Summer Crush

"A teenage girl on vacation meets a boy her own age and they explore sex. Based on true events."

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In 1988 my parents and I took a vacation to the island of Menorca in Spain. The hotel was a large complex with several building, two pools, restaurants and bars. At night, between ten and midnight the mini-disco opened for kids twelve to sixteen and after midnight it was adult only.

The blue water and the white sand were amazing, and I spent the first two days frolicking on the beach or by the pool with my parents. I was sixteen at the time and in the middle of my puberty, boobs growing, hips swelling and a firm butt forming. I had made out with a few guys back home and one had actually got to fuck me. The memory of his cock deep inside me changed my life for ever; I was hooked, I needed cock as a drug addict needed his fix.

What better place to find a hot guy than at a beautiful beach side resort I figured. While walking on the beach or hanging by the pool I caught the attention of several boys and young men, but they were either too sleazy or too lame for me. Also, my parents watched me like hawks; I guess they had realized their little baby girl was growing up.

On the second day I met some girls from France and Italy by the pool and we began to hang out. We talked about boys, ate ice-cream and drank soda. On the third day they suggested we go to the mini-disco but not while the kids were there, but later when they let in the adults. I wasn’t sure I would get in looking youngish as I did, but they convinced me it was worth trying.

After telling my parents some lame story about watching the moon with my friends I was permitted to come home at one-thirty in the morning. This gave me an hour and a half to party with my new friends.

My parents were in the pool side bar when I went back to our room to change. I chose a white tight dress that showed enough thighs to be sexy and cleavage so the boys had something to lay their eyes on. A bit of makeup and I was ready to go.

I had to sneak by the pool bar and met up with my friends at the doors to the disco. The night was warm and humid; above the huge August moon shone down on us. Four teenage girls with their hormones going crazy, wanting, needed to be treated like women but with little experience and still giggling like crazy when a boy looked our way.

We got by the security guard thanks to our clothes and makeup and when we walked up to the bar the bar man came forward and asked what we wanted. I had no idea since I hadn’t drunk alcohol but one of the French girls ordered for us. I got a glass with a dark brown liquid in it and when I asked what it was, Chloe, said, “Its a Lumumba, chocolate drink with brandy, it’s nice, try it.”

I did and she was right, the chocolate made it easy to drink while the brandy left a light sting as it went down my throat.

The disco was filling up with people and we took a seat in a sofa from where we could watch the dance floor. It didn’t take long before my friends were invited to dance buy men many years older than they. I stayed behind thinking no one would ask me to dance because I looked so young. One part of me was glad, because while I watched my friends dancing, I also noted the men putting their hands all over them, squeezing their asses and trying to touch their boobs. The alcohol level in the disco was high and almost everyone there had been drinking for hours already.

I was about to get another drink when something caught my attention. Two guys had just walked in and there were my age. One was shorter with short hair, jeans, a white T-shirt and a swagger about him like if he owned the place. His friend was taller, with brown hair, piercing blue eyes and dressed similarly.

I watched them as they made their way to the bar and when they were given a beer each they sat down on the bar stools watching the dance floor. After a few minutes the shorter one saw me and lifted his glass. I knew I blushed; I looked away.

Suddenly he was at my table looking down at me. “Hi, what’s your name?”

“Megan,” I said.

“I’m Mike, do you mind if I sit down?”

I looked over at his friend who was still at the bar. “What about him?”

“He’ll be fine.”

Mike sat down and moved in closer so we didn’t have to scream over the music. This close I could see he was young, but there was something in his eyes that made him look mature.

“Are you alone?” he asked.

“No, my friends are dancing.”

“You don’t like to dance?”

“Sure I do.”

He put down his glass, took my hand in his and led me to the dance floor. For the next hour we danced, talked and had another drink. He told me his parents had a villa not far away and that he spent all the summer on the island. He was seventeen and hadn’t made up his mind what he wanted to do the following year after graduating.

