Witches’ Curse

"Lauren is upset at being dumped. So her friends decide to try a ritual to summon a Fairy of vengeance"

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Lauren hated getting dumped. Tears streamed down her face as she moaned to her two best friends about her useless boyfriend- no that was wrong, her useless ex-boyfriend. Sitting in a bar, she sipped a Screwdriver as her best friends Abbey and Emma bitched about her ex.

“He didn’t deserve you anyway,” Emma complained, downing her Tequila shot.

“He never satisfied you in any meaningful way anyway,” agreed Abbey. Then almost as an afterthought Abbey reached into her bag and brought out a book to show Lauren. “I have an idea,” she said opening the book on the table. It looked very old with a dark brown leather cover and a symbol that seemed to glow. “I found this in a weird shop, and I thought it’d be funny to try some stuff in the woods this weekend. Halloween weekend.” She added

“What is it?” Lauren asked taking the old book.

“It’s a spell book,” Abbey said rolling her eyes and sitting closer to her friends to explain. “There are all sorts of strange spells in here. There’s even one for revenge. You know, to cast on Steven?” How gullible did Abbey think they were? Lauren thought, taking the book and continuing to drink Abbey explained about the spell book. By the end of the night, all three girls were pretty drunk and it sounded like a laugh.

“Look at this one, it says we light a fire, and dance around it to call up the fairy of vengeance it’s a strange spell.”

“Come on Abbey that’ll never work,” Lauren said as Emma went to the bar, for one last round of drinks.

“Come on Lauren, it’ll be fun,” Begged Abbey, “We can go to the woods this weekend, light a bonfire, and have a few drinks.” Laughing as Emma returned, the girls made plans to meet up that Friday night, to cast the spell.

When Friday night arrived, the three women gathered around a small fire they had built, deep in the woods near their small town. Bringing out long red robes Abbey handed them to each girl.

“We need to wear these for the spell to work.” Giggling to herself as she started to take her clothes off Lauren stared in surprise, Abbey shrugged as she continued to strip. “It’s too hot to wear anything under this.” Not wanting to cause a fuss, Lauren began stripping, to put the robe on.

Feeling conscious about getting naked in front of her friends, Lauren looked over at her friends. Abbey was slim with long red hair, Lauren looked at the girl’s naked pussy, and she noticed that Abbey had shaved it recently.

Turning now to Emma who was now also naked, she was more curved than the other two. Her blonde hair barely covered her breasts, but Lauren did notice the girl’s nipples looked hard. Her pussy had a simple landing strip Lauren noted.

Finally down to just her underwear, Lauren slowly slipped her panties down her legs. Why was she paying so much attention to her friends’ naked bodies? And why did she feel a strange heat? Her clitoris throbbed as all three donned their robes. The bonfire crackled in the night and the girls got in a circle around the campfire Lauren took a deep breath.

Soon the incantation began. Abbey began chanting in a language Lauren didn’t recognize. Feeling the heat of the fire as the chanting continued, Lauren thought about how. Abbey was right, It was unseasonably hot tonight, and wearing anything under these robes would have been silly.

Listening to the words Abbey chanted Lauren felt a strong urge to dance. Listening to her friend recite the spell Lauren felt the strange heat in her body build, even though she didn’t have the book Lauren and Emma joined in with the chanting, Lauren instinctively knowing what to say.

As the urge to dance took over her, she saw the other two girls dance in the firelight and Lauren relented. Feeling her hands move on their own she felt them move to the ties of her robe. Pulling at the ribbon she opened her robe feeling the cool night air caress her naked body, looking over to her two friends they too were dancing with their robes open to the night. Lauren couldn’t understand why but she felt a strange urge to run her hands over her body, as she felt her breasts she felt her nipples harden and her pussy moisten.

Looking over she saw her two friends had cast their robes off entirely, and they too were running their hands over their naked bodies. All three girls continued to chant, the spell, the words coming naturally to them.

The heat building she felt the urge to cast off her robe as well and feel the cool night air on her skin. The fire flaring up seemed an unnatural green colour. Lauren felt her hands go to the robe, and looking at the other girls, looking so beautiful and dancing naked in the night she shed her robe. Even though none of the girls were reading the book they all continued to chant the spell, in a language they had not heard until this night.

Dancing and feeling her heart, beat in an intoxicating rhythm, all three girls sped up the spell. All three girls were now openly feeling their bodies, Looking at Abbey, Lauren noticed her friend was masturbating, she looked so good doing that. Turning her gaze to Emma, her other friend was also fingering herself. Lauren could feel the heat between her legs build. Should she masturbate as well?

The girls chanted faster, and faster, Lauren saw her friends were close to orgasm, the look of pleasure on their faces plain to see. Instinctively Lauren knew the spell was coming to an end soon.

Finally, the incantation was complete, and the fire exploded in a green column of fire, lighting the night sky. The fire then calmed down, back to its original size. Standing in the clearing beside it was a beautiful, naked woman, with green skin, red hair, and pointed ears.

“I am Lilith, Fairy of Vengeance. Why do you summon me?” The three girls hugged each other as the awesome beauty stood before them.

“Mistress,” Abbey said looking at the woman in awe. Whilst saying this Lauren felt Abbey’s hand wander over her naked body.

