How It Started
I must say that I was surprised when my husband of some fifteen years said he thought that our marriage and our sex life lacked the youthful enthusiasm we once enjoyed. Then he suggested that we contact a local couple for instruction in light bondage and submission to spice things up a little.
He was right about our relationship of course, but I thought it was just the nature of getting to our late thirties and forties together. He said he had found out about a middle-aged couple who specialized in working with clients new to the concept of dominance and submission. The guy he talked with had raved about the results the training achieved for he and his wife.
I was skeptical, so I asked my good friend, Jane, if she knew anything about it. Jane said she and her husband had not tried it, but she had heard second hand that others had had good results. She did confide that her sources told her that it was really a turn-on for the husbands. But for the wives, not so much.
With that, I told Richard that I would go with him to check it out. But, if it seemed too… Well, too much. I would back out. He was pleased that I agreed to give it a try and said he hoped it would be just the tonic we needed. He called and made an initial late afternoon appointment.
The Initial Appointment
We arrived at what appeared to be a store-front office building in a nearly abandoned neighborhood strip mall. Since I did not know what to expect, I was wearing my typical office attire – a white blouse and loose skirt combination. My husband was dressed casually in jeans and a polo shirt.
We were greeted at the door by a pert and perky woman in her early thirties. She showed us into a comfortable office with a couch and several stuffed chairs. Standing to one side was a ruggedly handsome man in his mid-forties. He smiled and welcomed us.
“Hi, I’m Ivan, and this is my wife and assistant, Kim. We understand this is your first venture into this area. You are seeking ways to revitalize your intimate time together. Yes?”
“Yes,” I replied. “I am Janice and this is my husband, Richard. He has heard good things about your service. But beyond that we are naïve. And, as a woman, I am a bit skeptical.”
“That is perfectly understandable, Janice,” Ivan responded. “We will take some time to describe the process and to all get more comfortable with each other. Please have a seat together and I will explain.
“First of all,” Ivan continued, “it is our job – Kim and I – to help you learn and enjoy techniques that will enhance your love-life. We get paid by the hour. So, our success depends on pleasing both of you. To the extent that we do, you will leave happy and want to return many times to learn more.
“Now, Kim and I know that there are many misconceptions about BDSM. It is a catchall category for a multitude of activities that involve bondage, domination, submission, and masochism. The words bring up images of confinement, torture, pain, and physical punishment. But the truth is that most BDSM techniques are psychological in nature. It is the client’s minds that we focus on. That is where sex starts and ends. The physical part is just a means to stimulate the mind to accept what the body really wants.
“Today,” he continued, “we will start with some of the basics of relaxing and letting yourselves go in the presence of others. Later, in future sessions, we will cover submission, domination and the rest. But you must learn about yourselves first. That is the cornerstone.
“Sometimes we will work with both of you together. At other times, you will be separated. We will ask you to do many things that you may find strange or disconcerting. But rest assured that it will all make sense to you later; and, we will do nothing that causes permanent damage or leaves marks that persist.
“We will strive to push you to your limits both physically and mentally. We will get in your face. We will violate your personal space. We will lay hands on you at times. Sometimes you will hate us during a session, but you will always love the results.
“You will have a ‘safe word.’ When you say it, we will cease whatever we are doing. However, you have only two choices when we ask you to do something – obey, or quit the session and leave.
“Our first lesson is always free. So, if the rules are clear and you want to proceed with today’s session, please say ‘Yes’,” Ivan said in a serious tone.
Richard and I were intrigued and saw no down side as we could back out at any time at no cost. So, we looked at each other and said “Yes” in unison.
“Wonderful,” Ivan said. “Your safe word is ‘Kansas.’ Let’s go into the next room and get started.”
Spanking Richard
The next room was about twelve feet by twelve feet with two doors, no windows, and a large mirror on one wall. The only furnishing was an old-fashioned metal office desk with the top edges and corners rounded. It sat right in the center of the room.
