Hi. My name is Jenny and I am an uncertain-sexual. Until recently, I was very secure in who I was and what I liked. And then, a guilty pleasure – drive-thru fast food – turned my world sideways. Now? Now I am falling for a girl who insists I call her ‘Miss’. A girl who has awoken something within that I find frightening, confusing, and yet so exhilarating that I fear I have become addicted to the need that she feeds. A hunger that grows each time I hear her voice or see her or even think of her. A fire within that I am quickly losing control of.
Two weeks ago she paraded me through a public park in just a robe and a thong, tied me to a bar and teased me until I was begging her to make me come. Then, she stuck a dildo on the headlight of my car and made me fuck myself on it while eating her pussy, not letting me come until she gave me permission.
I ended up in her bed, physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted. I’d woken just as the sky began to lighten, intent on fleeing for the safety of my home and sort myself out. And yet the second she stirred, sitting up, her gaze sleepily regarding me, and spoke, my breath caught in my chest and I simply stood at the foot of the twin bed we’d shared, studying her shyly. When I’d pushed the covers back, I’d left her exposed from the waist up. She looked amazing. Flat stomach, a hint of curves disappearing under the sheets, breasts that were perky and firm and tipped with nipples that were maddeningly perfect. She’d be breath taking if I’d been into girls and, quite honestly, I was still uncertain about my attraction to her. It was more about how she treated me than who she was, if that made any sense. Something indefinable that I couldn’t quite put into words.
“You look amazing, dirty girl. Leaving?”
“Yeah. I need to-“ I started, blushing furiously at her words.
“You’re forgetting something.” One dark eyebrow lifted, her expression expectant.
“I-?” I looked blankly at her.
“Miss. You’re to call me Miss. Remember?”
I swallowed nervously, remembering her request, and tried again.
“Yes, Miss. I thought I’d go home and clean up. I feel-“
“Dirty?” She grinned, turning the sheets down and sitting up, appraising me, making me uncomfortably aware of my nakedness.
“Shower here. I’ll find something for you to wear. Don’t worry, pet. Something that doesn’t offend your modest sensibilities,” she teased.
Afterwards, feeling refreshed, she gave me a pair of leggings and an oversized Wonder Woman tee.
“Your car?” I asked, pausing at the door and wondering out loud, realizing that she’d driven mine to her place.
“I took a cab, Jenny.”
“Oh. Okay. Miss,” I said, stumbling slightly over the words, feeling suddenly awkward, our hands brushing as we both reached for the doorknob. I wondered if I was expected to kiss her? If this had been a ‘normal’ date, hookup, whatever, with a guy, would I have? Depended on the guy, really. But at least, I’d have known…
She lay her hand over mine as I went to turn the knob, and then, higher, wrapping her fingers firmly around my wrist, stopping me dead in my tracks and taking the decision out of my hands.
“You may kiss me, pet.” Her words gave me permission, but her tone turned it into a command. Shyly, my heart fluttering in my chest as she presented her cheek to me. Pursing my lips, I leaned in, closed my eyes, and kissed her softly. The kiss may have been tentative but the feelings within were intense. Afterwards, I couldn’t get out of the house and back to the safety of my car fast enough…
That night, I used the dildo that I’d fucked myself on, that she’d conveniently left on the back seat, to fuck myself while replaying the previous night, sticking it to the side of my washing machine, turning it on, the vibrations traveling the length of the black rubber as I impaled myself on it. The climaxes kept coming until I could take it no more. My bed was calling me. It was all I could do to keep my eyes open, and yet, I needed to do one last thing before crawling under the covers. I grabbed my phone and took a close up of the dildo, aware of how obviously wet it was, my juices smeared all along the length. And another, even more intimate photo; a selfie of me licking my just as wet fingers. Before I could change my mind, I sent both to Violet, accompanied by a blushing emoji.
When I woke up the next morning, the very first thing I did was check my messages. Only one really mattered, the one from Violet. Two simple words. ‘Good girl.’