Mike walked me back to the hotel room but left me a few yards before it in case my dad was watching. I liked him and we decided to meet up the following day on the beach. That night, alone in my bed I knew I wanted to go further with Mike, I had a summer crush.

The following morning I met up with my friends in the restaurant for the breakfast buffet. My parents where their too but I was too cool for school to sit with them.

“How did it go last night,” I asked Chloe.

“I met this English guy, around twenty. His girlfriend was so drunk she fell asleep on one of the sofas and he took me for a walk on the beach, and you all know what that means,” she said giggling.

One of the Italian girls, Stephanie, spoke up. “C’mon, tell us.”

“Alright, we made out and then I gave him a blow job on one of the sun beds. He wanted to fuck me, but I have my period so that wasn’t an option.”

“You are such a slut,” said her French friend, Marcella.

“Yep, and proud of it.”

We all laughed, but at the back of my mind I was jealous, Chloe had sucked cock which was something I had always wanted to do, but was too shy to try. The guy who had fucked me back home had wanted me to do it, but I had chickened out.

After breakfast I told them I would meet Mike and they wished me good luck. He was waiting for me at the place we had decided to meet which was right by the stairs leading onto the beach from the hotel.

He wore a pair of black and blue swimming trunks and his body was strong but in a boyish way. Slender arms, and narrow shoulders with no body hair really apart from a few hairs on his chest. His blue eyes smiled when he saw me and that didn’t surprise me. I wore a thin summer dress over a blue bikini.

“Hi,” he said.

“Hi, where are we going, it’s your beach, so show me the way.”

He took my hand and we walked over the scorching hot sand down to where the water lapped it. Taking off our shoes we walked along the water to the end of the beach where there were several rocks and the sand turned into pebbles. Not many people were around and after rounding a big rock we found ourselves alone on a small sandy beach.

“Few people know about this place, at least not the tourists,” Mike said and put down his towel on the sand.

I did the same and sat down. I looked out over the still water and took in the breath taking view. A couple of sailing boats bobbed on the surface slowly making their way across the horizon. The sun was hot on my back and my body was dying for Mike to put his hands on it, but he didn’t. Instead he wanted to go for a swim, which we did.

The water was warm, like a bathtub and didn’t do much to cool us down. Mike was clowning around diving under the water and grabbing at my legs. It was a very boyish way to get my attention but I let him do it anyway.

At one point we stood close to each other, and I put my arms around his back to pull him close to kiss him, but he pulled away and swam away from me. It was very frustrating and for a moment I thought, maybe he is gay.

We spent all morning on our private beach talking about school and friends back home. I told him I was there for only a week and he said he wouldn’t go back home until the end of August to start school.

I asked him about his friend, and he told me Stefan had met a woman the previous night and was with her. When I asked what he meant with woman, and hadn’t used the word girl Mike laughed.

“Stefan likes older women, like in their mid-twenties. Because he is taller and bigger than I he gets away with lying about his age.”

“Good for him, do you have a girl back home?”

Mike shook his head. “No, no girlfriend, what about you?”

“I used to date a guy but we broke up a few weeks ago.”

There was a long silence and we stared out over the water. Mike said, “I got to go, I promised my mom to go grocery shopping with her, but we can meet tonight at the disco.”

“Sure, that sounds great.”

We got up and then began the trek back to the hotel.

While I took a shower before lunch to get the saltwater and sand off my body I wondered what was up with Mike. I might not me a model but I sure as fuck was sexy and pretty good looking. He hadn’t put a hand on me, not even a light touch, nothing and it bothered me. Was I wasting my time with him? No, I liked him; he was cool and very kind so I would give him a chance before moving on.

That evening I got permission to come home at two in the morning from my parents and dressed in a black flared dress I was outside the disco just before eleven. I had to wait five minutes before Mike showed up. He wore light blue cotton pants and a white short sleeved shirt and looked delicious.

“Hi,” he said, and gave me a peck on the cheek.

