I went by a bar in town for a pint before dinner tonight. It’s not too quiet, has a nice mix of gays and straights, and rotates good taps of local beer. I was sitting at the rail chatting up Rita the bartender, when she looked past me and pointed with a nod of her head and a smile. I look over my shoulder to see a couple coming in toward the bar. The swaggering stud was oh so chic, way so tough. Her fem was a tasty little piece of blond candy, holding her desire’s hand, but keeping a careful pace behind.
I mutter loud enough to be heard, “Oh, ain’t that so cute?”
Black boots and steel studs stops, swings a hard, cold look, and takes a couple of steps toward me.
“What the fuck did you say, asshole?”
Now, this little terror is about 5′ 5″ in her Docs and not exactly bulky. I give it a pause, then slide off my stool, planting my own boots down with a thump, and stand. I am nearly 6′ 5″ in my bare feet and even back a pace, I was looking down at the top of her head.
“I said you two are such a pretty little couple, very sweet. Problem with that, kitten?” tipping her head back with a hard finger under her chin.
Staring up at me smiling down, her eyes bulge and her face goes beet red, but she doesn’t move a muscle. I lounge back down and Rita starts laughing and the guy sitting next to me starts laughing, and I join in. When the wanna-be-a-bad-bad-dyke storms off to the booths in back, her pet gives me a look, trying hard to squeeze away a smile. I thought, “Girl, you better be careful tonight, ’cause somebody just got her pussy slapped.”
I finish my beer, give Rita a kiss, and leave. Sitting in my car in the alley behind the bar, I start laughing so hard I don’t hear the passenger door open.
I turn my head when I feel someone sit down in the empty seat. It’s the little treat from the bar, her back against the door, head down, and her hands folded in her lap.
“What the hell is this? Where’s your stud?”
“Talking to friends. She thinks I’m in the bathroom. It will be a while before she misses me. . .”
“I liked what you did. . . ma’am.”
I reach across and put my hand in her hair, tilting her head up.
“Come here. . .?”
“Angel” she whispers and slides across the seat. I bend down and kiss her hard, cupping her fat, firm breast, feeling her pierced nipple in the palm of my hand. I pull back and look into her eyes, running my fingers through her silky hair.
“Nice. I see why she keeps you. Show me.” giving her nipple a tug.
She reaches up to undo the buttons that run down the front of her thin flowered dress.
I turn her shoulders so she is facing me, then slowly tug off the first button and toss it aside. She watches my hands, without a sound, as I tug, tug, tug, until they are all gone.
“Now, show me.”
She pulls it wide, so her full milky white breasts are on display, the bars glinting gold in her swollen, cherry-red nipples. Across the left tit ‘Billie’ is tattooed in a curve of thin black script.
She nods slowly, looking down. I drag a fingernail across it, making her squirm. I cup the breast from beneath and squeeze, making it arch up taunt. I lean down and put my mouth over the name, sucking hard, pumping my mouth. I stop and look at my handiwork, a fat, deep red hickie obscuring the center of the tat. She looks up with a small smile.
“Will you. . . will you fuck me, too?” she whispers, pleading with her eyes.
I lift her leg and pull it to my side of the center. She slips down in the seat, spreading her legs as wide as she can, wrenching up her skirt. Her cunt is bald and shining, labia dark red and swollen. I don’t bother to test, I know how wet and open she is. I bring two stiff fingers to her opening and slide them all the way in with a single stroke, my thumb ending on her clit, pressing hard.
“Oh god! Oh god!” she yelps. I know she won’t last long and start thrusting rapidly, going as deep as I can and banging against her clit.
“Fuck!” she screams, driving her hips up, twisting her nipples, then collapses back into the seat, shivering and shaking, her eye screwed shut as her orgasm slowly ebbs. Watching her bliss, I bring my sopping fingers to my mouth and suck them clean.
“Nice. I like to see a pet enjoy what she’s given. Now it is time to go, Angel. Find your little stud and show her your new tat. Tell her tonight, she is your toy, understood?”
She nods, a little smirk betraying the evening she has in mind. I reach down and cup her cunt gently.
“And next time, I want to see some hair,” I add, with a little squeeze.
As she crosses the alley, the back door opens and Billie strides out and stops in front of her, hands on her hips, mouth working. Suddenly, Angel stands back and opens the top of her dress wide, her head moving from side to side. They stand frozen for a minute, then she walks around and into the bar, leaving poor Billie standing alone, her arms hanging limply at her sides. I start up the car and pull out, giving her a little wave as I go by.