So, I like girls. Or I like Violet, at least. Her, and the things she does to me; the kinky stuff. She’d opened a door and given me a taste of something that I’d never known I was missing and I found myself yearning for more…
I spiced up our usual exchange at the drive-thru, pulling up to the window, my skirt hiked up around my waist, her dildo, buried in my cunt so that all that was visible was the base. It earned me a smile that sent thrills and shivers through me and, by the time I’d pulled away, the receipt, on which she’d scrawled Call me@7 sitting on my bare thigh, I could feel my juices pooling on the seat against my ass. I was unable to concentrate for the remainder of the day, although I did try to busy myself with mundane tasks, most of which consisted of me finding time to reach between my thighs and touch myself until all I could think of was calling her and begging her to let me come for her…
“Right on time like a good girl.”
Those were the first words of our conversation and I found myself blushing from her praise, a shy smile forming on my lips.
“I hope you had a nice day, Miss,” I managed lamely.
Her laughter was rich and sensual as she wasted no time.
“I hope you didn’t make yourself cum, pet.”
I shook my head quickly, even though she couldn’t see the gesture. “I wanted to,” I admitted softly. “I wasn’t sure if I was allowed to…”
“But you played with that dirty little pussy of yours, didn’t you.”
“I couldn’t help myself…” My words trailed off and I could hear her humming softly for a few moments before continuing.
“What are you wearing, pet?”
“Umm… shorts and a tee…”
“Details, please.”
Taking a deep breath, I began again. “A pair of loose fitting lavender shorts with a drawstring. A grey tee with…”
She cut me off, suddenly, her voice stern. “I’m disappointed you didn’t dress up for me. Go change and then call me back.”
The line went dead, leaving me speechless and somewhat aghast, my brain went Into overdrive as I moved quickly from my bed to the closet, mentally going through my wardrobe for something that she would deem appropriate, not wanting to keep her waiting for any longer than I could…
A dozen minutes later, I tried again, fingers trembling as I held the phone to my ear and waited for her to pick up.
“Yes?” Short and succinct and expectant. I didn’t waste any time, having rehearsed this speech as I was getting dressed.
“Black lace panties, Miss. French cut. A matching half cup bra. Black thigh high stockings held up by a… garter belt.” I paused, feeling a little silly. It was, quite literally, the third time I’d worn it, or anything like it, the first being when I’d first bought it and wanted to see how it looked, the second one Halloween when I’d dressed up as a slutty witch, and the third, the following Halloween; slutty pirate. Imaginative, I know.
“Go on, pet.”
Heat colored my cheeks and I giggled a bit, causing her to chuckle warmly. “I tied my hair back with a black velvet ribbon. I thought you might like it…?”
I waited, holding my breath, the realization hitting how much her approval meant to me.
“You sound delightful. Picture, please. I’ll use it as my new wallpaper.”
I’d already anticipated this. I quickly opened my gallery and messaged her a selfie taken of my reflection in the bathroom mirror. I’d tried to look sexy, tried being the operative word.
“Mmm. Pretty,” came her reply. I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding.
“Thank you, Miss.”
“Oh, sorry! Patent leather three inch heels. I don’t have anything bigger. Sorry.”
“No worries, Jenny. From now on, though, whenever I ask you to call me, I want you to look your best. Is that understood?”
I swallowed, my heart beating a little harder, and answered, my voice quavering just a little. “Understood, Miss.”
“Now, I think it’s about time we had a conversation…”
We talked for a little over an hour, getting to know each other. It sounds strange, seeing as how we’d been intimate in some ways, and yet, it had all been sexual. Not that this wasn’t, but it went beyond just mere titillation. She had questions about my experience as well as my experiences. We talked of desires and fantasies and curiosities. Of limits and fears. Yes, it was all sexual, and I admit to being incredibly turned on the entire time, but it was emotionally intimate as well. I discovered that, beyond desiring Violet and how she made me feel, I liked her as well. She was smart, clever, funny, warm, caring… all the things that attracted me as a friend. As the evening wore on, I found myself relaxing enough to stray outside the confines of my role as pet. Not too far out, but enough so that I felt comfortable sharing with her as well as asking my own questions, learning as much from her as she did from me.
