Ainsely 16

"Ainsely gets some real competition and has to fight for Javon"

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We slept in on Saturday morning.  I showered alone when Jack went downstairs to make us something to eat.  As I munched on the toast he’d just buttered, the phone rang.  For the next hour I listened to my mother chatter on and on about everything going on back home.  She thanked me again for being such a good little hostess during their visit and laughed that Maggie still didn’t think this Army town was any place for a good Southern girl.  Dad got on the phone to ask about school, reminding me he’d just put another $1000 in my tuition and books account.  

“I’m doing fine dad,” I told him, after thanking him for the money.  I hated lying to him but just didn’t want to get into it over the “C” on my paper. 

Mom got back on to tell me that Burton was probably going to get elected mayor, and that he was really looking forward to seeing us next time we got some leave.  Yeah, I bet, I thought, suspecting what the dirty old man really wanted.   She went on to say that he was going to offer us his lake place for some relaxation time.  I didn’t say much, realizing his kindness was probably more of a trap, a chance to get me in some compromising situation. I’d have to be on my toes. It was going to be hard to keep him quiet. 

My folks no sooner hung up than the phone rang again.  Carolyn wanted me to babysit her kids tonight.  “Richard’s taking us to a titty bar up in Louisville,” she giggled.  “I think I’m going to get shown off a little!”

Hmmm, not what I wanted to hear. “Oh, Carolyn, can’t Mike just stay home with the kids?  I think Javon might come over tonight and I really need to be here if he does.”

“Honey chile,” Carolyn teased, mocking my Southern accent, “I can assure you Javon ain’t comin’ by tonight.  I hear he’s discovered another chubby little white girl to chase after; at least that’s what Richard says.  And besides, Richard wants to take Mike with us.  He loves to play those silly cuckold games!”  

That news put me in the gloomiest funk ever! I told her I’d call her back and hung up. Saturday night with her brats—what a horrible evening it would be, but how could I get out of it?


Lisa straddled me, both of us stark naked, my big black dick snug up in her.  She was rocking back and forth with energetic abandon.  “Oh yeah, baby girl, ride that dick!” I yelled at her.  I couldn’t decide what I loved watching more, those pointy tits dancing around in front of my face as she rode me, or the way that soft creamy white flesh kneaded in my black hands as I pawed them roughly.

“Hang on, babe.  Don’t fall off,” her husband cheered us on from the chair in the corner.  I sank my black fingers into the ample flesh of her big ass, helping her buck back and forth.  Yeah, watching her bare tits bounce and jiggle as we fucked, gleaming white except for the red marks of my grabby hands, was the hottest sight ever.

Bob got up, announcing, “I gotta run to the liquor store before they close.  You two love birds have fun.”   Part way out the door he stopped and yelled back, “She loves it up the butt, Javon!”

“Is that right?” I asked her. 

Lisa just giggled like a bad little girl and put her face close to mine. “Yeah, I love it.  Makes me feel so dirty.”  Her eyes flew open in mock shock as my black hand smacked her ass hard.  “I didn’t used to like it,” she said, “but I got converted.  Now I’m a hot little butt bunny.  All the guys I’ve ever been with did me in the butt!”

It wasn’t just how tightly her sphincter muscles pulled on my dick that made ass-fucking the chubby little blonde so good, it was the absolutely wild way she took it, with total abandon, wiggling and moaning and bucking like one demon possessed.  Lordy, I thought to myself, I gotta get this girl to teach Ainsely a thing or two.

By the time her husband got back from the liquor store, I had ejaculated my biggest load lately deep into her ass as she moaned in orgasm.  We were sitting there sharing a joint, another little deviancy the experienced young lady had mastered, as she grilled me on who else she should go after.  I laughed listening to her drooling over all the hot black guys she’d already seen all over post, and believed her when she declared that she was going to fuck her way through the whole company.


We watched a chick flick together on TV Saturday night, both of us hoping Javon would surprise us and show up. I was frustrated to see my beautiful Ainsely so sad and to be so unable to do anything about it. Maybe it was for the best, I thought. Maybe it was making her see and understand that I really am going to stick with her no matter what, that my love for her is real and eternal. Sounds hokey I know; sorry. Liquor definitely helped. Ainsely was on her third gin and tonic by the time the movie was over.

