The Shieldmaidens Part 1

"Hilde and her friend sets out to conquer the world."

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The snow and sleet bit into my face as I circled Sigrid. She was hunkered down in a defensive position, her shield covering her chest and only her eyes were visible. She held her sword to the side and as she waited for me to attack she winked.

“Hilde, stop messing around, and do something,” said Rolf, our instructor.

He was a big man, broad shoulders, tall and with thighs like tree trunks. He stood a few feet from us together with the other Shieldmaidens in training.

There were twenty of us, from the richest families in the village. After the last unsuccessful raid on the Vandals, we had lost many men, and our king had decided to increase his warriors by training women. At first, I didn’t want to, but Sigrid and her parents had talked me into it. After my parents died of an illness when I was a child Sigrid’s parents had taken me in.

I lunged attacking, coming hard at Sigrid. Pushing her shield to the side, I stabbed at her center mass. She was faster and blocked me and at the same time swung around and came at me with a vicious backhanded blow that caught me on the shoulder.

I was stunned and dropped my guard which she took advantage of by elbowing me in my chest so hard I fell back on my ass and dropped my sword. In an instance she was sitting on my chest, my arms pinned down by her legs and her wooden sword against my exposed throat.

“You are dead, bitch,” she hissed.

Rolf came forward and pulled her off me and shoved her back. Then he helped me up, and I wiped off the snow and mud from my tunic and picked up my sword.

“Well done, Sigrid. But you, Hilde, you made a mistake that would have cost you your life.”

I sighed and nodded. “I know, I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry, that won’t save your life. Fight smarter, with your head, not with your muscles.”

He turned to the other girls and said, “Make this be a lesson. Hilde lost because she was angry, and lost control. Class is finished, go back to the village.”


As we trudged through the dense forest from the training area, Sigrid walked next to me.

“Are you okay?” she said.

I rubbed my chest where I knew a bruise would be showing soon. “Yeah, it was my fault.”

The snow was deep, and we almost lost our balance, but the regained it by grabbing on to branches of the fir trees growing all around us. I looked over at the other girls making their way down the steep slope and noted that a few of them had fallen down.

A few minutes later the trees ended, and we walked out onto an open field. A few hundred yards ahead of us was the village and beyond it the sea.

“Run,” shouted Rolf and we all took off in a sprint across the snow covered field. Because of the deep snow by the time we arrived at the outer houses, we were all breathing hard, and we leaned against the houses catching our breaths.

Our training had started a month before when the ground was hard with frost and ice. Now since spring was in the air, the snow had melted but then came back again. Our King wanted us to be ready when the first flowers were seen and then we would sail northeast to a river that scouts had found the previous summer. The king thought it would be a good place to raid since the people living there were simple and easy prey. The land was called Rus, I had heard, and I was excited to go there and make my mark.

“I need drink and food,” said Sigrid and grabbed my arm.

We made the short walk to her parents’ house, and when we walked into the warm and smoke filled house, I dropped my shield and sword on the ground and almost fell into my bed. I was exhausted. Sigrid seemed fine, which always amazed me. She was so much stronger than I even though I was a year older. Where I was short and sinewy, she was tall and voluptuous. The men often gave her lustful looks, but a glare from her ice blue eyes made them turn around. Not many men looked at me, which was fine. I had no desire for them anyway. My eyes were on Sigrid, but I was too ashamed to let my feelings be known to her.

The Thrall Kevin came up to me as I moaned in my bed, my chest still hurt, and as I opened my tunic and looked down, I saw my skin was blue where Sigrid had hit me.

“Mistress, would you like food and drink?” Kevin asked.

He was a Brit slave that Sigrid’s father had traded for with the Danish Vikings. He was a boy about my age with red hair and white skin. He was kind and never caused problems. Sigrid and I would make him touch his cock until he squirted his milk just so we could laugh at his facial expressions. His eyes would become slits and his mouth an O as his body tensed.

“Yes, some beer and a bit of meat.”

“Shouldn’t you have vegetables also?”

He always worried about my health. “No.”