Yes, my panties were soaking wet, despite the fact that she’d warned me about touching myself the entire time, which I managed, if barely. At times it seemed my hand had a mind of its own and I’d find my fingers brushing here, caressing there, each touch intimate and sensuous, and yet, I managed to keep them from wandering between my thighs, much as I wanted to.
At some point, we both paused and let quiet reign, both content to be with our thoughts for a while after the intensity of sharing. Fittingly, it was Violet who broke the silence.
“How badly do you want to get off right now, Jenny?”
I prefaced my words with a prolonged groan of frustration that had her laughing.
“Are you familiar with chastity belts, dirty girl?” she teased.
“A little. I mean, I know what they are.”
“Good. I’m seriously considering getting you one. I won’t, as long as you behave yourself. It all depends on you.”
I closed my eyes and leaned back. I had spent the entire hour on my bed, propped in a sitting position, my back against my pillows which, in turn, were supported by a brass rail headboard. In my mind I conjured up the pictures I’d seen of the device, imagining myself in it. I can’t say I liked the idea but I can’t say I hated it, either.
“Whatever you think is best, Miss,” I replied meekly, wondering at the heat burning within as I turned my fate over to her.
I think she sensed my surrender, despite the physical distance between us. I know I felt it. I’d taken another step away from something or, more precisely, towards something. It wasn’t anything I could define, but I felt it, nonetheless…
“Something to think about. I can see you now, driving up to my window, pulling your dress up to your waist, your pussy locked away where no one but me can get to it…”
She ended the thought with a lingering moan, confirming what I had suspected. Unlike me, she didn’t have anyone telling her she wasn’t allowed to touch herself. I wasn’t sure if she was using a vibrator, a dildo, or her fingers, but she was definitely playing with her pussy. My first thought was how unfair it was. My second, however, and the one that stayed with me, was pride that she was getting off thinking about me.
After that, neither of us spoke for a while. I simply listened as she slowly worked herself into a state of ecstasy, her moans coming louder, until they became gasps, and then cries, and, finally, a long drawn out noise punctuated with ‘oh fucks’ and ‘oh gods’ culminating in a triumphant series of ‘Yes’s’ as she climaxed into my ear.
Afterwards, I listened to her breathing, coming down off her sexual high, wondering if she was going to deny me the same.
“How bad do you want to come, dirty girl?” she eventually asked. I am sure she could hear my heavy breathing as I fought the urge to disobey her and get myself off.
I shrugged even though the gesture was wasted. It might have well been a rhetorical question. She already knew. She just wanted me to admit it out loud.
“I could just make myself-“
“You could, Jenny,” she interrupted, “but it will be so much better if I’m there, watching. Am I right?”
I didn’t answer right away. She was silent as well, confident, perhaps, that, eventually, I would give in. And, of course, she was right.
“Yes. Miss.”
“Then come here, pet. Hurry. And Jenny?”
“Yes?” I managed, my throat suddenly dry.
“Dressed exactly as you are. Now, hurry, before I change my mind and make you wait for a few days.”
My phone went suddenly silent, leaving me with a choice. I really couldn’t pretend that I didn’t understand her instructions. She wanted me to walk out of my place dressed in the sexiest lingerie I owned, drive over to her place, knock on the door, all because I needed to cum so badly that reason and common sense went out the window. It really wasn’t much of a choice. I glanced through the curtains. It had grown dark enough that I might not be noticed. I gathered up my courage, tried not to think about what I was doing, gathered up my wallet and keys, and peeked out the window to make sure I was in the clear. Taking a deep breath, I left, my hands trembling slightly as I nervously locked the door behind me and hurried to the car.
I tried not to let myself be distracted on the drive over. Thankfully she lived in a neighborhood I was familiar with, otherwise, I might have gotten lost. After all, last night had been my one and only visit. So many thoughts cluttered my mind, none of them particularly calming. What if I got pulled over? What if I had a flat? What if someone noticed I was driving around wearing a black lace bra that barely hid my nipples? What was going to happen once I got to her place? What was she going to make me do? Worst of all, these thoughts that should have convinced me to turn around and go back to the safety of my home, were turning me on. The car smelled of pussy. Of my pussy. My panties were not just wet, they were soaked. I could even feel my juices tickling my ass hole. I was fairly confident that there would be a dark patch on the seat beneath me by the time I arrived.
