His Understanding Sister

"A thirty-nine-year-old is kicked out of his home by his wife and moves in with his fifty-two-year-old sister."

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Thirty-nine-year-old Ian Dempsey knew that it was all his own fault, and he was not surprised by the consequences.

His wife Suzanne had come home unexpectedly and caught Ian and the fifty-eight-year-old woman that Suzanne employed as a cleaner, naked and fucking like rabbits on the living room floor. All hell broke loose, and Ian was kicked out of the house, and the cleaning lady, Mrs Helen Elwood, was out of a job.

Suzanne was able to do that because the house was hers, mainly with her parent’s money, and she was in a well-paid job and Ian was currently between jobs, he had recently done some temporary work.

Ian had been fucking Helen Elwood regularly for about three months but telling Suzanne that would only have made things worse.

Ian and Suzanne had been married for sixteen years, but it did not look like they would be married much longer. Their sex life could best be described as occasional and was only when Suzanne wanted it and was not too tired after a day at her high-pressure job.

Ian was barely given enough time to get dressed and pack some clothes before he was out of the house, and Helen was hardly given enough time to get dressed. They were both lucky not to get Suzanne’s riding crop across their backsides.

Ian was fortunate that his sister Sharon lived quite close by, and that she should be able to assist him in a time of need.

At fifty-two, Sharon was considerably older than Ian, and they had often joked about why there was such a big age difference between them. They were the only two children of now-deceased parents, both parents having passed away in their seventies.

Sharon had never married, but she had had several lovers, both male and female, over the years. She had a live-in boyfriend for about three years when she was in her forties but was not currently with anyone in particular. She owned her own house.

It was only lunchtime and Sharon would be at work, so Ian sent her a text, ‘Hi, I have a problem, Suzanne has kicked me out. Can you help please?’ Ian typed.

‘WTF! I am at lunch, where are you?’ Sharon texted back almost immediately.

‘In the park with a suitcase. Sorry to involve you,’ responded Ian.

‘Meet me at my house, going there now,’ typed Sharon.

‘Okay, thanks,’ acknowledged Ian.

The park was only a short distance from Sharon’s house and Ian was waiting outside when Sharon arrived home.

“Sorry about this,” said Ian to his sister.

“I have to get back to work, but what the fuck did you do for her to kick you out?” said Sharon, opening her front door. Sharon never particularly liked Suzanne, in fact, she thought that she was a stuck-up bitch.

“She caught me and Helen fucking this morning,” replied Ian.

“Helen the cleaner? Shit, she must be twenty years older than you,” said a shocked Sharon, shocked more because of who her brother was fucking rather than that he was fucking.

“Yeah, but she is a great fuck,” laughed Ian.

Sharon shrieked with laughter, “I have got to get back to work, but you make yourself comfortable and you can give me all the juicy details tonight,” chuckled Sharon, despite the seriousness of the situation.

“Thanks, Sharon, I appreciate it,” said Ian, as his sister returned to work.

Sharon and Ian got on very well together, despite or maybe because of, the big age gap between them.

They both assumed that Ian being conceived was a mistake, they joked about their dad perhaps coming home drunk one night or their mum being particularly horny. They even joked about their dad not being Ian’s dad, but it was only said in jest and neither of them believed it for a moment. Both parents were in their forties when Ian arrived.

By the time Ian had reached his teens, Sharon had moved out of her parent’s house. Initially flat-sharing with a female work colleague, and then buying her own house. She was still in the same town and frequently visited her mum and dad and her younger brother.

One such visit to her parent’s home led to an embarrassing incident for Ian and Sharon. Ian was seventeen at the time and thought that he had the house to himself because he knew his parents were out for the day. Sharon did not know that her mum and dad were out and called round to their house to visit them. What she found, was her young brother naked from the waist down stroking his quite large erect penis, he had some pictures of naked women in front of him.

“Mum and dad are out,” a blushing Ian managed to stammer.

