Call bullshit all you want. I’m telling you, last summer, I fucked these two girls at my sister’s mountain cabin. They had to have been seventeen or eighteen because they kept talking about starting their senior year in high school in the fall. Let me tell you, they were hot, and not just because they were a third of my age.
Hear me out.
My sister and a friend of hers own this cabin in the woods by a small lake. The scenery was beautiful, the lake was refreshingly cool at the end of the summer and the small community beach, if you could call a patch of trucked-in sand a “beach,” was about fifty yards away.
A floating platform that was used for jumping and sunning was tethered offshore with a cinder block. On my first morning there, while I was lounging in my boxer shorts, was the first time I saw them, Tiffany and Bunny, sunbathing in the nude on the raft.
I told you that the scenery was beautiful. All the trees and shit were nice too.
It took me a while to learn which girl was which because they were both blue-eyed blondes with long hair. When I was their age, you could tell if a girl bleached her hair if the carpet didn’t match the drapes but nowadays – no carpets. I always told my ex that I thought shaved pussies were stupid, but I lied.
It must have been around noon when they put their bikinis back on. They damn near capsized their canoe when they climbed in and paddled off. They didn’t know what they were doing and argued about which side to paddle on.
Sure enough, the boat tipped over and took on a lot of water. It drifted in one direction, the paddles went in another and the girls, well, Bunny was doing okay but Tiffany wasn’t much of a swimmer. I ran down the path and splashed in. Bunny tried to help her friend, but Tiffany was really panicking. I got there in short order and dragged her back to the raft. Bunny wasn’t too far behind.
When she climbed up the ladder, I saw that she had lost her skimpy top. Gentleman that I am, I politely looked away any time that she might have caught me. As I said, the water wasn’t warm; her nipples were standing out on top of her large, firm goosebump-covered tits. We sat at the edge of the raft, and I kept my arm around her until she finished coughing.
“Thank you!” Tiffany said. She wrapped her arms around my neck and warmed her chilly titties against my chest. Bunny joined us and hugged me from the other side. Her tits weren’t any smaller or any less firm. The girls thanked me again; Tiffany might have been crying a little and I just kept saying, “You’re okay, everything’s good now.”
There we were, hugging and sitting in the noon sun with our legs dangling in the water. Bunny handed her friend’s bikini top to her. “Here, Drama Queen,” she said.
“What? Oh!” It took a second for Tiffany to catch on. She made like she was going to cover up, but then she leaned back with her hands on the deck and let the sun bake the rest of the goosebumps away. She got this smutty look and said, “Thanks. I don’t think I need it, though, do I, um, what’s your name?”
She was looking right at my crotch when she asked, where my wet boxers were very nicely plastered against my cock. If I hadn’t just climbed out of the cool lake, it would have been lifting my shorts. Because I wanted very much to wave ‘hello’ to the girls, I jumped back into the water.
I’m not going to claim that my cock is huge but it sure as hell is more than big enough. My ex called it the ‘baby bear of cocks’ which doesn’t sound all that great until you think about it.
“Matt. My name is Matt. If I was your father, I wouldn’t have let you out of the house with that swimsuit, but I’m not. My answer is ‘no.’ You do not need that top at all.”
“Tiffany, your dad is so hot,” Bunny exclaimed.
“Nuh-uh. Your dad is hot.”
I swam toward my cabin and waded ashore.
“Nice ass, Matt!” Tiffany yelled. “Where are you going? Did we scare you off?”
I pulled my shorts away from where they clung to my butt. “I’m getting my kayak to rescue your canoe.”
They stood up and I could hear them pretty clearly as they chattered.
“I forgot about that!”
“It’s so far out. I hope my dad doesn’t see it.”
“Do you think he needs help?”
“Uh-oh – my phone!”
“Matt!” Tiffany called out to me. “Look for Bunny’s phone!”
