John Roberts was a pretty ordinary guy. In fact, you’d be hard pressed to find a more average, run-of-the-mill, blending-into-the-crowd kind of guy. A small-time accountant with a small-time bookkeeping firm, he was invisible even to the invisible.
This ordinary guy was coming home from another day of crunching numbers. Coming home to his small, one bedroom basement apartment in his older and less than well-kept apartment building. He was facing another of the endless nights of frozen dinners and watching TV until he couldn’t keep his eyes open any more.
At least that was the plan right up until the moment he saw her…
It had been a gray and drizzly day all day and it didn’t look like it was going to let up anytime soon. John was coming home along his regular route, the worn out wipers on his old Ford Escort doing more smearing the rain than wiping it. I really got to get those wipers replaced! he thought to himself, as he tried to keep his car in his lane.
Then he saw something that would change his life in ways he couldn’t even imagine. There standing under the overhang of a door was a woman. She looked like she had been there awhile, she was soaked to the skin and looked like she didn’t know what to do. John knew that the nearest bus stop was two blocks away and she wasn’t dressed to walk that far in this weather.
He pulled to the curb and rolled the window down. “Excuse me miss… is everything all right?” he asked.
“I’m all… wet,” she said simply.
“Well, can I offer you a ride someplace? I mean I can’t let you stay there, you’ll catch a cold!” he asked.
She came out from under the overhang and climbed into the car like she’d been shot out of a cannon! Almost before he knew it she was sitting in the seat next to him.
John thought it a bit odd that a woman like her would be so eager to get into a strange car with a man but he figured she was tired of being out in the weather and just wanted to get someplace to dry out.
“So where can I take you?” he asked.
“Take me home… please,” she said.
“Where do you live?” he asked.
“Not my home… your home. My home is much too far away,” she said.
This comment caught him completely off guard. “What? I don’t…”
“You asked me where you could take me. My home is too far away to go there. So let’s go to your home,” she said, matter of factly.
“Listen miss, I don’t want this to sound bad, but I gotta ask. Are you a… um… a ‘working girl’?”
“A working girl?” she asked.
“Yeah, you know, a hooker. A prostitute.” he said. “I’m sorry if I offended you but I just need to know.”
“No, silly!” she smiled. “I’m not a prostitute.”
He looked at her. This kind of thing just didn’t happen to him. He was too stunned to think clearly. He just dropped the car into gear and headed for home.
“So what’s your name?” he asked her.
“Taylor Burnette,” she said.
“Really? That’s funny, I used to go to school with a Taylor Burnette. She was my first high school crush! Come to think of it, you look a lot like her too!”
“I hope that’s a good thing,” she said.
“Oh, it is. I was head over heels about her… but she never gave me the time of day. Her eyes were always on Tommy Wilkins. He was the quarterback of the school football team and she was nuts over him. They were our school’s perfect couple. I was just a math geek,” he said.
“Well, math is important too. Without math, there would be no science… and no football!” she said.
“No, I suppose not,” he said. “So how about you? Crestview Florida is a pretty small place… I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before.”
“I am just visiting. I wasn’t expecting it to be raining so much!” she said.
“Well, Crestview has the second highest rainfall in the state after Fort Walton Beach. We get an average of sixty-five inches of rain here annually. So yeah, when you come to Crestview, bring an umbrella!” he joked.
“Apparently!” she remarked.
About that time they were getting close to his apartment building. “Well, this is the building where I live. It isn’t much, but accountants don’t get rich, usually, and I live alone anyway,” he said.
“You don’t have a wife or girlfriend or anything?” she asked.
“No, no one,” he said.
“No children either?” she asked.
“Nope. It’s just me,” he said. He unlocked the door and held it open for her. “Welcome to ‘Chez Roberts’! Come on in,” he said. He offered her a seat on the sofa, the only real comfortable place to sit in his small apartment. “Would you like something to drink – I have soda, ice tea or water? Or I could make us some instant coffee if you want something hot?”
“A cup of coffee would be nice, I’m pretty chilled from the rain,” she said.