“Yeah, so I see,” replied Sharon, her eyes on her brother’s cock.

There were all sorts of things that could happen in that situation but Sharon thought the best thing to do was leave, so she did.

Neither Ian nor Sharon had mentioned that incident since, but neither had forgotten it either.

Apart from liking each other as people, Ian and Sharon both found the other to be attractive, but both tried to suppress such thoughts. Sharon did wonder if, deep down, her dislike for Ian’s wife Suzanne was partly out of jealousy and Ian often found himself glancing at his sister’s curvy body and attractive face.

Sharon came home from work and Ian was watching TV.

“Well at least you are not wanking,” smiled Sharon, then immediately regretted saying such a thing.

“Sorry Ian, I should not have said that,” said Sharon, before Ian could respond to her first remark.

“No, it is okay; you must have often wondered if you would catch me again,” replied Ian.

“Not often, but sometimes,” said Sharon, still regretting her original remark.

There was a brief silence, with both of them wondering if they should continue the subject, but both thought it best not to.

“Well, I will sort us something to eat and then you tell me exactly what you have been up to,” said Sharon.

Ian found his eyes on his sister’s wide arse as she left the room. His staying with her might prove difficult for both of them.

They ate and then sat down with a glass of wine, “Okay little brother, you tell your sister how you ended up on the naughty step,” laughed Sharon.

“Do you mind me being here, Sharon? I have nowhere else to go,” said Ian, not avoiding talking about what brought about him being kicked out of his house, but not wanting to be there if it was a problem for his sister.

“It is fine, but tell me about you and Helen,” replied Sharon, feeling a bit aroused.

“With me being out of work, I was usually there when Helen arrived to do the cleaning,” Ian started.

“So today was not the first time?” asked Sharon.

“Far from it; we had been fucking nearly every time she was at the house for about the last three months,” answered Ian, his cock stiffening thinking about Helen, but also talking to his sister about her.

“Three months! How did it start?” asked Sharon, squirming a bit on her chair.

“She was bending over in quite tight trousers and I said something like ‘nice view,” said Ian.

“Oh very subtle; how did she respond?” laughed Sharon.

“She said, ‘I wish my husband thought so,'” replied Ian.

“So you offered to fuck her?” smiled Sharon.

“Not exactly; but I asked her if she was not getting any at home, and she said that she hadn’t had it in ages,” continued Ian.

“So then you offered to fuck her?” giggled Sharon, squirming as she envisaged the situation.

“I told her that she was an attractive woman and a lot of men would be happy to give her one,” said Ian, now quite stiff in his trousers as he remembered the situation.

“You know all the lines, don’t you baby brother?” teased Sharon.

“Anyway, she said, ‘I wish you would give me one, Ian,’ and she looked so sexy,” said Ian, continuing his explanation.

“So then you fucked,” said Sharon.

“We moved toward each other, and we kissed and she undid my trousers; I got her trousers and knickers off and we fucked on the floor,” said Ian.

“Shit, that is so sexy; you have got me fucking horny,” said Sharon, her knickers damp.

“You asked me what happened, I told you,” said Ian, concerned that his sister was turned on because he was turned on too.

“And you have been fucking her regularly since?” asked Sharon, although she already knew the answer.

“Yes, she worked three days a week so we normally fucked three days a week; apart from those few days when I was working,” replied Ian.

“And Suzanne had no idea until today?” asked Sharon.

“I don’t think so; no idea why she came home this morning though; fuck, she was livid when she caught us,” said Ian.

“Have you spoken to Helen since?” asked Sharon.

“No; Suzanne hardly gave her time to get her clothes on before she pushed her out the door; I should phone her, shouldn’t I?” answered Ian.

“Probably, but not now because her husband will probably be home and I don’t suppose he knows anything about it,” advised Sharon.

“No, he does not know; I wonder how she will tell him that she has lost her job,” pondered Ian.

