The Hatefuck

"Mutual dislike between coworkers fuels a fiery affair"

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While I was going to college, I had a part-time job at a local “mom-and-pop” retail shop. They sold a bit of everything, but in the later hours of the day, we mostly did movie rentals.

My first few months working there were pretty nondescript. I didn’t particularly like the job and I felt like I didn’t really belong there. As the months went on, there was quite a bit of employee turnover, and I very quickly became the veteran employee on the late shift.

After I graduated college, there were very few opportunities that presented themselves. So, I stuck around at the shop and the owner offered me a newly created “night manager” position. I readily accepted it as it was better than any of the limited job offers that had presented themselves.

The owner seemed to fill many of the job openings with very attractive girls in their late high school years.

The first of which was Jennifer, or Jenny. The first time that I saw her, I thought that she was quite attractive. Then she started to talk.

She was a total bitch. She thought that she was better than everybody else, and she wasn’t afraid to flaunt it. I hoped that she would quickly wash out and be gone, but there was no such luck. She stuck around for quite a long time and I detested working with her.

My friend, Tim, would quite often meet me at work and we would go out after I closed the shop. After the first time that he had encountered Jennifer, he boasted that she was really cute. He added that she acted like such a bitch and that he wanted to “hatefuck” her.

While I wasn’t really familiar with that term, I certainly understood what he meant by that. Since I had to deal with her several times a week, it was a little bit more on the hate side of the equation for me.

It was perhaps a month later when our next new employee arrived. Her name was Jill. When I found out that she was Jenny’s friend, I expected the worst.

When she arrived, I was pleasantly surprised to find this ravishing girl with curly blonde hair. She was absolutely stunning, and I found her to be rather enjoyable to be around.

For a considerable amount of time, Jenny and Jill were the two employees that mainly worked with me on weeknights and weekends.

Things began to change on a particular weeknight when Jenny and I were running the front of the store. It was a very busy night for movie rentals and customers were continually lined up at the checkout.

We used a “tag system” for our movie rentals so that the customers didn’t just steal the videos off of the shelves. If a movie was available, it had a tag placed in front of it. The customer then brought the tag to the checkout, and we pulled the video out of a library located behind the counter.

The library was pretty close quarters, but when customers were getting impatient it wasn’t uncommon for two of us to squeeze into the same section at once. Since all of the newer movies were placed into the same section, that was generally where we needed to pull most of the movies from.

I can still vividly recall this particular moment. Jenny and I were in the same section pulling videos. I usually made a noise of some type or said “behind you” so that the other person didn’t turn around and trip over me. Despite the fact that I did so, Jenny turned around and bumped into me. As she did, she mashed one of her breasts into me. I am pretty sure that my eyes lit up because she immediately smiled and then went on her way.

Jenny was a tiny, little thing. She was probably 5’ 2”, and fairly petite. She did, however, have breasts that were probably a smaller-sized C-cup. That, combined with the fact that she generally wore a push-up bra, meant that they stuck out significantly.

She had long, dark brown hair that traveled halfway down her back, as well as piercing blue eyes. We had a dress code at work, so she generally wore a blouse and a skirt of some proper length, or occasionally a dress.

Although, we had never bumped into each other in the prior months. She bumped into me several times that night in much the same way. It was obvious that she was attempting to torment me. I had to walk away several times to “cool off” as my mind drifted to thoughts other than work.

This soon became a regular occurrence between Jenny and me. Whenever we worked alone, she would brush against me as much as she could.

I knew that she wasn’t interested in me. She disliked me as much as I did her. She was only doing it to get me aroused. Sometimes, she would glance at my crotch and smirk or scoff. It was apparent that she knew just how easily she could push my buttons.

On one particular Saturday night, I worked with both Jill and Jenny. It quickly became obvious that Jenny had told Jill about how she would tease me. Suddenly, both of the girls were rubbing up against me almost continuously.

I lost all control of myself. Jill, in particular, made me run to the back to hide my arousal on multiple occasions. I even had to sneak off to the restroom several times to “rub one out” in order to get my cock under control.

This scene played out many times over several months. I think that she finally got bored with teasing me, because eventually, it slowed down considerably, although it never completely stopped.