Ivan immediately took charge. “To start the session,” he said, “I want each of you to stand in opposite corners with your backs to the room. Stand close to the corners so that you are touching both walls. This is your safe space, now and in future sessions. Neither Kim nor I will touch you while you are in your safe space. You will remain in your corner until we tell you that it is your turn to participate. And, while you are in your corner, whatever you do, do not turn or look around until we tell you to do so – no matter what you may think you hear.
“Understood?” he barked. “Good. Go to your corners now!”
Richard and I looked at each other again and smiled as we moved to opposite corners. I had no idea what to expect, but I did assume that something would happen right away. However, minutes went by with no movement or sound behind us. Soon, I could hear my heart beat and I started to get anxious. I thought about what might happen to us. I fretted about what these two might do to us.
After fifteen minutes or so, I was really getting nervous.
Then Ivan spoke. “Richard, please turn around and come to the desk at the center of the room. Face your wife’s back and bend over the desk. Place your forearms on the desk and spread your feet about eighteen inches apart.
“Comfortable?” Ivan asked. “I have a wooden paddle to use on you to stimulate your senses, release your anxieties, and help you focus only on what we are telling you. It will hurt at first. But you can take it like a man, yes?”
I heard my husband say “yes”, but his response lacked conviction. I could not see him, but I could imagine him bent over the desk with Ivan holding the paddle behind him.
Whoomph! I heard the paddle strike. Richard let out a low moan.
Whoomph! The paddle struck and my husband moaned again.
“I want to give you three more,” Ivan said. “It might help if you focus your attention on your wife’s backside. After all, you are doing this for each other. Do you want to quit, or go on?”
“Go on,” Richard said. But I could tell it was through gritted teeth.
I felt sorry for my husband, but I knew my turn was coming and I was anxious about that.
Once the three blows were administered, Ivan told Richard to get up and return to his corner, and I heard my husband shuffle back that way.
Janice Participates
“Okay, Janice,” said Ivan. “It’s your turn. Please turn around and come to the desk. Bend over it facing your husband’s back and place your forearms on the desk top. You do understand what is going to happen, don’t you?”
“Yes,” I responded.
“If you are ready, please spread your feet about eighteen inches. And, Kim, please raise her skirt to her waist. I want the paddle to strike her pantie clad ass cheeks.”
“What?” It did not seem fair. My husband had his pants to protect his backside. But now it would be just my pink nylon panties between the paddle and my tender flesh. I was frightened.
Whack! “Oh, that stings!” I cried out.
“Don’t complain, take it like a big girl,” Ivan growled.
I was embarrassed. The first blow had made me cry out, whereas Richard had taken five with barely a moan.
Whack! “Oomph!” I moaned as I clenched my fists.
“I want to give you three more,” Ivan said in a merciless manner. “Do you want to quit, or go on?”
I looked at Richard standing with his face in the corner. He had his hands behind his back, clutching his aching cheeks. I figured that if he could take it for me, then I could take it for him.
“Go ahead. Give it to me,” I said to Ivan.
Whack… Whack… Whack!
My ass was burning when Ivan lowered my skirt and sent me back to my corner.
Round Two for Richard
“Richard, your turn again. Your wife was very brave. This time remove your pants and underwear before you leave your corner,” Ivan commanded.
My heart went out to my husband. I didn’t think he could imagine how much the paddle would sting when it struck his bare skin. I hoped he was looking at me as I caressed my sore ass cheeks with both hands through my skirt. Maybe it would give him strength.
Whack… Whack! “Do you want to go on?” Iven asked.
“Yes, give me three more,” Richard answered as I felt him steel himself for the blows.
Whack… Whack… Whack! Then. Whack… Whack!
“Don’t assume you know what is going to happen unless I tell you,” said Ivan with mirth. “Otherwise, expect the unexpected. Get up now and return to your corner. Leave your pants and underwear on the floor.
“Kim, make sure he faces the wall and does not watch his wife take her next set.
“Okay, Janice, your turn once more,” Ivan continued.
