X-Ray(Ted) Vision

"Debbie had no idea what vision she was going to behold in the wee hours of the night."

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Debbie glanced over at the three tents set up some distance from her, and saw no signs of life.  Her boys had completely worn themselves out and barely had the energy to crawl into their tents an hour or so before.  She smiled, chuckled, and took a sip of wine.

It was hard to believe that she was enjoying herself.  Every year she and her ex-husband had taken the boys on a camping trip.  The bugs.  The smelly, not particularly sanitary latrines.  Waking up damp.  On top of the general discomfort, she was always left at camp watching over the youngest while her ex took the older boys fishing for most of the day.  She’d hated every single moment.  The boys loved it, so she’d endured it.

This year, the first after her divorce, she’d especially dreaded the trip when her boys begged to go.  She’d been just as uncomfortable and miserable as before – right up until she took the boys fishing and hooked a twelve-pound largemouth bass.  Several minutes of an exhilarating fight followed by the triumph of netting the huge fish made her realize what the obsession was all about.  She couldn’t get enough.

A month or so after the traditional week, she’d surprised the boys with a weekend trip so she could get a line back in the water.  Warm weather hanging on until the first week of October had prompted her to make this surprise weekend trip, much to her boys’ delight.

Full of freshly caught fish dinner, and with her boys sound asleep, Debbie sat in her newly purchased screen tent, enjoying the night air and a glass of wine.  She was also enjoying another treat in brief glances.  In the campsite next to hers, five young men were cavorting about shirtless, drinking, and enjoying themselves.  They were rowdy, but not overly so, and had wisely quieted down as the evening wore on.

They were all gorgeous, but one in particular caught Debbie’s eye.  He was not only the handsomest of the bunch, but familiar.  Ted lived down the street, and she’d seen him grow into the magnificent man he was.  Though it made her blush to think about it, he had served her well on more than one occasion as a powerful fantasy when she was using her vibrator.

Now twenty-one – as she assumed all his friends were – they were enjoying the freedom to drink openly in public, and Debbie was delighting in the show.  She didn’t have a fire or a lantern burning, so between the darkness in her camp and the bright firelight obscuring the night vision of the young men in theirs, she was free to sneak peeks.

All things must come to an end.  Tomorrow, she would have to pack up and head home for the last time this year.  Tonight, she had to bed down so she wouldn’t be half asleep and groggy when the boys woke up.  So, she finished her wine, and with a great deal of reluctance, left behind the arousing show of muscular male bodies.  The night air was cooling enough to encourage them to put on shirts anyway.

Debbie slipped into her sleeping bag, already formulating plans to start taking weekend trips far earlier next year.


Debbie gasped as she started awake deep in the night.  She couldn’t remember even the slightest detail of the dream she’d awakened from, but there was no doubt what kind of dream it was.  Her face was flushed, her nipples hard enough to cut glass, and her panties damp.  She lay in the darkness, breathing fast and trying to master her arousal, but her sleeping bag felt as hot as a sauna.

Unzipping it and pushing it off her body only helped a little.  After a few more moments, she scooted over and unzipped the tent, sticking her head out into the blissfully cool night air.

That’s when she saw the glow of light coming from within Ted’s tent.  She knew it was his because she’d watched him visit it several times.  She’d set her tent up on the edge of the campsite to give her boys some semblance of independence.  By coincidence, Ted’s was set up on the edge of his campsite, putting them only about twenty feet apart.

She guessed the source of the light was a phone or tablet by the way he was holding it.  Because it was on the opposite side of the tent wall she was facing, it cast his silhouette on the fabric.  She watched him put on headphones, and then fiddle to position whatever device they were attached to.  Debbie was finally beginning to cool down by the time he was satisfied with the position of the device.  She was on the verge of slipping back inside the tent when she saw him lift his butt.

She stared in open-mouthed awe when he pushed down his shorts, revealing the shadowy image of an impressive erection.  A moment later, he took it in hand.

Instinct caused Debbie to look around.  The tents on the opposite side of her campsite were dark and silent.  Only faint hints of dim firelight twinkled farther away, and just the quiet sound of crickets met her ears.

Like a moth to a flame, she focused her attention on Ted’s tent again.  The size of his cock caught her by surprise – outstripping her fantasies of him.  Plenty stuck out both above and below his hand as it slowly pumped up and down the impressive organ.  Debbie could see him so clearly, it was as if she had x-ray vision.  The arousal from her dream, which had begun to fade, returned with a vengeance.

Squeezing her thighs together barely took the edge off the ache that grew with every passing second.  Ted’s hand moved in slow strokes, up and down the shaft.  Every couple of strokes, he would pause and rub his thumb over the swollen head.  Debbie had to fight an instinctual moan as she watched in aroused fascination.