Then, on one particular Friday night, we were training a new girl, Ashley. Jenny and Jill had already graduated high school and were approaching their first year of college, so we were getting one person ready to fill in for them. Ashley didn’t have her own car yet, so her mom had stopped in before closing to let her know that she was waiting in the parking lot.

As we got ready to lock the door, I told Ashley that she could go and that Jenny and I would finish closing up. I did this occasionally if one of the other employees was in a hurry, although it usually prompted an argument with the other one that didn’t get to leave early.

Jenny and I pulled out the cash drawers and headed to the storeroom. I carried them to the back and put them away. As I turned, Jenny was crowded next to me, and my arm slid across her breasts. She just stood there staring at me.

“What are you doing? Get out of the way!” I barked.

She continued to stare at me for a bit before saying, “I was just making sure that you put them away correctly.”

Eventually, she moved away. But nearly the same sequence played out as I went to the breaker box and turned the lights off.

That time, she didn’t step away, though. She crowded forward until she was so close that her breasts were poking me in the chest.

“Alright, that’s enough of the games. Cut it out and let’s get out of here,” I commanded.

Jenny started laughing, “Or what? You aren’t going to do anything, except maybe get a boner!”

She stared at my crotch. Although my cock wasn’t fully erect, it was obvious that it wasn’t soft either.

“Maybe you should sneak off to the bathroom and…”

Jenny made the typical “jacking-off” motion.

At that point, I was actually getting embarrassed. Although I knew that she was aware that she was getting me aroused. I didn’t think that she knew that had to resort to masturbation.

My cheeks turned bright red, and I really didn’t know what to say.

“Shut up, Jen!” I shouted.

She scoffed at me once again. Then she nudged my crotch with her hand and said, “You’re pathetic.”

That was all of her taunting that I could take. I unzipped my pants and then directed her to her knees.

“Yeah, I know how to shut your big, fucking mouth!” I exclaimed.

As I maneuvered my cock through the fly of my pants, she was waiting with her mouth open as it arrived. She started to suck on it, but I quickly grabbed her head and forced my cock to the back of her throat.

I made her gag several times before saying, “You are fucking terrible at this.”

It wasn’t a lie; she wasn’t very good at it.

I pulled Jenny to her feet and directed her against the wall. She braced herself with both hands as I unbuckled my belt and let my pants drop to my ankles. I walked up behind her and yanked her skirt up, revealing a pair of pink, cotton, thong panties.

I attempted to tear them off of her, but the seams were too strong. Instead, I just yanked her backward slightly as my fingers tore through the fabric.

I pulled the now-mangled panties down to her knees and with little hesitation drove my cock into her noticeably wet pussy. She made an uncomfortable gasp. It was obvious that I was larger in some way than her boyfriend was.

Jenny had the same boyfriend the entire time that we worked together. He seemed like a complete douchebag. They were a perfect couple.

“Is that a little bit bigger than your boyfriend’s is?” I taunted, putting extra emphasis on the “boy” part.

“No, his is a lot bigger than yours, actually,” she groaned.

It was obvious that she was lying. If it had been anybody else, I would have given them time to adjust. Instead, I grabbed her hips and started fucking her hard and fast. She was trying to play it cool, but her moans and tensed-up fingers gave her away.

I would love to pretend as if I gave her a marathon performance, but the excitement of the moment as well as Jenny’s tight, wet, little pussy got the best of me.

It was mostly a blur. The next thing that I knew I was cumming inside of her. I panicked for a second until I remembered how she always left her birth control pills on the counter. It was still reckless of me, but I was also confident that there was no danger of catching anything from her either.

I backed away from her slowly.

“Your boyfriend can clean up my mess later,” I chirped as I started to redress.

Jenny kept her back turned to me as she pulled up her mangled panties and tried to straighten her skirt. We didn’t speak again or even look directly at each other as we finished closing the store. I think that we both regretted getting involved with one another.

The following several days, I was quite nervous. I feared that she would regret our encounter so much that she would report it to my boss, or worse. It was certainly the most aggressive encounter that I had experienced at that point in my life.

I worked with her once the following week. Although she wasn’t standoffish toward me, she wasn’t flirtatious either.

Two weeks later, I worked on a Saturday night with both Jill and Jenny. I was relieved that they were up to their old tricks. As much as it tormented me, any time that beautiful, young women want to rub their breasts against me, I am generally fine with it.

