It was like driving through a postcard. The road was dark and both sides were lined with big trees, heavy with fallen slow. Nova was finally allowing herself to be excited about getting away from the city for a weekend. The Christmas holiday had drained her and she was tired of crowded malls and parties or get-togethers every night. When Hannah had suggested she come with them to their cabin, she had jumped at the idea. They’d promised quiet time, good food and company, but no crazy parties or crowds. It sounded perfect to her.
She knew she should stay in the city and work, but this latest assignment was proving difficult. She felt like she’d lost her mojo and couldn’t get excited enough to take any decent photos. She was stuck and felt uninspired. She hoped a change of scenery would help.
So here she was, hour three of driving along country roads covered in snow. She was alone and with the soothing voice of Eddie Vedder drifting through the speakers, she felt herself slowly relaxing for the first time in months.
Nova had been at the cabin once before during the summer, but it looked completely different in the dark and in the midst of winter. For a moment, she was worried she had taken a wrong turn and mentally prepared herself to admitting she was lost, but then she saw the sign she’d been looking for, ‘Weathervane Cottage’. The name always made her smile and as she turned into the driveway, she saw the intricate ornament that had given name to the cottage. It was Brian’s grandfather who’d made the stunning weathervane that proudly sat on the chimney of the main house. The dragon had his wings spread wide and his face upturned to the sky.
As she steered her car into the carport, she realized that hers was the only one there. Hannah had told her that they might be late since Brian had a meeting to finish up. Nova blew a kiss to Eddie Vedder and turned off the ignition and got out. The cold air wrapped itself around her, she took a deep breath and let it fill her lungs. She felt invigorated and smiled as the last few weeks melted away.
Grabbing her overnight bag and camera, she headed towards the front door and quickly found the key hidden under the pot of cattails as she’d been instructed. She walked in and closed the door behind her as she turned on the little lamp situated on the table by the entrance. Dropping her bag, she just stared at the open space in front of her. Like last time, the log cottage took her breath away. It was open and exposed with wooden beams throughout. She felt at home instantly and the city was at once forgotten.
The back wall was completely covered with floor to ceiling windows overlooking the lake and the moon was reflected across the water through the falling snow. It was stunningly beautiful and it made her think of poetry.
The knock on the door startled her.
She was puzzled why Hannah and Brian would knock since she had left the door unlocked for them.
“I was starting to think I was spending the night by myself,” she said as she opened the door.
A brief moment of fear washed over her as she was suddenly faced with a strange man out in the middle of nowhere. Alone. In the dark.
“Hi,” he said and smiled.
She kept staring into his dark eyes and willing her body to decide on fight or flight.
“I’m Martin,” the stranger said and held out his hand.
Nova looked down at his outstretched hand and then back to his face. He must have sensed her hesitation.
“I am a friend of Hannah and Brian,” he said and smiled tentatively.
“They didn’t tell me someone else was coming this weekend?” she said after she finally found her voice. Nova started to relax a little bit, but it would have been easy for someone to find out the names of who owned the cottage.
“Oh… well it was kinda a last-minute thing that I was able to make it up here.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone.
She watched him as he dialed a number. He kept looking at her, still smiling as he brought the phone to his ear.
“Brian, it’s Martin. I am here at the cottage, standing in front of a woman who is looking like she is either going to call the cops on me or smack me with a baseball bat. Can you assure her that I am not a serial killer on a spree?”
Nova could hear Brian’s laughter through the phone as it was passed to her.
“Hey, I take it you know this gentleman in front of me?” She felt slightly foolish as Brian reassured her she had nothing to worry about.
She disconnected the call and handed back the phone. Nova couldn’t stop herself from laughing at the whole situation.
“Hello Martin, my name is Nova,” she said and reached out her hand to his. “I apologize for the less than warm welcome.”
“I can’t really say I blame you.” His cold hand wrapped around hers and held it there, firmly.
“One can’t be too careful these days, one never knows what lurks in the shadows.” He winked at her.
“That doesn’t really make me feel relaxed,” she stepped aside to let him in.
Nova watched him as he walked inside the cottage and dropped his bag on the floor next to hers.