Soon enough, the ache between her legs was too strong to ignore.  She let a hand slip down and pressed the material of her shorts and panties against her needy sex.  The shock of pleasure caused her muscles to stiffen and it was all she could do not to gasp.

It wasn’t enough.

Debbie turned onto her side and wormed her hand beneath the waistband of her shorts, and then into her panties.  Again, she stiffened, her back arching, when her fingers pressed between her nether lips.  The dream had already made her damp.  The sight of Ted masturbating had her soaked.  She brought her slippery fingers to her clit and tightened her throat against the inevitable whimper that touch caused.

Ted’s hand moved faster, and she tried to match his pace.  Her clothing and the position she was in hampered her efforts, though.  After a few seconds, she surrendered to her need and pushed her shorts down.  She wriggled out of the restraining garments as quickly and quietly as she could, her eyes never leaving the vision before her.

Debbie’s fingers flashed over her clit, matching and then surpassing the speed of Ted’s hand.  Despite the effort necessary to contain the sounds of pleasure trying to burst from her lips and fight against the urge to writhe, she was ascending her mountain quickly.  Considering how fast Ted was jerking his gorgeous cock, she knew he must be getting close as well.  She wanted to be right there with him.

The hot itch behind her mound grew with every passing moment.  Even the fraction of a second necessary to dip her fingers into her abundant wetness felt like an eternity.  Debbie masturbated with a fervor she hadn’t experienced in years, soaring toward a crescendo.

Ted pointed his erection toward his chest, snatched up something from the ground next to him, and then molded it around the head of his cock.  He jerked his cock hard and let out a barely audible grunt.

Needing more, Debbie plunged three fingers into her depths.  In her imagination, it was Ted’s hard young cock filling her canal.  It took tremendous effort to keep her eyes open as she hung torturously on the edge of ultimate ecstasy while desperately frigging her clit.

Ted grunted again – slightly louder – and she saw his head lift up as his hand froze.  He was coming, and she could almost feel the hot cream landing on her.  Imagining it spattering on her stomach and breasts, she tumbled over the edge.

Only her tightly pursed lips and every ounce of willpower she possessed kept her silent as she exploded into orgasm.  The knot of ecstasy that had built in her clit and behind her mound shot outward to her every pore.  Heat not unlike a fever washed over her, yet it was accompanied by racing chills.  Her canal clenched around her fingers with surprising strength, and every muscle in her body tightened.

Debbie shivered from the intensity of her orgasm, and even the tiny bit of movement that caused in the fingers pressed hard against her clit sent her to new heights.  She came and came until a tiny, weepy-sounding whimper slipped through her control and past her lips.

Ever so slowly, her climax ebbed.  Her muscles relaxed, though her breaths came in hard, sporadic bursts that stirred the leaves in front of her nose and made them rustle in the quietness of the night.  Finally, her eyes fluttered open.

They immediately widened when she saw Ted with his head sticking out of the tent.  He was looking right at her, and she could plainly see the knowing smile on his face despite the dim, dappled moonlight.  Her first instinct was to scramble back inside the tent, but her body was having none of that.  An aftershock claimed her, and she couldn’t stop the gasp it caused.

Ted was still watching her when she recovered from the jolt, and the lingering afterglow of her climax caused her to throw caution to the wind.  She brought her slick fingers to her lips and sucked them clean.  Ted quietly growled in approval of the sight.

Though her face was burning, Debbie bit her lower lip and offered a little wave before slipping back into the tent.

Relaxed and satiated, she soon drifted off to sleep.


Thankfully, the boys had awakened early, and she’d encouraged them to pack up quickly with a promise of stopping at IHOP for breakfast on the way home.  They managed to make it out of the campground before Ted and his friends awakened, saving Debbie from an awkward and embarrassing encounter.

Her fantasy of Ted was even more intense that night when his cock replaced her vibrator in her imagination.  She was seriously considering a return to bed and her toy as she ushered the boys off to school the next morning, as she’d scheduled the day off from work.

Just as the bus pulled away and she was about to close the door, movement in her peripheral vision caused her to glance that way.  Her face flushed hot when she saw Ted strolling down the sidewalk toward her house.

He waved and stopped at the end of the walk leading to her door.  He said, “You know, we’re neighbors.  So if there’s anything you ever need any help with, all you have to do is ask.”

If she had any doubt about what he really meant, he dispelled that when he adjusted the impressive bulge in his jeans that she now knew was all him.

Her lips were moving before she could talk herself out of it.  “Actually, I think there’s something you can help me with right now.”

Ted grinned lecherously and made his way to the door.

Published 7 years ago

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