Seriously? I thought. They capsized in about ten feet of water and there were a lot of weeds that far out from shore. Tiffany was still topless. Bunny looked worried. I grabbed my goggles and carried my boat down to my dock. “I’ll try,” I shouted back.
When I tied their canoe to my kayak, I saw the phone in it. I was about to yell that I had the phone but then I thought about how much I’d like a thank-you hug from Bunny. I towed their boat to about where it would have been if it had really fallen out, adjusted my goggles, and dove under.
I came back up, made a show of going in again, and did it again a few more times until I triumphantly broke the surface with my fist in the air. “I found it!” I snatched it out of the canoe and turned it off while they were jumping up and down and hugging: two almost naked eighteen-year-old girls jumping up and down and hugging. God damn.
I fished out their boat cushions and paddles on my way back, dumped the water out of their canoe once I was near the shore, and dragged both boats onto the beach. The girls jumped off the raft and waded to shore.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” I got my hug – a big one – and a big kiss on the cheek.
I’m going to hell; I know it.
“Does it work?” Bunny was worried again.
Her phone looked new, newer than mine, and I was sure that being in a foot of water for fifteen minutes wasn’t going to ruin it. “Let’s take a closer look at it up in the cabin.” Bunny made Tiffany go back to the raft to retrieve her top, which she didn’t bother to put on, and we climbed the small hill to my cabin.
The temperature was a lot cooler inside the cabin, and the girls showed it. I gave them each one of my flannel shirts and I toweled off the phone. I doubted that any water got in, but I put it in a bowl of rice anyway.
I changed out of my wet boxers and put on some pants and a t-shirt. When I came back, Bunny set my binoculars back down near the patio door that had a view of the beach. She didn’t say anything about them.
My sister’s little living area had some old furniture that she restored. I sat in the middle of the loveseat and put the bowl of rice on the table in front of me. There were plenty of other chairs, but the girls squeezed in on either side of me. Bunny hugged her knees and stared at her phone, and Tiffany tucked her legs up and leaned on my shoulder.
I offered them blankets and some of my sister’s clothes, but they declined and snuggled in closer. Bunny rocked in her seat, wiggling her pretty toes, and waited for the phone to be all better. Tiffany caught me looking down at her naked breasts and opened the shirt to give me a better view.
They told me that they had only met a couple of days ago. Their families’ cabins were close to each other, and the girls bonded out of mutual boredom and love of sunshine. I told them about my sister and her friend. “You guys had bad luck this week. My sister told me that she’s seen boys your age here sometimes.”
As much as I loved chatting with these young ladies, it was past the time to let them go. I pulled the phone out of the rice and handed it to Bunny who anxiously turned it on. It booted up fine, of course, and Bunny took a selfie of the three of us. She promised to text me a copy once they went someplace with cell service.
I got a couple more avuncular hugs and kisses, and they ran out the door with my shirts. I didn’t care – I had more. The door barely slammed before Bunny ran back in. She retrieved my binoculars, handed them to me, and ran out again.
I stirred when I thought I heard someone knocking on the cabin door, pissed that it broke up a great dream about the girls. I didn’t hear any more knocks and I began to doze off again when Tiffany and Bunny let themselves into my bedroom. They were wearing the shirts that I gave them the day before.
“There you are!”
“Rise and shine, sleepy head!”
“This room seems awfully girly.”
“It’s my sister’s cabin,” I said before it clicked that they were really there and not in some dream. “What time is it? What are you doing here?”
“It’s the-sun-is-over-the-trees o’clock,” Bunny said.
“We elected you lifeguard. Let’s go!” Tiffany grabbed my covers and yanked them all away.
I sleep in the nude.
“Wow,” Bunny said. (I’m not lying. She really said that. She said “wow” and kept staring.)
“Nice,” Tiffany said. Then she giggled and said, “Sorry.”
I pulled the sheet up and almost yelled at them; I’m grumpy in the morning. “Can I have some coffee first?”