“Wow,” was all he said as he was welcomed with the same view that had taken her breath away moments ago.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Nova smiled as she made her way into the kitchen. “Can I get you anything to drink?”
Martin walked over to stand beside her as she looked through the fully stocked fridge.
“They have already been up here?” he asked.
“No, they usually have the old couple that looks after this place make sure it’s stocked before they come up,” she said and took out two beers and handed him one.
Nova watched as Martin popped open the bottle and took a long sip. He looked content.
“Just what I needed,” he said and clinked his bottle to hers.
“Yes, I couldn’t have said it better,” she said as she drank from the beer and realized how cold it was in here.
“Would you mind getting the fire started and I will see what I can dig up to eat?” Nova asked as she started looking through the cupboards.
They sure had stocked up with plenty of food but Nova didn’t really want to spend the night cooking, and quite honestly, it was not really her forte anyway.
Her attention shifted when she could hear loud cursing from the living room.
Nova walked in to find Martin kneeling in front of the fireplace while trying to get the fire to start. It looked like he was not having much luck.
She finally took the time to actually look at him. He had taken off his coat and thrown it on the couch next to the fireplace. As he tried to stoke the fire alive, his back muscles moved fluidly under his grey sweater and she couldn’t help but admire him. Her eyes kept moving down his back until she reached his ass. Nova raised her eyebrow in appreciation and smiled.
“For fuck sakes,” he growled as he once again tried to light the fire.
“Do you need help?” she laughed as she walked over to him and placed her hand on his shoulder.
Martin turned his head and looked right up at her. She could see his frustration flash across his face before he smiled back at her.
“Clearly I have forgotten my boy scout years?” He stood up and handed her the matches.
Nova got down on her knees and struck the match against the box. She leaned in and put the lit match to the tinder. She gave it a moment to kindle before she slowly blew air to fuel the fire further. It didn’t take long before the crackling sound of the wood filled the room. She turned her face up towards Martin who stood with his arms crossed and with a slightly impressed look on his face.
“I’ll be dammed. I guess it needed a girl scout instead,” he said and held out his hand to help her up on her feet again.
“I am just missing the uniform,” she said as she took off her own coat and laid it next to his.
“Oh, now that’s an image that will keep me warmer than the fire,” he said as he looked her over.
All of a sudden, she wished that she would have worn something less casual then her jeans and black hoody. She hadn’t worn any makeup and she knew she was a mess after her long drive, but it was too late to worry about it.
She didn’t know if she was blushing at him looking her over or the thought of him imagining her in that uniform. Either way, she felt the heat caress her cheeks.
He just kept watching her.
“Well, now that we have the heat going, how about some food?” Nova said and walked towards the kitchen again.
“Now that is something I know I can do!” Martin said as he walked in after her.
“Really?” Nova stopped and turned around quickly, almost bumping into him.
He put his hands on her arms as he smiled.
“I might not be able to start a fire, but I sure as hell can make some food.”
“Oh great, that saves us from the peanut butter and jam sandwich I was going to make,” Nova said seriously.
“I really hope you’re kidding.” Martin looked appalled.
“Sadly, I am not very good in the kitchen.” She couldn’t help herself from laughing at his expression. “Well, at least not when it comes to cooking.”
“Oh, there you go teasing again.” He kept looking at her with a glint in his eyes like he had a secret only he was privy to.
Martin removed his hands from her arms and walked over to the fridge and started rooting around. Nova grabbed her beer and pushed herself up on the counter to watch him while he cooked. Hannah would kill her if she caught her sitting there, but she just could not give up this wonderful vantage point of watching him.
He kept humming something as he started picking out some things from the fridge before moving on to the cupboard. Nova sipped her beer, enjoying seeing this stranger as he moved around the kitchen, looking very comfortable.
She didn’t say anything, just observed him as he looked immersed in his task. She realized that she had never really watched a man cook before. It was intriguing seeing him so at ease. She admired it and realized she was finding it strongly erotic.
“I would normally offer to help, but I must admit, I am enjoying watching instead.”
“Oh, I don’t mind having a beautiful woman watching me.” Martin smiled as he put pasta into the already boiling water.
As Nova wondered what else he might be good at besides cooking, her phone rang. She jumped down from the counter and went to dig it out of her coat.