Like I said, I tried not to get distracted. I drove past her street three times before giving up and texting her, asking for her address. Her reply?
338 Pinewood. #16. Panties around your ankles before knocking or I’ll send you home.
Fuck. She wasn’t helping at all…
I found a parking space that was… close, but not as close as I would have liked. Looking around carefully to make sure I was in the clear, I slipped out of the car and did a fast walk, not wishing to attract attention, to her place. Despite everything, I was still nervous about seeing her and about what would happen once the door closed behind me. In any other circumstance, I would have dallied on the concrete slab that made up her front porch until I’d talked myself into knocking. In any other circumstance, I wouldn’t have been standing, illuminated by the porch light, in panties, bra, garter, stockings, and heels.
My chest tight with fear at being caught, I hooked my thumbs into my panties and slipped them down my legs until they were around my ankles and then I knocked and waited, my cunt slowly leaking, the fragrant discharge tickling the insides of my thighs. And waited, my nipples swollen and hard, rubbing against the lacey upper edge of my bra, threatening to escape. And waited, my breaths coming shallow and fast, breasts rising and falling until my left nipple actually did pop out. And waited, glancing towards the street, at the other apartment, particularly the windows that looked out on Violet’s front porch.
Finally, the door opened, and I let out a wordless exclamation of relief, gaze riveted. The transformation was almost shocking. Yes, I’d seen her naked, but mostly, I’d seen her in her drive-thru uniform. Tonight she’s shed the extremely pretty girl next door look for something much more befitting her role in our relationship.
She was killing it with a red faux leather strapless mini dress with a flared skirt. A pair of thick leather belts were buckled around her slim waist. Her boots covered her lower legs, laced up to just below her knees. Her dark hair fell loosely, framing her striking face. Her lips were crimson and a riding crop dangled, looped around her right wrist.
I took a step, anxious to enter, but Violet had other plans. Before I could cross the threshold she put out her hand, pressing the flat of her hand beneath my breasts.
“Not so fast, pet,” she announced, with her signature pop.
Very deliberately she hooked her finger into my bra and drew it down, exposing my breasts, her eyes never leaving mine, smiling wickedly. If she expected me to object, she was disappointed. I simply moaned softly, arousal rising within me, threatening to overwhelm me.
“So naughty,” she teased, taking a step back, fists planted on her hips, still appraising me. “Sexy as hell, too. Turn around. I want to get a good look at that ass of yours. Also, if anyone’s looking, I want them to get an eyeful.”
Dutifully, I turned slowly, until my back was to her, facing the street, wincing as a pickup truck drove past, apparently missing the treat she was presenting him, or her, with.
The sound of leather smacking flesh startled me almost as much as the burst of pain on my ass cheek, and I let out a strangled curse.
“Been wanting to do this all day,” she teased, punctuating ‘this’ by smacking my other cheek with the flat end of the crop. Although I couldn’t see, I could tell by the intense heat that the blow left it had left the pale flesh of my ass a healthy red. I recalled our earlier conversation, admitting that, I’d never been truly spanked, but the idea turned me on, wondering if I was going to regret my admission.
I felt her fingers slide up my spine, making me shiver, and then grabbing hold of my ponytail and tugging, forcing my chin to tilt, guiding me towards the obscurity of her apartment. I breathed a sigh of relief when she eventually closed the door behind us, shutting out the world.
“Your ass is amazing. I just want to bite it. Panties, now.” She put out her hand, a look of impatience on her face. I complied as quickly as I could, stepping out of them and placing them on her outstretched fingers, blushing at how wet the crotch was. She took a moment to sniff them, holding my gaze as she did so, before tucking them into one of her belts.
“Turn,” she told me, and I turned, holding perfectly still as she slid my bra straps from my shoulders, unclasped it, and slid it down my arms. “Now the shoes.”
I complied, leaving me dressed in the garter belt and stockings, feeling even more exposed than if I’d been completely naked.