“Hi yourself, how was the shopping?”

He took my hand and we walked inside. “Fine,” he said as he opened the last door leading into the disco.

It was still quite empty, and the few people that were there we younger than I. We took a seat at the bar where Mike ordered us drinks. I had liked the Lumumba so I asked for one while he had a beer.

We sat talking while the kids left and the disco filled up with grownups. My friends came in but when they saw me with Mike they smiled and gave me a thumbs up and then left us alone.

Mike and I danced but I wanted to take things further. As we moved on the dance floor to the rhythm of the music I leaned in and said, “Why don’t we go for a walk, I need some fresh air.”

“Okay,” he said and took my hand.

Outside the moon shone down on us as we made our way down to the beach. We took off our shoes and walked bare feet over the cool sand down towards the water.

“We can sit here,” I said and pointed at a sun bed.

We were some hundred yards from the hotel. I saw no one around; we were alone.

We sat down and Mike stared out over the still water where the moon reflected. I was tired of waiting so I turned towards him and said, “I’m going to kiss you.”

He turned to me but before he had a chance to speak I put my hands on his cheeks and kissed his lips.

He responded and our tongues met under the moon. He held me closer, I pressed my body against him and I had thought he would try to touch my boobs or run a hand up under my dress but he didn’t. Instead we sat on the sun bed kissing.

It was a bit uncomfortable because we weren’t really facing each other, but sitting side to side. On top of that my body was yearning for his touches; my nipples and pussy wanted his soft hands on them… He didn’t do shit, apart from kissing, which he was quite good at.

Something came over me and I let go of him, pulling back.

“What’s wrong he said?” wiping his lips with the back of his hand.

“Nothing, I just want to try something.”

Before he had a chance to answer I was on my knees in the sand between his legs.

“Oh shit, wow,” he said when he realized was what about to happen.

I got his pants open and to my surprise he didn’t wear any underwear.

He must have noticed my surprise because he said, “It’s too fucking hot.”

And he was right it was hot.

His cock sprung out, hard, and ready. I took it in my hand and gave it a few strokes while looking into his eyes.

“Are you ready?” I said my voice a bit husky.

“Mm, I think so.”

I didn’t wait for more conversation but lowered my head. When I took his cock head in my mouth my world began to spin. The soft skin, the hard shaft that forced my jaws open was such a turn on I had to put a hand under my dress. My fingers found my pussy wet and hot.

“Oh fuck, oh shit, that feels so fucking good,” Mike murmured.

I was bobbing my head up and down savouring his pre-cum and the dirty feeling of giving a guy a blow job on a public beach.

My pussy wanted him inside me, and since this was before the HIV scare and I was on the pill there was nothing holding me back

I pushed him down on the sun bed and straddled him without taking off my dress.

When Mike realized what was about to happen he grinned like an idiot. I reached between my legs and moved my panties to the side and then slowly I lowered my body until his cock head touched my wet pussy lips and then I sunk down on him, gasping as his cock drove deep inside me.

That night I rode that boy until he came deep inside me. Then he took me from behind, hard, pumping his teen age cock in and out my young pussy, making me moan and gasp under his weight. He came inside me, and I took his cum in my mouth and over my face. We were two horny teens exploring each other’s bodies on that sun bed. I don’t know if any one saw us, but I wouldn’t have cared anyway, I wanted, needed, Mike’s cock in me. By the time we got up and walked back to the hotel it was close to my curfew. We kissed good night at the stairs, and I ran back to the hotel room where I took another shower making sure my pussy was clean and ready for the next day. Mike had a wonderful cock, so hard and thick, which had driven me almost insane with pleasure; I wanted more.