“Hi, where are you guys?” Nova walked into the kitchen as she listened to Hannah explain why they were late. “Oh, don’t worry about us, we’ll be fine. Martin is actually cooking now, so unless he is planning on poisoning me or something, I think we are fine.”
Nova saw Martin shake his head and laugh at her as he scooped some sour cream into a bowl.
“Yes, I’m sure. We’ll play nice and we’ll see you tomorrow morning,” she said and ended the call.
“Tomorrow morning?” Martin asked surprisingly.
“Yes, they decided to turn around and head back to the city for the night since the weather got really bad. They are going to wait and drive up tomorrow morning instead,” she responded and scooted herself back up on the counter. “So, you’re stuck alone with me for the night.”
He grabbed his beer and took a sip while watching her intently.
“I can think of worse ways to spend an evening.” He smiled at her before grabbing the pot of pasta to drain it.
Nova could not quite decide what she was feeling at the moment, but for once she wouldn’t dwell on it too much and instead just enjoy the evening.
“What are you making?” she inquired with curiosity as Martin started mixing in the sour cream into the pasta.
“Poor Man’s Fettuccini,” he responded and added a can of flaked salmon into it.
She jumped down from the counter and walked over to him as he stirred it all together before holding up the spoon for her to taste.
“Fettuccini? You just made that in this short time?” she asked in disbelief as she wrapped her lips around the spoon.
“Oh mmm,” Nova mumbled as the taste of the food delighted her senses. “Okay, I am very impressed. You must be some sort of magician to be able to make that so quickly and make it taste so damn good.”
She walked over and brought out two plates for them and handed him one with a smile. “I would like some more, please.”
“Interesting, you are impressed by this food?” Martin scooped up pasta and handed her back the plate before picking up his own. “I would be able to make your knees weak with a proper meal, like coq au vin.”
She couldn’t help but look at his mouth as he spoke.
“You make that sounds delightfully naughty.” She took her plate and walked out into the living room and sat down on the big white couch and waited for him to join her.
The heat from the crackling fire warmed her as she took another bite of the food. She truly was impressed with this and how effortlessly he had made it.
Martin sat down across from her and they both ate in silence in front of the fire. Nova felt comfortable in his presence and wondered about him and why she’d never met him before.
“So, tell me, how do you know Brian?” Nova placed her empty plate on the table in front of her before leaning back on the plush couch. She pulled her legs up and got comfortable as she watched him finish his own food.
“We grew up together and managed to stay friends throughout the years.”
“I’m just surprised I haven’t heard your name before.”
“Brian doesn’t really call me Martin, he calls me Winters.”
“Oh hell, you’re Winters?” She exclaimed in surprise.
Martin’s contagious laugh echoed through the room as Nova just shook her head. “Then I’ve heard plenty about you.”
“As long as you don’t hold any of it against me,” he chuckled.
“It’s hard not to! Some of the stories he’s told me… You two sure got into a lot of trouble when you were younger.”
“Yeah, we’ve had some fun. But we’ve calmed down and grown up, you know,” he said and tried to sound convincing.
Somehow, she didn’t think he had calmed down too much, at least not by judging from that mischievous glint in his eyes.
“Well, it’s nice to finally meet you and get a face to the name,” she said and smiled.
“It’s nice to finally meet you too.”
“Oh?” Nova looked at him suspiciously.
“I have heard about you from both Brian and Hannah,” he said as he stood up and grabbed their plates and started walking out into the kitchen.
She wanted to know what he’d heard and wondered what her friends might’ve said about her. Martin came back and handed her another beer before sitting down across from her again.
“So, what have you heard?” she asked and smiled. “It can’t be too bad since anything bad would’ve involved Hannah so that means she would have to come clean as well.”
Martin laughed and took a sip of his beer. “If I remember correctly, you and Hannah both grew up in Sweden and moved here together to go to school and that you’re now a photographer for some fancy magazine?”
“Well, I wouldn’t say it’s fancy, but yes, I am a photographer. One that seems to be on a hiatus right now. I can’t seem to find the desire or urge to pick up my camera lately.”
“Why’s that?” he asked sincerely.
