The Girls of ΛΕƩ – Further Rituals

"Evie discovers a new facet of her sexuality"

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“Evie, I love you.” Those words were still resonating in my ears as my eyes opened to a new day. I smelled the fragrance of Angel next to me and the warmth of her body against mine. Memories of yesterday brought a smile to my face as I stretched languidly next to her.

Her leg was wrapped around me, and her hand rested against my breast. I felt her stir, and she nuzzled my neck. “Turn around and give me a kiss my love,” she whispered in my ear.

Rolling over she took me in her arms and kissed me passionately. I could have stayed locked in this embrace forever, but all too soon she broke away and said, “Let’s get you some breakfast. You have a busy day ahead.”

“How’s that?” I asked.

“Evie, part of the initiation is that all the sisters get to sample your charms. Much as I would like to keep you to myself that won’t be possible. You’ll be spending your days and nights with the other sisters and subject to their wills. During that time I can’t show any favoritism. After that, however, you and I can be BFFs and more if you would like. I know I would.”

I must have pouted because she said, “Come now no pouting.  You’ll enjoy the experience. The girls will enjoy you, and we are some of the best pussy lickers in town.  Who knows?  You might like some of them more than you like me.”

“Never! You’re who I want. I’ve never felt this type of attraction for anyone.”

“Well, I must say that neither have I. Not even my boyfriend Tony turns me on as much as you do.”

“You have a boyfriend?” I blurted out in surprise.

“Sure. As I expect will you, especially after Saturday’s toga party. You’ll even get to meet Tony if you wish. I love threesomes with him. If you find someone special, we can even have a foursome. Come, out of bed lazybones. Breakfast then I am turning you over to the others.”

My mind churning with confused images of all this sexuality I followed her to breakfast. Deep in my thoughts, I was not paying much attention to the conversation around me when Mia asked me, “What do you think Evie?”

Jarred back to the present I exclaimed a startled, “Huh!”

“Where were you, still in the arms of Angel? We’ve just set out your schedule for the next two days.”

I smiled at her and replied dreamily, “Yes… I was far away.”

“Pay attention girl, or I’ll have to spank you.”

Feeling very saucy I knelt on my chair with my butt towards her. Looking over my shoulder at her, I wriggled my ass.

The other girls exploded into paroxysms of laughter, and I heard cheers and clapping as they urged her to spank me.

She came behind me and landed five sharp spanks on each of my asscheeks.

“Ooh! Thank you, Mia,” I exclaimed feeling a delicious burn radiating through my body. Inside I wondered where this new behavior was coming from. Three days ago I would never have thought of behaving this way. My slutty side was indeed coming to the surface.

“Now sit down you little slut and pay attention. The program for you for the next two days is to get acquainted, very intimately acquainted, with all of your future sisters. They will use you and abuse you to their heart’s content. Seeing your behavior so far I don’t think you will have reason to complain. Any questions?”

“No, Mia. No questions.”

“Good! You will start with Joan and me. Follow us.”

They lead me to the shower room where the three of us shared a very sexy shower session.  The women handled me like a piece of meat. I was washed by the two of them, and I can assure you that not a spot on my body was neglected. After the shower, I was taken to Mia’s room where they toyed with my body and had me toy with theirs. I must have cum almost continuously.

I must have fallen asleep for when I woke up Judy and Rachel were in the room, and the process continued. I have to say I had no cause for complaint as all the sisters were sexy and extremely skilled.

The next two days proceeded in this frenzy of sexual delight where I was licked, sucked, and fingered by each girl. Some delighted in playing with my ass and made me realize that I was incredibly anal. Spanking seemed to be a favorite from some of them, and again I came to understand that this turned me on more than I could ever have imagined. The delicious heat of well-reddened asscheeks seemed to raise my need for sex to the point that I needed a release after each spanking.

Eventually, Thursday night came along, and we all assembled in the dining room.

This was obviously a special occasion. The table had been set with unaccustomed elegance, and we were wearing our lingerie for the first time since the second day.