“Mistress.” Emma joined in looking at the woman with what didn’t look like awe and more like lust. Like Abbey, her hands were wandering over Lauren’s naked body. As Lauren felt the womens’ touch she felt her body respond and her clitoris throbbed.

The Fairy stood in front of the girls and Lauren gasped at the sight. What was happening? Never had her friends indicated a liking for girls, and yet both girls were now looking at this strange woman with undeniable lust in their eyes.

What’s more, the girls, we’re continuing to run their hands over Lauren’s naked body, it was driving her into equal lust. It struck her that not only were her friends’ hands wandering over her body but looking down now she noticed her fingers were caressing her friends’ pussies. Her fingers were already wet with their desire.

“Mistress,” Lauren said bowing her head, “we ask for your power. We ask for vengeance against the man who broke my heart?” At this Lauren felt Abbey dip her finger into her pussy, all the while Emma continued to caress her breasts, and both her friends were kissing her neck. Her nipples hardened and her pussy dampened in response.

“My Children,” the strange being before them smiled “what you don’t even realize is that you don’t need a man.” Barely able to think as she felt her orgasm grow, Lauren felt her friends’ pussies tightening as their orgasms grew closer. “Don’t you feel the lust with each other? Isn’t this better than any man?” Feeling her friends continue kissing her neck Lauren gasped.

When both her friends orgasmed she withdrew her fingers and lifted them to her mouth, savouring her first taste of other Womans’ pussies. She had tasted her juices on her ex’s dicks before, but this was different. It felt so good to taste them.

Whilst she tasted the juices that her friends had provided, they kept kissing her. They then started to kiss down her naked body, and the girl’s hands continued to wander over her naked form. Her breasts, her thigh, her pussy- God her pussy was getting so wet. She was so close to cumming as each of her friends sucked a nipple into their mouths.

“Mistress, thank you,” Lauren said trying not to moan. A moment later as Abbey abandoned her nipple, got on her knees, and began to lick her sweet, wet, dripping pussy, Lauren relented and gave a great moan. All the while Emma was sucking her hard nipples. This was bliss, this was heaven, this was… this was… crying out in her orgasm Lauren felt a release unlike any she had ever felt before.

Bowing before the naked Fairy, Lauren felt a need that she had never felt before, a strange hunger she could never have dreamed of before. She needed to eat this Fairy’s pussy.

“We serve you, mistress. But please, we ask for vengeance nonetheless?” Abbey asked the fairy, Emma nodded in agreement. Meanwhile, Lauren looked at the naked Fairy and wondered how good she would taste.

“You,” Lilith boomed pointing at Lauren, “do you still want vengeance? Do you want my power?” Her two friends got up from the ground, Lauren looked at Emma and Abbey as they stood next to Lilith.

Getting on her knees she asked. “Yes my mistress, what should I do?” Stepping forward, Lilith took Lauren’s head in her hands and guided it. Bringing it closer to her Fairy slit. Soon Lauren was licking the Fairy’s pussy, as her two friends each sucked one of Lilith’s nipples into their mouths. Feeling the fairy’s juices flow from her spasming cunt, Lauren tasted the woman’s cum, a finger slipping under her tongue as she licked.

“I will bestow my power unto you.” Lilith cried out between gasps. Lauren’s friends’ hands wandered over the woman’s body as Lauren licked. Fluid covered her tongue as the strange being let out a moan. The taste was strange, unlike her friends’ juices, spicy and exotic Lauren continued to eat, Lilith cried out, and came over Lauren’s face. Juices gushing, Lauren let the fluids bathe her face. The fire behind them all flared to life once again blinding the girls. By the time they had recovered, the three girls were alone once again.

Had they dreamed it? Was it a hallucination? The juices Lauren felt on her face made her think it was real. That and a new hunger and a new awareness of her surroundings. Silence filled the night, after a few seconds Lauren began to hear grunts coming from beside her.

Looking over at her two friends she was greeted with a beautiful sight. Emma had pulled Abbey down and flipped herself around. In part to position her pussy above her friend’s face. In part to lick her friend’s sweet cunt, which she was doing now. Emma not needing to be prompted was also devouring her friend’s hot slit.

Lauren positively soaked at the sight of her two best friends giving each other the most powerful orgasms they’d ever experienced. Lauren was unable to stop herself and slipped a finger into her tight pussy. Rubbing her clitoris as she watched the scene. This was better than any time she had masturbated before. And she somehow sensed that her friends, (moaning in front of her now as they both orgasmed) had never experienced pleasure like this as well.

Looking up from their sixty-nine the girls looked at Lauren with hunger in their eyes. Pulling Lauren’s fingers away from her wet cunt Abbey started licking Lauren to another powerful orgasm. All the while Emma crawled over to Lauren, had spread her ass cheeks, and was licking her ass hole.

“Yes, Girls that’s it you naughty sluts. EAT ME!” Lauren Cried out in Orgasm the three girls collapsed in a heap. Lying down beside the fire, the trio slipped into a deep sleep.

Waking up the next morning, Lauren once again wondered if it was all a dream. Seeing her friends lying naked on the ground, and feeling once again a hunger in her, she realized this was very much reality. And looking to the skies thought: What now?

Published 2 years ago

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