Handjobs, what is there to say about handjobs? Does anyone look at them as any sort of sexual highlight? After maturing beyond spin the bottle, hand jobs are often the first progression to something more exciting than just kissing. By the time a guy first gets jerked off, it could still potentially be years before he gets much more.
Those years can seem like a tough wait. Instead of enjoying a hand job for what it is, half your wits are spent trying to negotiate for something more. Fool heartedly putting at risk the satisfaction at hand with abrasive persistence. It’s a delicate balance when even mild suggestions like giving it a kiss can break the mood. ’A bird in the hand…’ as they say.
With that sort of scar tissue, it’s easy to understand why hand jobs are so underappreciated. It’s almost always appraised as a transitional activity that’s, nothing more than prep for greater events.
After all, I’ve never heard a guy speculate on a passing girl’s manual dexterity. I’ve also yet to have a girl confide to me that a hand job was her special skill. Still, I think there’s something to be said about the hand job. There are occasions and circumstance when a hand job on its own can be the star. Which brings me to just such a story.
Back when I was twenty-two I dropped out of University and moved to Whistler, BC.
I’d saved up barely enough to cover the flight. The only reason that I even had any surplus cash was that I’d managed to get a great deal on the ticket. It was so cheap, because a strike at the airline was expected to be called any day. Since most people were avoiding the airline out of fear of having their plans interrupted, the fares had been drastically cut.
I managed to get my flight out before any strike action and the plane was practically empty. Since I’d never flown before I thought it was normal. It was only when I asked the stewardess that I found out that the flight would usually have been full.
Back then alcohol was complimentary on planes too. With hardly anyone on the fight, there was no waiting for service either. Just press the button for the stewardess and place your order.
Almost an hour into the fight a lady who had been a couple rows back, moved up into the row of seats behind me. My seat was reclined back and she smiled at me through the gap in the seats. I politely smiled back, appraising her as older than me and pleasantly attractive.
I’m generally not a social traveler. Some people like to chat with strangers they meet, but my preference is to keep to myself. I’d rather read or watch a movie. When she started making small talk, the free drinks helped make me more social than usual. Then after just a few pleasantries, she asked if I’d mind if she sat with me.
Once she sat down beside me she introduced herself, “I’m Laurie by the way.”
“Hi, I’m Mike,” I replied.
“I hope you don’t mind me joining you,” she confided. “There was a guy in the row behind me that was bothering me.”
“Really, what was he doing?” I asked wondering how I became a safe harbor.
“I don’t know,” she waffled. “He just wouldn’t stop trying to talk to me. He was making me a feel uncomfortable.”
Instead of recognizing any irony, I just expressed concern before we began getting to know each other.
I told her about my plans and she told me that she was on her way home from visiting her boyfriend.
Laurie was petite with wavy black hair that fell just past her ears. She had hazel eyes and a few freckles that ran across her nose. She was twenty-eight, which for me at the time, made her an older woman.
Laurie confided with me that she was a little upset. She had fought with her boyfriend before she left. She told me that he was really jealous and it was making things difficult. She also admitted that he had some reason to be jealous. She had made a few mistakes with other guys in the past, but now she was doing her best to make sure nothing like that happened again.
I agreed that long distance relationships were tough and fraught with difficulties. At least so I’d heard, I’d never been in one myself. Then after another drink or two, as if to illustrate just the sort of challenges faced when couples are apart, Laurie and I began making out.
It wasn’t just mild kissing either. Laurie and I were groping one another with dizzying abandon. It would have been quite a spectacle if the plane weren’t so empty. Fortunately, no one had a direct view of us. Likely the only people aware of what was going on between Laurie and me were the stewardesses and the guy a few rows back that Laurie had rejected.
Right there in our seat I slide my hand under Laurie shirt and played with her tits. I even undid a few up her top buttons and sucked on her pert nipples.
Laurie stopped me saying, “No, I can’t.” With that we went back to kissing and mild fondling.
The fondling didn’t stay mild for very long. Soon I had the top of Laurie’s pants undone and my hand was touching her pussy.
When my finger slide between her damp lips Laurie again weakly said, “No.”
This time she kept kissing me back while I fingered her. After adequately exploring her moist pussy, I eventually did remove my probing digit. I only did it though, because my finger was wet enough to feed Laurie a taste of her juices.
It was a tight squeeze getting my hand down into Laurie’s pants. So before I went back for more I tried pushing her jeans down a bit for better access. Laurie cooperated by arching up, allowing me to get her jeans down over her hips. It was just far enough down that I could easily get my fingers into her pussy without completely exposing her. I could see a little tuft of black fur and naked skin. If anyone walked by though, they’d really need to take a good look to see anything. Which isn’t to say it wouldn’t have been obvious what was going on.