“I guess I haven’t found anything to inspire me in a while.”
“You’re very intriguing, Nova.”
The way he was observing her made her shift slightly in her seat. It was like he was looking right into her.
“From your reaction when you arrived, I assume you have never had a chance to visit the cottage before?”
“No, this is the first time I’ve been here and it’s beautiful. I’m looking forward to seeing more in the daylight,” he said and looked out over the lake. “I’m slightly disappointed though that I won’t get the sauna and beer night I was promised by Brian tonight.”
“It’s funny how he has completely taken to this Scandinavian tradition.”
“Yes, he’s been bragging about it since they got the sauna built out by the lake.”
“I was thrilled when they told me they had. I used it when I was here during the summer, but it’s not the same thing as when you use it in winter.”
“Why is that?” he asked.
“Well, you want the contrasts of hot and cold. In the summer, I want to cool off, not sit in a hot sauna.”
“I like how you say that,” he said as he looked at her mouth.
“Say what?” she wondered.
“Sauna. It rolls off your tongue quite delectably. I can hear your accent come through a bit more.”
She knew she was blushing.
“It’s probably the beer that makes it more noticeable.” Nova took another sip and tried not to squirm under his watchful eyes.
Nova knew it was not the beer, but the fact that he was making her nervous. He was knocking her off her game and that just wouldn’t do.
“So you were expecting a night in the sauna?”
“Yes, but I suppose I can wait for tomorrow.”
“Why don’t we go in it tonight?” she asked and smiled at him.
Nova could see Martin thinking it over before saying anything. Once again, he was looking at her intently.
“You and me?” His eyes were locked with hers.
“Yes.” She stood up and walked towards the patio doors. “You coming?”
He raised his eyebrows and then got up and walked towards her. “Yes.”
Nova could feel his soft breath against her face. The mischievous glint in his eyes was replaced with something else, something she couldn’t quite place. Although she didn’t know him, she wanted to reach up and press her lips against his. She reluctantly resisted the simmering urge and hoped he couldn’t see what she was feeling.
For the first time in a long time, she wanted to be in someone’s company besides her own. She felt delightfully spontaneous and willing to go with the moment and see what might happen. She felt relaxed and excited in his company, something she hadn’t felt in a while.
“Come on, let’s do this.” Nova finally tore her eyes away from him and turned around to open the door. The cold air came rushing in and made her gasp.
“Oh fuck, not sure if this was a good idea,” Martin said as he looked around for his coat.
“Oh, you wuss.” Nova laughed at his expression as she took off towards the sauna.
The snow was lying thick and undisturbed as she waded through it, creating a little path that Martin followed. She looked over her shoulder to see him close behind her, cursing under his breath to the cold. Nova embraced it, knowing that soon enough heat would seep into every pore of her body.
Nova reached the sauna and placed her hand on the curved wooden handle. The smell of the cedar triggered her senses and wonderful childhood memories came over her. Countless hours had been spent in saunas heating herself up. It was a tradition she had taken for granted and not missed until it was not part of her life anymore. She realized it was the small things like this that made a difference.
She was startled back to reality when she felt Martin’s hands on her hips.
“Move out of the way, woman, let me in,” he urged as he pushed her through the door.
“You really don’t like the cold, do you?” She couldn’t help but laugh at him as he quickly closed the door behind them to shut out the chill.
“Not even a little bit,” he stated.
“Well, then let’s get you warmed up.”
He raised his eyebrow at her statement and there was no mistaking the look in his eyes. Once again she had to fight the urgent need to touch him.
He took a step closer.
“And how do you plan on doing that?”
“Take off your clothes,” she said calmly.
She could see his lips part to say something but he just kept watching her, gauging what she had said. She didn’t feel cold anymore. Heat was spreading achingly slowly through her body.
Nova felt at a loss for words as she saw the tip of his tongue touch his bottom lip. She had to take a deep breath before her eyes found his again.
“In the back, you will find a little side door, you can take off your clothes there and grab a towel,” she said and smiled teasingly.
“Uh huh,” he said and narrowed his eyes at her before turning around.
