A Sweet Dream

"The room is dark and comfortable but she knows something is missing."

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She lays there in bed,

Wrapped in a blanket,

Wishing it was his arms,

Sniffing his t-shirt.

She has on her pillows,

Knowing he is thinking of her,

Feeling his touch she rolls over,

Making room on the bed,

Crawling into bed, he wraps,

His arms around her,

Pulling her close

She sinks into his embrace

Feeling his breath,

On the back of her neck,

Giving her goosebumps,

She shudders and smiles,

Then closes her eyes.

He holds her tight,

Feeling her heart beating,

In his hands,

Kisses her neck,

Caressing her hair,

Taking in a long breath,

Through his nose so her scent,

Becomes ingrained in his nose,

Laying there watching her sleep,

Listening to her snore,

Breathing in unison with her,

He falls asleep.

Published 8 years ago

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