Our heads were together at the top of our seats and looking down Laurie’s body could see my hand disappearing between her legs. She was getting really wet and her hips demonstrated her pleasure. Rising and falling on her seat, she wriggled her pants down just a little bit more. Nuzzling against me as she writhed, Laurie’s whispered moans tickled my ears.
Laurie and I shared the taste of her pussy on my fingers from time to time. Every so often I’d try to slide her pants further down. Laurie always stopped me though. Down to her thighs seemed to be her limit. No matter how much she was enjoying being finger fucked, Laurie never got so carried away as to let me get any further.
I whispered in her ear, “We could try one of the washrooms?”
“No, they’ll know,” Laurie fretted.
“I don’t think they’d even notice,” I lied. When I’d glance back over our seats, I could already see that the stewardesses were occasionally peeking out from their station in our direction.
“No we’ll get caught,” Laurie insisted.
The plane was empty enough and I was so horny would have fucked her right in our seats. I think I pushed as far as I could. Once I’d tried everything I could think of a few times, I realized I just had to make the most of what Laurie was offering.
Reconciled to only fingering Laurie, I placed her hand on the bulge in my pants to inspire some reciprocity. Responding Laurie groped my shaft through my jeans, as I reached across sliding my right hand between her legs.
The more carried away Laurie got the more she grasped at my cock. It felt good, but my cock’s confinement was a little uncomfortable. Temporarily switching my hand on Laurie’s pussy, I loosened my belt and undid the top of my pants. Then again guiding Laurie, I slipped her hand inside my jeans.
Once Laurie’s hand was wrapped around my cock I leaned over again and returned my better hand to her pussy. She absently squeezed and stroked my shaft as I worked on her.
I rubbed Laura’s clit and fingered her, learning her especially responsive places. More and more her body was reacting, her pelvis rising and falling with my manipulations. Her concern with being discovered receded as she increasingly gave herself over. She was squirming in her seat as my fingers slide in and out of her velvet wetness.
Laurie seemed barely able to contain herself. For a change, I was the one becoming concerned that a disapproving stewardess might soon pay us a visit. Luckily I was a little too drunk and horny to let myself become too worried. When Laurie’s moans became a little too audible I started kissing her.
My mouth covered Laurie’s mouth and we kissed wildly as I got her off. When Laurie started to cum, her rising moans were muffled by our kisses. I kept up my work prolonging Laurie’s flow as long as I could. I matched the intensity of her body’s reactions, peaking and then continuing more slowly and gently through her receding ebb.
Laurie rested her head back on her seat and caught her breath, before whispered, “Oh, fuck!”
Sliding my wet fingers from Laurie’s pussy I offered them to her to taste. She took them in her mouth and sucked each one, savoring the froth of her midair release.
After licking my fingers clean Laurie declared, “My turn.”
Laurie pulled the waistband of my underwear down to let my shaft spring free. Trying to sit casually, Laurie leaned back in her seat and began stroking my exposed cock.
My cock was already beading pre-cum, giving my pink helmet a moist sheen. Scooping a seeping dollop, I offered Laurie my glistening fingertip for a taste. It inspired a smile before she accepted the gift into her mouth.
Just as I was enjoying the sight of Laurie sucking on my finger, my eye caught a stewardess emerging from the back of the plane. Fortunately, Laurie’s rejected suitor interrupted her march up the aisle with a request, giving me just enough time to hide my exposed organ. Thinking quickly I pulled down my seat tray and slouched under it. It was an unnatural position, but good enough do the job. The stewardess looked quickly at us as she passed, but hurried by.
Knowing that she would soon be coming back, we took a bit of a break. We figured we may as well order more drinks when she came back too. I pulled my zipper most of the way up, but left my pants unbuttoned. If I leaned back the head of my cock was still visible. It was just enough that Laurie could still play with my cock, but if I sat up straight my dick could be hidden by my shirt.
Laurie gently fondled me while we waited when a light bulb went off in her head. Looking through the storage pouch on the back of the seat, she pulled out a blanket folded up in a pack of cellophane. Opening it she gave me a look and declared, “Problem solved!”
Laurie spread the blanket over my lap and pulled my zipper back down. Safely under the blanket, she went back to casually stroking my dick.
As the stewardess returned, Laurie stopped her before she passed us by. “Could I get another white wine and an Ex for my friend?”
When she returned with our drinks we managed to take a few sips, before returning to action. Laurie opened the tray on the aisle seat and transferred over her drink. We both closed our trays to free up our space and Laurie asked, “Do want to put your beer on the tray too?