Angel stood before us and opened the proceedings. “Ladies, our three pledges have all met the test of what we were looking for in our ranks. Evie, Sabrina, Judy, please stand up.”

The three of us stood wondering what was going to happen.

“You three,” Angel continued, “have passed our selection criteria as pledges. From this moment on you are no longer pledges but probationary sisters of ΛΕƩ. You have two more challenges ahead of you. The first will come tomorrow morning. Tomorrow our older alumni sisters will be coming in. You might have wondered how we can afford this lifestyle with the low membership fees we charge. Well, the answer is those alumni. Once a year they get a chance to come back and inspect the new girls. Technically they could blackball you. This, however, has never happened yet.

Now, the financial side. You three will be put on auction to the highest bidder. Your job will be to satisfy their every need for the day. Am I clear or do I have to paint a picture for you?” She said with a smirk.

All of a sudden we were surrounded by our new sisters and ended up in a giant group grope and hug. It was a very erotic feeling of both belonging and realizing that none of us had the slightest inhibitions as we were kissed, fondled and groped.

After supper was over, Angel instructed us that we were to rest tonight to be in shape for the following day.




Friday morning all the sisters assembled in the kitchen for breakfast. I was told the Alumni were already present and that they were being given breakfast in the dining room. We weren’t to be seen by them till the auction took place.

After breakfast, we were given what we were to wear for the auction. We probationary sisters were to wear a sheer, translucent full-length robe. Green had been chosen for us with matching stockings and garter belts. When I was told to change, I realized that this outfit left one of my breasts uncovered and did nothing to conceal the rest of my charms. Looking in the mirror, I realized that it made me look sluttier than ever.

I heard the chime of a gong and descended into the main living room. A stage had been set up, and all the sisters had arranged themselves on the stage. Angela had Sabrina, Judy and me at the center of the stage with the rest of the sisters on either side of us. The full company of sisters was wearing the same outfits as ours but in blue.

I realized that we would all be part of the auction. Angela in a similar red outfit acted as mistress of ceremonies.

The Alumni filed in from the dining room and sat on the sofas and armchairs facing us. Looking at them I sensed these women were extremely successful at what they did or were trophy wives. They reeked of elegance and wealth. Also, they were all gorgeous.

“Senior Sisters, you are all here today for our annual auction. I am sure you remember the auction rules, however, let me go over them for you. We will start off by auctioning this year’s pledges, which I will introduce you to in a few moments. The other sisters who are known to you will be auctioned next. As in previous years, the pledges will only be admitted as full sisters in this house should you accept them as one of ours. That acceptance is dependent on them giving you full satisfaction as to how they perform the duties you assign to them. Is that your understanding?” Angel asked.

There was a chorus of yeses from the audience.

“Very well we will start with Evie. Evie, please step forward.”

I hesitantly stepped forward conscious of the gaze of all these women on me. I felt myself being eaten up by dozens of eyes as they examined me from head to toe. Angel asked me to turn and present my back to the audience. As I turned, I could hear murmurs as the audience discussed me.

“Evie has been extraordinary and has provided us with complete ‘satisfaction’ in all senses. Now, who is prepared to open the bidding?”

“Ten Thousand!”

I gasped as an elegant silver-haired woman offered that sum. Ten thousand; surely she could not mean that. She was immediately countered by a bid of twelve. Dazed and confused, I stood there gaping as the bidding progressed. These could not be dollars I thought.

The sum went up to twenty-five thousand, and the next thing I knew Angel announcing, “Final bid and the lucky winner of Evie is Rachel, our senior alumnus at twenty-five thousand dollars. Evie, why don’t you go and join Rachel on the couch?”

I got off the stage and went to join Rachel, the elegant woman who had opened the bidding.

“Come sit next to me, Evie. I’m Rachel. I think you and I are going to get to know each other very well shortly.”

