After great sex, everything seems sharper, more alive. We locked our gaze; sometimes he seems to look into my soul. Slowly, I unlocked my legs from around his waist. He withdrew just as slowly. I gave a satisfied sigh and stretched my legs towards the ceiling,admiring the sheen silk stockings gave. I had just been soundly spanked and fucked. My bottom was sore and I was in a special hotel with a special someone. I was happy. I stretched my perfect legs. I wiggled my perfect toes. I imagined the picture I was presenting to the room of my my perfect, reddened ass. Then a stinging slap, across both cheeks, brought me back to the present.
‘I’m hungry. Let’s see what the restaurant’s like.’
Typical male, always thinking of himself. In a fluid, graceful movement I slid from the bed.
‘I need a shower first.’ I turned, surveyed myself in the mirror. My bottom was a mass of red.
‘Look at that! You’re a beast! Who would have thought these little hotel slippers would pack such a sting?’
I picked up the slipper that had been used on me. The wide leather sole was soft, but thick. As it was new it was slightly stippled, rougher than the smooth sole of the old leather one at home which was my personal favourite. And inside it, giving it some extra weight, was tucked another slipper, smaller and dusky pink. That crafty sod!
Jeff was standing over the case, sorting through his clothes. He was bending over slightly. Slowly, silently, I took up position, took aim, drew my arm back, and let fly. The crack must have been audible in the square outside. He jumped at least a foot and clutched his backside.
He turned, saw the slipper in my hand. ‘You saw my little experiment then?’ He rubbed his rear and smiled. ‘Works, doesn’t it? In my defence, I had to do something, after you left our usual toys at home.’
I extricated my slipper. ‘I’m going for a shower. Why don’t you have a look in the chest of drawers while I’m gone.’
I emerged, pink and fresh, and surveyed myself in the mirrors. My bottom was still noticeably pinker than the rest of me. The pain wasn’t going to dissipate any time soon either. I chose dark stockings and a tight red dress, ridiculously short, and wriggled into it. The tightness of the material would keep the burn going that bit longer.
In the bedroom, it was clear Jeff had been busy. the contents of the chest of drawers were arranged on the bed. A range of short leather paddles, a brace of wooden ones, a couple of short, whippy riding crops. The cane drawer was open, and he was swishing one of the thinner ones round, making the most delightful sound. I reached into the dark recesses of the drawer, found the birch. Ryan didn’t notice me until I spoke. ‘Having fun? He turned towards me. His cock, I was glad to see, was reacting favourably to my appearance, or perhaps to the toys he’d found. ‘You look fantastic. But just what sort of hotel is this?’ He could be a bit slow on the uptake at times.
‘A special one. For that special occasion, like your birthday. And as it’s a special occasion..’ I smacked the birch against my leg, and winced. Bad idea.’We’ve never used one of these before, always wanted to. Giving and receiving.’ I looked at Jeff steadily.
‘But I’m hungry.’ He did look hungry, and a little nervous.
‘This won’t take long. Just six for the moment. Usual rules, you get up I start again.’ I moved him into the centre of the room. ‘Turn around.’ He did as he was told. ‘Now touch those toes.’ Meek as a lamb, over he went. I made sure he was positioned for maximum coverage from the camera behind the mirror. His smooth, unmarked behind was a wonder to behold. Muscled and inviting. A single step, and the birch rods swished through the air, made contact with a swoosh, right across both cheeks. I inspected the damage. A pattern of white lines, quickly turning to red. His eyes shut tight, teeth clenched, Jeff had stayed down, hadn’t made a sound. I would have to try harder. I took position, measured the rods against his backside.
Swish! A grunt as the rods bit home.
Swish! ‘Aaah’ His backslde was patterned with white marks from the birch rods, that turned a nice shade of red. Time to finish him off.
