
""Lance" Got His Nickname For A Reason"

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“Uh, hey there!” Lance called, walking up to Melanny and extending his hand. “You’re new here, right?” The girl turned around from opening her locker, shook his hand and gave him a smile.

“Yeah, that’s right. Your name was… Hugo, right?” They’d had a class earlier that day.

“Well, yeah, but most people call me Lance.”

“My name is Melanny,” she replied; though he’d already heard it earlier. “So why do they call you Lance?”

“Oh, well, you know;” Lance replied, blushing a little, “It’s just one of those things that gets picked up over ti-”

“IT’S CUZ OF HIS DICK!” The boy put his hand to his forehead as Felicia started waltzing down the hallway toward them, grinning broadly. With her cute face and small stature, you might have thought she was quite the innocent; if it wasn’t for the rest of her appearance.

She wore a small, unintuitive white crop sweater over her sizable breasts; in addition to a short belt-like white skirt. Lance, along with most everyone else that looked at her, could tell that she was wearing her favorite set of bra and panties; which was none.

“Yeah, he’s the biggest I’ve ever seen,” The tiny redhead stated chipperly. “And that’s saying something. We measured it-”

“You measured it. I wanted no part in that.”

“Yeah, yeah yeah,” she babbled, shushing him with a wave of her hand. “Anyway, I measured it.” She slipped behind Lance, pressed her tits against his back and reached her hand down to grab his cock; which was straining against his pant leg. “Sixteen inches long; and he’s seven around!” As she roughly grabbed his length with her tiny, velvet soft hands, he felt himself get hard as a rock. He wore baggy pants specifically to try and hide his dick; but now it was obviously evident against his leg. It almost reached his knee.

Everyone in the hallway, Melanny included, was staring at Lance’s cock. Felicia tittered, and then gave the air a nice long sniff. Her emerald eyes locked onto a nearby girl; she was named Kellsey, and Lance knew she was a very innocent and sheltered kind of person. Felicia had a mischievous grin on her face as she slowly walked over to the young black haired woman.

“Aaah!” Kellsey cried as Felicia slipped a hand under her long, modest skirt. The diminutive imp raised a dripping hand to her mouth and licked it sensuously.

“You’re absolutely soaked,” she said, smiling. Kellsey collapsed to her knees clutching her crotch; which brought her to eye-level with Lance’s raging erection.

“Hey, are you okay, Kellsey?” Lance asked, stepping towards her. Her face seemed vacant; eyes wide, jaw slack. She very slowly started to lean in closer to Lance’s pant leg. “Uhm, Kellsey…” Lance continued. And then suddenly Felicia shoved her against the boy’s cock.

The poor girl opener her mouth in shock, but didn’t have a chance to make a noise before it was suddenly wrapped around Lance’s massive bulge. There was a long, tense moment; Felicia grinning satanically, Melanny covering her mouth, Lance feeling a conflicting mix of pleasure and horror, and Kellsey lost in what seemed like absolute bliss.

Lance tried to back away, but Kellsey clung with her lips. He had to  shove her off in the end; she was stronger than she looked. Then he and Melanny helped her to her feet; she had a vacant, dreamy expression of joy on her face, almost like she’d been drugged.

“Kellsey?” Melanny asked. She didn’t reply. “Hey, are you okay?”

“Wha? Oh! Yeah.” She still had that happy, euphoric look.

“Are you sure?” Lance asked.

“Mmm-hmm.” The bell rang, warning them to start heading to class.

“Oh, before I forget!” Felicia pulled out a pair of cards. She slipped one first into Kellsey’s cleavage, and the other into Melanny’s. “I see why they call you MELON-y,” she said with a giggle, giving the new girl’s massive tits a caress. The redhead laughed and ran off, leaving two violently blushing victims and a dazed Kellsey.

“What the hell even is this?” Melanny asked, fishing out the card. “Oh. Contact information.” She slipped it into her pocket before turning to Kellsey. “Class is starting; you gotta go, remember?” Some clarity returned to Kellsey’s face, and she nodded before stumbling off to class. “I’ll, ah. See you around, Lance.” Melanny flashed him an awkward smile before rushing off. The boy was left confused and worried. He headed down to the nurse; he’d fake a headache until his erection went down.


