Liz is subjected to a Judicial Caning (1)

"A Court imposes a Judicial Caning"

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Elizabeth Mary Wilkins, her proper name in the Court proceedings, twenty-six years old, had been sentenced by a Court to Judicial Punishment. Despite the use of her full proper name in the Court she was usually just called “Liz”.

To cater for the ever increasing number of Judicial Canings for women, the process had gone from being a private one on one with a Punishment Officer and the offender. Now it was much less personal, where women dressed and undressed more publicly. The already caned and about to be caned could be seen moving around the Discipline Center as they went to and from different areas inside the Center.

The Correctional Discipline Center had decided that with the increase in the number of women who would need to be dealt with, they would cane up to four women at once in the same room (called a Caning Chamber). Four more of these larger “Caning Chambers” were being built and fitted out with the necessary items, particularly four caning benches in the one room. But for now, it was one woman being caned only one at a time in one of the existing Caning Chambers. This caused a logistical problem with moving women around within the Center and the time it took but that would be lessened when the four new Caning Chambers were finished.

A caning by Judicial Order was supposed to be carried out shortly after the order was issued but the time for suitable appointments and the issuing of a summons to attend the Correction Center had now blown out to about three weeks. The system had to change to cater for more Judicial Caning of women.

Liz had been sentenced to twelve strokes of the cane which she had come to understand would be given on her bare bottom and whilst she was totally nude, strapped over a caning bench. She was now standing outside of the Correctional Discipline Center for Women. She already knew that shortly she would be removing all her clothing and baring her bottom for the cane.

A summons had come to her home three weeks previous requiring her to attend this Correctional Discipline Center on this day at 11 am. The Center opened at 10 am so the process was already happening with other women being caned in accordance with their Judicial Punishment Orders as Liz was arriving. Along with the summons was a page detailing the rules and regulations for Judicial Caning and what she could expect. She was to wear only clothing that was easy to take off and put on. Bra and panties were optional. This was meant to save time.

She would be caned whilst nude and strapped over a caning bench. She was not to bring valuables but must bring the summons and personal identification preferably with a photograph of her on it. A driver’s license was suggested as being the most common and suitable form of identification. She was told to expect to be at the Correctional Discipline Center for up to 2 hours. She was not to speak to the Punishment or Correctional Officers unless asked a question and to always to call the female officers “Miss.” She was not to speak to the other offenders whilst inside the Center.

All punishments were given to the offender nude and that failing to bring the summons or personal identification, rudeness, lateness, speaking without permission or being uncooperative would result in additional strokes of the cane being added. It went on to say that in extreme cases, including non-attendance in answer to the summons, the offender would be detained and taken back to the Court that had ordered her Judicial Punishment. This probably would mean that the number of cane strokes would be considerably increased (even doubled or tripled) or the offender would be sent to prison. So, because of this, most people were very compliant, submissive, on time and cooperative.

Fortunately, Liz lived quite close to the Punishment Center. She had walked from her home to the Center and on arrival, she saw that the Punishment Center had a reception area just inside the entrance doors. Entering the building she approached the female Officer at the counter and was asked for her summons and her driver’s license as her personal Identification. The officer typed Liz’s details into her computer and then handed back the summons and the driver’s license.

She then said to Liz, “Here at this Discipline Center, there are Correctional Officers and Punishment Officers. All are female. Correctional Officers have blue epaulettes and Punishment Officers have red epaulettes on their uniforms. That is how you tell the difference. Your Punishment Officer, that is the officer who will cane your bare bottom, will be here soon.”

The Officer continued, “She will take you to a Changing Room to get undressed and then later to a Caning Chamber for your caning. Take a seat in the waiting area and wait for her,” and the officer indicated an area next to the reception counter.

There were already three other women in the waiting area when Liz took her seat. Liz went and sat down and pondered what was about to happen to her. On three occasions different Punishment Officers had come to the waiting area and called out the names of the other three women who had left with the Officers. In the meantime, three more women had arrived and gone to the reception counter and had been processed by the Officer. They were now waiting in the waiting area. ‘This certainly was a busy place’ Liz thought. ‘Lots of women were having their bottoms caned today by Judicial Order.’