“Oh, of course, where are my manners! Listen, you go into the bathroom and get out of those wet clothes and dry off. There are clean towels hanging and a hair dryer in the closet. I will set a robe out on the bed for you to wear until your clothes get dry! We can’t have you catching a cold!” he said.
“Thank you, I won’t be long,” she said.
John busied himself in the kitchen heating the water for their coffee and getting it ready. He heard the hair dryer start up and a couple minutes later shut off. He was sitting on the sofa facing the short hallway to the bedroom when she came out.
John was stunned by the vision standing in the hallway. This was the first time he was able to get a good look at his impromptu house guest. Taylor was a very beautiful twenty-four year old blonde with a body that would be the envy of any woman. She had long, lean legs, a firm tight ass and a very generous DD size chest. John felt a stirring in his pants almost immediately, and he was thankful he had put the coffee down before she came in!
“Wow!” he said, the words coming out before he realized it.
“Well thank you, but it’s just a towel!” she said giggling.
Yeah, but damn you wear it well! he thought to himself.
“Have a seat, your coffee is ready. It will take the chill off,” he said, trying to focus.
“Thank you John,” she said.
“Wait a minute… how did you know my name? I asked you what yours was, but I haven’t told you mine yet!” he said.
“Oh well, I must have seen it or something!” she said quickly. The incident puzzled him but he quickly forgot about it given the company he was in.
“Mmm, this is good coffee!” she said, taking a drink. She had sat down on the sofa with her feet curled up next to her and the robe open just enough to show off her lovely legs. John couldn’t help but stare at them.
“You’re not drinking your coffee?” she asked, snapping him from his spell.
“Wha-oh yeah, I’m just letting it cool off a bit!” he said “I poured yours first so you could drink it right away and warm up,” he said, trying to cover his inattentiveness.
“Oh, I see. Well you know, a girl doesn’t like to drink alone,” she said, coyly looking at him and circling the rim of the cup with her index finger.
John felt his cock hardening. Was this woman coming on to him?
“So you said you were visiting… do you have family or friends here in Crestview?” he asked.
“Friends, yes, but they weren’t home when I went by. I was just trying to figure out what to do when you came by,” she said.
“What to do?”
“Yeah, I was supposed to stay with them while I was here, but now I’m not sure where I will stay,” she said, “But I’ll figure something out.”
“What part of town do your friends live in?” John asked.
“Over on Valley Road. I had just come back from there when you picked me up,” she said.
“Well when your clothes are dry, I’ll drive you back over there and see if they are home,” he said.
“That would be nice. Cabs are expensive – especially when you have to take them both directions!” she said.
“Yeah, Crestview is kind of strung out, that’s for sure!”
“Yes it is,” she said. “You know I am still cold – I just can’t seem to shake this chill!”
“Well here wrap yourself in this blanket. I keep it here on the back of the sofa in case I get cold watching TV. It will help warm you,” he said, pulling a quilt from behind her on the back of the sofa.
“Thank you, she said. After a moment she said, “You know blankets are warmer when they are shared…”
He looked at her and she opened the blanket for him. John moved over and wrapped them both in the quilt. She snuggled up close to him.
“Mmmm, much better. I feel warmer already!” she purred. He put his arm around her and pulled her in tight.
Yes, I am feeling a bit warm myself! he thought.
The two of them sat together like that for about a half hour until the dryer bell went off signalling her clothes were dry.
“Aww, I am so comfortable…” she said. “I don’t want to get up yet!”
“Me too, but don’t you want to see if your friends are home?” John asked.
“Oh poo,” she sighed, “I suppose we should just in case. If I’m lucky I will get wet again and we can go back to cuddling!”
“I wouldn’t mind that,” he remarked. She got up and went in to get dressed again. John took the empty coffee cups and put them in the sink putting some water in them so they would clean up easier.
Taylor came back out a couple minutes later. As they got ready to leave she turned to him.
“John before we go I just want to thank you for being so sweet and taking care of me tonight. I really appreciate it,“ she said. Then she leaned in and kissed him.