I smiled at her while scrutinizing her body as I sat beside her. Her age was hard to determine. Her hair was silver, and she was obviously beyond her fifties.  However, her skin did not betray her age. Large gray eyes stared at me from a perfectly made-up face. She was faultless. As I sat down, she crossed her legs, and I noticed that they were long and toned.

“Let’s just sit and watch the auction. I want to make sure that my fellow alumni do not turn into skinflints. We need to ensure that the sorority is adequately financed for the next year.”

She took my hand in hers, and we sat there watching the proceedings. I felt her fingers softly stroking my arm and sending shivers through me. Her feather light touch revealed to me the sensuality of this woman.

She would occasionally speak up chiding her peers if she thought bids were too low and not up to standard. I watched aghast as I realized the total sum that was being offered for our favors for a day of Sapphic pleasure.

The bidding over and all the girls partnered up with alumni Angel came over and asked Rachel if she could speak to me for a few moments.

She led me to a secluded corner and gave me a kiss. “Evie, I suspected that Rachel would want to have you as her partner. There is something I have to tell you about her, despite her confident demeanor, Rachel is a submissive. She wants and needs to be dominated and abused by her partner. You will have to take the lead and satisfy that need. Do you think you are up to that?”

“She is? Angel, I don’t know. I’ve never been in that type of situation what should I do? “I answered.

“You’ll have to play it by ear, love. Just don’t try to be sweet with her. Think of what she represents here. Her contribution in the amount she bid for you is the largest we have ever obtained.  I know she enjoys being spanked and restrained. I am going to send you up to use my bedroom. In the bottom dresser drawer, you will find several sex toys and objects that you can use. I might discuss this with Mia’s mother when she gets here. Carmen knows her and I might even send her in to help you. Now go and do your best I know you will do the right thing.”

Going back into the main room, I lead Rachel up to Angel’s bedroom. No sooner than the door was closed behind us, she started to take me into her arms and kiss me. I stepped back and looked at her and said, “Not so fast, Rachel. Did I give you permission to kiss me?”

The look of confusion on her face was priceless. She stammered, “Uhh… no, you didn’t. I thought we were coming here to make love.”

“Well, that might happen. However, we will do this my way. Is that understood?”

“I think so,” she answered.

My mind was racing trying to think of how to proceed in the situation and how to assert myself over this woman. It came to me that I could use what had humiliated and simultaneously excited me over the past week.

“Stand in the middle of the room, Rachel. Now I want you to slowly take off your dress for me. Let me see what I will be playing with,” I ordered.

“Yes, Evie,” she responded.

“I think that from now on you should address me as Miss.”

“Uh… Yes, Miss.”

“Now get out of that dress. Do it slowly and sensuously,” I ordered.

She brought her hands behind her and unclasped her dress and lowered the zipper. The dress slid off her lithe frame and pooled at her feet. She then stepped out of it. I looked at her figure clad in a black push-up bra, tiny black thong with matching garter belt and stockings in amazement. She had the figure of a twenty-five-year-old woman. Her long legs and smooth thighs, flat stomach and perky tits were mouthwatering. I felt my pussy start to tingle in anticipation. She stood there waiting for my next command. It was evident that she was no stranger to this type of situation.

“Now off with the bra,” I ordered.

She unclasped it revealing her tits. Again they were a surprise showing absolutely no sag. Two conical tits with puffy elongated nipples. The thought they were probably a C cup ran through my mind. I stepped up to her and fondled her breasts squeezing each one in my hand. I grasped her nipples in my fingers pinching and pulling on them which caused her to moan.

Leaving her standing there I walked over to the dresser and opened the bottom drawer that Angel had mentioned to me. In it were a collection of dildos, butt plugs, and other toys. I saw a pair of nipple clamps connected by a chain.

Taking them, I returned to her and held them up for her inspection.

“I presume you know what these are for?” I asked.

“Yes, Miss,” she answered wide-eyed.