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
Nova looked around the lakeside sauna-cottage and was once again impressed with how much work they’d put into designing it. She knew Hannah had insisted and Brian hadn’t put up much of a fight. It was spacious, but not too big. There was one tiny changing room with a bathroom and shower stall. The entrance was basically just a narrow hallway connecting the changing room with the actual sauna. The sauna was already pre-heated. It had been turned on by the couple caring for the place and all she needed to do was get undressed herself.
She turned around as she heard the door to the changing room open. Martin came walking out. He was naked except for a red towel wrapped around his waist, riding low on his hips. Nova could swear he would hear her heart thumping loudly. Her eyes drifted to the tattoos covering both his arms. She tried not to stare lower but it was impossible not to take in every inch of him. He was attractive in a purely male way.
She imagined what he would look like with beads of sweat slowly making their way down his chest, and what her hands would feel like on his skin. Nova had to force herself to look up and into his eyes before she threw all caution to the wind and gave in to temptation.
His cocky grin made her roll her eyes at him.
“I doubt I’m the first woman to admire you,” she said and held the second door open for him to enter into the actual sauna.
Martin walked by her on bare feet into the little room and she smiled knowing the view that was greeting him.
“Holy fuck.”
Nova stood close behind him and this time she didn’t deny her urge to touch him. She placed her hand on his arm. She could feel him tense for a moment before relaxing again.
“It’s incredible, isn’t it?” She sighed contently while gazing out the big window at the lake behind the sauna. The reflection of the moon was glistening over the dark and calm water.
“It’s like looking at a photo by Ansel Adams,” he said quietly.
She couldn’t help but observe him as he gazed out at the view displayed before them. Nova was intrigued by him and couldn’t quite figure him out.
“The first time I saw it, it took my breath away. Trust me, it’s not any less beautiful in the summer, just a different kind of beauty,” she said and stepped away from him.
“Where are you going?” he asked as he reached out and grabbed hold of her hand.
“I need to take my clothes off.”
“Don’t take too long,” he said and slowly let her go.
Nova walked out and left Martin alone as she went to the back room to get undressed. She tossed her clothes on the chair and grabbed a towel. She left her bra and panties on as she wrapped it around herself. With her hand on the door knob she hesitated. She decided that if she was going to do this, she was going to do it right. She dropped the towel and reached behind her to unsnap her bra and let it fall to the floor before she hooked her thumbs on the edge of her panties and slid them down over her legs and kicked them aside before picking up the towel again and wrapping herself in it. She took a deep breath as she grabbed two bottles of water before walking out to join Martin.
When she opened the door she saw him sitting on the bottom cedar bench looking comfortable while still admiring the stunning view. He turned his head to look at her and his sincere smile warmed her as he took her in.
“Red suits you,” he smiled and referred to the snug and indecently short towel.
“You look comfortable,” she said and handed him one of the bottles.
“Yeah, this is not nearly as hot as I thought it would be,” he stated with what could only be explained as a hint of disappointment.
Nova just laughed as she walked over to the rocks and picked up the bucket and started scooping water over the scorching hot stones. The steam rose immediately and the hissing sound echoed out into the room. The temperature rose at once and she turned around and smiled at Martin’s expression as he realized he had seen nothing yet.
“If you really want to know how it’s done, then you need to sit on the top rack, not the bottom,” she said and climbed up to the highest ledge and sat down.
The humid and hot air burned her lungs as she took a deep breath. The familiar sting felt invigorating as a thin layer of perspiration was already coating her skin. She could feel herself relax even further as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the cleansing feeling of the heat.
“Okay, I take it back. This is really damn hot,” Martin exclaimed after the temperature kept rising.
Nova just smiled and let it embrace her.
“You are really enjoying this, aren’t you?”
“This is ecstasy,” she said blissfully.
She could feel his eyes on her and it was caressing her as much as the heat was.
“Do you want to put more water on the rocks?” she asked.
“Are you trying to kill me?” he exclaimed without hesitation.
She opened her eyes and she watched him looking dishevelled and hot. “Don’t forget to drink water,” she said as she drank deeply from her own bottle.
Martin drank his down quickly as he looked around and his gaze stopped at the birch branch bundle in the corner of the sauna. Nova could see him looking at it quizzically.