“Ugh! Sure,” Bunny said and ran off. Tiffany stuck around.
“Go help her,” I said, “Unless you want to watch me pee.” Her eyes shifted away but she didn’t move. “Go help her,” I said again. She huffed and left.
I don’t give a flying fuck if you believe any of this or not. It gets better.
The coffee was strong – ten scoops strong – but that was fine. I just poured it over ice in my thermos. I brought my kayak down to my dock just in case, which is where they had left their canoe. I paddled them and their gear the short distance to the raft.
“Finally!” Tiffany exclaimed and she took off her shirt. Her bikini was even smaller than the one she wore the day before, not that that mattered because she stripped that off as well.
“Tiff…” Bunny started but she just shrugged and stripped too.
Binoculars were one thing, but, God damn…
“Do me first,” Tiffany said. I turned to see her holding a bottle of sunscreen. She spun around and I firmly massaged her back with the lotion. “Hmm, strong hands.” She bounced back around when I finished and she pouted, “Aren’t you going to do the rest?”
“Tiffany, stop teasing him!”
I’d like all of you now to join me in my mantra: Don’t get a hard-on, don’t get a hard-on, don’t get a hard-on…
“Thank you, Bunny,” I said. “Let’s get your back covered.”
“Ooo,” she said when I started. I spent extra time working my fingertips into her neck.
They spread the sunscreen on my back together, bumping their tits and hips against me.
Don’t get a hardon…
“Okay, off with your shorts! Lifeguards too!”
“I’m not, I don’t…” I sputtered.
Bunny shrugged. “It’s only fair. Besides…”
Yeah, they had already seen me. “What the hell.” I dropped my shorts and when I did, Tiffany squeezed the bottle and shot a stream of cream at me. In retrospect, that was only fair too.
I hadn’t lain in the sun for ages, and it had been even longer since I had done it naked. We relaxed, mostly quietly, but we chatted a bit too. Bunny’s real name was Pietra – Pietra to Peter to rabbit to Bunny. She wriggled her fingers in between mine and kept them there for a while.
Tiffany and her friends once streaked through a soccer game. She used to have a crush on her English teacher, but he was, “too stupid to catch on.”
I answered most of their questions about me but not about my ex or why we broke up. They said that she was stupid too, and I didn’t disagree.
“Let’s go for a swim, Buns,” Tiffany said. Bunny was irritated but eventually gave in. Not far from the raft, they talked face-to-face too quietly for me to hear what was going on. They returned after a suspiciously nonchalant swim, dripping cold lake water on either side of me.
I got up on my elbows. “What?”
Tiffany tilted her head toward her co-conspirator. “Go on…” That’s when Bunny got down on her hands and knees and kissed me – closed-mouth at first, then opened, then with tongues. I pulled her on top of me, kissing like, well, teenagers and I temporarily forgot about Tiffany.
While I was crushing Bunny’s tits against my chest, Tiffany lifted my cock and stuck it in her mouth.
Fuck you if you don’t believe me. I’m getting hard again just thinking about it.
Bunny broke the kiss and smiled at me. “Surprise!” Then she scooted down and planted her mouth opposite Tiffany’s. They were all over me, up and down, in and out, all around, taking turns making sure that their lips and tongues touched every inch of my cock. Their round, smooth asses were stuck in the air just out of my reach so all I could do was clunk my head onto the deck and enjoy the view and the ride.
From where I lay, watching muscles clench and backs arch, they were enjoying what they were doing. I know what a happy, wet pussy looks like and I saw two of them. The girls giggled and whispered a lot between sucks. At one point, Bunny got my attention and she and Tiffany pressed their lips together for a second and pretended to kiss, laughed, and went back down on me.
All too soon, I warned them, “Watch out, I’m about to blow!”
