Pat meets Peter part 1

"I wasn't sure if shewas mad or just startled, or both."

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Since our visit to Sam’s, Pat has become more relaxed when it comes to not wearing a bra. At home, she almost never wears one, taking it off as soon as she walks through the door. Even in public, she is more relaxed without one.

As for me, I’m enjoying the attention she is receiving from men’s eyes. Knowing that they are admiring my wife’s breasts, and more often than not her erect nipples.

It excites me, as much as it does Pat.

Dave, her lover, hasn’t seen her since we got back from Sam’s. Pat knows though he will approve because he is always commenting how good they look.

A couple of days ago we decided to go to the beach and have a fish. Conditions weren’t favourable, but it was a pleasant evening. While I loaded the car, Pat went in and got changed. When she came out, she looked stunning. Pat was wearing shorts and a bikini top I hadn’t seen before. I gave her the once over and then focused on her tits.

“Is that new?” I asked.

“Bought it yesterday, do you like it?.”

“Looks fine, but don’t you think you are showing a little too much?” I inquired.

There wasn’t much material to cover her. It was white and thin enough to show her areolas, and of course the points of her nipples.

“I bought it to wear at home, but the beach will be quiet now. Do you mind?”

“Not at all,” I said, “you look just right  to me.”

When we arrived, I unloaded the car and carried everything the short distance to the beach. I began setting up the rods, and Pat put the towels, chairs, and umbrella out. Although it was evening, the sun was out, and it was still warm. Once the baits were out, I walked back to Pat and sat by her side.

We chatted and had a couple of beers. It was peaceful, and no-one else was around.

“That is a lovely top you bought,” I said, trying to steer the conversation my way.

“You think it’s too revealing, don’t you, and you haven’t seen the bottoms yet.”

I looked around to make sure no-one was around and said, “On the contrary, I thought you might like to take it off.”

“What, here on the beach, I couldn’t do that,” Pat paused and then with a cheeky smile on her face she continued, “could I?”

“All you have to do is slip it off.”

“Do you think I dare, what if someone comes?” she said, looking around.

“Go on; I dare you, I’m going to check the rods I’ll keep a lookout,” I encouraged her.

“Alright, I will, you asked for it, but you keep looking out,” Pat said with a devilish smile on her face.

Another quick look around and she unfastened the top and put it in her beach bag. She hunched over and lifted her knees in an attempt to hide her breasts.

I put my arm around her and told her I would stay a short time before checking the rods.

It didn’t take long for her confidence to rise, “Go check your bait, I’m alright.”

“Sure?” I asked.

“I’m sure, go on, I’m ok,” Pat said, uncurling herself. She put her arms behind her back and leaned back onto them, her chest fully exposed.

This action was a momentous occasion; I had exposed Pat’s breasts once before, but this was unprecedented. To see her like this was a big turn on for me. I walked towards the ocean and when I turned Pat was standing shaking the sand off the towel. She waved at me as though she bared herself like this every day. I watched her until she lay down.

While I rebaited the hooks, I kept looking back to check on Pat. From where I stood anyway, she seemed to be perfectly happy. I looked around to make sure no-one was around and took a short stroll down the beach. I didn’t go too far because I didn’t want to leave Pat alone.

When I got back to my rods, I sat down and watched the shallow waves break onto the sand.

Suddenly a voice startled me, “Hi, had any luck?”  I turned, and a stranger was walking towards me.

I had a quick look at Pat but didn’t want to draw attention to her, because she wasn’t far away.

“No, not yet,” I said, hoping he hadn’t seen her.

“That the wife?” he said, looking over at Pat.

“Yep,” I said, wondering what to do about our predicament.

“Can’t say that you haven’t had any luck then,” the stranger commented. “Peter’s my name, pleased to meet you, ” as he held his hand out to shake mine.

“Gary, likewise I’m sure,”

We started chatting about fishing and things, and he kept turning and looking at Pat.