After about twenty minutes, a Punishment Officer stood by the door and called out “Wilkins,” which was her name. Liz felt this Punishment Officer was quite attractive and looked very sexy in her uniform. Liz felt that although the Punishment Officer had a stern look she may have detected a slightly mischievous smile on the Officer’s face. Although she had not had any sexual thoughts previously about women she thought this may change. She thought that when this ordeal was over she might turn her thoughts to a female/female liaison maybe even with a bit of corporal punishment involved. Not that she would completely go off of men, but just wanted to expand her horizons.

Her Punishment Officer said, “Follow me,” and turned and led the way along a corridor to the fourth door.

On this door was a sign which read “Changing Room Number Four.” Liz now realised that there was more than one changing room and that there were at least four such rooms and that many women would be baring their bottoms today to be caned.

Once the Changing Room door was open her Punishment Officer ordered, “In there, get undressed, take off ALL your clothes and get your bottom bare ready for the cane. Put your clothes in one of the open unused lockers. Then wait for me. I will be back a shortly.”

Liz entered the Changing Room and started getting undressed, putting her clothes into an unused locker. In the Changing Room was another woman who was in her mid-forties and who was already nude. Then as Liz was undressing, another woman was pushed roughly into the Changing room by one of two Correctional Officers.

This led Liz to decide that maybe some of the Officers may not be very nice but on the other hand, perhaps this woman had not been particularly cooperative and may have received extra strokes. This woman was nude, crying uncontrollably and rubbing her bare bottom. As she entered and walked passed Liz looked at her bottom and saw lots and lots of cane marks. She obviously had just been very severely caned.

Her beating with a cane had obviously been extremely severe. Tears were streaming down the woman’s face as she continued to sob uncontrollably. This woman went to another locker and spent some time trying to regain her composure and finally, she retrieved her clothes from her locker and started dressing.

Then the sound of a swish, thwack and the muffled sounds of a cry came from a nearby room. The sounds continued; a swish, a thwack and a louder and louder cry. As the cries became louder they could more easily be heard. Liz soon realised she was listening to the caning being given to another woman.

The persistent cries turned to shrieks and finally ended and there was silence for a few minutes. There was the sound of crying as a woman came into the Changing Room from the direction of a room which Liz would soon know as a Caning Chamber. She was escorted two officers by a Correctional Officer who was not pushing her as she had done the previous woman and a Punishment Officer.

The recently caned woman was rubbing her bare bottom madly and tears were streaming down her face. Liz saw that her bottom was lined with several cane strokes but not nearly as many as she had seen on the other woman’s bottom, who Liz now thought probably was uncooperative or had misbehaved in some other way and had received additional strokes.

The Punishment Officer having assisted with delivering the other woman back to the Changing Room looked at Liz and the other naked woman and said, “Porter, you’re next.”

As the other older woman stood up indicating it was her the Punishment Officer said, “Are you, Patricia Anne Porter?”

“Yes, Miss,” Patricia replied in a very submissive voice.

“Follow me,” said this Punishment Officer.

There was silence for some minutes then there was a swish followed by a thwack followed by a grunt from along the corridor, followed by other swishes and thwacks but the grunts had soon turned to cries. Liz knew that another woman was being caned and wondered if it was Patricia. The cries were getting louder and louder with each stroke. Then there was a pause followed by several cane strokes obviously given without any gap. This was followed by a loud continuous shrieking from the woman. Now, Liz wasn’t so aroused now as she knew she was next.

Liz became aware of a new arrival and she looked up to see young women about to enter the changing room.

“In there,” this woman’s Punishment Officer ordered. “Get undressed, take off ALL your clothes and get your bottom bare ready for the cane. Put your clothes in one of the unused lockers. Then wait for me. I will be back shortly.”

Liz realized that this was the same phrases and wording that was said to her by her Punishment Officer when she was about to enter the Changing Room. Obviously, she thought, all the Punishment Officers were instructed to use the same phrases and wording probably to increase their dominance over the offenders and leave no uncertainty about who was in charge.

Then this young woman went to one of the unused lockers and started to get undressed. She looked about eighteen years old (just a teenager) and had short dark brown hair. She was petite and quite slim. Liz watched her as she undressed. She had what was to Liz a perfect body and a pure white bottom. Liz saw that this teenager had dark trimmed pubic hair which was just like hers. Shortly, the teenager’s pure white bottom would have red lines on it from a caning, as would hers.

Almost immediately, another older woman in her mid-thirties with a fuller figure was ushered into the Changing Room.

Once again Liz heard a Punishment Officer use the same phrases that Liz and the teenager had heard. The older woman was now undressing as Liz watched. Liz felt a tingle between her legs, her nipples were erect and she felt a dampness between her legs as she watched the two women who by now were both naked.