As we were getting ready to close, Jenny smiled at Jill and said, “You can go ahead and leave. Rob and I will finish closing.”

Jill smiled at us on the way out and said, “You guys have fun now!”

It was obvious that Jenny had told her about our little romp. It was also obvious that Jenny didn’t mind it as much as I had feared.

I couldn’t stop smiling as we headed to the back of the store. Once we had turned the lights off, Jenny slapped me across the face.

“What the fuck are you smiling about?” she shouted as she smiled back at me.

I rubbed my cheek for a bit before responding, “I can’t believe that it took you two weeks to start begging for more.”

“Begging? More like charity,” she answered.

“I don’t blame you,” I declared. “I’m sure that you can barely even feel your boyfriend’s tiny, little pecker.”

She slapped me again, this time a bit harder. It was then that I realized what she was trying to get me to do.

I couldn’t slap a woman on the face, but it was clear that she wanted me to be rough with her. I reached around the back of her head and grabbed her hair. It took little effort for me to direct her onto her hands and knees. I positioned myself behind her and grabbed her hair once again.

“Beg me to fuck you!” I commanded.

“Fuck you!” she snarled as she spat at the wall.

I controlled her with her hair as I exposed my cock with my free hand. I continued to order her to beg me to fuck her as I hiked up her skirt and slid her panties down. I started to rub my cock underneath her and spanked her ass with my right hand as I held her hair with my left.

I continued taunting her for a while, but she refused to comply. I would have believed that she didn’t like it if my cock wasn’t already wet with her excitement.

Without warning, I slowly drove my cock all the way inside of her. I could see her mouth gape wide open as I did.

She growled back at me, “Oh, you motherfucker!”

“Is it as big as you remembered?” I taunted.

“No. It’s even smaller. I don’t know why I even gave you a second chance,” she quipped.

We went at it even more aggressively than the first time and we berated each other throughout. Fortunately, I gave a better performance. By the time I unloaded inside of her, I had spanked her right “cheek” until it was bright red.

“Your boyfriend is going to wonder who gave you that spanking,” I joked.

This would become the new normal for me in my experiences with Jenny. Every time that we hooked up, I made a point to leave some sort of mark on her that would prevent her from fooling around with her boyfriend for several days.

We both got dressed. There was a continuation of the taunting from before. At one point, I gave her one last hard slap on the ass just to remind her of how I had “tagged” her.

We continued to hook up an average of once every other week. It was always at work, and we never had any contact anywhere outside of work. Our personal relationship remained much the same. I was confident that neither of us liked the other in the least.


It was roughly our eighth time together and I decided to try something completely different. I grabbed Jenny by the hair and ordered her to take all of her clothes off. Most of the time I didn’t even have any tension applied to her hair. Despite her usual vocal rebuffs, she stripped completely nude without much hesitation.

It was the first time that I had seen her naked. In fact, it was the first time that I had ever seen her bare breasts. I had felt them several times as I would sometimes free one or both of them from her bra during intercourse.

I gently slung her toward an area where there was some open space along a wall and ordered her to place her back against it. I quickly removed my own clothing. Again, it was the first time that she had seen me naked or even shirtless.

She turned to the side as she watched me undress. I charged at her and placed my hand gently around her throat.

“I thought that I told you to place your back against the wall!” I barked.

I barely made any contact with her, but she wilted at my touch.

“I am going to do whatever I want to do to you, for as long as I want to do it.”

Jenny fired back, “Unless you cum before you even get it in.”

I reinforced the fact that I had my hand around her throat as I leaned in and brushed my lips against hers.

“What does it take for you to learn to stop being a mouthy, little bitch?”

My left hand remained around her throat as I explored her tight, little body with my right hand.

“You don’t look too bad naked, Jennifer. You are probably a five.”

Jenny lunged forward revealing how little tension I had around her neck, “Fuck you! A five! You are like a two!”

I, of course, was lying. She was easily an eight.

I reminded her that I still had my hand around her throat and her body quickly submitted again. I continued to caress her body until I finally worked my way between her legs.

I leaned in close again, “Jennifer, why is it that every time that we play, I find that your pussy is dripping wet?”

“It’s not because of anything that you do,” she fired back.