The instant he felt her soft, sweet lips he knew that he didn’t want this to end. After she kissed him, he took her in his arms and he kissed her – but his kiss was a lot deeper and more passionate. He wasn’t sure what it was about this girl, but he knew he didn’t want to let her go! As they kissed he flet her lips opening for him and he eagerly accepted her invitation. Their tongues met each other halfway and danced between their hungry mouths as each tried to devour the other.
Taylor’s arms moved up to encircle his neck while John’s hands moved down the small of her back to find and grab her tight firm ass. She moaned as he squeezed her fleshy behind and pressed herself to him tighter.
They held each other and kissed for several moments before breaking the kiss, each gasping for breath as they did.
“You are a really good kisser, John!” she said.
“Well, you tasted pretty good yourself!” he commented.
“Maybe you can taste me again sometime,” she said, flirtatiously kissing his cheek as she walked past him.
With a little luck! he thought to himself as he followed her to the door. “Oops, hold on a minute,” he said as he grabbed his umbrella. “Just in case I can’t dry your clothes this time!” She smiled at his thoughtfulness.
Once in the car, they made their way to where she said her friends lived. But they still weren’t home. “Damn! What am I going to do now? I don’t have anyplace to stay and I don’t have any money for a hotel. My friends were supposed to let me stay with them, but they aren’t here yet!” she said.
This was just the break John was hoping for. “Well Taylor, if you’d like… you could stay at my place,” he said carefully. He didn’t know how she would take the invitation so he approached the subject tentatively.
“Really John? I mean, I wouldn’t want to put you out or anything. You’ve already done so much for me,” she said.
“Taylor, I haven’t done anything really. I got you out of the rain and helped you dry off and warm up. I gave you a cup of coffee. That’s about it. It’s nothing really. If you would like to stay at my place tonight, you are more than welcome to,” he said.
“I would like that. Thank you John. For everything,” she said.
“Are you hungry? I was going to throw in a TV dinner when I got home but if you are hungry we can go grab a bite to eat together,” he said.
“I would love to, John. I don’t know the town, so you pick the place,” she said, smiling.
They went to a little family-owned diner and had dinner. Then they headed back to his apartment.
When they got back to his apartment, they sat down on the sofa for a bit to watch some TV and do some more cuddling. As they sat there watching some movie neither of them was really into John could fell her warm soft body pressed against him. He could smell her sweet perfume and the smell of her hair. He wished he could do something – anything – to show her that he was very much into her. But he didn’t know what her feelings or reactions might be. He needed to know how she would take his advances.
Then, as if she had read his mind, her hand found it’s way onto his thigh and moved slowly upwards. She felt the hard, straining bulge in his crotch and she gripped it, feeling it jump at her squeezing it. He didn’t pull away so she began gently jacking it through his jeans.
Oh my God, she’s playing with my cock! he thought to himself, and that thought made his cock get even harder.
He closed his eyes as he let her caress his cock. Then getting no resistance from him, she slowly unzipped his fly and reached in to get an even better feel for him. She was able then to wrap her hand completely around him and she stroked his hard thick shaft.
He spread his legs further apart, an invitation for her to continue. she smiled and released his cock.
“I’ll be right back,” she said. She went into the bathroom while he sat there amazed at what this beautiful woman was doing. It was becoming clear that she was interested in him and it was even more plain to see his interest in her!
“John, honey, can you come in her a second?” she called from the back of the apartment. He got up and headed for the bathroom to see what she needed.
“No, in here,” she said as he walked past the bedroom door. John backed up and looked into the bedroom and there she was!
Taylor was kneeling on the bed, naked except for her panties and fishnet stockings. She had taken off her dress bra and heels. John stood there in the doorway drinking in the sight of her – the beautiful Taylor, sitting nearly nude in his bed!
“Are you going to just stand there, or do you want to join me?” she said, giggling.
“Oh, yeah!” he said coming into the room. He immediately began stripping off his clothes as quickly as he could shirt pants and shoes flying into the corners of the room. He shed his socks and was about to strip out of his boxers when she stopped him.