“It’s called a vasta, basically a birch branch,” she said.
“And what exactly do you do with it?” The look in his eyes was priceless. His eyes were wide and curious.
“Well, you see, it’s for spankings, like a sort of whip,” she said calmly. “Most people don’t know this but Scandinavians have a long history of BDSM, quite evolved actually.”
She looked over at Martin, his eyebrows furrowed and suspicious.
“We are always rather amused at how prude and umm, tame you North Americans are when it comes to adventures and sex.”
“You’re bullshitting me?” He sounded shocked.
Nova could not help herself. She got up and grabbed the whip and ran it through her hands before stepping closer to Martin and hitting it against the cedar bench.
Martin’s eyes were wide and dark as he looked between Nova and her hand still gripping the handle.
“I’ll hand it to you. You almost had me fooled,” he finally laughed and his smile spread across his face until it lit his eyes with mischief. “Tame and prude? Oh, I don’t think you should make that assumption.”
It was Nova’s turn to be curious.
Martin reached up and grabbed the whip out of her hand. “Maybe I need to prove it.”
“And exactly how would you do that?” she asked.
“Maybe a dare?”
She looked at him and knew exactly what to do.
“No, not a dare. A bet.”
He looked at her with suspicion. “What exactly do you have in mind?”
“Let’s see just how adventurous you are. I bet that you can’t last one minute outside… in the water.”
“Water? Outside? Are you trying to kill me? That can’t be safe.” For a moment, he looked genuinely concerned.
“People do it all the time. I am guessing you have never heard of the polar-bear dip?”
“Good lord, woman. I am crazy, but not that crazy.”
“Oh well, I guess you won’t win this bet.”
“What exactly would this insane bet be for anyway?”
“You get to use that whip on me.” She nodded towards the branch still in his hands.
He kept looking at her and she was wondering what she had just gotten herself into.
“On one condition. I want you naked.”
“You’re so sure you are going to win?”
“Well, if you are so sure that I will lose, then it shouldn’t be a problem for you to agree to be naked?”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “Fine… If you win, I’ll be naked.”
He smiled and slowly walked towards her. His hand reached out to run his fingertips along the top of her towel.
“Hey!” she slapped his hand away, “you haven’t won yet. And don’t be so sure that you will.” She backed away and secured her towel tightly again.
He crossed his arms. “For arguments sake, say I lose. What do you win?”
“I get to photograph you.” She crossed her own arms.
“What do you mean exactly?”
“You’ll have to pose for me… naked. While I take your picture.” She felt excitement just thinking about it. She wanted to catch that look in his eyes.
Nova could see him struggling with the whole idea, but his confidence won. “Fine.”
“Yeah?” She honestly thought that he would’ve bailed on the bet. She was happy she was wrong.
“Get prepared to lose.”
“You ready?” she asked before opening the door to the bitter cold outside.
She watched Martin hesitate before following her outside. She tried to hide how cold she was. Nova was not willing to give up and admit that it was too damn cold. She could hear Martin curse out loud as he was following her down the snow-covered pathway to the lake.
“For fuck sakes. I am already numb and I’m not even in the water yet.”
“Oh, I am sure you can handle it,” she teased as she looked at him over her shoulder.
Her own teeth were chattering as he caught up to her. He stood in front of her, his breath touching her face.
“You wanna forfeit?” Nova smiled.
“Not a fucking chance.” He dropped his towel and took a deep breath before slowly walking into the water.
She admired his body as he walked into the freezing cold water. She really hoped he would lose so she could spend some time watching him through the lens of her camera.
He sank himself into the water and she could hear his gasp. He turned around and looked at her.
“I am assuming you are keeping track of the time?” He shivered.
“Oh, you still have a bit of time left.” She almost felt bad.
“Get ready to lose that bet, honey.”
It was clear that she had underestimated him. She needed to entice him to get out of the water before the minute was up.
She let her towel drop to the snow.
Martin inched closer to the shore but stayed in the water. Nova could feel the intensity of his eyes.
“Nice try, Nova. But when I get out of this water, you better be ready for me.”
Reality finally hit that she would lose and what the consequence would be. She watched him saunter out of the water. She was shivering but she felt alive. She turned around and started running across the snow-covered ground on bare feet back into the sauna. She could hear Martin cursing her very existence as he followed close behind her.