“Having fun, Jenny?” The question took me by surprise. She giggled, playfully untying the ribbon holding my hair back, then combing her finger through my soft tresses.
“I’m not sure?” I answered truthfully, earning me a swift swat on the ass with her crop.
“You could leave. It’s up to you.”
This time, I held my tongue, simply shaking my head, lips pressed together as I gathered my thoughts. “I don’t think I can. I want this too much. Miss.”
Her lips brushed the back of my neck, sending a shiver of ecstasy through me. I felt my nipples throbbing, aching with need to be touched. My heart seemed to go into over drive when she reached around, brushing the pad of her thumb along the sides, then the tips with her fingers, and finally, rolling them between both thumbs and fingers until I thought I would go mad.
“Oh, god, oh god,” I managed, stumbling over the words, repeating them over and over, going suddenly silent as I felt her mouth on my shoulder, her teeth pressing gently into my flesh, and then, not so gently as she bit me, the pressure growing until I cried out in pain.
“It’s not always going to be about what you want, pet,” she breathed into my ear, hands leaving my tits, one trailing down over my ribs, the other pushing between my thighs from behind and cupping my overheated cunt. Instinctively I shifted, opening my legs for her as she petted me like a pussycat, spreading my outer lips and then dipping her finger between my inner ones, playing me expertly until I was ready to consent to almost anything as long as she didn’t stop making me feel so good.
She kept at it, teasing my clit, giving it a flick, using her nails to scratch, lightly at first, and then less so, along the insides of my quivering thighs, as well as down my flank and along my hip with her other hand.
And then, she simply stopped. I sensed her taking a step back, abandoning me.
“Face me.”
It was like being in a trance. I turned, slowly, to face her, mouth open, panting softly, my sight slightly out of focus. It felt like my eyes were glazed over in some sort of sexual fog.
“Follow,” she commanded, with a crook of her finger, turning her back to me with a saucy little flip of her skirts and a wicked grin as she led, and I followed, down the hall to where I knew her bedroom to be, like a moth drawn to flame.
“Sit.” She pointed at her bed. It had been carefully made. I sat on the edge of the mattress, knees pressed together shyly so that I had the illusion of modesty, hands folded on my lap, watching her with anticipation.
“Give me your hand, pet.”
I obliged, unable to resist the need growing out of control inside me, holding still as she attached the same leather cuff she’d used the night before. This time, she didn’t stop at merely buckling it tightly around my wrist. She slipped a small padlock through the hasp and locked it securely in place. And then the other wrist. An ankle. The other and, finally, a leather collar, similarly locked in place around my throat.
“Good kitty,” she teased, grinning as she leaned over and planted a kiss on top of my head. “Now sit still while I take care of something.”
I watched from where I was sitting as she pulled out a small step ladder and placed it beneath the potted plant that hung in one corner of the room, climbing up on it and carefully unhooked a large fern while I enjoyed the view of her ass getting my first look at a pair of sheer red panties. A short chain with what looked like the clips that mountain climbers used – I think they were called carabiners – at the one end was carefully hung from the gold metal hook by an attached metal ring. The plant was stowed away in her bathroom, as was the step ladder, which was replaced with a plastic footstool. I should mention that the plant had been hanging between the only two windows in the room. Blinds covered the panes, as well as lacey lavender curtains.
Violet was humming something, Taylor Swift, I think, to herself as she sashayed her way over. Whatever it was, she made it sound incredibly sexy. She motioned me up with a simple hand motion, and I stood, blushing once more at my state of undress.
“Do you know how beautiful you are, pet?” she asked, the question seemingly out of nowhere.
“Me?” I’d always considered myself as pretty, but I had a tendency to get shy whenever the subject came up.
“Yes, you,” she repeated, slipping her finger through the ring on my collar. With a gentle tug, she had me rising from the bed to my feet.
“We’re going to play a game, pet. I’ll explain the rules in a minute. For now, I need you to stand over here, on the stool, for me.”
Curious, as well as apprehensive, I let her guide me to the corner and next to the small platform, facing the seam where the walls met before climbing up on the stool herself.