I attached the clips to her nipples and watched her eyes as they grew even wider and the surprised O formed by her mouth as the clamps bit into her tender skin. I tugged on the chain joining the clamps, and the look of unbridled lust in her eyes was something to behold as her knees started to shake.

Letting go the chain, I supported her till she regained her composure. I stepped back and told her to remove her thong. She slowly lowered her lingerie past her lush hips and stood there exhibiting a perfectly waxed pussy without the slightest trace of hair. Her pussy lips were plump and full, and I could see that they were glistening with her juices.

“Spread your legs, Rachel. Wider please, “I ordered.

She immediately complied with my request. I ordered her to part her pussy lips and show me her cunt. It was absolutely intoxicating to me to be able to control this sophisticated older woman to obey my every whim.

Her pussy was obviously soaking wet, and I could see some of her juice start leaking down her thigh. Moving forward I thrust two fingers up her dripping cunt and vigorously molested her soft tender inner flesh by pushing my fingers in and out of her while she moaned and thrust her pelvis forward at my fingers.

“Oh yes. Faster… deeper! Make me cum…” She begged.

Sensing my new found power over this woman I immediately stopped. I brought my fingers covered with her juices to her mouth and ordered her to suck them clean. She took my fingers in her mouth and using her tongue licked and washed each finger and sucked down all traces of herself off of them.

“Miss, I need to cum,” she pleaded.

“You will, but not till I order you to cum. If you do so before I give you permission, you will be punished as you have never been punished. Understood?”

“Yes, Miss.”

“Now turn around and show me your ass.”

She pivoted around and revealed a nicely rounded backside. I lazily caressed her asscheeks and delighted that they were firm and tight.

“Move over to the bed and put your hands flat on it and stick your butt out. I am going to give you a thorough examination. That’s right. Now spread your legs as wide as they will go.”

I ran my hand up her inner thigh lightly feathering her tender flesh. I could see this was having an effect. She moaned as my hands moved higher towards her pussy. She pushed her ass back seeking contact with my roving fingers and her needy pussy, but I avoided going near it.

I resumed caressing her ass and tried to figure how to humiliate her further. Curious to see how far she would submit I told her to place her head and tits on the bed and use her hands to part her asscheeks.

She immediately complied with my request exposing her delicate pink anus to my view. I ran a fingernail up her crack and scratched lightly at her pink star. Her reaction thrilled me as she pushed her hips back to get a firmer contact with my finger.

“You like that don’t you?” I asked.

“Oh yes, Miss.”

I moistened my fingers with my saliva and slowly pushed it up her anus. She moaned and thrust back at my finger. I unhurriedly inserted a second finger as she moaned appreciatively. I continued poking them in and out of her with a twisting motion on each penetration. Her fully exposed pussy was now literally dripping juice down her thigh.

I lazily toyed with my own pussy as I listened to her moans and pleas to let her cum.

As I was contemplating my next move, the door opened, and Carmen, Mia’s mother, came into the room.

“Hi, Evie,” my first lesbian lover greeted me. “I see you have started, and even found Rachel’s weak spot,” she chuckled as she came over and gave me a full body hug and a lingering passionate kiss. “I’ve missed you,” she said while stripping off her clothes and toying with my pussy.

Rachel glanced back to see who had entered and I immediately gave her a smart slap on the ass and ordered her not to dare move till I told her to.

Carmen asked me if I had let Rachel cum yet. When I told her I hadn’t, she told me to wait and walked out of the room. She quickly returned with a piece of apparatus that resembled an exercise bike.

“What the hell is that?” I asked.

“It’s a gadget that my husband put together. He calls it a cum machine. I’d like to test it out on Rachel if you’ll allow it.”

I looked at the machine, and it was an ordinary exercise bike but attached to the gear mechanism was a latex dildo. I experimentally pushed on the pedals, and the dildo moved up and down in an obscene parody of a penis pistoning up and down. It did not take much imagination to see that if it were inserted in the right spot, it would give the rider a very thorough fucking.

Carmen asked, “Well what do you think? Shall we have her test it?”