Over the next few days I forgot about my friends and spent all my waking hours with Mike. He took me snorkelling, experiencing the beauty of the world under the surface. He took me sailing in his dinghy and we spend hours on empty beaches making out and fucking under the hot sun. I was amazed by how fast his cum accumulated in his cute balls. Even though we had fucked just hours earlier he would send glob after glob of hot cum over my face or body as his face contorted under his orgasm. I savoured every drop of it getting drunk on his seed and drinking as much of it as I could. I had never thought I would enjoy cum so much. My older friends had told me back home about swallowing but they had sounded disgusted by it. Me, I loved it, the more the better.

When the week was at its end I took Mike for a walk around the hotel grounds.

We ended up at a bar where we had ice cream and I said. “I’m going home tomorrow.”

“Yeah, I know, and it sucks.”

“It does, but we can stay in touch. Maybe I can convince my parents to come back next year?”

He smiled a sad smile. “Maybe, but then you will have a boyfriend.”

I laughed. “I don’t think so.”

We ate our ice cream in silence, both of us thinking about the future. I wanted Mike, and I was in love with him. I was pretty sure he felt the same for me but destiny had it we lived a world apart, and wouldn’t see each other for a very long time, maybe never.

The next day he was at the hotel when the transfer bus to the airport arrived. We kissed good bye, I cried and pressed my snotty nose against his shoulder. “I love you, and will miss you,” I whimpered.

Mike took a deep breath. “I love you too, Megan.”

I looked back through the back seat window and saw a young boy waiving his good byes, he wiped a tear from his eyes and then he was gone as the bus turned onto the highway.




We kept in touch for a couple of years. This was the time before emails so they were hand written letters, mine often had a touch of my perfume and he wrote that he loved the smell of it.

One day, two years after that week I got a letter from him and he wrote:


Dear Megan,

I never told you this before, but I wanted you to know, you were my first girl. With that I mean I had never had sex with anyone before I met you, and that makes you very special to me. I might fall in love and marry another woman, but you will always be a piece of my heart.



I reread the letter and tears welled up. I pressed the letter to my chest and whispered, “Oh my sweet Mike.”

The years passed and we lost contact, I met guys, went to University and lived my life. When Facebook was still new I signed up and a year after that I decided to look up old friends, and one of them was Mike. I took me a few days but then I found him. He had married, had children, gone to University and lived in Menorca.

I wrote him a short note, asking if he remembered me. A few days later I got an answered where he said he did, and he had often thought about me. We exchanged messages and slowly it dawned on me that we were now adults, not teens in love. He had his life, I had mine. We still exchanged messages around birthdays and holidays but we never spoke about that week we had spent together.

In 2016, I had spilt with my then boyfriend and I needed a break. I decided to take my ten year old son on a holiday, and the travel agent had an offer for one week all-inclusive to Menorca. I thought long and hard about it. Should I contact Mike saying I was going there, and we should meet for a drink? After all, it had been thirty years since we had last seen each other. He was married, and I had no clue what he would say. We were now in our forties, and so much time had passed.

I decided to write him. He answered a day later saying he would love to see me again, and to let him know in which hotel I was staying at. My stomach had butterflies when my son and I boarded the plane, but I was under no illusion of starting a relationship with Mike. It was enough just seeing him.

On the second day on the island I texted him with the information about the hotel I was staying at. He said he would come by the following evening for drinks and dinner.

All that day I was nervous, and after getting a sitter for my son, I spent way too much time in the bathroom getting ready. I wasn’t the hot sixteen year old anymore. Gravity had done its work on my boobs and ass. My skin wasn’t smooth any longer; I had a few wrinkled around my eyes. I did the best magic I could with my makeup kit and then dressed in a thin summer dress.

When I walked into the restaurant he was waiting for me. I stopped in my tracks and just stared at him. He had changed a lot during those thirty years. His lean body was now a forty plus man’s body, he had gained weight, but not being outright fat. His head was shaved and I could see he had gone bald.

“Hi, long time no see,” he said when I walked up to him.

We hugged and when we pulled apart he said, “You haven’t changed much, Megan.”

I giggled like a school girl, “Oh, c’mon Mike, I am an old woman now.”