“Hey,” Tiffany said after lifting her head. “Is that why they call it a bl–”
My first jet hit the poor girl right in the face. She turned her head, spit away the cum from her lips, and shoved my dick over at Bunny who suffered the same fate. They slammed my cock against my belly where it finished emptying itself onto my chest and stomach.
I had never done that before. It’s even hotter live than it is in porn.
We jumped into the lake to wash off and they peppered me with questions:
“Were you surprised?”
“Did you like it?”
“Who was better?”
We dried off lying on the raft. One girl or the other would lift my cock to watch it fall lifeless.
“I think we broke it.”
Bunny’s mother called out across the lake for her to come home. “Okay! I’m coming!” she shouted back.
(That, my friends, is called foreshadowing.)
They put their bikinis on, for all the good it did, and I pushed their canoe on its way. I stuck around long enough to make sure I wasn’t needed for another rescue and then made my own way home.
For someone who had done almost nothing all day, I had worked up an appetite. After a quick nap (don’t judge), I put a Beer Can Chicken on the grill and diced up some potatoes and parsnips to roast. I poured a couple of fingers of bourbon over ice and relived every bit of the day. This was spank-bank material for years to come.
I opened a beer and was about to check the chicken (check, I said check) when I heard, “Hey, dinner smells good!” from the outside. My girls were back, clothed and carrying backpacks. I got a kiss from each of them and asked what they were doing.
“I’m spending the night at Bunny’s.”
“I’m spending the night at Tiffany’s.”
If I was a responsible man who wasn’t already going to hell, I might have said something other than, “Okay.” I told the girls where the plates and stuff were, and I brought in dinner.
“Can I have some of your beer?” Tiffany asked.
“Just a sip,” I said. Bunny had one too.
We sat down to eat, and Tiffany asked if she could have her own beer. “You’re not twenty-one. There are sodas in the refrigerator.” If my experiences meant anything, this was not their first taste of beer. The risk of getting beaten up by a couple of irate fathers was bad enough; I wasn’t going to tussle with the cops as well. As it was, they sipped more than half of mine anyway.
I closed the door and started a small fire. We talked, sitting on the loveseat with their feet tucked under my butt. I gave them a taste of my whiskey and laughed at the faces they made.
“So, you’re at Tiffany’s place, and you’re at Bunny’s. What’s going on?”
Tiffany answered, “You liked the blow job we gave you, right?”
“Have you ever, you know, done that with a woman?”
I liked where this was heading. “I have.”
“Oh. Um.” They looked at each other, I guessed for support.
“I’m going to bed,” I said. I stirred the fire and headed up the narrow stairs.
“Matt,” Bunny said. “I thought you…I thought we…”
I kept walking. “Yeah. On the bed. C’mon.” They scampered past me and were half-naked before I got there. “Who’s first?”
“Me!” shouted Tiffany. “It was my idea.” She quickly finished stripping and hopped right into the middle of the bed. Bunny froze.
I told Tiffany to scoot over a little. “C’mon, Bunny. We’ll all fit.”
What a sight. Tiffany’s tits rose and fell with eager anticipation. She unabashedly displayed her pussy with her knees raised and apart. She fidgeted as if she wanted to start things off herself, but she waited for me. She bit her lower lip and stared first at my belt and then right at my eyes. This wasn’t the flirty, flighty Tiffany who ran up the stairs.
Bunny didn’t know where to look or what to do. Her knees were raised too but together, and her ankles were apart. If she thought that she was hiding her privates, she was wrong. She was chewing on the ends of her hair and drumming her toes. I winked at her when she glanced my way, and she returned a shy smile. I could have told her that it was okay if she wanted to cover up, but I didn’t.
I had their attention after I lifted my shirt over my head. I teased them by taking my shorts off but leaving my boxers on with my throbbing erection fighting to escape. I waited for only a second before getting as naked as they were – two naked young ladies and one naked man.
I gave Bunny a quick kiss on her temple since I wasn’t going to be paying much attention to her. “It’s okay to watch,” I whispered.