“Right arm, straight up like a good girl,” she commanded playfully. Of course, I obeyed, unsurprised when she slipped the clip through the ring, suspending my arm above my head, forcing me up on the balls of my stockinged feet.
“Now the left.” Obediently, I complied, finding myself suspended from the ceiling, my heels several inches above the carpeted floor as I balanced on my toes. She knelt, clipping my ankles together before stowing the stool in the bathroom as well.
“Here are the rules, Jenny…” she began, fingertips brushing along my thigh pleasurably, tracing the lines of my hips, my ass cheeks, and down along the other thigh before continuing. “Rule number one. You’re not to cum until I tell you to. Is that understood?”
“Yes, Miss,” I managed, embarrassed at the soft moan that slipped out as her fingertips trailed along the line where my legs met my hips, coming perilously close to my very smooth, very wet pussy.
“Rule number two.” In her hand, the one that wasn’t slowly driving me insane with lust, was a playing card. She held it up and waved it in front of my face, as if to get my attention, then tapped it against my lips before pushing it between them. “No matter what, don’t let this go. If it hits the ground, I’m going to have to punish you and I’m not going to make you cum. Not tonight, at least. Understood?”
Since she’s already let go of the card, leaving it pressed between my teeth, I could only nod at her query.”
“Good.” She stopped teasing me with her fingers, giving me a chance to breathe and collect myself. I couldn’t help but wonder if her plan was to make it impossible for me to obey her rules. I wanted to groan in frustration but I didn’t dare. Nor could I protest. Not that it would have done any good.
I lost track of her as she circled behind me. I steeled myself to be touched, or spanked, or worse, but nothing of the sort happened. When she came back into view, she was holding a very familiar object, one I’d seen in hundreds of porn videos on the internet, and a black leather belt.
“Know what this is, Jenny?”
I could only nod slowly, my heart thumping against my ribs. It was a Hitachi wand. I’d never used one, but I knew what they did. They vibrated like an industrial power tool from what I could tell. All I could do was press my lips together and watch in silence as she took the belt and wrapped it around my thighs, binding them together. After that it was a simple thing for her to thread the vibrator’s cord through the belt and settle it between my thighs, adjusting it until the massive head was pressing against my pussy and brushing up against my throbbing clit before plugging it in.
“Two speeds, pet. I’ll just let you think about that for a little while,” she said with a wink before turning her back on me and raising the blinds of both windows, one at a time, and then pulling the curtains back so that anyone happening to glance into her dimly lit bedroom would be able to see me in all my glory. My cheeks began to burn.
“Now, I’m going to spank you, Jenny. Your ass. Your thighs. Your tits. Eventually, your cunt. And I’m not going to stop as long as you’re holding on to that card. You want me to stop, all you have to do is open your mouth. Until then, I assume you want me to keep at it. Oh, and one more thing…”
She produced a sleeping mask. The material was shiny, like satin. And, of course, she put it on me, carefully arranging it so that my world went dark and all my other senses went on high alert, especially my hearing. I was breathing heavily, mostly through my nose so as not to drop the card while trying to listen for a clue as to what Violet was doing. So far she hadn’t turned on the vibrator. I couldn’t tell if she was standing in front of me or behind. The first clue I had was a stinging blow on the ass with the flat leather tag of her crop. I gasped in pain, though in truth it didn’t hurt as much as I imagined it could have. Mostly, it had taken me by surprise. I couldn’t help but concentrate on the heat that radiated through my nerve endings from where the blow had fallen. It felt surprisingly glorious.
Just as it began to fade, she struck my other cheek, with the same result, leaving me panting softly and blushing at how aroused this was making me, especially knowing that I was on display to anyone who happened to be glancing through her window. I was discovering a side of me I hadn’t known existed.
And then, I waited. And waited some more, in total silence, until I couldn’t stand it any longer and began to squirm, tugging my arms futilely, the hook unrelenting.
A soft giggle was swiftly followed by a sharp blow to my nipple. I managed to hold on to the card, even though I let out a short cry of pain. A moment later I felt her lips on my throbbing nipple, sucking softly, the tip of her tongue flickering against the sensitive tip, not letting up until she was rewarded with a wanton moan that had me arching my back and rising up on the balls of my feet. Drool was building up in my mouth. I felt a little leaking from the corners of my lips and slowly running alongside my chin.
