Tommy and Georgette are holidaying in Mexico. Georgette goes into the bathroom early on their second day, shuts the door and looks out the window without turning on the lights.
She sees a light go on in a bathroom window across the way and sees a man standing in front of the toilet. He drops his boxers and grabs his penis. He stretches the skin on the end of his penis outwards and then pulls it back behind his glans and proceeds to piss into the toilet.
Georgette is amazed. She has never seen a live uncut dick before. She has seen only pictures. The guy’s cock is as thick and as long as Tommy’s but Tommy is cut. He does not have this fleshy excess of skin attached to the end of his cock. She watches as he finishes pissing and milks the final drops out of his cock by rolling his foreskin back and forth across his glans. She is shocked and excited and suddenly sexually aroused and wet between her legs.
The man pulls up his boxers, leaves the toilet and the lights go out. Georgette is shaking and sits on the toilet until she calms down. Once she has completed her morning bathroom ritual she rejoins Tommy in their room.
At breakfast the same man is sitting at a table, alone, diagonally across from their table. He is wearing tight white shorts. She glances at his crotch and sees he has a nice bulge at the centre. His pecker stretches the fabric down the inside of one leg. It nearly reaches the hem of his shorts. Once again she is aroused and gets wet in her private parts.
She looks up and the man is looking directly at her. He winks at her. Damm, he caught her looking. She blushes from head to toe.
When they are done eating, they leave the restaurant to go to the beach. At the exit, Tommy remembers his book, and he has to return to their room for it. They agree to meet up at the beach in a few minutes.
She seizes this opportunity like a duck takes to water. She boldly walks towards the man, walks up to his table and whispers, “We have five minutes if you want me to give you a blow job in your room?”
The man instantly gets up and grabbing onto her hand, he walks with her towards the elevator. They ascend to his room and once inside she points him towards the bed. He stands in front of it and she bends down and pulls his shorts down.
He sits and she gets on her knees in front of him. She grasps the base of his cock with one hand and with the other, she fingers his fleshy foreskin.
The man is in ecstasy, moaning and gasping with pleasure.
She pulls down on his foreskin, exposing his pecker head. She marvels at how moist and slick it is. The foreskin is slippery with secretions from his sebaceous glands. He is leaking pre-cum by the buckets. She is in heaven playing with his foreskin, rolling it up and down over his glans.
She can’t wait any longer and licks the shaft of his cock up and down it’s length. She licks his cock head. She loves the taste of his pre-cum and runs her tongue over and around his cock head.
He is moaning and starting to hump her hand. She engulfs his cock and sucks him deeply into her mouth. She can taste his wetness on the back of her tongue. The aroma emanating from his dick causes her to breathe deeply and gasp at it’s flavour. Not even ice cream tastes this good.
She sucks away on his cock, up and down, taking him so deep she is almost gagging when it reaches the back of her throat. Gawd, he tastes so good. She increases her rhythm as the man starts to hump up and down faster and faster.
Suddenly her mouth is bathed with cum and it blasts down her throat. She sucks and swallows rapidly so she won’t gag. Oh the taste is to die for! She is overwhelmed by the excitement of it all.
She milks a few drops of cum from his cock and rubs his cock head all over her lips. She relishes it’s softness and texture and again rolls his foreskin between her fingers. She grabs onto the end of his fleshly foreskin and stretches it out past his pecker. It is so flexible and a joy to play with. She inserts her tongue into the opening and rolls it around inside between his foreskin and glans.
She is going to remember this moment forever. Taking his cock once more into her mouth, she gives his cock one last suck and her hand squeezes and she licks up the last remnants of his cum.
The man is flabbergasted at his good fortune and gasps, “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
“You’re welcome,” she says. “This is our little secret right?”
“You bet,” he replies.
Georgette walks to the beach. Luckily Tommy has not arrived yet. She takes a deep breath and settles down on the sand and looks forward to a relaxing day at the beach and her memories.