“Wait! Let me do that,” she said.
She continued to pull his shorts down until suddenly his hard cock sprang forward. “Somebody is ready to play!” she said. “My, but you are an eager fellow aren’t you!”
She pulled his boxers the rest of the way off and he stepped out of them. Taylor wasted no time with the preliminaries – she leaned forward, her tits swinging, and took his cock into her mouth. John stood there admiring the profile of her swaying tits and round ass as well as watching his cock disappear into her mouth, as he enjoyed her oral skills. With one hand, she was pumping the base of his cock as she was sucking it while the other hand gently massaged his heavy balls. John moaned loudly to let her know how much he was enjoying her cocksucking as his orgasm began building up rapidly and with significant pleasure. John tried to just relax and focus on the good feelings, which were considerable.
Taylor’s cocksucking skills left nothing to be desired and, as his cock swelled even more, the more voraciously she was sucking him off. He was sure there was no way she could be enjoying sucking his cock more than he was enjoying having her suck it, but based on the noises she was making and her enthusiasm, it appeared that she was certainly appreciating the hard cock in her mouth.
John would have been perfectly happy to just let her finish him off in that warm, sweet, soft mouth. But he wasn’t the type to think only of himself. If she was going to put forth the effort to pleasure him, he was going to see that he reciprocated in kind. So before he blasted his load too soon, he gently pulled away from her mouth. She looked up at him a little puzzled until he helped her to her feet pushing her backwards onto the bed and then he spread her legs wide and it was his turn to kneel.
She sat on the edge of the bed with her legs spread as he kissed her soft inner thighs and lower abdomen before running his tongue up her slit. She was flowing with pungent juices which he eagerly lapped up as she held his head. She was moaning softly as he licked her pussy but, once he slipped a couple of fingers into her and focused his licking on her clit, she seemed to get a bit louder. She leaned back on the bed and started to rock her hips rhythmically so he glanced up because he knew her tits would be bouncing rhythmically, too. Sure enough, those beauties were moving hypnotically and all those times he’d seen other women showing a little cleavage and wished he could have seen more were beyond realized.
It seemed that, just as he’d hoped, she was so sexually excited, it wasn’t going to take long before she came. His main goal was to make sure that her orgasm was long and intense. It certainly appeared that she was experiencing some intense pleasure and he could feel her pussy becoming even wetter and more engorged around his finger the longer he ate her. John fully intended for this to be just an appetizer, though; he wasn’t counting oral as sex. Taylor was tensing up a bit as she got even closer to cumming and he just kept up what he was doing since it seemed to be working. When she finally went limp with a low moan, her body trembled as she came.
John continued licking her clit and fingering her wet pussy until she went still, then slipped his fingers from her pussy into his mouth. He was still admiring her body, first from his knees then standing over her as she recovered. His hard cock was rigid, and pulsing with eagerness, as he cleaned her juices from his fingers.
She was looking up at him, her chest heaving and drawing his attention, until she sat up and reached out to stroke it his throbbing tool. He enjoyed the feeling of her soft hand for a moment, then he climbed onto the bed and lay in the middle of it. Taylor briefly licked his balls and ran her mouth up and down his cock a few times before moving to straddle him.
As she guided his cock to her dripping pussy, he was fondling her luscious tits and caressing her hard nipples. She lowered herself onto his fat hard shaft and both moaned as he was engulfed in her hot, wet pussy. She started to slowly ride up and down on it but his attention remained on fondling her tits. There had been so many times where he would have been content just for a look at a pair of tits so amazing. And now to have them in his hands while she was naked and impaled on his cock, was more than he could have even dreamed for. So he was going to enjoy them as much as he possibly could, after all, this kind of thing is a once in a lifetime chance.
She started out humping his cock slowly with her eyes closed and a big smile on her face but gradually increased the pace and, eventually, leaned forward, planting her hands on either side of his head. At first, John continued to fondle her tits as started to lick and suck her hard nipples but his hands started wandering around to squeeze and caress her ass, as well. He pushed up into her each time she rocked backward onto his cock so that he was penetrating her as deeply as possible. Again, she was getting louder as her pussy became wetter and more engorged and she rode him harder.
