The Night Demon

"An unexpected nighttime visitor provides unimagined pleasure"

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Samantha tossed and turned in her bed for what seemed like forever. She had gone to bed early that night because she had an important business meeting early the following day. Unfortunately for her, that plan wasn’t working out as well as she had hoped.

While she had only been tossing for about a half-hour, it seemed like it had been much longer. Desperate to hurry her slumber along, she decided to employ her most tried and true strategy to fall asleep quickly. She had already removed her nightshirt before she slid under the covers, so all that was left was to remove her panties. Samantha slid her panties down, grabbed onto them, and placed them on the side of the bed in case she wanted to put them back on afterward.

She quickly went at it, she massaged her hood to awaken her dormant clitoris. She started to rub her clit with her right hand as her left hand tried to push her other buttons. Just as she was getting warmed up, she heard a thud that sounded like it came from underneath the bed.

Samantha let out a gasp. She halted immediately and scanned the dark room to see if anything looked strange. She couldn’t find anything out of place, so she assumed that her actions had simply knocked something to the floor.

After a brief pause to make sure that there were no more interruptions, she resumed her routine. She quickly regained her momentum and her hips started to swivel as she got rolling along. Just as she began to feel her orgasm approaching, she heard another loud thump.

She stopped immediately and started to fear that perhaps a small animal had gotten inside her bedroom. As she opened her eyes, she saw a set of glowing, orange eyes slowly rise up from the foot of her bed.

Samantha was paralyzed with fear. She pulled the covers up over herself, but there was no doubt that whatever this being was had already located her.

She felt the covers tugged away from her and decided to relent. They were quickly pulled away, revealing her nude body to the creature.

It slowly crept forward. Samantha strained to see what the creature was with only a bit of moonlight to illuminate the room. It looked humanoid, but it certainly wasn’t a man. Its exterior looked to be dark, perhaps burned.

It grumbled in a low, ragged voice, “Want to taste.”

She watched as a long, pointed tongue extended from its mouth. It seemed to be dripping saliva profusely. While she was pretty sure that she didn’t want to continue, it seemed like a much better option than denying the creature. She nodded her head affirmatively and let out another gasp as she thought about what she had just done.

She felt the bed shift as the creature crawled up on its foot. As it neared Samantha, she could see the outline of what seemed to be horns sprouting from its head. As it hovered over her lower body, she could feel saliva dripping steadily onto her abdomen.

Samantha was almost positive at that point that it was a demon of some sort. She immediately believed that she had nodded off to sleep and was locked in a crazy nightmare.

As the creature closed in, its tongue seemed to get even longer. It first touched her around her navel where it spent some time swirling around and leaving a pool of saliva behind. The creature moved its way up Samantha’s body. It spent several minutes exploring every bit of her breasts with its tongue before it moved onward and slowly licked up her neck, stopping at her chin.

By the time it finished, most of her torso was coated with a thick coating of saliva. Samantha couldn’t imagine how anything could produce that much saliva. Its tongue must have been a foot long at that point.

“Want to taste…everything,” the creature growled.

While she was still terrified of the creature, Samantha was becoming increasingly confident that it did not intend to hurt her. She was also increasingly confident about what its intentions with her were. She thought about what the demon was asking for a moment. After a brief look at its long, agile tongue, she decided that it might actually feel good. Besides, it was all just a dream anyway.

“Uh-huh,” she said in a breathy voice. Her glistening chest was heaving in nervous anticipation.

The creature slowly slinked its way downward. Samantha felt two gravelly hands on her thighs. Her thighs were gently pinned back to her midsection.

Samantha felt the tip of its tongue swirl around her labia. It poked and prodded for a bit before it started to enter her. The creature seemed to have incredible control of its tongue. As it slowly gained depth inside of her, the tip swirled around inside of her touching every bit of her vagina.

She had completely surrendered to the creature at that point. There were so many sensations going on that she struggled to process them before the next one arrived. The creature started to let out an occasional low, deep moan.

There were several moments when Samantha felt like she was going to cum, but the creature seemed to sense it and deny her climax. Its tongue kept probing deeper. Samantha had never felt any sort of penetration that deep and the wider base of its tongue was stretching her to her limits as well.

It was an amazing experience for Samantha, the only negative was that she had been denied her orgasm so far. The beast slowed its tongue-waggling and slowly withdrew it.

The demon rose up and hovered above her. Its saliva-dripping tongue must have extended down by well over a foot. Samantha wondered how much of that had found its way inside of her. The creature seemed to have wanted to show off its tongue for her before it slowly retracted it back inside of its mouth.