Peter would probably in his early fourties and quite handsome.  I guessed he takes care of himself because his body is toned. He also seems as if he takes care of his appearance. Although he was carrying his shirt, and his jeans were rolled up and was barefooted.

My mind turned over, and a devious plan came into my head. I looked over at Pat who hadn’t moved for a while. I suspected she was asleep.

“Would you like a beer?” I asked.

“Sure,” Peter replied.

“Come on then; I’ll introduce you to my wife,”

“But won’t she mind, not wearing a top or anything,” Peter said with some trepidation.

“Nah, she’ll be ok, but just in case she’s asleep, try not to make too much noise.”

We walked over, and I sat in the chair, Peter sat on the sand next to Pat. I couldn’t see exactly, but I’m sure he was so close his leg was touching Pat’s. I smiled, Peter wasn’t holding back. He did not attempt to hide the fact he was more interested in Pat’s naked tits than looking at me. But who can blame him?

I leaned over and opened the chilly bin, taking out a couple of beers I offered Peter one. His eyes never left Pat when taking the beer in his hand. When he opened the can the hiss nearly woke Pat, she turned her head but didn’t open her eyes. I didn’t have that amount of luck when I pulled the tab on mine. Pat turned to me, and her eyes opened.

“Hi, what are you doing?” she said.

“Hi,” I replied, “this is Peter.”

Pat’s head turned sharply, “What the fucks going on, who the fuck is this?”

She curled up again and covered her breasts with her hands.

“Peter,” I said.

I wasn’t sure if she was mad or just startled or both.

“And how long have you been sitting there looking at me?”

“Just a short time, I’m sorry if I startled you, maybe I should go,” Peter offered.

“No, it’s ok Peter,” I said, “Look, Pat, we have been sitting here quite a while, you don’t have to be coy he’s seen your tits, in fact, he has said how good they look. Come on, take your hands away and have a beer.”

“Well, I’m not happy, but ok,” Pat said making her point, as she straightened her legs and put her hand out for a can.

She turned to Peter, “Hi, I’m Pat nice to meet you.”

“Hello Pat, good to meet you too, and I do admire your tits, very well shaped and wonderful nipples.”

Pat’s head dropped slightly, and she grinned a little, “Why, thank you, good of you to say so,” she said sheepishly.

“Glad that’s out of the way,” I said, “Pat thinks they’re too small; I’m trying to coax her out of feeling that way.”

“Gary’s right, you should be proud of them.

I wish my wife’s looked as good.”

“You’re married then,” Pat said, sounding a little disappointed.

“Yes, but we are having a few problems at the moment. Maybe if Pam were more like you, we would get along better.”

“But you don’t know me; we’ve only just met. Are you saying that because my tits are out?”

“Partly, but you two seem to have a stable relationship. How many husbands would invite a stranger over when his wife is half naked. And you, you seem quite happy as you are.”

“Yes, but had I known you were coming, it would have been different,” Pat said., “and if you knew us, you might get a shock.”

Peters expression changed to an inquisitive look, “May I ask you what that means, I don’t want to be nosey but.”

“Well, that’s enough of that, let’s change the subject,” I interrupted.”

“Sorry,” Peter apologized.

“No, no, it’s ok,” Pat said, getting up on her knees.

As we talked I could tell by her gestures and the way she held herself, she had forgotten her tits were bare. She was entirely at ease with the way she looked.

Our new lifestyle was advancing, I thought to myself. Pat’s reaction to the situation was very heartening, much to my delight.

We talked for a while, then Pat said, “Gary why don’t you have another beer, while Peter and I go for a stroll down the beach.”

“Sure,” I agreed. “do you want your top?”

“No, I’m fine like this, in fact,” she said as she undid her shorts and let them fall, “you can put these in my bag too.”

I got my first glimpse of her new bikini bottoms.

“Wow,” I said to myself as she bent over to pick her shorts up.

