At Home Again with my Step-Brother, David – Chapter 4…

"Our Journey continues as he pushes on to newer, bigger and better horizons..."

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We returned home from our marvelous trip, where we were able to see mom’s best friend’s daughter’s new baby daughter, who I wanted so very much to take home. She was the most beautiful little thing I think I’d ever seen in my whole life with her full head of raven black hair and big, big beautiful deep, deep blue eyes.

Ah well, back to reality. David and I resumed all our usual fun-filled activities, at least until I left to go back to school for the upcoming fall term.

We had about five weeks left at home before leaving for school. David and I resumed meeting in his room after everyone had gone to bed. I went over to his room without any clothes on, and David took in every single inch of my naked body before inviting me to sit down on his bed where he would begin by stroking his erect cock with one hand and my wet pussy with the other. While he was busy fingering my wet pussy, I removed his hand and started on his penis with mine, giving him a good handjob before we turned to a sixty-nine position where we could both enjoy a really spectacular orgasm.

Once we had recovered, he played with me again, giving me several very fulfilling and wonderful orgasms as I returned the favor on him before we stopped to rest for a little while. I laid down on his bed with him beside me, and we continued to stroke each other keeping the fun going for several hours before giving each other another a good sixty-nine again. After bringing us both to another wonderful climax, we called it a night.

I got up to go to the bathroom to rinse off when he came in to clean-up, also before we both went to our own rooms and to bed.

The next morning, we awoke, got up and dressed and went downstairs after the folks had left for work, fixing some breakfast together. David was going out for awhile, so I sat down after turning on the TV and put on my music channel to listen to while reading, as David was gone.

About an hour-and-a-half later, I was still sitting there listening to the music and reading when David came in with some deli sandwiches and chips, so we sat down at the kitchen table to eat. After eating, I cleared the table and David went upstairs to get undressed returning once again to the living room, naked, sitting down on the couch to have some fun with himself.

He was on one end of the couch as he started stroking his hard cock, so I ran upstairs to get undressed and returned back to join him on the other end of the couch and slowly began to touch my own clit, pushing first one, then a second finger into my wet pussy as David watched me doing so intently, not taking his eyes off me.

We were both going at it hot, hard, and heavy, moaning loudly and having some wonderful orgasms as we sat there taking care of ourselves for a good while that afternoon.

As time slipped by, we were both reaching the time when we would have to stop and get cleaned up before the folks came back and caught us in our predicament. This would have been one of the most embarrassing situations for both of us. I don’t think either my dad or his mom would have understood or forgiven either of us for being this way.

We went back to our rooms to get dressed and then came back downstairs to clean up and put everything back in its place, spraying the area with some natural clean air freshener to clear up any lingering tell-tale scent of sex.

It was less than half-an-hour until my step-mom walked into the house with my dad coming in about fifteen minutes later.

Mom and I had gone into the kitchen after she returned from changing her clothes to prepare dinner.

David set the table and I helped Mom do the cooking. We all sat down to eat and talk as we usually did. Then after dinner, Mom and I cleared the table and washed the dishes while Dad and David went into the den where David set-up the card-table so we could all play board games like Monopoly or Scribble. That night we all decided on Rook.

After playing cards for a while, Mom and Dad got up to get ready for bed. David and I put the card-table and chairs away and sat down to listen to the music from the TV for about half-an-hour before we too went upstairs to bed.

I went in to take a shower and David joined me where we bathed each other. We had started this while visiting Mom’s friend, so we continued doing so when we returned home. This had become our way of being together to hug, kiss, touch, and be together without anyone knowing we were together in private to masturbate solo or mutually as the case might be.

I enjoyed giving David a bath, so I could touch him as I was bathing his body for him. He, in return, would bathe me all over which was such a delightful experience for me as he lathered me up and then rinsed me off. It was extremely sensual having my body touched in this way by his wonderfully strong but gentle and soft hands.

David brought up the subject of us having sex together before we left for college, but I could not bring myself to even think of such a thing with my own brother even if he were only a step-brother, so at that time it was just not going to happen. He understood this but that didn’t stop him from wanting and pleading with me for us to at least try fucking, at least once.

Our summer was fast coming to a close for both of us. With only slightly more than a week left, my dad took me to where he and my mom had met and gone to college to get me enrolled for classes. He wanted me to see where they had met so long ago and what things were like there, so we spent two days while he showed me around, meeting several professors that I would be having when school began in only eight days time.

Dad was satisfied with my dorm room arrangements where I would be staying, studying, and so forth. This made him happy, even if I was a little apprehensive as everything seemed so big and spread out.

After we got back home, David and I only had these last few days before both he and I would be leaving for college and not returning to see each other again for several months, a couple of days at Thanksgiving and then for a few weeks at Christmas.

David and I had still not actually had sex, but we did come very, very close once, but time ran out on us as Mom was coming into the house. We just had a second to get up, grab our things and run upstairs in the nick of time to get dressed. I was a total wreck after coming so close to being caught that I stayed in my room shaking for a while.

At last, our final hours were upon us, so we hugged each other goodbye as we left in opposite directions for college, knowing that we’d not see each other again until we came home for a few days.

To be continued …




Published 7 years ago

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