“Want to have all of you. Want to take you,” the creature growled. It reached up and caressed her cheek gently.

Without hesitation, Samantha answered, “Yes! Do it.”

She became nervous as soon as she said that. Because of the dim light, she had been unable to see the creature’s penis at all. She wondered what sort of size or shape it had. She felt that surely the copious amounts of saliva that it had deposited inside of her would surely ease the entry.

The creature maintained its position and once again pinned Samantha’s knees back. It lifted her backside up effortlessly and slowly slid her toward its waiting cock. She felt something very large press against her. Her nervousness increased as she hoped that this object wasn’t the tip of the creature’s penis.

That hope was quickly dashed when she felt the creature pull her aggressively against it. She let out a distressed cry until the tip of the creature’s penis finally gained penetration.

Samantha felt a sense of relief. Whatever shape the creature’s penis had, it seemed to narrow significantly after the tip. As she recovered, she felt like the tip was getting even wider once inside of her.

She thought about some of the nature shows that she had seen in the past. She remembered that some creatures have a bit of a “fail-safe” in the reproductive process. Some animals have a penis that is shaped so that once inside of the female, it traps them, forbidding them from escaping until the male has released his seed and its penis goes flaccid.

She wondered if the creature’s bulbous head had either split or opened up inside of her.

Her thoughts abated as the creature began to rock forward slowly. As its cock gained purchase, it felt like the underside of its cock was adorned with increasingly large ridges.

Samantha quivered as the creature’s cock seemed to seek out her G-spot. As it thrust deeper, it seemed to get increasingly thick. Just as Samantha felt like she couldn’t take anymore, her orgasm finally hit. Her legs flailed about wildly in the creature’s grasp.

That seemed to be the trigger for the creature to finish. It started to pummel Samantha’s pussy harder, deeper, and faster than before. Samantha’s orgasm helped to mask the discomfort of the strain that she was under.

The creature stopped and let out a loud roar. Samantha felt a waving motion inside of her body as the initial blast of cum rocketed inside of her. The volume of liquid was more than she could have ever imagined. She quickly found out that it was just the first pump and there were roughly a half-dozen more after that.

It leaned over her and extended its tongue in her direction. Samantha responded in kind and the two shared a brief, demonic, French kiss.

As the creature rocked backward, its rapidly softening penis pulled free. The bulbous head retracted with a not-too-uncomfortable pop. The creature held its hand over Samantha’s midsection for several minutes.

“My child,” the creature cooed. “Now you sleep,” it commanded as it brushed her cheek.


Samantha’s alarm clock was beeping loudly. She wildly slung an arm in its direction, triggering the snooze button and silencing it for the moment. She rolled over still basking in the bliss of a powerful orgasm. Samantha rolled around in her bed as she tried to recall why she was still so joyful.

Thoughts of a crazy encounter with a demon of some sort drifted into Samantha’s mind. She chuckled to herself. She wondered how such a crazy dream could have felt so real. Samantha wondered if possibly she had somehow pleasured herself in her sleep to achieve an orgasm.

As she reached down between her legs, something felt quite crusty. It reminded her of how dried semen felt.

She kicked the covers to the floor to find her pussy clearly distressed and weeping semen. She gave a mild squeeze and a large blob of cum plopped out onto the sheet. It was a massive amount of cum. Ten men wouldn’t have ejaculated that amount of semen and she hadn’t pushed very hard. There must have been double the quantity still inside of her. Samantha started to panic.

What if the dream was real?

Could she have really just had sex with a demon?

Samantha tried to make peace with the situation.

So, what if it was all true? There was no harm done.

Besides, it was an amazing time.

The more she thought about it, she started to accept the situation. In many ways, she hoped that the beast would return to her over and over again.

Samantha got out of bed and started to get ready for work. While she was getting her clothes picked out for the day, she happened to rub her hand over her tummy.

Something felt warm and she jerked her hand away.

She paused for a moment and then placed her hand over her tummy once again. There was something radiating outward from inside of her. Samantha’s mind flashed back to the last words that the demon said.

“My child. Now you sleep.”

She had previously thought that the demon had referred to her as “his child” which seemed unusual, although perhaps not as unusual as having sex with a demon.

But when it said the words, “My child,” it had placed its hand on her midsection. Then it raised its hand toward her face as it said, “Now you sleep.”

Samantha stared down at her midsection as the entirety of her situation had quickly dawned on her.

She was pregnant with a demon baby.

Published 2 years ago

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