“I think it would be a great idea. Rachael will certainly get her money’s worth that way,” I answered with a giggle.

“Rachel stand up,” I ordered. “You want to cum, right?”

“Yes, please. I really need to cum.”

“What no Miss?”

“I’m sorry, Miss. I am so horny I am not thinking straight.”

“Rachel you’ll have to be punished. I warned you about that remember?”

“Yes, Miss.”

“What do you think would be a suitable punishment, Rachel?”

“Uh… maybe a spanking, Miss.”

“Well, first I want you to climb up on this stationary bike.”

She proceeded to climb up on the tiny bike seat. Carmen came up and spread her pussy lips while I greased the dildo and slowly inserted it into her pink inner flesh.

“Now start pedaling, Rachel.”

As she began slowly pumping the pedals, the dildo started thrusting in and out of her. She immediately started moaning. I reminded her that she was not to cum till I allowed her to do so.

Carmen and I stood there watching in amazement as she pedaled and was fucked by the dildo on each stroke. Her ass cheeks were temptingly draped over the bike seat, and inspiration hit me.

“Rachel, now you are going to get spanked at the same time. You are going to get twenty swats on each cheek. You are to cum only as you receive the last one. Do you understand? If you can do that we will make sure that your pussy is well rewarded by both of us. We will have a great session of sucking and licking each other.”

“Oh yes, Miss I would love that.”

“Lean forward against the handlebars and push your ass back.”

With Carmen on one side of Rachel and me on the other, and we began to spank that deliciously rounded butt.

It was a delight to see how that ass reddened with each spank. Carmen kept urging Rachel to pedal faster. As we alternated our blows, Rachel kept moaning and pleading that she needed to cum.

When we approached the end of the spanking, Carmen started toying with Rachel’s clit pinching it and pulling on it. The moans changed to a loud keening noise and as we landed the last spanks Rachel’s whole body started shaking as she exploded into a prolonged orgasm that had her juices literally squirting all over the place.

I told her to stop pedaling and get off the bike. As she stepped off her knees wobbled, and she would have fallen had I not wrapped my arms around her body. I hugged her to me and kissed her while removing the nipple clamps. She trembled as the blood rushed back to her nipples. Ignoring that I slid my tongue into her mouth and our tongues melded as her sweat soaked body pressed itself to mine.

I led her to the bed and pushed her, so she lay flat on her back. “Rachel you are a real slut. Now you will show me how good you are as a slut. Carmen and I both need to have our pussies licked and sucked and I am sure you would not deny us the joy of doing the same to you. Spread your thighs and bend your knees back.”

“Oh yes, Miss,” she replied instantly obeying my instructions.

I placed myself between her thighs and was rewarded with the view of her gaping pussy. I lowered face and started to lap at her like a starved kitten. Her juices were copious and flowing from her distended hole. Meanwhile, Carmen had climbed on the bed and lowered herself over Rachel’s face and placed her cunt against the woman’s mouth. From her moans and the look on her face, I could tell that Rachel was giving Carmen’s pussy the attention it craved. I was anxious to feel her tongue working its magic on me.

Wanting to see how far my new mistress role could extend and how far Rachel would go, I waited till Carmen came in a paroxysm of moans before exerting my influence again on Rachel.

“Carmen spread your asscheeks and you Rachel rim her ass. Get your tongue right in there.”

“Do I have to Miss?”

“You heard me. If you want to get a turn at my pussy and wherever else I decide, get licking slut.”

I watched amazed as she got right to it. Carmen was delighted. I went over to the dresser and got a rather fat dildo out of the bottom drawer and proceeded to insert it up Rachel’s ass. The deeper it penetrated her, the more her body squirmed on the bed and the more she parted her thighs as if she wanted the full seven inches buried in her bottom.

Carmen obviously enjoying what was being done to her by Rachel. She was playing with her clit and pressing her ass over Rachel’s mouth. “Evie, where and how did you get to be such a nasty young woman?” She asked.