“~I’m glad you all followed my instruction and texted me your numbers!~” It was a group text sent to Lance, Melanny and Kellsey from Felicia.

“What instructions?” Lance asked. It was five minutes to the end of his last class. Luckily the lesson was over, and everyone was just relaxing.

“They were on those cards, silly. And you didn’t need one; we already had each others numbers.” Lance sighed. She’d muscled it out of him a long while back. “Anywho; all of you meet me in the band hallway, after school!!!”

“Where’s the band hallway?” Melanny asked.

“It’s behind the stairwell close to the east exit,” Felicia explained. “Go to the office, face the front door, then turn left and go straight down the hallway on the other side of the lobby. It’s the first stairwell on the right!”

“Thanks,” Melanny replied.

“Can I expect to see you all there?” The redhead texted. Lance really wanted to say no; but Kellsey immediately replied “Definitely!” and Melanny followed up with “Sure. :)”

“I’ll be there,” Lance said. He wanted to hang out with Melanny a bit; she seemed nice, as did Kellsey. But even more than that he didn’t want to leave them both in the hands of Felicia alone.

“Yay! :D” Felicia responded. “Don’t worry; it’ll be reeeeal fun. ;)” Lance was used to Felicia’s kind of ‘Fun.’ This would be…well. Interesting, to say the least.


Lance waited outside the band hallway for the others. His class had been really nearby, so he was the first to arrive. Kellsey showed up next; she blushed and smiled when she saw him. She came uncomfortably close to him, and put her head on his shoulder. Despite how awkward it was, it was also kind of cute.

“Hey guys,” Melanny said, walking up to them. “Are you guys…?”

“I barely know her,” Lance explained quickly. “And she never acted like this before today.” Kellsey lazily wrapped an arm around Lance, giving a happy giggle as she did and nuzzling his cheek.

“She’s like a puppy,” Melanny said, laughing a little.

“Yeah,” Felicia agreed, appearing behind them all; from the band hallway itself. “A hot little sex puppy.” She paused. “You know, that sounded way better in my head. Like, seductive and shit and not just…vaguely weird and creepy.” She shrugged. “Anyway, come on!” She exited the stairwell and headed towards the door.

“Uhm, I thought we were going to be doing… whatever… here in the school,” Melanny asked. “Like, in the band hallway. Where are you going.”

“Oh, the bang hallway? Too easy; everyone has sex there. Nah, we’re going to the woods!”

“But why out there?” Lance asked.

“I got a place out there,” Felicia explained, winking. “Come on!”


Felicia caught her younger sister and made her take her backpack, so she wouldn’t have to carry it all the way out and back. The small procession made a beeline for the nearby woods. They were thick and dark and largely unexplored; Lance hadn’t heard about any paths that led into it.

All that had been about a half hour ago. Felicia had walked with them for most of the time, but now was using an… alternative method of travel.

“ONWARD, NOBLE STEED!” Felicia squealed happily. Lance sighed. His pants and underwear were currently thrown over his shoulder; his massive organ thrust out before him. Due to her short legs, and Lance’s very long ones, the diminutive slut was able to ride on his gigantic cock like a lewd hobby horse. Her cute little ass was pushed up against his stomach, while her two tiny hands were wrapped around his shaft for balance.

“Doesn’t that hurt?” Melanny asked.

“She doesn’t weigh a thing,” Lance replied. “Like, if I didn’t know better I’d think she was anorexic or something.” In reality, Felicia ate all the time, in huge amounts.

“Okay, right over there!” Felicia stated, jumping off his dick and hurrying through the trees. As they got closer they noticed a little cabin that could only be described as garish. It was sloppily painted a mixture of neon green, bright red, purple, and a dozen other colors, and splashed on haphazardly; it was like some old hippie cottage, except the hippies must have all been simultaneously having seizures while they painted it.

The inside wasn’t any better; a rainbow shag carpet the covered the entire floor, but was too big and so it crawled up the wall a bit in the corner; painted wooden studs instead of a ceiling and walls (they were painted in alternating colors, so one was purple, one red, etc.), and an absolutely massive bed that took up the entire area, which had sheets themed after a death metal band.