As I made my way back to the desk, I heard Kim say in a voice loud enough for all to hear, “Nice boner, Richard! You must enjoy being spanked.”
Exposing Janice
I instinctively glanced his way as Kim helped him back to his corner, and sure enough I could see that he had an erection.
“Keep your head down, Janice,” Ivan grumbled.
I was chagrinned. I had failed to obey and now I was to be given extra punishment for it. I pulled my underpants down and stepped out of them as they hit the floor. I leaned over the desk and spread my feet apart. As I rested my weight on my forearms my gaze fell on Richard’s back. His hands were covering his reddened butt cheeks. Kim stood beside him and smiled up into his face. I knew she had seen his hard-on. I determined then and there to take whatever Ivan dished out, just to show her that I was woman enough for my man.
My skirt was raised again, and then Whap… Whap! The stinging on my right ass cheek was even more hurtful than the first time. Ivan had relinquished the paddle and stuck my naked ass with his bare hand. Then I felt Ivan move up beside me, put his hand on my burning butt cheek, and whisper into my ear. “Your husband will be proud of you.
My heart welled up with pride. Then he said loudly, “I want to give you four more. Can you take it, or do you want to quit?”
“I can take four more for Ricard,” I replied hoping my husband would hear.
Ivan’s hand lifted from my ass and crashed back on my other butt cheek. Whap! … Whap! I knew that both cheeks now displayed red hand prints. But, I kept my emotions in check and uttered not a sound.
Ivan stopped, and then whispered into my ear again, “Bear with me for a moment, Janice. I want to check something.”
I felt his right hand – that instrument of torture – reach in between my legs from behind. He moved his arm and hand forward until his hand cupped my sex. That was something no person except Richard had done since we married. I gasped, but froze in place. It was a naughty thing for Ivan to do, especially because my husband was right there in the room – just a few feet away. I felt guilty, because I was letting another man touch me. I could have objected and ended it then and there. But, if I did, I would ruin the experience for Richard. I elected to let this small transgression pass without comment.
Ivan whispered again, “You’re wet, Janice” he said. “Looks like you enjoy being spanked as much as your husband does.”
Ivan knew that my failure to object to his feeling me up would allow him to take additional liberties without fear that I would betray his actions to my husband. He slowly slid his hand back, parting the wet lips around my opening. Then slowly on up over my anus. After that, he used both hands to separate my smarting cheeks. This was no juvenile groping. This was a professional checking the effect of his work, and perhaps charting the course ahead.
I knew that I was being conditioned to accept Ivan’s continued sexual familiarity. And, I was unsure how far I wanted to let that go. However, I reasoned, we were here to learn to be more sexually open, and some touching was to be expected. So, I did not say anything and let Ivan proceed.
“Don’t worry. I won’t tell your husband about your response to spanking and touching,” he continued to whisper. “You will do that when you want to let him know what really turns you on.
“Ready for the last two?” Ivan asked in a loud voice.
Whap… Whap! One more flesh on flesh slap on each cheek of my ass. His hand was still wet with my juices, and that made the sting worse.
“Kim,” called Ivan. “Help Janice back to her corner. Then each of you stand there for a few minutes and contemplate what you have done. Also, think about what your partner has withstood for you. Over the next few days you can discuss how you feel about the experience with us. If you find you want to continue learning, just call and make another appointment. The next lesson will cost you fifty dollars each.”
The Drive Home
We heard some scuffling and then silence. Richard and I obediently stood in our corners for about fifteen minutes thinking our individual thoughts. Finally, I asked in a small voice, “Richard, do you think it is time for us to go?”
We both looked around and found that the room was empty except for the two of us, and the desk. Richard started dressing and I searched for my panties, but I could not find them. On the desk, I found and picked up a business card for Ivan and Kim with their contact information.