I grinned at her and replied, “It must be from following the example of my mentor into the lifestyle. You did very well, my love.”

“I can’t wait to have you to myself again dear. We will have to arrange that you come over to my place for a sleepover soon.”

It was finally time for me to get my needs met and I told Carmen to get off Rachel.

“Rachel, now you will get what you paid for. I will have you lick my pussy and ass I want you to make me cum hard and often.”

“Yes, Miss Evie, I will be delighted to do that for you.”

I lay down on the bed and spread my legs wide. Rachel lay down in front of me and soon I was feeling her agile tongue working its way into my pussy while her fingers ministered to my ass. She seemed to know all the spots and was an accomplished at licking and fingering. She bent my knees back to open me even wider, and her tongue ministered to every inch of my tender inner flesh. Her fingers screwed into my asshole and thoroughly massaged all of my rectum.

With her other hand, she teased my clit and toyed with it edging me continuously closer to my orgasm. My hips were heaving at her and my whole body quivered with anticipation. Then she altered her technique. She pulled her fingers out of my ass and thrust into my hot wet pussy, her tongue snaked deep into my ass. She curled her fingers and vigorously massaged my g-spot.

I lost all control and started cumming without stop. For the first time, I saw my cum go squirting right across Rachel’s body. She was coated with my juice as I lay there panting in the afterglow of the strongest orgasm I had ever experienced.

After I regained my composure, I got off the bed on shaky legs and helped her up. Leading the three of us to the shower we stood next to each other letting the hot water clean off the sweat and cum off our bodies. I had Rachel in her sub role clean us up with soapy hands and sponges till we were finally clean.

“Okay, Rachel, what do you think of your experience so far was it worth it?” I asked.

“Oh yes, Miss Evie it certainly was,” she smiled at me.

“Are you ready to go to the next level of shame and degradation?”

“Whatever you say, Miss Evie.”

“Right! Carmen bring the ‘fuck bike’ down to the main hall downstairs we will have Rachel demonstrate it to the rest of the girls.”

At that, Rachel turned beet red and started to say something. I immediately hushed her. “Rachel, you know you loved it, and I have thought of what else I am going to be doing to you while you demonstrate the bike.”

“What’s that Miss?”

“It’ll be a surprise,” I told her with a smirk. I led her down to the main hall and gathered all the girls and their lovers around for the demonstration. When they were all seated around, I explained to them about the bike and what they were about to witness.

Rachel climbed on the bike and inserted the fake phallus into her wet pussy. As she started peddling it was evident to all the spectators that the dildo was pumping in and out of her. I got behind Rachel and asked her to spread her asscheeks. I had outfitted myself with a strap-on when she had started to pedal.

In one swift motion, I thrust the full seven inches of the fake cock into her open ass to the delight of the audience. I pumped it in and out of her making her writhe on the bike seat as her arousal kept growing. The comments came from all around almost but not quite drowning out her moans. They ranged in advice such ‘as pedal faster’ to ‘all the way up her ass, Evie.’

It was obvious the show was also having an effect on the audience as from the corner of my eye I could see the spectators fingering and toying with each other.

Angel came and stood beside me and played with my nipples and ass while I just kept on ravaging Rachel. I told her to play with Rachel’s nipples and clit to make her cum which she did with great joy.

Finally in a veritable deluge which erupted from her pussy Rachel came. She then collapsed across the handlebar and just sat there panting. I withdrew the dildo from her ass and held her in place as she regained her breath and her composure.

We helped her descend and lay her on the floor so she could recover. I lay next to her and gently caressed her as she looked up at me and smiled.

“Well, Rachel we have the rest of the evening together what do you say if we just go to bed and make long slow love to each other for the remainder of the night?”

“Miss Evie, that would be wonderful. I would really enjoy that. May I also congratulate you on now being a full sister of this sorority.”

I gave her a loving kiss as I was now entitled to as a full sister of ΛΕƩ.


Thanks to JefferyB for editing my story.



Published 7 years ago

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