She quickly tossed more water onto the stones to increase the heat in the sauna. She couldn’t help but laugh as Martin finally joined her and closed the door shut behind them, sealing them in with the heat.
“You’re fucking nuts, you know that? Why in fuck’s name would anyone want to do that?” he asked as he held his frozen hands over the hissing stones.
“Hey, you were the one pushing for this bet, so man up,” she teased.
Before she could even realize what he was doing, he had her pinned against the wall. His hands gripped hers and pulled them over her head. Nova tried pulling them away but his grip wouldn’t ease.
All of a sudden she was painfully aware of his naked body. Her full breasts pressed against his chest and there was no denying his excitement as he pushed himself closer to her.
“Man up?” he growled as his lips found her neck, “Is this what you had in mind?”
A moment of panic surged through her and she struggled to get away. She reluctantly moaned as his hard cock strained against her belly.
He pulled his lips away from her neck and was only a breath away from her mouth as he kept teasing her. “A bet’s a bet,” he smiled.
Something dark and playful flashed across his eyes and for a moment apprehension settled in her mind.
“You can’t be serious?”
“Oh yes, I’m very serious. You got me naked and jumping into freezing water for your amusement. And now it’s my turn to cause some pain.”
“Oh god,” she whispered when it dawned on her that he was completely serious.
He let go of her hands and stepped away from her.
“I won’t force you, that is not the kind of man I am. But I have a feeling that you are not the kind of woman to bail on a bet. I held up my end of the deal, now it’s your turn,” he said and grabbed the cluster of birch branches and tapped it against his other hand.
Nova knew she was panting and she struggled with keeping her eyes on his and not let them drift lower.
She quickly lost that fight with herself and her hungry eyes drifted down to his hard cock. She wanted to grasp her eager hand around his enticing shaft.
Her eyes found his again and for once they were not smiling and laughing. He looked as hungry and desperate as she felt.
She nodded and then slowly turned around to bend herself over the bench. Her hands lay flat against the warm wood as her ass was fully on display for him.
“Fuck.” His low voice was laced with lust as his hands gently caressed the soft flesh of her hips.
A fire ruptured inside of her and she wanted his hands all over her body. She was aching,
“It’s almost a shame marking your lovely ass… almost.”
Nova heard the surge of the branch before she felt it snap across the flesh of her ass.
She hissed at the searing pain but refused to move. “That is the best you got?” she taunted as she looked over her shoulder at him.
A slow smile played at his lips and she immediately regretted her taunting dare.
She saw the branch as it lashed through the air and connected with her skin again. The pain crept up her body and she felt on fire. She was breathing heavily and trying to calm herself when she felt his hands caress her inflamed skin. The contrast of the lingering pain and the softness of his hands made her whimper. Nova felt desperate for him.
He grabbed her hips and pulled her up towards him. His lips found her neck and kissed her as she leaned back against him. His cock was straining against her lower back and she pushed closer against him. His hands travelled up her belly until he cupped her breasts. Her nipples strained against his palms.
“As much as I want to keep spanking your delicious ass, I need more.”
Nova tried to turn around, but Martin pushed her down again so her palms were flat against the wooden bench. She wanted to touch him but clearly he had other things in mind. His hands travelled up her hips and along her spine before his hands nestled into her hair and then forcefully yanked her head back.
“I am going to fuck you now. Hard.”
His free hand traced down the cleft of her ass and Nova moaned as his finger brushed over her tight knot. Her knees felt weak as he gently pressed harder before moving down to her smooth pussy and running his finger along her damp slit. She pushed back against him and needed to feel his touch.
“Martin, please.”
“What do you want, Nova?”
She didn’t know what she wanted or how to ask for it. It had been a long time since she felt this kind of need rushing through her.
She looked over her shoulder and met his eyes as his finger brushed over her pulsing clit. She closed her eyes as the feeling ignited her like little fireflies across her skin.
His finger circled her hardened clit, teasing her further. She was gyrating down on his hand while the other pulled her head back further, trapping her against him.