When he had gone, I took off the rest of my clothes. Even though it was snowing outside the inside was warm from the open fire burning in the center of the dwelling. Sigrid parents must be out because I didn’t see them.

The house had a large central room where the fire burned, and most of the cooking was done. Then to the sides were three smaller rooms for me, Sigrid and her parents. Kevin slept on the floor by the fire so he could tend to it. Poor boy if it went out during the night, Sigrid’s father would whip him bloody if it did.

“How’s the bruise,” said Sigrid and sat down next to me.

“I’m fine, it’s nothing.”

She put her warm hand on it, and in doing so, her fingers almost touched my left nipple. Her skin against mine made it hard and I looked away, ashamed.

“What?” she said.


Then her hand moved, so she cupped my boob. “Does this make you nervous?”

“Please stop,” I whispered.

“I thought you would like it.”

“Of course not, why would I?”

“Because I think you like me.”

“No, I don’t like women, I like men.”

She laughed and let go. “Right, if you say so.”

She left and went back to her room, and when she was gone, I sighed. She was right, I had loved her touch, but there was no way I would tell her that. If anyone found out, I would be taken off the training, and my chances to seeing the world would be gone. I would end up staying in the house and doing house chores with Sigrid’s mother.


The weeks and months past and as spring came to the village it woke up from its winter slumber. We Shieldmaidens had become a tough fighting force under Rolf’s tutelage, and I could hold my ground against Sigrid with any weapon, sword, spear or bow. She was stronger than I so she could throw the spear further, but my aim was better.

One day Sigrid and I were standing down at the quay watching the boat builders working on the last details for our long journey.

The ships were magnificent pieces of art. Long and narrow with detailed dragon heads at the bow. Inside there were hooks on the sides where we could hang our shields. There was space for ten oarsmen on either side, and if the sail was used at the same time, the ship could reach impressive speeds. We had seen it during the first sea trials a week before.

“Are you ready?” said Sigrid and put her arm around my shoulder.

“For the adventure, you bet I am. I am so ready to get out of here I can hardly wait. I might even steal a boat and go on ahead.”

She laughed and pulled me closer. “Let’s go and have some fun with Kevin.”

When we walked into the house Sigrid’s mother was sitting by the fire fixing one of her husband’s shirts.

“Hi, girls, where have you been?”

“Watching the ships, and they are amazing,” said Sigrid.

“You must be very excited?”

I sat down next to her and reached for a cup with I filled with beer. “Yes, I can’t wait.”

“Thor will be watching over you, he is a good God, and will take care of my precious daughters.”

Sigrid looked around the dwelling before saying, “Where is Kevin?”

“Oh, that poor boy, are you going to make him suffer again?”

I giggled. “What do you mean?”

She put down the shirt. “Girls, I know and so does your father what you make that boy do for your amusement. I understand that it is fun, but he suffers greatly.”

“It doesn’t look like it, in fact, he seems to enjoy it as much as us,” said Sigrid.

“Men doesn’t want to please themselves, they want a woman to stick their tool into.”

“It won’t be in me,” I said quickly.

“Why not? One day you will be married and having a thrall please you before will not hinder marriage. I had many before I met your father.”

“Mother!” yelped Sigrid.

“What, I am a woman, and I had needs too, you know?”

“Where is he?” I said.

“In the back, fixing a broken plank.”

We found him kneeling on the floor a hammer in one hand and a nail in the other. We watched while he finished what he was doing and when he stood up, he jumped when he saw us.

“Mistresses, you scared me. You are so silent these days.”

“Kevin, we want to watch you.”

His face blushed, and he looked away. “Must I?”

I took him by the arm and lead him away from the wall. “Yes, you must.”

“Fine, what room?”

“Mine,” said Sigrid.

When we passed her mother she gave us a look of disapproval, but we ignored her and closed the drape to Sigrid room.

“Take off your clothes and lie on my bed,” she said, and Kevin did what he was told.

There was a thick red bush around the base of his long pale cock. It was still limp, and I thought it looked funny.

“Go on, get started,” said Sigrid.