“Do you still intend to continue to see her to fuck her?” asked Sharon, feeling jealous of Helen.

“I don’t know what will happen,” answered Ian.

“Maybe you can fuck her here; and then I come home and catch you at it,” laughed Sharon, not even sure if she was serious or not.

“Better let things settle down a bit; I really appreciate you letting me stay,” said Ian.

“It is worth it for the sexy stories you tell,” smiled Sharon.

“Oh, me being here messes up any plans that you might have,” said Ian, knowing that his sister was quite promiscuous.

“Ha, I have no immediate plans; I will have to try to manage without for a few days,” laughed Sharon.

“Me too,” answered Ian, and brother and sister looked at each other, both with similar thoughts, but neither prepared to act upon them just yet.

Neither of them knew how long Ian’s stay might be, but Suzanne was not likely to be inviting him home soon, if ever.

They talked some more, about general things, and watched some TV. They went to bed, separate rooms, and both lay awake for a long while, thinking. They both wanted to masturbate but both felt strangely dirty having such thoughts, and neither of them did.

Sharon made breakfast in the morning and then had to get ready for work. Ian again looked at his sister’s backside, which was in a tight grey skirt, and his cock hardened.

Ian phoned Helen’s mobile in the morning and they had quite a long talk. Helen had not yet dared tell her husband that she had lost her job. Ian told her that he was living at his sister’s house, but made no suggestion of Helen coming there, because he was not sure if Sharon had been serious, either about inviting Helen or catching them at it.

Ian knew that he needed to put more effort into finding a job, Suzanne’s earnings had been enough for them both to live on but that had now come to an end, from Ian’s point of view.

Ian thought of having a wank, but decided against it. He even thought of having Sharon catch him wanking, but he decided against that too, for now.

Sharon returned home from work, “Hi, Ian; how was your day?” asked Sharon.

“I phoned Helen; not done much else; how was your day?” responded Ian.

“My day was okay; how was Helen?” said Sharon.

“She was alright, but she has not told her husband that she has lost her cleaning job,” said Ian.

“Don’t suppose he would be pleased, especially if he knew why,” replied Sharon.

“No; it is a mess isn’t it?” responded Ian.

“Yep; I am just going to have a shower,” said Sharon, with a look that made Ian wonder if his sister was meaning anything else.

Sharon looked back over her shoulder and smiled as she left the room, leaving Ian wondering if it was a come-on.

Ian did not know if he was supposed to follow, if he was misreading the situation then Sharon might ask what he was playing at and he would be kicked out of a second house.

Ian did go upstairs and went into the room that was his temporary bedroom. He left the door open and from his seat on the bed, he could see the corridor outside via the dressing table mirror. The bathroom where Sharon was showering was to the left and Sharon’s bedroom was to the right.

Ian froze when he heard the bathroom door open because if Sharon discovered that he was upstairs when that had not been her intention, she might go crazy.

“Are you wanking, Ian?” Sharon said quietly before she got as far as the open bedroom door.

“No, should I be?” answered Ian, his cock stiffening in his trousers.

“I wondered if you might be, thinking of your naked sister having a shower,” said Sharon, still standing just outside the bathroom door.

“Do you like it when I wank, Sharon?” asked an increasingly excited Ian.

“When I caught you at mum and dad’s house, I wanted to finish the job off for you,” said Sharon, letting the towel that was wrapped around her drop to the floor.

“I was wishing that you would,” said Ian, undoing the belt on his trousers.

“Would you like me to wank you now?” asked Sharon, they were still out of each other’s eye line.

“I would like that very much,” replied Ian, undoing his trousers and raising his arse off the bed to lower them.

“Then I shall,” said the naked Sharon, appearing in the doorway.

“Fuck!” exclaimed Ian, seeing his sister’s large breasts and hairy cunt.

“No, just a handjob, for now,” smiled Sharon, moving towards the bed.

Ian reached out for Sharon’s swaying tits, “Ahah, no touching,” said Sharon, and Ian reluctantly withdrew his hands.