The door to the empty, darkened parking lot was open. So, we walked out to our car without speaking. We drove toward our house in silence. My ass still ached. It felt as if there was slow burning fire under me as I sat in my seat. My thoughts turned to all that had happened in the last hour. First to the spankings, then to seeing Richard’s erection accompanied by Kim’s smiling comments, to Ivan’s bare-handed swats, and then to his whispering to me and touching me with Richard standing nearby, and finally to my failure to protest and how that opened the door for Ivan to proceed. I started to get flushed. My naked pussy was flowing again and there was now the strong scent of sex inside the car. I realized that I was on the verge of an orgasm.
A Sudden Stop
As we drove down a quiet street in our neighborhood, we came to several vacant lots where the street light was out. I put my hand in Richard’s lap, felt for, found, and grasped his rock-hard penis through his pants. I suddenly knew what I wanted and I found my voice.
“Richard,” I ordered, “Pull over and stop the car! I need you right now!”
Richard slammed on the brakes and brought the car to a screeching halt at the curb. I almost jumped out of the passenger seat and rushed to lay my upper body over the curb-side front fender of our car. My husband quickly came up behind me, whisked my skirt up around my waist, unzipped and lowered his pants.
“Slap my ass – hard. Then fuck me,” I cried out.
The sound of my voice and the slap echoed across the vacant lot. And then, he grabbed my hips and mounted my open and waiting pussy without hesitation. He drove his cock all the way in on one stroke. He used his grip on my hips and to pull himself in as far as he could go. His scrotum was stretched tight against my vaginal opening and it crushed my clit against my pubic bone. When he could go no further, he raised his right hand and slapped my sore ass cheek one more time.
His rapid penetration combined with that last slap triggered the most massive orgasm I have had in years. Richard renewed his grip on my hips and started to jack hammer his cock into me.
“Oh God! Richard, don’t stop!” I shouted.
Almost immediately he started to ejaculate, but he did not slow his rabbit like thrusting. He kept it up until he was expended and exhausted. Then he collapsed and rested his weight on my back, holding me down against the heat of the car’s hood. I was overcome by emotion. Tears of happiness welled up in my eyes. All the buildup of sexual tension followed by this cathartic release was just too much for me.
We remained coupled and enjoyed a moment of blissful afterglow. But, when our senses returned, we both realized where we were, and how exposed our act had been. We quickly arranged our clothes, got back in the car, and drove the short distance to our house.
Wrapping Up the Evening
Once there, we went upstairs where each of us showered and climbed into bed.
We sat together prior to snuggling down for the night. “Well, that was an exciting evening,” I said with a giggle.
“Which part,” asked Richard, “the experience with Ivan and Kim, or sex on the side of the street.” We laughed together for the first time in weeks.
“What were we thinking,” I responded. “First, we get involved with a BDSM couple, get our asses spanked, then we stop a few blocks from home and have sex over the fender of our car. How risky and juvenile is that?”
Richard was silent for a minute or two. Then he said, “You know, I heard everything that went on while I was facing the walls in my corner. But there was a time when Ivan whispered to you in between spankings. What did he say?”
“Oh, he told me that you would be proud of me for taking the blows,” I responded in partial truth, “and he said that he thought that I enjoyed the spanking. Which to my surprise, I did.”
“You know, Richard, it seemed to me that there was an initial shock of the paddle striking and the resulting pain. But, by the second round, I accepted the upcoming strikes and knew that the pain would eventually subside and leave me more aroused. Was that true for you as well?”
Richard was silent for a moment. Then. “She touched me,” he confessed.
“Who touched you,” I asked.
“Kim,” he responded.
“When,” I asked.
“You remember when she said, ‘Nice boner, Richard’? Well, she had wrapped her fingers around it, squeezed it, and she smiled at me. I didn’t protest. You were just a few feet away looking toward me, and I just stood there and let her hold my cock while it was out of your sight.”
“Oh!” I responded. “Well, it was a wild night. Let’s put it behind us and get some sleep.” The truth was that I did not want to pursue the subject because I did not want to tell him how Ivan had touched me and enticed me with his words. I just didn’t know how my husband might react.
Next: Increasing Desire: Chapter 2 – The Second Visit