He could feel his own orgasm beginning to build again, but he didn’t want to be done fucking her because he was not expecting to get another chance. Before he reached that point, however, she slammed herself back on him and froze momentarily while another big orgasm coursed through her body.
John was still licking and sucking her nipples when she let out a happy sigh and began to move off of him, taking them out of his reach. But he was only briefly dismayed because she quickly moved to swallow his cock down once more. She must have known somehow that he was getting very close to his own orgasm because she sucked like her life depended on it, pumping her hand up and down his aching shaft while she moved her legs around so she could straddle his head putting them into a “69” position. Which was perfectly fine with John – her pussy tasted sweeter than anything he’d ever tasted before. So they made a contest on who could get the other to cum first.
He was fully expecting to cum before her and was determined not to let her up until he had gotten her off again. John was still moaning his encouragements right up to the point when he exploded into her mouth with a grunt. She wasn’t the least bit put off and swallowed the hot sticky load while continuing to suck him off. A moment or two after he came, John felt her tense and then a fresh flood of sweet honey came his way as she came again for him. John lapped her juices up as fast as he could but he could feel some running past his mouth and down onto his neck. When they had both gotten all they could from the other, she turned around and crawled up and lay beside him in the middle of the bed.
“Mmmm, that was wonderful John,” Taylor said, purring happily.
“You were amazing as well Taylor. I can’t believe I am laying here in bed with you!” he said.
“I am glad I am too,” she said. She ran her long red-tipped fingers up and down his chest as she lay in his arms.
“John, I have something to tell you. You have been wonderful to me and I want to be honest with you as well,” she started.
“What is it Taylor?” he said.
“Well, when I tell you, promise you won’t freak out or anything,” she said. She sat up and turned to look at him. “I really like you and I don’t want you to be mad or scared or anything.”
“Okay, now you are starting to worry me. What is it Taylor?” he said, concerned now.
“I… um… kinda lied to you a little bit tonight. Well, partly lied and partly didn’t tell you the whole truth about me,” she confessed.
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“First promise me,” she said, pressing him for his word.
“Okay, I promise. Now what’s this all about Taylor?” he said.
“All right. John, your meeting me was not just a chance thing. It has been planned for some time actually. You see I am not who – or what – you think I am,” she started.
“I’m not following you, Taylor. What do you mean you aren’t who or what I think you are?” he said even more perplexed now.
“I am… from the future,” she said.
“Come again?” he said, not sure he heard her right.
“That’s right, John. I am from a planet that is your Earth’s twin except that we are considerably more advanced than your planet. We have learned to use 95% of our brain’s capacity while your planet’s people only use about 15% at best. And we have been watching your planet develop and evolve for many centuries.
You see, this is our planet too. We have lived here among you since before you even had language. We have tried to steer the course of your development – from time to time we gave you ideas and inspirations for your greatest achievements. The wheel, the telegraph and telephone, the light bulb, and the Internet were just a few of the many things we inspired you to ‘discover’. We have had these things on our planet for millennia but we wanted you to have them as well.
One of the things we have learned to do is to use our minds to manipulate yours. It’s no accident or coincidence that my name is Taylor and I look like your first girlfriend. I plucked that information from your mind the instant you pulled up in your car so that’s how you see me. And the same thing about all that we seem to have in common – I know what you like and what you don’t like. I just adapted to what I know of you.
As for the sex, well I could tell that you were interested in me. And to be completely honest I was interested in you as well. I just made you a little more interested in me so I could be with you! John, you are a very self-conscience, modest, and timid guy. I gave you a little more confidence by playing up to you so you would make a move and show me you were interested. I didn’t make you like me, I just made you more confident that I liked you,” she said.
This was a lot for John to take in and he sat there not saying anything for a long time. He had to process the fact that he just had incredible sex with an alien from another planet!