Nova felt frantic and desperate to come. She could hear her own moans echo through the small sauna as Martin’s fingers skillfully danced across her aching clit over and over until there was no stopping the invasion of greed taking over her body. She felt the heat course though her as she came against his finger. Her knees felt weak and the only thing stopping her from falling to the floor was her palms bracing herself up and the hand he still had clenched in her hair.
Before she could catch her breath, he thrust his cock into her without hesitation. She closed her eyes as he filled her. She couldn’t think, all she could do was embrace the overwhelming feeling of him inside of her.
“Fuck,” he growled as he pushed himself deep and Nova pushed back against him. She wanted to feel him fucking her but he kept still.
“Nova, if you don’t stop moving, I will come embarrassingly fast,” he panted.
She couldn’t help but be elated, knowing he was as turned on as she was. It was exhilarating.
Reluctantly she stopped moving and held still. She felt his cock throbbing and her pussy clenched around him like a fist. She moaned and struggled to keep still. Martin’s fingers were digging into her hips, like he was steadying himself as much as her.
“Please Martin, fuck me…” she whispered and she didn’t even recognize her lust-fueled voice.
She felt the grip of his hands let go and he gently slid his fingertips lightly across her skin as he slowly starting gyrating his hips. She couldn’t help but push back against him. She needed him deep inside of her. She needed to come again.
She gasped as he quickly pulled out and spun her around. She felt empty without him filling her. His darkened eyes were locked with hers as he pulled her down onto his lap, straddling him. His cock was throbbing between them.
Nova reached down and grasped his cock with her confident hand and stroked him slowly. Her own wetness was coating his shaft and she could see his jaw clench as her movements got faster. She liked looking at him while lost in desire. The aggressive heat coated both their skins with sweat. His primal growl mated with her moans as their lips devoured each other.
His hands were on her luscious hips, gripping her flesh.
“Is this really how you want me to come?” One hand moved to grip her wrist, preventing her from stroking him.
“I want to watch you as you come.” His cock strained against her hand as he moaned.
“I want to come inside of you.”
Before she even realized what was going on, he’d grabbed her and lifted her up towards him, her pussy touching the tip of his cock.
“Fuck,” he growled as she started rubbing her slick pussy lips over his shaft.
Gently, she sunk down, taking him deep. She gyrated slowly, watching him as he was losing control. It was making her lose her own.
The heat was as intoxicating as the thrust of his cock. Everything faded except the intensity of being consumed completely by him.
His fingertips dug into her flesh, urging her on. She started moving faster. Fucking him hard, taking him as deep as she could.
He moved his hands up and cupped her face. The gentle touch was in stark contrast to the thrusting of his cock. She couldn’t help herself, she felt the familiar pull deep inside of her. Martin was right with her and could no longer hold back. She felt it rush through her like electricity as Martin came deep inside of her.
Nova’s blood felt on fire and matched the heat coating her skin.
She felt lost in the moment. Everything around her faded except the feel of his cock still deep inside of her, his hands holding onto her for dear life as heat embraced them.
She opened her eyes to see him watching her intently.
Nova’s heart was beating rapidly and she was trying to catch her breath as Martin seemed to absorb her with his eyes. Their sweaty bodies were still entangled. He finally loosened the grip of his hands on her hips.
“Well damn, Nova. Fuck,” he said as that sly smile was back.
She smiled back. She felt satisfied, elated and relaxed all at the same time. He seemed to trigger a torrent of emotions within her.
“I know technically I was the one that lost this bet, but I sure as hell feel like I won.” Nova reluctantly slid off his lap and tried to stand steady but she was shaking.
She reached for her water bottle and took a long sip of the warm water before passing it to Martin. Nova watched him as he downed the last of it. She felt her fingers itch for her camera.
“I can see the wheels turning in your head, Nova.”
“Oh, I am that obvious?”
“Tell me what you are thinking. And I want the truth.”
She angled her head and looked at him as a different kind of excitement stirred in her.
“I want to photograph you.”
“But remember, you lost.”
“I know. But I am willing to keep betting until I get you to agree.”
“Is that so?” His eyebrows arched as that damn confident smile was plastered all over his face.
“Oh, I’ll make you a deal, Nova. The question is… can you handle it?”