This was becoming exciting for Liz. She had never seen and been able to study the figures of live naked women before at any time in her life. Liz realised that both women would be able to hear her being caned. Somehow that pleased Liz who knew that they were to be caned after her and she would be able to hear them (or at least one of them) being caned. She hoped that is was the teenager. Liz felt quite drawn to her.

Down the passageway, the swish and the thwacks stopped as did the shrieks. There was silence for a few minutes and then Patricia was ushered back into the Changing Room by a Correctional Officer. Patricia was rubbing her bottom and had tears running down her face.

After a few minutes, Liz heard her Punishment Officer at the doorway say to her. “Wilkins, your turn.”

Liz stood up and the Punishment Officer said, “Are you Elizabeth Mary Wilkins?”

“Yes, Miss,” Liz replied also in a very submissive voice (as Patricia had done when her turn had come.)

“Follow me,” said her Punishment Officer.

Liz stood up and walked behind her Punishment Officer following her down the passageway, her eyes not able to leave the Punishment Officer’s bottom which was clad in a tight shirt. This obsession with her bottom did not go unnoticed by the Punishment Officer as she led Liz to a room which was a Caning Chamber.

On the door was a sign, “Caning Chamber Number Four.” Liz now realized that there was also more than one Caning Chamber and that many women were being caned by different Punishment Officers at the same time in different Caning Chambers.

Liz and her Punishment Officer entered the Caning Chamber. There in the middle of the chamber was a spanking bench. It was a padded surface about waist high. The bench sloped slightly downwards towards the end where your head would be which thrust your bare bottom higher up into the air. At the other end of the bench were two padded areas at right angles to the actual bench. This is obviously where you put your arms.

A Correctional Officer stood next to the spanking bench and said curtly, “Stand at the end of the spanking bench and lower your body onto the bench.” 

Liz stood at the end of the bench and lowered herself onto the padded area. She had to almost stand on her tip toes to bend over the bench. Once she was on the bench this Correctional Officer quickly placed a strap around her waist and secured it to the other side. She then took each of Liz’s arms and secured them with two straps on each arm to the two padded areas which were meant for an offender’s arms. Then she secured Liz’s ankles and thighs with straps attached to the rear of the spanking bench. Liz was now totally immobilized and could hardly move. That was obviously the Officer’s intention. Liz’s bottom was now high in the air and ready for the cane.

This Correction Officer referred to a clip board and then said to the Punishment Officer,“Twelve Strokes. No additional strokes are required. Wilkins is ready, Miss”.

Then her Punishment Officer said sternly, “Prepare yourself, Wilkins. I intend to cane you very severely with very hard strokes. You can expect to experience severe pain. You have been ordered twelve strokes by the Court. You will receive twelve strokes. Eight will be delivered with gaps in between but the last four will have no gaps. They are the ones you will really feel and remember most. Understood Wilkins?”

Liz now realized why the other woman (who was probably Patricia) had been shrieking so loudly towards the end of her caning.

Liz looked at her sexy, attractive Punishment Officer, who was probably just a few years older than Liz. Even in these circumstances, there appeared to be a connection between her Punishment Officer, standing there with a cane in her hands, who was about to beat her, whilst Liz was now in a very submissive role strapped to a caning bench with her bottom in the air.

Liz nodded, bit her lip, and said a quiet, submissive voice, “Yes, Miss.”

Shocked by her own submissiveness Liz suddenly realized that she was enjoying this and that her nipples were erect and between her legs was quite damp. Then in a flash, she was back to reality. She was about to be severely caned.

Liz turned away as the Punishment Officer raised the cane. She heard a swish, and the thwack of the cane and then immediately a burning pain spread right across her bottom. Liz couldn’t help but cry out. The Punishment Officer kept caning Liz’s bare bottom until she had delivered the first eight cane strokes.

For those eight strokes, Liz had been unable to take a stroke without crying out. She heard the swish, and the thwack of each stroke. Each time the cane had bitten into her bottom her body jerked but the straps held her securely in place. She had been unable to move her arms which were held firmly by the straps, tried to kick her legs but again straps held her firmly in place, leaving her head which jerked upwards as her mouth opened and let out a cry.

There was a short pause and her Punishment Officer said, “Now for the last four. No gaps.”