Swish! Swish! Swish! The birch burned its pattern across his behind. Each blow was harder than the last. At the sixth he leapt to his feet, hands clutching his burning rear. His cock was standing proud, but no way was I going to get changed again before dinner.
‘Jesus, I won’t be able to sit down for a week! And now, perhaps you’d be good enough to bend over the back of that chair?’
‘Time for that later, lover boy. We’re late for our table in the restaurant. And I think they’re pretty strict here. So get yourself showered and dressed, pronto!’ I emphasised this last point with a quick whack of the birch across his rear. He yelped and practically ran from the room. I turned to the mirror and took a bow.
When we reached the restaurant ten minutes later Rayanne showed us to or table. ‘We kept your table for you, as you were clearly busy,’ she said, with a slight smile. I gave her a sharp look as I sat down, which was spoiled slightly with my wince as my still smarting bottom made contact with the hard chair. ‘These chairs are a bit hard,’ complained Ryan. Sally gave him a wide smile.
‘Would you like a cushion, sir?’
He blushed slightly, shook his head. ‘No, I’ll be fine.’ I clocked the couples at the nearest tables giving each other knowing smiles.
I watched Rayanne’s rounded, pert bottom moving under her tight skirt as she moved away. How I would love to use the birch on that behind. I looked across at Jeff. ‘Put these eyes back in their sockets. Remember that birch is waiting up there.’ He gulped and looked guilty. A young woman at a neighbouring table gave me a smile, held her glass up in a mock salute.
Perfect Ass Rayanne reappeared with menus and the wine list. ‘I can recommend the steak tonight, and we have a very nice Rioja that would complement it perfectly,’ she said. She hesitated. ‘I could also make a further recommendation, madame, if it wouldn’t seem impertinent. Nothing to do with the food.’
I was interested. What could she mean? ‘Please.’
She leaned in close. ‘When using the birch, it’s best to use half a dozen or so short, quick strokes covering the entire target before the, ah, main course, so to speak. Warms the subject up nicely, and enhances the effect.’
I was quiet for a beat, absorbing the full meaning behind what she had just said. She was an aficionado herself, which wasn’t surprising given where she worked, and she had been watching our room cam.
‘I would be happy to give you some more practical assistance, if required. All of us who work here are encouraged to engage with our guests, in any manner they would like.’ Another smile, and she left us to peruse the menu. I looked across the table at Jeff. He was staring at me, wide-eyed.
He leaned in towards me. ‘Did she just say what I thought she said?’
‘She certainly did. But obviously, you wouldn’t be interested, would you, as you have me here?’ I looked at the male waiter serving a neighbouring table. His trousers were tight, and he was bending over slightly as he poured wine. ‘Now, that might be a little more suitable.’ I said.
Jeff shook his head and studied the menu. How easy it was to tease him. I let my mind wander, back to the room, but with Rayanne bent over the arm of the couch, her pert little bottom turning a lovely shade of red under the caress of the birch.
‘Are you ready, madam?’ Rayanne was standing beside me. I almost answered an entirely different question, but stopped myself in time.
‘Yes, the steak, please, medium rare, and I think we’ll have the Rioja. As you suggested.’ I smiled at her. ‘I’m always ready to take advice from the experts.’ I heard a snort from across the table.
‘I’ll have the fish,’ said Ryan.
The food was excellent, and we lingered over dessert and brandy before making our way, a little woozily, back to our room. When we closed the door behind us we found room service had been to visit. The toys had been tidied away, and a bottle of expensive champagne was nestling in a bucket of ice, with a birthday card from Hotel Rouge. ‘Champagne! Magic!’ announced the birthday boy. He made himself busy with the cork while I eased myself out of my dress. I checked my ass in the mirror; still red, contrasting nicely with the white silk of my knickers. I had decided against the basque for dinner but the garter belt and stockings, and a new lacy bra, looked sexy as hell, if I say so myself. Then I noticed that the bed’s drapes had been tied back, to reveal Velvet cords twined round the bedposts. I unhooked one of them; it ended in a little elasticated cuff. We looked at each other. Jeff had a wide smile on his face. ‘I think I’m going to enjoy my birthday weekend. Perhaps we should sell the house, move in here.’