She let me shower with her, mess around a little as we got clean, but after getting in bed, she was soon fast asleep. I stayed awake for a good while trying to decide what to do. Maybe it was no more than my own passive nature driving me on, but the best conclusion I could come to was that I was going to have to risk humbling myself some more. I’d have to go find him and suggest he come over. Hell, I’d beg him to come over if I had to. I finally got some sleep after resolving to do it in the morning.

In the morning I told Ainsely I wanted her to go to church. Having been brought up in the church, she knew where to go and what to do, although she admitted to me she was a little uncomfortable there after what she’d been doing.

“Don’t you think I should be here in case Javon comes over?” she asked with this sad hopeful expression.

“Honey, you know that no matter where he is and what he’s doing, he’s probably sleeping in this morning. That’s my bet. That’s why I’m going to go looking for him now. He’ll probably be easier to find.” She got this wistful smile as she realized what I was going to do and why I would do it. For her.

She was a little less distraught as she got ready for church. “I always love watching you get all dolled up,” I told her as I showed her the dress and heels I hoped she’d wear. “This isn’t too outrageous, but don’t you think you’ll like to be pretty and sexy when I come back this afternoon with Javon?” Finally I got a smile out of her. And watching her dress, slipping on those seamed stockings and buckling on her high heeled mary jane pumps – now that alone stiffened my dick like crazy.

I dropped her off at the church around the corner and made a beeline for the company area. I checked the barracks and asked around in the mes shall, but Javon wasn’t there. Finally one of the mechanics told me Brown had gone up to Louisville to see his family for the weekend. Not completely true, I suspected, but it convinced me he wasn’t there. So, biting the bullet, I decided the next best place to look would be Bob and Lisa’s apartment. Bob answered the door in boxers.

“Sorry bud,” he told me when I asked him if Javon was there. “He was, but he left this morning.

Said he was going to see his people today. But it’s a good idea to check here, bud. I got a feeling we’re going to see him here a lot more often,” wink, wink.

“Thanks,” I told him, sure now that Ainsely had some real competition in Lisa. Turning to go, I ran right into Richard and Carolyn coming up the walk. She was in a dress and heels, but looked pretty well used, her hair disheveled, makeup needing work, and hickeys visible all over the bare skin of her neck and shoulders.

“Hey dude,” Richard grinned, slapping me on the back. “What is this, cuckold central?” Smiling at the loopy-looking Carolyn, he told her, “We shoulda brought Mike. He’d fit right in with this bunch.” Bob stood in the doorway grinning like a moron as Richard addressed him. “Where’s that hot little chub of yours dude. I gotta get me some of that.”

Bob answered that she was in the shower, explaining that Brown had worked her out pretty good. Carolyn smiled, “I bet my baby can get her hot little motor running again, but I might have to help her out a little!” Richard laughed and said something about a two girl blow job. Bob just laughed and invited them in.

“Hey dude,” Richard turned to me. “Where’s Ainsely?”

They erupted in boisterous laughter when I said she was at church. “Well she might prefer to come party with us, don’t you think? Why don’t you bring her over. Don’t worry, ol’ Richard that handle three white skanks with ease!” Braggart, I thought.


“You need to watch it with them white girls,” Javon’s uncle told him. “I don’t know a black man that ain’t been burned hanging out with them, no matter what they givin’ up to you, that ain’t been messed up by ’em. An’ messing with more than one at a time, now that’s jus’ askin’ for trouble.”

“How about Uncle Bob?” a younger cousin asked helpfully, taking a drag on his beer. “He gots ’em comin’ and goin’ and don’t never have a problem, not so’s we’d see anyway.”

Bob Smith had indeed done well for a black man, owning one of the biggest Chevy dealerships in the Louisville area, running it with a business acumen that left a lot of whites in the dirt, so to speak. And though he’d been married to the same woman since the forties, it was no secret that there was a parade of white women coming and going to his home and office at his beck and call. More that one of them drove around in “company car” that he had lavished on his favorites.