He grabbed his shaft and slowly began to stroke it while we stood right next to him watching. Slowly his cock grew in size and girth and when it was fully erect the head pop out from under its hood.

“How does it feel?” I said.

“Good, Mistress.”

Suddenly Sigrid did the unthinkable. She stepped forward and took the cock in her hand and turned to me.

“Hilde, this is a very strange feeling. It’s so hard and soft.”

“Stop it, stop it, you are not supposed to do that.”

“Why, you heard my mother. I might as well do it now because I don’t think I will have the opportunity when we are at sea.”

While she spoke, she had continued stroking Kevin, and he had begun to moan.

“Do you like it?” she said in a whisper.

“Yes, Mistress, it feels so much better than when I do it.”

To my surprise, she went down on her knees and licked the tip of the cock.

“It’s so soft, like the finest fabric,” she said before taking him in her mouth.

I stood frozen watching the love of my life taking a cock in her mouth. I couldn’t believe it when she began bobbing her head up and down faster and faster, She slurped and kissed while massaging the thrall’s balls.

When she came up for air, she was panting like a dog, and her eyes had a strange wild look in them. Her mouth was half open, and her lips wet from saliva. She pulled up her tunic and turned around, so she was facing me Then she stepped back and lowered herself onto Kevin’s shaft.

“No!” I yelled, but it was too late.

With a yelp and a long sigh, she slid down onto his shaft. Her eyes widened, and she bit her lip as she began to move up and down.

“Hilde, you got to try this, it’s so much better than what we do alone in our beds at night with our fingers.”

“I…I…I don’t want to.”

She reached for my hands and held them hard while moving up and down. Soon she began to moan louder, and Kevin had grabbed her hips lifting her up and down. Her mouth opened and her eyes closed as she gripped my hands harder. Then suddenly she shivered and gasped a few times before slumping down with Kevin’s cock still inside her.

“You are missing out on something wonderful,” she said a minute later when she opened her eyes and slid off the thrall who was still lying down.

His cock was wet with their juices, and when Sigrid slid her fingers between her legs, they came back wet. She licked them and sucked on them before offering them to me.

“No thanks,” I said and walked out.


That night I lay awake in my bed listening to Sigrid and Kevin fucking. At one point they became so loud that her father screamed for them to be quiet so he could sleep. Tears ran down my cheeks as I realized my love was gone forever, she had succumbed to the cock and men, and there was little I could do to change that. I prayed to Thor that I would do well in battle because that was what was left for me. An honourable death on the battlefield and if I fell the Valkyries would take me to Valhalla where I would drink and eat with my fellow warriors until the end of time.


The sun was relentless as the two Viking ships slowly moved down the river. There was no wind and the oarsmen were tired from straining their backs for days.

We had crossed the sea with fair winds, but as soon as we entered the river mouth, it had died down. Along the way, we had raided a few villages, and I had finally made my sword taste blood.

It had been an exciting but also strange experience taking a man’s life. He had come at me with a spear, and when he thrust it forward, I had blocked it to the side, turned on my left foot and slashed at his chest. I missed but opened up his stomach, so his intestines fell to the ground in thick coils. He lay screaming before I cut off his head with a swift swing.

Turning around another man came at me, this time with a sword. But he was a farmer and couldn’t fight. I killed him, and a few more before the rest of the villagers gave up, and we raided their houses. There was nothing of real value, but we took food and wine with us. When I walked back to the beach where we had landed I turned around and watch the fire we had set eat up the simple dwellings and for a second doubt entered my mind. Was this it, killing defenceless farmers for food and wine? We had been told of riches beyond our imagination and hard warriors that we would fight and become heroes. Nothing of that had happened.

As the sun set our leader, Rolf gave the order to land the boats and set up camp for the night. Scouts were sent out to make sure there were no villages or camps close by.

Sigrid and I shared a tent, and when I had set the fire, I sat down in front of it cross-legged with me elbows on my knees and my face resting in my palms.

Sigrid had gone into the forest to find us a rabbit to eat. She was the better hunter.