“Lift up,” said Sharon, putting her hands to the top of her brother’s boxers. Ian did so, and Sharon lowered his boxers after getting them over his erection.

“Mmmm, every bit as big as when you were seventeen,” said Sharon, admiring her brother’s rigid penis. Sharon was very turned on, but this was going to be for her brother, her pleasure was planned for later.

Ian was speechless as Sharon undid the lower buttons on his shirt and threw the lower part of his shirt open, “Don’t want nasty stains on your shirt, do we?” laughed Sharon, wrapping her right hand around Ian’s cock.

Ian was fighting the urge to caress Sharon’s tits or arse, he had been told no touching.

Sharon started slowly wanking her brother’s penis, and Ian squirmed on the bed, “Fucking hell, Sharon,” Ian murmured.

“Enjoy it, baby brother; enjoy your sister giving you a nice, sensual wank,” said Sharon softly, as her hand slowly moved up and down Ian’s rod.

“This is amazing, Sharon,” said Ian, grabbing the bed headboard with his hands as he continued to fight the urge to run them over his sister’s body.

Sharon was not going to tease or edge Ian, but she wanted the wank to last, as she moved her right hand up and down at a slow but steady pace. She smiled when she saw the mixture of anguish and pleasure on her brother’s face, she blew him a kiss.

“You are good at this,” complimented Ian, as Sharon’s right hand provided incredible sensations to his penis.

“I have wanked a lot of cocks; yours is one of the biggest though,” smiled Sharon.

She kept jerking Ian’s rigid cock, sometimes massaging the head, and Ian squirmed, “You going to cum, big boy?” asked Sharon.

“Getting very fucking close,” answered Ian.

“Okay, let’s do it,” said Sharon, suddenly increasing the speed of her wanking.

“Oh, oh, oh fuck,” yelled the writhing Ian, as his penis spat spunk high into the air and Sharon shrieked with laughter.

Sharon kept jerking and Ian kept cumming, as his semen splattered his stomach and pubic hairs, and ran through Sharon’s fingers down the side of his cock.

“Mmmm, fuck,” said Ian, when he finally stopped ejaculating.

Sharon licked the cum off her fingers, “Did you enjoy it?” asked Sharon, licking her lips.

“Fuck yes; what can I do for you?” answered Ian.

“Nothing right now; you clean yourself up and I will get dressed and prepare some food,” responded Sharon.

“You sure? I could eat you, finger you, whatever you want,” said Ian.

“We will have fun later; you clean yourself up,” said Sharon, getting off the bed and heading for the door.

“You have a wonderful arse,” said Ian, seeing his sister’s bare backside for the first time.

“Thanks; I have been told that many times,” smiled Sharon over her shoulder, as she left the room.

Sharon put some clothes on and went downstairs. After getting his breath back, Ian took his clothes off and headed for the shower. He wondered what life for both of them would have been like if Sharon had tossed him off twenty-two years earlier when she caught him wanking.

Sharon prepared some food, and they ate it. Their relationship had reached another level and it was going to go further up the scale when they went to bed.

Both of them were wanting to fuck, but Sharon wanted to make sure that there would be no regrets, “When we fuck, there will be no going back; we will not be able to undo what we have done,” said Sharon.

“I know; so we only do it if you are one hundred per cent sure,” said Ian.

“I am sure, are you?” responded Sharon.

“Yes, I want to fuck sexy Sharon Dempsey,” answered Ian.

“Then you shall; I hadn’t told you, but I have booked tomorrow off work so we can fuck all night,” said Sharon.

“You slut; you had already decided that we would fuck tonight,” laughed Ian.

“Well, I had planned to, but I needed to make sure that you were up for it too,” answered Sharon.

They had the whole night ahead of them, plus all of the next day so there was no hurry to go to bed. They chatted, flirted and did some confessing.

“I sometimes wanked thinking…

Published 2 years ago

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