
"A new arrival causes consternation"

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“Shush, Be quiet, its opening”

“We know, we can all see the light, do you think we are stupid or something, you always tell us to be quiet, it is exactly like the other week when the great portal opened you told us to be quiet then as well and…..”

“Will you just shut up, for crying out loud let’s see what she wants.”

“Do you think she will choose me? it has been ages since I was last chosen.”

“Well if she does take you out and uses you just make sure she washes you down afterwards.”

“Look it is not my fault, I can’t control how Mistress uses and abuses me, I am no different to the rest of you.  We are all at Mistresses mercy when we are taken out of here.”

“That is not strictly true is it, you are only ever used for one purpose and if she doesn’t wash you down afterwards you stink when you return.”

“I can’t help it if she derives pleasure from doing that to me.  Oh, she is closing the portal up now, did she choose anyone?”

“No, I don’t think so, I think she has brought a new addition to our group, look they are over there in the corner.”

“What do you suppose they do, you would think she had enough of us by now she can’t keep bringing new ones in, how much pleasure can one woman want?”

“I heard one of her lovers say she was a greedy bitch and insatiable so I guess the answer to that question is not enough.”

“So, what is it, hope if it is another vibrator she has taken the batteries out, remember the last one, when she threw him in here she didn’t turn him off properly this place shook for hours till the batteries ran down.”

“No, it doesn’t look like a vibrator, it looks longer, and appears to have its own power supply.”

“Hey, what ever happen to what’s his name?”


“You know that guy who was clear and had blue lines running around him.”

“Oh, I know who you mean, he was made of glass, said that she used to like him really cold and that the thrill was in using her body to warm him up.”

“So where did he go.”

“Well to get him cold she used to put him in that freezer thingy, I suspect that she put him in there and has forgotten about him.”

“Poor sod, imagine being left in a cold dark place for weeks even years, amongst the frozen peas and the like.”

“Unlike us who are in a warm dark place.”

“You know what I mean.  So, have we worked out what the new guy does yet?”

“No, but they are sleeping and they have what looks like their own little sleeping bag.”

“Oh, one of those types.  Those that come with their own containers always seem to think they are superior to the rest of us.  Remember those sisters, said they were “wa balls” and that they gave Mistress pleasure throughout the day, said they were the best ever as they gave her leg trembling orgasms.  They were always lording it over us just because they came in a lovely velvet lined case.  Well, they were not so clever when one of them went missing, she threw the other one away in the end, saying they were useless unless they came as a pair.”

“Yes, such a waste, we should look after one another better, be a family and not have all these petty rivalries.  We are all here for one thing which is to serve Mistress and give her pleasure.”

“Exactly, that is my point.  I am disappointed is that all she did, drop this new guy in and leave did she not take any body out?”

“No, guess she probably had her fun with him.  You know what she is like she gets a new guy and they are used and abused for a few weeks then she gets bored with them and returns to us.”

“Yes, the BDSM crew were flavour of the month a while back, now they are right at the bottom.”

“Think that has something to do with her not having a partner at the moment, they need two people to work she can hardly whip herself or handcuff herself to the bed on her own.”

“Pity, after that last loser left she was so upset, my heart went out to her, well it would have done if I had one.”

“Mine didn’t, when she has a man friend she hardly needs us at all, much prefer it when she has another woman in her bed then we really get used it is an absolute sex fest, all of us out and getting to explore and pleasure her and her female partner, it’s fantastic.”

“Oh I totally agree but I hate seeing her so sad.”

“Shh be quiet the portal is opening again.”


“Bloody typical, see I told you it would be the new guy who gets chosen it is always the same.” 

She coming back, it’s me it’s me, hurray I have not been forgotten.  See you later I tell you all about what mistress did with us both when I get back.  Hope I like the new guy.  Byeeeee”

“Good luck, just remember to make sure she cleans you before she brings you back.  Lucky sod, right guys guess it is going to be another quiet night in for the rest of us anybody fancy a game.”


Published 8 years ago

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