“Mmm, come and sit down Lance,” Felicia said, indicating the bed. Hugo obliged her, taking a seat on the soft mattress. His dick pointed straight up in front of him. Felicia gestured for the other two to join her; Melanny was a bit hesitant, but Kellsey rushed over immediately. Somehow her dazed, dizzy state had never worn off. Melanny followed after her. Felicia, followed by the other two, then knelt down in front of his gigantic erection. Lance looked in awe at all of them.

There was Felicia, of course. Big D Cups pressed against her tight little sweater; an impish grin on her face and bright red hair kept in a short pixie cut. She had a vibrant pink color to her face.

Then, Kellsey. Innocent, with a soft round visage; slightly smaller tits but still sizable. Long, dark black hair and a simple white shirt. Sheltered, but earnest. Her skin porcelain pale.

And then Melanny. Flowing brown hair tied in a ponytail, beautiful face with high cheekbones; the most nervous one as well. Beautiful light dark skin tone; more olive than brown. And her most prominent feature, that really blew the other two out of the water; her chest. She had giant beautiful tits, fighting to get out of her dark blue sweater. If Lance could have gotten harder, he would have just from glancing at those magnificent mammaries.

“Well, let’s get the party started, eh?” Felicia said at long last. She slowly licked from Hugo’s balls all the way up to his head, before swirling around his glans. All the while her amazing blue eyes stared right into Lance’s own; he shuddered.

Kellsey wouldn’t be kept waiting. While Felicia licked another part of Lance’s shaft, she leaned in and put her lips around his head; suckling like a newborn. Her light brown eyes stared up at Hugo’s, wide and vacant. After a moment, she started to sink down along his shaft. When she made it a quarter of the way, Hugo was impressed. When she got to halfway he was surprised. At three quarters he started to get worried for her; and he became absolutely amazed when she took him all the way to the hilt and sucked his balls into his mouth as well.

“Woo!” Felicia exclaimed. “Have you done this a lot?” Kellsey came up for air. She hadn’t gagged or choked in the least. She hadn’t even looked uncomfortable.

“That’s my first time actually,” she said sheepishly, blushing and smiling at the ground. Felicia scoffed.

“I can do just as well,” she insisted. “Watch this.” She opened her mouth wide. It always seemed mildly terrifying to Lance; like a snake unhinging its jaw. Then she pounced on his dick, swallowing him to the base in mere moments. After that she bobbed up and down, keeping eye contact the entire time before popping off. “See?” She turned to Melanny. “Your turn!”

“Oh! Uhm, well I’ve not really done this before…”

“Neither has Kellsey,” Felicia reminded her. “Come on.”

“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to,” Lance said, giving Felicia an angry glance. Melanny hesitated a moment.

“Eh, it’s fine, really. I’ll do it too. It’s only fair I guess.” While Felicia cheered her on and Kellsey clapped, Melanny did her best to fit the massive python into her mouth and down her throat. She got about a quarter of the way before she began gagging and choking; and she pulled back, shaking her head a bit but smiling. “Sorry,” she apologized.

“No need, Lance replied. “These two are crazy, after all.” Felicia pouted at that, but Kellsey didn’t seem to mind.

“Alright alright, on to the fun bit,” Felicia said with a smile. “I’ll suck. Kellsey, you’re on ball duty; Melanny, you lick his shaft.” With that, Felicia wrapped her soft, pillowy DSLs around his fat cock, while Melanny started to lick up and down his shaft.

He Felicia licked and slurped his banjo string while she bobbed up and down on his dick; while Melanny did her best to keep up, bathing the lower half of his cock with her velvet soft tongue. Kellsey’s small mouth was doing it’s best to pleasure his smooth, aching balls; alternating between a happy tongue bath and strong sucking. There wasn’t a single inch of Lance’s raging member that wasn’t being carefully caressed by these gorgeous girls.