I let go of her neck and dropped to my knees. I licked her gently several times. I could feel her body shiver each time my tongue contacted her. It was the first time that I had tasted Jenny. Her nectar was amazing! It only added fuel to my fire, and I was inspired to take things to another level.

“Wrap your arms around my neck,” I commanded.

She did so but in a rather casual fashion.

I grabbed onto her thighs and stood up, raising her up above me. I flashed her a look. She immediately knew what I wanted from her. We somehow had great sexual chemistry, despite the fact that we were so very different.

Jenny steadied herself against me with her left hand, while she reached down with her right. As I lowered her down, she guided my cock inside her pussy.

It was our first time being intimate face-to-face. I expected the same sort of distress that I had sensed on our first encounter. Instead, the look on her face was one of pure pleasure.

It would seem that Jenny had adjusted to my size more quickly than I had expected. We took a moment to adjust our positioning. She had her arms secured around my neck as well as wrapping her legs around my midsection. I used the wall to help support her back as my hands cradled her backside.

I leaned in close to her once again.

“Tell me how much you love my cock.”

She, of course, didn’t comply.

“I would love for it to be a lot bigger,” she quipped.

I started to slowly grind my hips. It was immediately apparent how well we worked together.

It felt as if it were our first time together. I could finally see her expressions, feel her breathing, and hear every little sigh or moan that she made.

Jenny’s legs were clasped tightly around my hips, and she was holding herself up without requiring much assistance. I decided that one hand would be sufficient to steady her bottom, so I held her with my left hand and placed my right hand around her neck once again. Once again, she submitted to the lightest touch. I directed her head backward until she was looking upward, and her head was against the wall.

I leaned in and slowly licked from her neck upward to her earlobe.

I whispered, “I own you now. You are my personal, little fucktoy.”

I felt her shiver as I said those words. I wasn’t sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing. I was waiting for her to issue a fiery response, but it never happened. I was beginning to believe that I had crossed the line with her.

Jenny growled, “Oh, god!” in a low, restrained voice.

Brimming with newfound confidence, I boasted, “Yeah, I knew how much you love my cock!”

I felt her body jerk twice more. I decided to remove my hand from her neck. As soon I did, she lunged forward, placing her head on my right shoulder. Her arms squeezed my neck with all of her might. Her lovely, young breasts felt amazing as they smashed tightly against my chest. I heard several quiet high-pitched squeals as she held back as much as she could.

“Yeah, you mouthy, little bitch, cum on my fucking cock!” I barked into her ear.

With her body clamped tightly onto mine, I could feel her every reaction. I could tell by her motions that her orgasm had begun. There was no reason for me to hold back anymore. I started to thrust harder and faster than before.

I finished with a flurry and even managed to power through my own orgasm. I felt drained and slightly dizzy. I feared for a moment that I was going to collapse onto the floor with Jenny still on top of me.

I could feel my cum already dripping out of her pussy. Our sweaty, weary bodies were clinging stickily together.

After a brief moment to recover, Jenny released her grip and rocked backward in my grasp. We were both still out of breath. Our eyes locked for a moment and both of us started to slowly lean forward.

As we got close, I thought to myself, “What are you doing, Rob? You can’t stand that mouthy, little bitch.”

I stopped just an inch short of kissing her for the first time. We both looked at each other. I think that we both realized that our series of adventures were getting dangerously close to creating a real connection between the two of us.

I lifted Jenny up a bit to free my cock and lowered her to the floor. We both stood there uncomfortably for a moment.

“Don’t forget to tell your boyfriend later that you finally had a real orgasm,” I chirped.

“What? He makes me cum all of the time!” she fired back.

“Yes, I am sure that his tiny cock really does the job.”

“It’s so much bigger than your little nub is!” she added.

The back and forth continued as we cleaned up and got dressed. We hardly looked at each other the entire time.

Once dressed, we headed out of the store and locked up. There was an uncomfortable goodbye as we parted company.


That would not be the end of our sexual escapades, but it would be the one and only time that we were completely naked or face-to-face.

After a few months, Jenny became engaged to her long-time boyfriend. She quit abruptly shortly thereafter.

I never spoke to her again. I can only think that she decided that she could no longer cheat on her new fiancé and that eliminating me from that picture was the best way to ensure that she didn’t.

It was a good time while it lasted.

No hard feelings.

Published 2 years ago

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