“So this, all this,” he said waving his arms over her body, “is all in my mind?” he asked.
“Yes, I’m afraid so. I made myself appear like this so you would find me more attractive,” she said.
“I see. So are you…” he started to say.
“Oh no! No, John, I am human just like you. Only more we are more advanced than you are here on Earth. Scientifically… sociologically… intellectually, we have advanced far beyond what you know now. There are a couple differences other differences, as well. For one, my skin is darker. More like what you call a black girl here. You see, our planet’s sun is bigger and closer to us than yours is so it’s effect is greater. We have different plants because of the increased sun as well. But as far as our bodies go, as you can see we ‘function’ just like you do here on Earth,” she explained.
“Yes you definitely ‘function’ just fine, I’ll hand you that!” he said. “So what is your real name if it isn’t Taylor?”
“My name is Dinyarra. My people are from the planet Ramrra’la. It’s a planet on the other side of our shared galaxy, which your people haven’t yet discovered because you haven’t got the ability to see it with your current telescopes. But we have been watching and observing you for many thousands of years. Then it was decided that many of our people should come to your planet and assimilate with you so we could better assist you. And that is how I came to your planet. My parents were some of those chosen to come live here and I was born of this planet. So in a sense I am an Earthling although my parents are Ramrra’lan,” she said.
“You said there are a lot of your people here on Earth… are there any more around here? Anyone else I might know?” he asked.
“Well, my ‘friends’ that I was supposed to meet are Ramrra’lan. There are six of us here in the Crestview area. But we are scattered all over the country and all over the world. In every country there are many of us… there are probably several million Ramrra’lan here now. Because of our ability to manipulate your minds, your people can’t tell who we are. But we are only here to help. It is beyond our morality and ethics to do anything, or be a part of anything, that would cause harm to your people. We inspired your people to create steel for example, but you are the ones that formed it into swords. And we helped you harness the power of electricity, but you built the chair to execute others,” she said.
“I see. Well… Dinyarra, I will admit that this was something I was completely unprepared to hear. I mean how can you take something like this in stride. But you have explained things and made me feel better about all of it. Your being human, albeit a more advanced form of it, makes me feel a lot more comfortable. I mean if you were some slimy octopus-like creature that ate human flesh, I might have more of an objection. But you aren’t – at least that’s what you tell me and I can’t prove otherwise so I have to accept that.
And if I am honest with you, as well as myself, I have to admit that my feelings, my attraction to you hasn’t changed any. I have a few black friends and even had a girlfriend at one time that had mixed parents – her father was black and her mother was white. So your being ‘darker’ is not an issue for me,” he said.
“So we can still be friends?” she asked sweetly.
“Dinyarra… Taylor, I hope we can become more than just friends,” he said.
“I would very much like that too, John.”
He took her into his arms and kissed her deeply and passionately. She melted into his kiss happy to still be in his arms. After a few moments together he broke their kiss and asked.
“So what do I call you? I mean are you Dinyarra or are you Taylor? This is kind of a strange situation!” he said.
“John, I have been who you see for a long time and people – your people – know me like this. So I will have to stay in this form just so others don’t suspect anything. I hope that’s okay with you – looking like your first girlfriend won’t be a problem for you will it?” she asked.
“Not at all Taylor! You look beautiful and this is the girl that attracted me then and today! So yeah, this works for me!” he said, smiling broadly.
“Good. Then I will be your Taylor, then. Only this time I won’t leave you… unless you want me to,” she said.
“Then you know that she left me for another guy?” he asked.
“Yes I took that from your memories too and I am sorry that it happened to you. But I won’t do that; I know how she hurt you and I won’t. I don’t have anyone else – I am all yours until you tell me otherwise,” she said, looking him in the eyes.
“Well then, you’d better get used to being my girl then Taylor, because I don’t want you to go either!” he said.
Taylor cuddled closer and he put his arm around her. “I’m glad John. I like it right here,” she purred.
So do I Taylor! he thought. He smiled… he had been looking for someone special – who knew she would come from another planet thousands of light years away!