She had her back to me, and there was only a thin piece of material, which got hidden between the cheeks of her arse.

It wasn’t just her tits that were naked her arse cheeks were too.

Pat as a gorgeous figure for her age, firm breasts, flat tummy, and her buttocks are also firm, and round. Incredible, to grasp and pull her closer as my cock slides in her wet cunt. I’m sure one of her pussy lips had found it’s way out, through the lack of material.

When she turned around, the front was no less conservative, the line between her lips showed clearly.

“What do you think, do I look alright?” Pat asked as she got hold of her breasts and lifted them.

“Wow, I don’t know what to say,” I said astonished.

Pat turned to Peter, “What do you think Peter, do you like what you see.”

“Fuck yes, but do you know I can see the shape of your cunt lips?”

“I hope so, that’s why I chose this, for Gary you understand. I’m sure he doesn’t mind you looking as well?” Pat turned to me, “You don’t mind what he can see do you?”

“Hell no,” I said with enthusiasm, knowing Pat was enjoying herself.

Pat held her hand out, “Walk me down the beach, and we can talk.”

Peter took Pat’s hand in his, and I watched them walk away. From where I sat Pat could easily be entirely naked, and I wished she was.

When they were about a hundred meters away, they stopped, and Pat turned her head. Peter leaned in, and they kissed. Pat turned to look at me, and I knew she wanted my approval. I put my hand up, and I could see her smile. She turned back to Peter, and they put their arms around one another and began kissing.

It wasn’t long before Peter’s hands dropped and he rested them on Pat’s bare arse cheeks. It was only then I realized my cock was aching. I couldn’t help myself and released my penis and began playing with myself.

I watched intently as this stranger squeezed my wife’s arse, and her naked tits rested on his bare chest.

They stopped kissing and looked back at me. Peter put his arm over Pat’s shoulder, and Pat, in turn, put her arm around the small of Peters back. As they walked back towards me, I thought to myself; they make a good looking couple.

Pat reached up with her other hand and took hold of Peter’s fingers. At the same time reaching with her head for a kiss, and Peter obliged. They strolled back slowly, looking at each other and kissing.

I put my cock away before they reached me.

When they finally got back, Pat placed herself in front of Peter and moved his arm, so his hand rested on her tit. Peter ‘s hand closed a little, taking a grip on her breast.

“Would you mind if Peter took me out one night?” Pat asked.

“Probably not,” I said, as I watched watch Peter’s’ hand massage my wife’s tit.

“How about Saturday, would you mind?” Pat asked, not worried about what she was doing in front of me.

“That’s fine; there’s a match on I’ll watch that in peace.”

“See, I told you he wouldn’t mind,” Pat exclaimed.

“Are you sure Gary, I mean this is quick, I’m feeling your wife up, and we’ve only just met?”

“What as Pat told you, anything?” I asked.

Pat didn’t give Peter a chance to answer, “I’ve told him that you share me with someone else if that’s what you mean.”

“And you don’t mind?” I asked.

“Pat asked if I would take her out, and I said of course, but only if it was ok with you.”

“Ok, then it’s fine by me, just one thing.”

“Anything,” Peter said.

“You pick her up and escort her back personally into the house, no putting her in a taxi,” I said forcefully.

“Of course I will, she deserves nothing less,” Peter replied.

I shook Peter’s hand again, and just as he was about to walk away, he turned back and kissed Pat. His hand cupped her breast.

Peter walked down the beach, he kept stopping, turning around and waving.

Pat looked at me and said, “You’re good to me aren’t you.”

My reply was just to say we had to get our things together; it was time to leave.

Pat picked a couple of things up and began walking away.

“Where are you going?” I asked.

“Taking these back to the car,” Pat replied.

“But there’s bound to be someone around, aren’t you going to cover yourself.”

A wicked smile came across Pat’s face as she said, “I know, and no.”

Published 7 years ago

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