“Hilde, you don’t seem yourself,” said Rolf who had stopped in front of me.

“May I sit,” he asked.

I nodded, and when he had sat down he asked, “What’s the matter?”

I sighed and looked up at him. “It’s just that all we have done so far is slaughter innocent men, women and children.”


“I don’t like it. I didn’t train for all those months in the snow for this, I was promised riches and real warriors.”

He sat in silence for a while before he spoke. “Training is one thing, but real fighting is something completely different. It’s fast, vicious and bloody. One second you are winning, your sword covered in the blood of the enemy then the next you are on the ground with your arm cut off praying to Thor. These villages, they are for practise so you know what a real battle might be like.”

I slowly nodded my head. “So it’s more training?”

“Kind of.”

“Okay, I understand.”

He got up and walked away, and as he disappeared into the shadows, Sigrid threw a dead rabbit by my feet.

“What did Rolf want?”

I picked up the animal and began to skin it with my knife. “Nothing, we just spoke about the battle.”

She took off her sword and lay her spear and shield on the ground next to her. “Are you being sentimental again?”

I pushed a stick through the animal and hung it above the fire so it would roast slowly and not burn.

“I’m not sentimental; I just want to do some real fighting.”

She put her arm around me and pulled me close. After a quick kiss on my cheek, she reached for one of the animal skins that contained the wine we had stolen. She drank greedily, and some of it ran down her chin. When she passed the skin to me, I was surprised how good it tasted compared to our beer.

“Hilde, I am sure you will soon be in battle, but what’s the rush. Enjoy these easy pickings.”

After dinner, we went into the tent, and it was hot inside. We undressed and lay on our blankets in the darkness. I found it hard to fall asleep, and when I heard Sigrid breathing, it told me she had found it.

I moved my hand down until my fingertips touched the hair that covered my sex and when the middle finger slid over that special place I drew in my breath. Slowly I began to move my hand back and forth while the middle finger just touched my hole. Warmth filled me, and I began to move my hips and arch my back. Small gasps escaped my lips, and my free hand grabbed the blanket.

“Hey, I can’t sleep when you do that,” I heard Sigrid say.

I blushed in the darkness. “Sorry.”

I felt more than heard her and then she was on top of me, her warm breath against my face.

“What are you doing?” I whispered.

“I know how you feel for me, and it’s okay, Hilde.”

I tried to push her off but she had tied down my feet with her own, and I could hardly move. Her sex pressed against mine and she began to move and then she kissed me. Her tongue searched for mine, and I gave up all my intent to fight her off and let myself be taken.

Her lips were so soft and still tasted of the wine we had drunk earlier. Her breath on my cheek as she kissed her way up to my ear which she nibbled on, drove me crazy. I wrapped my arms around her, and she let go of my feet so I could spread my legs wider. Then she began to kiss her way down my body, taking my nipples into her mouth and massage my boobs which made me moan louder.

When she reached my sex, she gently used her fingers to open it, and with her mouth, she searched until she found that special place that made me gasp with pleasure. My hand pushed down on her head, and I locked her body in place with my legs pulling her against me. It was almost as if we were wrestling but with love, not anger.

When I began to arch my back, and my breath came in short gasps she stopped and moved, so her sex was above my face. Lowering herself, I stuck out my tongue, and when it touched her, I tasted something so sweet it made me wsnt to cry. Her moans became louder and so did mine as we explored each other. She was so wet my face turned slick from her juices, and when we both climaxed we screamed so loud I was sure the entire camp would wake up.

She slumped down on me, and we lay in silence for a few seconds before I heard Rolf’s voice somewhere in the dark.

“By Thor, it was about time you two fucked. Maybe now we can get on with pilfering and slaying.”

Sigrid and I both laughed as we rolled off each other and she went back to her blanket.


One of the things we had done at the first village we sacked was to take men and women as thralls. They would carry the loot and also the equipment needed for the camps. When we went to bed, they were tied to trees, and we had a guard watching them.