“Javon,” his uncle responded, “You ain’t no Uncle Bob. One week you talk about how special some married white girl is and the next you’re messing around with another one of them. You cruisin’ for a fall, boy. Best you decided what you gonna do, and my advice is to fuck ’em both as much as you can, but walk away before it gets nasty. You dig?”

All the way back to post, Javon thought. And he decided he needed to push Ainsely again.


I knew I’d done everything I could to help her feel better, to see me as the one who truly loves her. So it was depressing for me that nothing worked. Ainsely lay there beside me in bed, and she was mad; mad at Javon, mad at me, mad at the world. She alternated between being mad and just in despair. I lay there next to her, desperately trying to think of what I could do, anything I could do, but nothing came.

Neither of us was asleep, so we both started when we heard a key in the front door and then heard it open. “Javon!” she almost shouted, hopping up out of bed in nothing but the panties and t-shirt she normally slept in. Forgetting every sad, mad, despairing thought she’d been wallowing in all weekend, she bolted downstairs with a joyful giggle. I looked over at the clock. It was 11:30. Nice. Looks like Javon’s inconsiderate jerk qualities are coming back, I thought.

He hadn’t just let himself in, he went straight to the refrigerator and was getting himself a beer when Ainsely launched herself at him like a little girl, hugging him with her arms and legs at the same time as he gasped. She was giggling and kissing his neck as she told him playfully, “I’m mad at you. You shoulda been here all weekend!”

“Easy, girl, was just here last Thursday,” he told her as he eased her down off of him and took a big swig of his beer. I’ve been busy,” he said. “Had to visit my people. I got a sick aunt, remember?” Any lingering anger at him dissolved simply because he was finally here. She kissed him and he kissed her back, smiling slyly at her silly enthusiasm.

“Wanna spend the night?” she asked him. “I mean, you owe me. You gotta come up and fuck me,” she announced brazenly, no thought of modesty or shyness now.

Javon grinned at her and nodded. “Yeah, baby, but I gotta go to work in the morning,” he told her.

“Jack!” she yells up the stairs. “Javon’s here!” Like I didn’t know that already. Sheesh. “He’s gonna stay tonight but he has to go to work in the morning. Can’t you do something, baby?”

I was already coming downstairs in my shorts. “Oh baby,” she said, all sweetness and light. “Can’t you give Javon some time off tomorrow,… at least in the morning?” She knew I’d do it, even if it was wrong and cost me, before she even asked. Watching Javon’s snotty smirk as I told her I’d do what I can really stung. “And baby, can’t you, like, go someplace tonight?”

I threw some things in a bag, and got dressed as she made him something to eat. By the time I left, they were already upstairs fucking.


“I know you were with Lisa,” I blurted out abruptly, unable to keep my dumb mouth shut, even after the most delicious sex and the best orgasm ever. “So did you fuck her? Was she good?” I kept wondering why do I do these things to myself as he smiled at me.

“Yeah, baby,” he gave me this smarmy smile. “Brotha gotta help out the po’ white girl in need, doncha know?” I had to look away from him to hide my hurt pout and get my trembling lower lip under control. “She’s a great piece of ass,” he continued, and whether he knew it or not, just twisting the knife in my gut. “And she takes it in the ass, too. Bitch loves it,” he teased, now realizing exactly how it’s making me feel. I can’t help it when the tears come.

“But I love you,” I whined, “and you love me!”

He stroked my hair pulling my sad face to his black chest. “Yeah baby, I do love you, and you love me. But you married, right? You’re with another man, so why would you imagine I couldn’t be with another woman? That can’t be no big surprise to you, now can it?”

He definitely had me on that one. The wheels in my brain were turning, but the pain in my heart was as hot and throbbing as ever. Even when he tried to reassure me, I couldn’t help not liking it. “It don’t mean nothin’ baby. Lisa’s a skank. Truth told, she’s out to fuck every black guy on post. I don’t love her or anything like that.”

It’s what I wanted to hear whether it was true or not. I wanted to believe him, so I did. For a long time, we just laid there quietly together, his hand slowly stroking my neck and back, making me feel a little better. Then I climbed on top of him and pulled his dick into me, kissing him hard and I started fucking him with all the passion and energy I could muster.

“I’m gonna make you love me,” I told him.





Published 8 years ago

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