He patted his stomach, “Hey, we have both grown older.”

We ordered drinks and then spent the better part of an hour catching up. It turned out his wife and kids had gone to visit her parents so he was alone on the island.

The drink flowed and we slowly began to get drunk. It was a nice feeling being able to relax and let go for a while.

At one point, with a slurred speech I said, “Do you remember what you wrote me, about me being your first girl?”

He blushed and after taking a sip from his beer he said, “Yeah, I do. I regretted sending that letter the moment I dropped it at the post office.”

I laughed. “I thought it was really sweet of you, and I still have it.”

“Really, after all this time, you kept it?”
“Yep, I did.”

“Wow, that’s so cool.”

There was a long silence and then I said, “Do you want to go for a walk?”

He stared into my eyes searching to see if I was joking with him. “Yeah, I would.”

We paid and slid of our bar stools and then walked out into the night across the sand.

The moon was up and when I closed my eyes I was transported back thirty years to a time when my boobs sat high on my chest, my ass was pert and round. I sighed and opened my eyes again.

“What’s wrong,” said Mike as he walked beside me towards the water.

“Nothing, just thinking about that week.”

“Oh, that was a fun week, wasn’t it.”

I took his hand in mine and squeezed it, “Wasn’t it? I have never had so much cum on me and in me since, you were a machine back then.”

Mike laughed and put an arm around me. “Guess what, it’s the same now.”

We had reached the edge of the water and sat down on a sun bed. I turned to him and said, “No shit, you can still produce that much cum?”

He laughed. “Yeah, I can.”

We sat in silence for a while, each in their own world, with their own memories. After a while I said, “Mike, I know you are married and that you love your wife, but would it be possible for me to cuck your cock, just for the memory?”

He looked at me, his gaze moving from my lips to my boobs, “Yeah, sure, for old time’s sake.”

I slid onto the sand and he opened his pants. This time he wore under wear which he pulled down before sitting down again. His cock was semi-erect and it seemed bigger than I remembered it.

I took it in my hand and as it grew hard I gently licked the tip.

“Megan, I have never been with a woman who can suck cock like you,” he said with a smile.

Before taking him deep inside my mouth I said, “I’m glad, I like being the best at something.”

He laughed but the laughter was caught in his throat as my tongue went to work on his cock head. “Oh shit, oh fuck, you are good at that shit,” he moaned.

I took him as deep as I could while cupping his balls and gently squeezing them. His moaning became louder and when I felt the first contraction in his shaft I knew he would squirt any minute. When he did I was ready. I had his cock far down my throat so when his seed shot out I could swallow every drop of it without spilling anything.

I came up with a gasp, my pussy on fire, needing his cock in me. Again like all those years ago I pushed him back and straddled him.

“Megan, hold on,” he said,

“Shut up and fuck me, Mike.”

He must have been as horny as I because when his cock slid inside me he put his handd on my hips and pushed me further down.

Riding him I dug my nails into his chest and leaned down, “Fuck me Mike, fuck me like you did when we were young.”

And he did, I rode him, he took me from behind, and in the missionary position; he came over and over again, filling my pussy with his hot cum. As a desert I sucked and jerked him off, letting him come over my face before we decided enough was enough and headed back to the restaurant. I had washed my face in the sea but as we walked back I felt his cum run down the inside of my thighs.

When we reached the restaurant I asked, “One more for the road?”

He slowly shook his head, “Sorry, but I got to drive home, and it’s quite far, so I better get going.”

I took his hands in mine and gave him a peck on the cheek. “Thanks, Mike and I’ll see you in another thirty years.”

He laughed before giving me a hug. “Yeah, we can fuck each other while using walkers or a canes.”

With that he turned and walked away. I stared at his back, wanting him to come back and fuck me again. Cum was still running down my thigh, and I realized my pussy hurt a little. With a silent laugh I went to the bar and ordered a night cap.

Published 8 years ago

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