As the weeks turned into months, these thralls became more and more part of our group and less like slaves. Some of the men were quite good looking in their brutish hairy way. And the women were sensual and had long flowing black hair. It wasn’t a surprise when a few of my Viking brothers and sisters began fucking the thralls who seemed to enjoy it as much as they.

One night we sat around the campfires. By now we were a band of fifty Vikings and ten thralls, four girls and six men. The beer and wine were flowing, and one of the thrall girls was singing in her native tongue. It was a beautiful sad melody.

There was a commotion to my right, and when Sigrid who sat next to me and I turned to see what was going on, we saw one of the shieldmaidens had gone down on one of the thralls. In the light from the fire, his cock gleamed of her saliva but he wasn’t moaning. He just looked down at her in bewilderment.

“She is doing a shit job,” whispered Sigrid to me.

Since I had never given a blowjob, I had no idea what she was talking about.

“Why do you say that?”

“Look, too much tooth and no hands, she is hurting him more than giving pleasure.”

I knew where this was leading. Sigrid might love me, but she still had a strong affection for hard cocks. I said, “I’m okay with it if you want to.”

“Are you sure?” she said.

I patted her cheek. “Yes, just as long as you don’t take his seed in your mouth. I want to kiss you later.”

She laughed and got up.

Sigrid was quite drunk, and as I watched her stumble along the others, she almost tripped and fell into the fire. When she reached the couple, she said, “Svea, get out of my way, you don’t know how to do that right?”

Svea, who was a few years older turned her blond head and said, “This is my cock, Sigrid, find your own or better, go back to Hilde and feed on her clam.”

Sigrid grabbed a fist full of Svea’s hair and pulled her up so she was standing and then she hit her right on the nose with her clenched fist. The older women fell backward and lay still.

The rest of the Vikings applauded and cheered while Sigrid did a victory dance before settling down on her knees between the thrall’s legs.

“Let’s see what you have,” she said and lifted up the thrall’s loin cloth.

“Oh, just look at that,” she said and took the shaft in her hand. It was thick and long with blue veins criscrossing it and a dense bush at the base. When she pulled down the head popped out, and she licked around it a few times while keeping eye contact with the thrall.

The crowd had become quiet, and all eyes were turned on Sigrid. She took the cock as far as she could and held it there while gently massaging the balls. After a few seconds, she began to slowly move her head up and down in a circular motion. The thrall moaned and leaned back on the tree trunk he was sitting on and almost fell over.

Sigrid then focused on the head which she sucked on while both her hands were wrapped around the shaft moving up and down to the rhythm. Little did it take before the thrall began to jerk and Sigrid let go of his cock with her mouth. She continued to stroke his shaft, and within seconds several thick loads of cum shot high into the air and the Vikings and Shieldmaidens roared.

“Sigrid, Sigrid, Sigrid!”

She got up and bowed before returning to where I sat. “That was fun,” she said.

“Yeah, it looked like he enjoyed it.”

The thrall sat with a vacant look on his face while his cock slowly turned limp. Svea was still on her back, and no one paid her any attention.

“What about Svea?” I asked.

“Ah, let her be, her head is as thick as a rock, she will be fine.”


By this time the full heat of the summer was upon us, we had reached a large open water. We decided to camp along the river bank and then send out scouts to see if there were any villages worthy of attacking. Sigrid and I stayed in the camp and trained the younger girls in all weapons. I enjoyed teaching, not only did it help my fellow warriors it also gave me a chance to be close to the sweet young girls. I thought Sigrid new and accepted this as much as I accepted her taking a cock into her pussy. I never went further than a grab or a caress since that might have sparked feelings in the young girl, which could be dangerous due to jealousy.

By nightfall the scouts were back and informed us that there was a large village to the south along the open water. We decided to attack it at dawn, so after some food and drink, we went to bed early posting guards in all directions.

“Hilde? What would you do if I died tomorrow?” said Sigrid who lay next to me with her head on my boobs.

“I would mourn you and then celebrate that you were in Valhalla with the good and our ancestors.”

She looked up at me. “Do you actually believe all that?”

