s wife is doing it.” Maggie launched again about what a disgrace it was and told my mom she shouldn’t have let me move out here to this low-class part of the country.

I did my best to be charming or at least pleasant throughout the dinner, wishing Jack would hurry up and get here. Before he condescended to arrive and save me, my dad and mom grilled me on my college classes and courses I was picking, emphasizing over and over again how important it was for me to be educated even though I was married. I felt like I was totally on display for evaluation the whole time, so it was so great to relax a little when Jack finally joined us and all the conversation shifted to him. What’s he doing in his job, how are his career plans going, all that. It was nice to recede into the background for a few moments.

Fortunately, Jack charmed Maggie to the point she forgave him for joining us so late, but by the time we were leaving to take Burton to pick up a rental car, they’d decided it was too late to come by our apartment to see it. That meant they’d have their own wheels and take some of the pressure off of us. I was glad to get Burton out of the car since I was stuck in the middle between him and my husband, his hip against mine and his arm around me, talking about us like kids and making these off color references to newlywed sex. When we finally got home, Jack and I looked at each other and sighed. “So far so good.”


I left early the next morning to get to work. With the IG coming we were working over the weekend and everyone was expected to be there. The new captain who’d been brought in to replace our relieved one was young and hell bent to ‘straighten us out.’ It was not a pleasant time.

Javon caught up with me mid-morning sometime. “How’s it going with the parents, LT,” he asked me. I told him I thought okay, but Ainsely was the only one who’d know anything because she was with them all the time. “You know, I have been over there on the weekends for some time now without anyone finding out. I know we agreed I’d stay away, but I’d like to come by to see her tonight or tomorrow night. Late. After everyone’s back home.” It wasn’t really a request. He was just telling me what he wants. I told him I thought it was pretty risky because we never knew when they might show up at our place, but since they’re all older, they probably will be in bed early.


The next couple of days were a real trial. Burton and my dad went up to Churchill Downs to make the connections and arrangments, that was the reason for his trip. They spent most of the day up there and had dinner up there, so they didn’t get back late. That left me to ride around in our little car with my mom and Maggie. Fortunately, the visit was as lucrative for me as Carolyn had predicted. Mom bought me a lot of new clothes, mostly deferring to my tastes, but I had to do battle with her and Maggie both over some of the shorter skirts that I wanted. I eventually just stopped showing them what I was getting and hustled it through the checkout.

Now I’m not a horny girl, but being used to as much sex as I had been for the past couple of months, I was missing Javon and Jack, especially given the judgemental company I was with. That and the two of them chattering away as though I wasn’t there except when they were telling me I shouldn’t eat as much or that it might not hurt to skip dessert. Luckily I didn’t have to lie about our ‘situation’ anymore. It just didn’t seem to come up. Two days of this were enough for me.

Jack and I had dinner with them Sunday night, and that seemed to go pretty well. I was glad they’d be flying out Monday morning, even if I did have to get up early enough to help Burton drop off the rental car, then take them all to the airfield. We parted that evening calm and friendly, due in no small measure to the fact that all three of them had enjoyed a few drinks and wine with dinner.

We had just pulled out of the hotel parking lot when Jack said, “Javon wants to come over tonight. Actually, he wanted to come over last night too. Seems the boy can’t make it very long without some white girl pussy.” Even knowing I had class tomorrow after dropping off my parents, and that I should be doing homework and sleeping, hearing that thrilled me.

And that thrill turned to rapture when we pulled up in front of the house. The front door was open. Javon had his own key and was standing in the door waiting for us.


Published 8 years ago

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