I crawled onto the bed and kissed Tiffany’s knee for starters, and then down her thigh. I licked up one side of her pussy and down the other. She shivered.
I did too. Guys (and gals, if you’re so inclined) there’s nothing like going down on a perfectly smooth pussy. I rolled my tongue and wiggled her pussy lips apart. After a little teasing and plunging, her love nugget made its presence known and I gave it a hello kiss. Her high-pitched, encouraging moans told me that I was hitting all the right spots.
I came up for air and Bunny was flushed and had a couple of fingers in her pussy.
Tiffany pulled my face back and I covered her mound with my mouth to show her what ‘eat me’ really meant. I knew she was close when she dropped her knees onto the bed and tried to pull my head into her pussy. If I could have, I’d have gone. She flutter-stuttered “Oh-oh-oh-oh” like she was in Jeep racing down some railroad tracks when the big O hit; I didn’t stop until she begged me.
She kissed me and then licked her lips. She shrugged and we kissed again, lustily and lovingly.
Bunny didn’t want any foreplay. She swallowed hard and spread her pussy open – she gasped and rolled her eyes back into her head when I rushed to fill it with my tongue.
“Oh my God, did I look like that?”
Bunny giggled and nodded, and then got lost in the moment. Her shorter and shorter breaths telegraphed her pending orgasm. She giggled again as her back arched, shoving her pussy into my wide-open mouth. She settled after a few seconds, but I didn’t; I was just getting started.
One of her hands gripped her thigh right next to her pussy and the other was squeezing a breast. I think she tried to stifle her moans but couldn’t and just got louder the longer I was there.
“Oh, I’m cumming!” she shouted as her tight tummy convulsed. She had barely come down when she said, “Put it in. Put it in.”
I hovered over her and before I could ask if she was sure, she said it again and crammed my cock into her soaking wet pussy. She pulled my face to hers and wrapped her legs around me, humping me for all she was worth.
So, I humped her for all I was worth.
Her first two orgasms primed her third and biggest one. She shook from her shoulders to her air-grabbing toes. “Stop-stop-stop – I can’t take it.”
I rolled off, and she rolled on to kiss me, then collapsed again onto her back.
Tiffany snuggled under my arm and stroked my cock, slippery with her friend’s juices. “You’re still hard,” she said. She swung a leg across me and lowered her dripping snatch over my achingly stiff cock. “Ssssso good,” she sighed. “Just right.”
She clearly knew what she wanted from my cock, and I let her take it. I ran my fingertips up and down her spine and cupped her flawless butt. With every one of her downstrokes, I pushed a little harder.
Before long, she was riding me faster until she threw her head back so much that I thought she was going to fall over. I held off as long as I could. I pulled out when she fell onto my chest, and I emptied myself between our bellies.
I left to fetch some warm washcloths and towels for the girls to clean themselves, climbed between them, and fell asleep.
I woke up early to ribbons of sunshine weaving through the trees. I tried not to disturb the sleeping angels and tiptoed down the creaking stairs with my clothes. I put on the coffee, brushed my teeth, and then crept back to our bedroom.
They were sharing the space that I had abandoned. Their heads were almost touching, and Tiffany was gently snoring. Bare limbs and shoulders stuck out from under the covers like staged innocence. I let them sleep.
Not quite an hour later, they found me on the deck. They were dressed, disheveled, and wiping the sleep from their eyes. I poured a cup of coffee for Bunny with lots of milk and sugar, and Tiffany drank half of it despite declining my offer.
The lake was calm, and loons were calling out. We were mostly quiet.
“I want to marry you, you know,” said Tiffany.
“Nuh-uh,” Bunny argued. “I do.”
I would have let them stay for as long as they liked, but they decided they should go before they got caught. Tiffany kissed me deeply, even romantically. Bunny’s was more passionate and lingering. “Look for us later,” she said.
There was more to this story, but you don’t believe me anyway.