Liz tried to mentally prepare herself but suddenly four extremely hard continuous strokes of the cane bit into her bottom. Liz shrieked in pain, one long continuous shriek. A shriek similar to that she remembered hearing before from other women. As the Officer had said she would remember those last four strokes. ‘She would also like to remember her Punishment Officer,’ she thought.

Then suddenly the caning was over. The Correctional Officer undid all the straps and ordered Liz off of the spanking bench.

“Over there,” the Correctional Officer said and pushed her towards the door.

She then firmly took hold of Liz’s left upper arm and was steering Liz through the door and down the passageway leading to the Changing Room door. The Correctional Officer had her firmly by her left upper arm and was walking very quickly and steering her forcibly down the passageway.

Totally under the control of the Correctional Officer Liz reveled in her submissiveness. Totally nude, her bared bottom covered with fierce red lines and crying uncontrollably, she was steered down the passageway by the Correctional Officer back to the Changing Room, passing, (on the way) another Correctional Officer bringing another nude woman towards the Caning Chamber that Liz had just vacated. This woman was about to be caned.

Liz thought to herself, ‘Is this the beginning of a new chapter in my life… being a submissive?’

Finally, Liz was back in the changing room. There sat the teenager, the women in her mid-thirties and by now another four other nude women waiting to be caned.

A Punishment Officer then came to the door and said firmly, “Thompson, you’re next.”

It was the naked eighteen-year-old teenager who stood up and walked towards the door.

The Punishment Officer then said, “Are you, Mary Anne Thompson?”

“Yes, Miss,” the teenager replied in a low and submissive voice between sniffles. She was already crying a little, having seen and heard what was happening to the other women and anticipating what was about to happen to her.

“Follow me,” said her Punishment Officer.

Liz was pleased. It was the teenager that she should be able to hear being caned.

Liz was getting dressed, but taking her time to do so. It surprised her but she found that she was in no hurry to leave. She wanted to see and hear more about things happening in the Punishment Center. Then she heard a swish and a thwack and a loud cry coming from a Caning Chamber. The caning of the teenager had already begun. Liz imagined that teenager bent over the caning bench, her naked bottom high in the air, having it severely caned as Liz had just had done to her.

Liz wished that she could watch the teenager being caned wondering how many strokes she would receive and imagining her tiny bottom quivering at each of the cane strokes. She also wished she could more clearly hear her cries and eventually her shrieks as the teenager received her cane strokes.

Thinking to herself, Liz was surprised that there were so many women here to be caned. It was like a production line. You come in, get processed in the main reception area, get escorted to one of the Changing Rooms, get totally undressed, getting your bottom bare ready for the cane, walk whilst nude, escorted by your Punishment Officer, to the Caning Chamber (in full view of other Punishment and Correctional Officers and women about to be caned or who whilst still nude and crying uncontrollably) back to the changing room, get dressed, then along to the main reception and leave.

Naked women could easily be seen crying and rubbing their red striped bottoms. Other naked women who had not yet been caned could easily also be seen. They were not crying yet, they would be very soon.

Liz had noticed that the women were of all ages shapes and sizes. Because of where she was and why they were all there she had been particularly paying attention to the bare bottoms of the women especially the ones that had already been caned. She had also been excited by what she saw and was hearing. She was particularly excited when she caught the first glimpse of a woman’s pubic hair (if she had any) especially if the woman was undressing. Liz herself had neatly trimmed pubic hair. That is how she liked it. Liz was surprised that these experiences had this affect on her.

When she was dressed Liz, went to the Reception Area where she was cleared to leave by the Reception Officer. Once outside in front of the Correctional Discipline Center, Liz had gingerly sat on a low wall near the doors to the Center. She reflected on the last hour and a half or so of her life which she decided had been quite an adventure. Apart from the initial pain from the caning, she had quite enjoyed her time inside the Center. Even the pain from the caning might have been worth it. That pain will subside and go away. ‘Might she then be ready for another dose?’

She remained there for about forty-five minutes and watched in amazement many women coming and going to and from the Center. She noticed that most of the women arriving at the Center were in no real hurry to go inside but most of the ones leaving just wanted to get away from that place as quickly as possible.

Liz tried to think how she could have another similar experience without going through the legal process of being sentenced to a Judicial Caning Punishment. She certainly had to and would find a way. ‘Maybe with the help of HER Punishment Officer,’ she thought. The one she thought might be interested in her. She decided that she would try and get in contact with her Punishment Officer if she could.

That is a story for another time.

Published 8 years ago

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