I climbed on to the bed, reclined seductively, clapped my hands together imperiously.
‘Now. Bring me champagne, then undress. In that order.’
There must be pleasures as good as sipping champagne while watching a fit male body reveal itself, but I can’t think of any offhand. Soon I was joined by a naked Jeff. We clinked glasses, drank. I put my glass down, plucked Jeff’s from his hand and slid down the bed. A few minutes of work with hand and mouth and he was ready.
I slid from the bed. ‘Don’t move,’ I said, and untied the first cord. It stretched easily and I fastened Jeff’s right wrist into the little cuff. I scuttled across the expanse of bed, and fastened his other wrist, right ankle, left ankle. He didn’t make a sound. I kneeled between his legs, surveyed his pole. It was standing proud. I leaned in and kissed its tip. He groaned and closed his eyes briefly, then looked straight at me.
‘You’re such a fucking tease. I must be in love with you to put up with it.’
‘You think this is something you just put up with?’ I unclipped my bra, took it off with a flourish, dipped my breasts so that one, then the other, brushed against the swollen tip of his cock. He moaned again, louder. ‘Putting up with it is what I do. And I love it.’
‘That’s better. And now..’ I raised myself on to my knees, peeled white silk from my hips, and turning slowly, slid my knickers down, over my garters, my stockings and off. I was facing the mirror, and away from Jeff. My bottom was inches from his erection. I moved backwards until I made contact. Another long moan from Jeff. I raised my hips, took his erection in one hand. I could feel the big vein throbbing. With infinite care, and as slowly as I could, I fed him into me. I straightened, fixing myself on a single point. We didn’t move for at least a minute. I could feel his cock inside me. It was as hard as rock but as alive as anything I’ve ever known. I closed my eyes. Ecstasy.
The pressure built until it was intolerable. I started to move, raising myself and lowering back down, raising and lowering, Jeff was bound, helpless. I was in charge. In one fluid movement I twisted round, until I was facing him, still impaled. I lay flat against him, my legs clamped shut, the walls of my vagina holding him tight. He moved his hips slightly, pressing up, deeper. I gasped. I had to move. I moved my legs until I was kneeling astride him. I looked him in the eyes. ‘No coming until I say.’ He moaned again and closed his eyes. For someone having such a good time he was doing a lot of moaning.
I started to move my hips, building a rhythm. Ryan answered with a determined pelvic upthrust, and soon we were moving in unison, his bonds forcing him to concentrate on the single part of his body that he could move. I was close, so close.
I stopped, put my hands on his chest. I had to catch my breath before I could speak. Every nerve was tingling. ‘Do you want to come?’
‘Christ. Yes.’ It came out as a gasp.
‘Happy birthday, big boy,’ I said, and moved my hips up and then sharply down, pressing him into the mattress. His cock did that twisting, swelling thing it does, and he cried out and jerked upwards as he came, pumping hot semen deep into me like a fountain. His orgasm triggered my own, and my muscles convulsed as my being was suffused with a fierce, hard ecstasy of pure rapture.
A few minutes later, after we rejoined the land of the living, I unleashed my captor and we smooched in a more sedate fashion. ‘There’s some champagne left,’ I said. ‘Why don’t you make you make yourself comfortable while I fetch it.’
I skipped out of bed, poured the last of the golden nectar, climbed in beside him. He put an arm around me. ‘This is turning out to be the best birthday ever,’ he said, and put the glass to his lips. ‘Brother,’ I said, ‘you ain’t seen nothing yet,’ and turned on the screen, handed him the remote. I’d had my fill of sex, and champagne, by then, and drifted off to sleep to the joyful sounds of muffled slaps, screams and moans.