“Of course, I do. That’s one of the main reasons I joined the Shieldmaidens, to have the honour to die on a battlefield, not as a sick old woman in my bed.”

I leaned down, and we kissed. My hand moved along her warm silky skin down towards her sex. She spread her legs a little, and when I slid in two fingers, she moaned loudly.

“Shush in there, none of that tonight. I need you rested and focused,” said Rolf from the next tent.

We giggled and then kissed goodnight. Sigrid found sleep fast, but I lay still thinking about the upcoming battle. Not that I thought it would be much of one since none of the other villages had put up much of a fight which was a bit disappointing.

I wanted to meet real fighters, warriors with the same skill as mine and by defeating them, show my respect to Thor and Odin. The last thought I had before slipping away was if in Valhalla, there was any way I could have sex with a Valkyrie.


The village lay below us. Smoke drifted out through simple chimneys on the thatched roofs. A few goats and dogs roamed the street, and I saw a couple of women walking to the well at the center.

The sun was just about to rise behind us so we would have the benefit of its rays blinding the people below us.

We stood in a long row with Rolf in the middle. Our shields, swords, and axes were at the ready, and at Rolf’s command, we began to walk down the hill.

We didn’t holler or scream but moved with stealth and focus. We wanted to kill as many in their beds while still asleep.

Sigrid and I were furthers to the left of the line which meant we would come around almost from the opposite side when we attacked. The idea was to circle the village and then attack from all sides at once.

“Ready?” she whispered to me as we reached the first dwelling.

I nodded, and we continued past the next until we saw the water, and there we stopped. I grabbed Sigrid’s arm and whispered, “What do we do?”

“Run! Retreat, retreat!” she screamed at the top of her lungs.

I took one last look at the sight in front of me and then I ran like I had never run before.

Behind the village and between it and the river there was a large opening with no trees. On it stood up to a hundred tents. Men were walking around with swords, bows, and shields. They swords long, curved and thin, not like our broad swords. On their heads they wore helmets and on their chest chainmail and leather to protect them.

The warning had come too late, the enemy soldiers spotted us and gave the alarm. When I next stole a look behind me, I saw them pouring out of the tents like bees gather their weapons and come after us.

Rolf was slightly ahead of me, and when he saw what I had, he stopped.

“There is no place to run, we stand here and fight.”

We all stopped and turned to face the enemy who was now coming at us. Our only hope was the fact that we held higher ground. Our archers began sending volley after volley of arrows but the enemy protected themselves well, these were not farmers, these were foreign warriors, and they wanted blood.

The ones on horses were first to arrive. The tore through our lines, and the soldiers slashed with their swords cutting off limbs leaving Vikings bleeding and screaming on the ground. Sigrid and I fought back to back, but it was impossible. I saw an enemy soldier drive his spear through Rolf’s throat nailing him to the ground.

My arms and legs were bleeding, and in the end, Sigrid and I were surrounded by fifteen men.

“C’mon you bastards, fight,” she roared at them, but they just circled us at a safe distance.

My breathing was shallow, and my body hurt from my wounds. Sigrid had a serious injury to her thigh and was bleeding a lot.

A man on a horse showed up and rode slowly towards us. The soldiers opened their ring, and he rode up to us stopping just a few yards away. His black eyes stared at as and then a smile grew on his lips until his teeth were showing. He said something to his men, and they backed off a bit further.

“What do you want?” I yelled at him.

He didn’t answer; instead, he made a sign for us to lower our weapons.

“What should we do?” I asked Sigrid.

“I don’t know, but I don’t fancy being anyone’s slave.”

“Me neither, but if we kill ourselves to avoid being captured we won’t go to Valhalla, there is no honour in suicide.”


We stood in silence, and then slowly we put down our swords. A couple of soldiers ran up to us and tore away our leather armour and picked up our weapons. They then tied our hands behind our backs and another line between us. We had been captured, and had no idea what was going to happen to us.

“I love you, Sigrid,” I said, almost crying.

“Be strong, and know I will never leave you,” she answered.

To be continued…

Published 8 years ago

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