And their eyes! Three sets of stunningly beautiful eyes peered over (and around, in Kellsey’s case) his gargantuan organ; one set fiery and mischievous, another innocent and dreamy, and yet another that was nervous but committed. As they worked their gentle ministrations on his cock, Lance felt his balls start boiling; Felicia immediately recognized the warning signs, and locked her lips right around his head; sucking as strong as he could while flicking his bano string with her tongue. Hugo grunted as his balls emptied themselves into the redhead’s skillful mouth, while the other two continued to lick and suckle at his shaft and balls.

“Not fair!” Kellsey whined, turning to Felicia. She pushed the smaller girl off of Lance’s dick and desperately tried to lap up some of the cum from the tip. Finding none there, she turned to the redhead, grabbed her, and shoved her tongue into her mouth. Felicia squealed in surprise and then ecstasy as she was pulled into the rough kiss. Kellsey was just focused on the cum in Felicia’s mouth; but Felicia started to caress and fondle the innocent girl, slipping one  hand into her shirt and another up and under her modest black skirt. Now it was Kellsey’s turn to squeal as the two started to roll on the floor, kissing, moaning and caressing.

Lance helped Melanny to her feet, and calmly pulled her into a sensual kiss. She seemed slightly surprised at first; but soon gladly acquiesced. Hugo, who was a fairly skilled kisser, guided and caressed her tongue and lips with his own; she was naive and a bit clumsy but soon fell into the rhythm. The boy reached down and lifted up Melanny’s blue sweater, shortly breaking the kiss to pull it over her head. She wasn’t wearing a particularly sexy bra; but Hugo didn’t care. He unclasped it without a problem, and moved his lips from her mouth to her sizable nipples.

“Aaaah,” Melanny moaned, running her fingers through Lance’s short brown hair. He’d had plenty of practice on Felicia and some of her friends; he knew just where all the most sensitive spots were. Melanny writhed and moaned in his lap, her wet pussy rubbing against his hard cock through her leggings.

“Lance,” she pleaded. “Please.”

“Please what?” he asked teasingly, before going back to work on her nipple. She blushed harder than she already was.

“F-fuck me,” she said quietly.

“I don’t think I caught that,” Hugo teased, once again detaching himself from her tit.

“F-fu-FUCK OH MY SWEET FUCKING JESUS HOLY SHIT!” At that moment, Felicia had snuck up underneath them, slipped Melanny’s leggings and panties down, and pushed her onto Hugo’s massive cock.

“You alright, Melons?” Felicia asked, poking her head over the girl’s shoulder.

“FUUUUUCK!” Melanny screamed as Lance shoved into her.

“You want me to stop?” Lance asked.

“SHIT, NO! THIS IS FUCKING AMA-AAAAAAH HOLY SHIT!” Her cunt spasmed around Hugo’s hard cock as she had an intense orgasm.

“At a girl!” Felicia exclaimed. “But don’t hog all the fun to yourself! Come over here, Kellsey girl.” Felicia pushed Lance back and helped Kellsey up onto the bed, and put her (now bare) pussy right over his mouth. It was sopping wet.

“I’ve volunteered to, out of the kindness of my own heart, be on ball duty,” Felicia informed them. “For now, at least. Alright, Kells, you kiss Melanny like so; and now just lower yourself down, and-perfect!” Hugo had his face buried in Kellsey’s pussy, who was kissing Melanny passionately; who, in turn, rode Hugo’s cock. Felicia, in the meantime, knelt down and started carefully licking Hugo’s sack.

This overload of information left Hugo reeling, leaving him with nothing left to do but dedicate himself to pleasuring Kellsey and thrusting into Melanny. He barely noticed when the girls switched, Felicia impaling herself on his cock while Melanny sat on his face and Kellsey licked and slurped at his balls. About ten minutes after the second switch Lance had just enough thought process to notice a new sensation; a boiling in his balls. He groaned as quite suddenly he exploded into Kellsey as she moaned and squirmed atop his massive dick, spasming and twitching.

Soon they had all laid down, sweaty and exhausted, on the bed. Lance suddenly remembered his parents, and texted to them that he and Felicia we’re hanging out, and that he’d be home as soon as he could. The others did the same, before all of them passed out together on the bed, cuddling in a massive bunch of wet, sex covered arms and legs.


Published 8 years ago

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