“No, I’m good.”
Laurie began slowly pumping my cock under the blanket while I sipped my beer. After a few minutes, I wiggled my pants a little lower to give Laurie better access. It was a little hard to do with one hand, so I had to turn my beer over to Laurie. Once my pants were down to mid-thigh, I lowered the blanket too, uncovering my cock.
Handing back my beer and smiling at my exposed cock Laurie said, “Alright, but you better keep your eyes open so we don’t give a show.”
Laurie slowly ran her hand all over my naked cock and balls. Finishing at the tip my cock she retrieved another bead of pre-cum, but this time she gave it to me to lick off. Once her finger was clean she gave me a big tongue probing kiss before turning her attention back to my cock.
Laurie started by leisurely stroking my cock. It was so casual that she could still take the occasional sip of wine. Eventually, as the pace built her wine had to be ignored. As she pumped my cock faster and faster, she began switching hands when one would tire. When it was getting close, I lifted up my shirt to keep it from getting splashed.
Realizing I was about to cum Laurie grabbed her wine glass and then switched hands to hold it beside my cock. She wanted to use it to catch my discharge. Her left hand felt good, but Laurie couldn’t maintain a finishing pace with it. Switching back to her right hand, she handed me the plastic cup and said, “Here, catch the cum for me.”
Laurie began pumping me so fast, that there was an audible smacking sound. My last thought before I came was that the guy a couple rows back must really be beside himself at what he was missing. Then all thoughts flushed from my mind as the sperm surged from my cock. With my eyes closed and mouth open, I felt a cool splash against my stomach. Trying to catch the next shot for Laurie sent a slash of wine over the rim, roughly landing at the same spot on my hand as the sperm. The following surges were easier to collect. All I had to do was place the cup against the head of my cock to catch the remaining flow. Shots at first arched onto the wine, before the diminishing pulses ran down my cock into Laurie’s cup.
Once Laurie was satisfied that she’d pumped me dry, she leaned over and took my cock in her mouth. She cleaned off any remaining sperm with her tongue before releasing me again.
Taking the cup from me she swished my sperm around in her wine. She was about to take a sip when she stopped to use the rim of the glass to scoop what cum she could from my stomach. Laurie swished her wine around again, rinsing sperm from the cup’s sides. She held up her glass apprising the floating white clouds. The plastic cup was small to begin with, but since about half the wine had been drunk, what remained held a heavy mixture of jism.
Looking over to me Laurie held out her glass and said, “Cheers!”
Raising my bottle I gently clinked her cup. Before I took my first sip I enjoyed watching Laurie take hers. Tilting her glass to her lips I saw that the cloudy nebulas floating away from her mouth. Escaping consumption on her first sip, the sperm joined together into heavier clumps, denser in the cup as the wine content diminished.
Laurie took the glass in her left hand and grasped cock again. Holding my waning rod, she raised her glass again. This time two separate billows, unable to escape the draw of wine flowed from the glass. The second one stretching out, pulled by opposing forces before disappearing in her mouth.
Laurie smiled as she sensed the heavier body filling her mouth. “Mmmmmm,” she purred.
I pulled the blanket back over my cock, because I knew I wouldn’t be able to pay attention to anything else while I watched Laurie drink my sperm.
The next sip captured another big splash. What fluid that remained was mostly a big wad of cum floating in a thin enveloping layer of wine.
Laurie carefully studied the final contents before throwing it back like a shot to make sure she got it all. Looking at me she opened her mouth to show me the glob of cum sitting inside. Then with a big smile, she swallowed it down.
After enjoying her refreshment Laurie gave me another big wet kiss. This time with a strong hint of sperm lingering on her tongue. After she finished she lifted the blanket to give my cock a kiss too. She took my softening cock in her mouth once more, sucking off the last oozing residue of sperm.
“I think you better be putting that away now,” she giggled.
We only had time for one more drink before decent, so there wasn’t time to get anything more going. Since I hadn’t made any arrangement to be picked up though, Laurie invited me back to her place once we landed.
I was surprised and under the circumstances, a little disappointed to see my friends waiting for me at the gate. Laurie’s roommate met her too and it turned out her roommate was her boyfriend’s sister. Perhaps not surprisingly her roommate was pretty abrasive when I tried to talk with Laurie. Once on the ground Laurie also lost most of her coherence. She seemed too drunk and confused to give me her number with her roommate around. Meanwhile, her roommate was giving me an unambiguous brush off.
So it turned out to be my last flight or anything else with Laurie. At least we joined the mile high club together, even though as only associate members.