More silence, and then, a buzzing as vibrations targeted my soaking wet pussy and my swollen cunt.
“Nnnn,” I managed, twisting in place, fighting to maintain my composure, such as it was. Mostly, I just clamped down on the card and prayed for her to either shut if off or push me over the edge.
“It’s on low, Jenny. For now. And… I think that’s enough. For now.”
She giggled as the vibrations stopped, leaving me fighting for breath, my entire body damp with perspiration and aroused nearly to the point of no return…
She played me like that for… I have no idea. Spanking my ass, sometimes playfully light, other times with a sharp smack that nearly had me begging for mercy, moving on to the backs of my thighs and my tits, not sparing my nipples, until I wanted to cry, each following blow more painful than the last, and then she’d torture me with the vibrator, pushing me right to the edge before clicking it off. I became a drooling, sobbing mess, my thoughts centered on the need to come. Nothing else mattered. I would have demeaned and humiliated myself and begged her if I hadn’t been so intent on biting down on the card with a single-minded need.
“Good girl,” she whispered into my ear, her lips brushing my throat. I responded with a pathetic moan, which seemed to amuse her.
“You want to cum, pet?”
I did my best to answer, hissing my answer, nodding my head yes, my body shaking in response, then shaking my head in disbelief as I felt her removing the wand from between my thighs.
“Nnnnn!” I growled loudly, desperate for relief, angry at her for teasing me like this.
“On my terms, slut!” she growled, punctuating her words with another spank, this one against my vulnerable cunt. I heard a wet squelch as the flat end of the crop smacked my sensitive flesh. I would have screamed if I could have. And then, the most incredible sensation as I felt the hard, wet leather massaging my throbbing clit, teasing me slowly towards orgasm and then, pausing, flicking the business end against my button, making my fingers and toes curl with pain. And again, she smacked my soaked pussy, the blow leaving my puffy lips stinging and hot, followed by another to my clit. And again. And again. Until I could no longer tell pleasure from pain.
“You want to cum, this is how you cum for me, pet.”
I was sobbing, my body writhing, hips humping the air as she rained blow after blow. Not that they were too harsh. I could tell she was holding back, for which I was thankful. It hurt, but it didn’t hurt more than I could handle. Besides, I was getting dangerously close to the climax of the century and had stopped caring long ago.
“Cum for me, Jenny. And for the guy standing outside my window, watching, jerking off as he watches me abuse my dirty girl.”
“Oh, god,” I cried out, unable to keep the card between my teeth any longer, not that it mattered. The next smack of leather against my hot swollen clit sent me over the edge, obliterating all thought. I couldn’t remember having ever come that hard. Or even imagined it. For a brief moment I pictured myself, hanging naked, writhing and crying out over and over, hips jerking, tits bouncing while she watched me from within and a stranger watched from without.
And it didn’t stop there. I felt the rubber head of the Hitachi mashed against my pussy once more, this time turned up to high. The pleasure was so intense that it hurt and, even as I came again, I begged her to stop, my chin and chest wet with spit and drool as she drove me to another orgasm, and then, a third, not letting up until I started sobbing for real, begging her to stop…
I remember little of her helping me down onto her bed, of her removing the cuffs, of her removing my mask to reveal that she’d closed the curtains as soon as she’d blindfolded me. What I do remember is her tender, soft kisses. The smoothness of her hands as she massaged lotion into my ass and thighs, my tits and, very carefully, my labia, soothing the soreness. From what I could tell, my flesh wasn’t raw, although it had a healthy pink, bordering on red, glow. If I could have purred like a cat, I would have.
“You were magnificent, Jenny,” she said, and I felt a sense of warmth within that rivaled the heat of my ass at her words.
“Thank you, Miss,” I managed, too worn out to do more than mumble as she took me in her arms and cuddled me, kissing my brow, my cheeks, my lips, so tenderly and then lay my head against her breasts and stroked my hair until I, eventually, dozed off…