The Long Road from Perdition

"For some, it's a long, difficult journey to find the right soul mate."

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Many people said Abbott was a bad seed. Since he was a very small kid he’d gotten into trouble. He seemed to take pleasure in doing things he knew were wrong. His parents had given up on him, but that was probably a big part of the problem.

They shouldn’t have been parents in the first place. They were ill-prepared to raise a child, and especially one who may have had some issues. Abbott himself, more than likely, didn’t know why he acted out in the way he did.

He spent most of his youth in custody, growing up in juvenile confinement. Upon reaching eighteen, he was released into society and appeared to be rehabilitated. For four or five years he kept out of trouble, found a girl who loved him and got married.

He convinced her they were not ready to have children yet. Not long after the marriage, he relapsed, in a big way. He robbed the same bank three times and was caught on video camera. The third time he was also caught by the police, went to trial, was convicted and sentenced to an extended stay in federal lockup.

Abbott had been an angelic looking little boy who had grown up to be a “pretty boy”. Some of that might have been the reason he was ready to fight at a moment’s notice. It might explain why he felt he had to prove he was a tough guy. But none of that would help him now.

None of the guys he had confronted, fought with and trounced measured up to what he met upon entering prison. As he was led to his cell, dozens of eyes were watching him hungrily. Dozens of cocks felt a tingling sensation watching his firm butt walk by. He was potentially going to be gang fucked until he could no longer stand. So, in a way, he was fortunate that Baron was one of those watching him.

Baron was one of the worst of the worst and he looked as mean as he was. He had his gang of thugs, who he controlled completely. None of them would do anything which he did not approve of first, so none of them had a chance with Abbott.

It took Baron two days before he got to Abbott, and he may have coerced a guard or two in order to do it. Abbott was completely unprepared for what he was about to receive.

Abbott had been assigned to laundry duty, and was transporting a large rolling hamper of dirty linens to the laundry room when he was assaulted and overpowered by three of Baron’s gang, dragged behind the large boilers and his pants and shorts pulled down around his ankles.

Baron was waiting for him, his fat mushroom-headed cock erect and ready for action. The thugs held Abbott by the arms and head, forcing him to bend over while Baron held his hips and forced his cock up Abbott’s virgin ass. Abbott yelled like he had never yelled before. He had never felt a searing pain like he felt now. Baron had not even bothered to spit on Abbott’s asshole before entering him. He wanted Abbott to know he was now his.

The initial pain subsided and a strange pleasure he’d never experienced in his life replaced it. He couldn’t have said if the initial exhilaration was from the feeling of a large cock filling his gut or the knowledge that he was doing something generally prohibited. This somehow was equal to the rush he got when he did something dangerously illegal.

Baron growled to his thugs, “Let him go. I think he likes it. God damn, yes! The little bitch likes it. He likes Baron’s cock up his ass.”

Abbott would have been hard-pressed to admit it then, but as time passed and Baron fucked his ass regularly, he began to crave it. Once his ass had adjusted to the size of Baron’s cock, it felt fantastic.

The feeling of his ass full of cock and the friction of the fucking made him say, “Yes Baron, fuck me. Fuck my ass. Fuck me hard.”

And in the months that followed, Baron did. Baron liked for Abbott to strip naked so he could run his beefy hands over Abbott’s smooth muscular body while he drove his cock in and out of his smooth ass.

When Abbott’s wife came to visit, she sensed a change in her husband, but she didn’t know what it was or why. In time she wearied of making the trek to visit a man who was different than the man she had married. She told him she wanted her freedom, and he didn’t object. She was soon history.

Abbott waited in anticipation for Baron to tell him to strip, but there were other prisoners he found attractive and wondered what it would be like to be fucked by them. He also knew he’d be risking his life if he offered his ass to anyone else.

There was one prisoner he found especially exciting. He was a tall blond guy with a long face and a strong jaw. Not classically handsome, but interesting, which added to his good looks. He also had a powerful build with broad shoulders, a sculpted chest, flat stomach and narrow hips supported my muscular legs. His arms and hands looked as if they could crush concrete blocks. Abbott only knew him as Sven.

Outside the prison, Baron had also led a bunch of thugs, much as he did in prison. He reportedly had ordered the murder of half a dozen rivals. He was finally convicted on racketeering and tax evasion and sentenced to more years than he had left in his life.

Sven was a lifer. He had been married with a young son, whom he had doubts about him being his. He lay in wait and caught his wife with her longtime lover and had killed all three, including the little boy. In prison he was a loner, shunning the other prisoners and keeping to himself. He was a model prisoner and had garnered many privileges. Abbott had also gained some of those privileges.

One day Abbott took advantage of one of those privileges, and after working out with weights in the gym went to take a shower. When he walked into the shower room he found Sven there. He nodded at him to acknowledge his presence, turned on one of the showers and lathered up his body. He kept turning around wetting all parts of his body but surreptitiously looking at Sven. He not only admired Sven’s magnificent body, but he was fascinated by his cock.

He hadn’t really thought about how cocks looked differently before, and he had never given Baron’s cock much attention. Now he was aware of how unattractive it was. Here was Sven’s big cock hanging between his legs, and it was a good-looking cock. He was uncut, as was Baron, but somehow Sven’s foreskin was sexy.

He was sure Sven was paying no attention to him as he kept checking out his great piece of meat as Sven turned under the spray of water, rinsing the suds from his body. But when Sven turned in his direction he could clearly see his cock had grown longer and fatter and was arching out from his body. He knew he should look away, but he was captivated.

Sven shook the water from his long hair and with one of his powerful hands wiped the water from his face.

He then opened his eyes and looked directly at Abbott, catching him off guard.

Sven said, “You’re Baron’s boy, aren’t you.”

It wasn’t a question. Abbott didn’t like to think he belonged to anyone. He wasn’t a slave. But he nodded yes.

Sven said, “I wouldn’t touch any ass he’s put his cock in.”

Abbott was stunned and didn’t have an answer, but Sven asked, “Do you like my cock? I know you were checking it out,” and he took hold of it.

Abbott saw it was completely erect, and Sven was pointing it at him. He swallowed and turned his back to Sven because he suddenly became aware his own cock had gotten hard and was standing up against his stomach.

Sven ordered, “Come here.”

Abbott turned back around and walked over to where Sven stood, the water still cascading down his body. When Abbott stopped a couple feet away Sven reached out and grasped his upper arm and pulled him closer. He then put his hand on Abbott’s shoulder and pushed him down. Abbott’s knees had no resistance and he went down onto them.

Sven’s long beautiful cock was inches in front of his face. He said, “Suck it. You want it, so suck my cock.”

Abbott had never imagined sucking another man’s cock, but he willingly opened his mouth and took the head of Sven’s cock into his mouth, running his tongue around it and then under the foreskin. Sven pulled his foreskin back and Abbott continued running his tongue over and around the head, marveling at how smooth and silky it felt on his tongue.

Sven put both of his hands on Abbott’s head and forced his cock down his throat until he gagged, holding him there for a couple of seconds, then letting him pull back and recover his breathing, but he didn’t let him rest.

He proceeded to fuck him in the mouth, moving Abbott’s head back and forth as he simultaneously fucked his cock in and out. Abbott was delirious… he loved it. This was different from being fucked in the ass. It was much more sensuous and personal. He wasn’t ready to give up being ass-fucked, but he wanted to do more of this.

When Sven came he held Abbott’s head and thrust his cock in as far as he could without choking Abbott, and shot his cum into his mouth and down his throat.

When the cum subsided he remained in Abbott’s mouth until his cock began to soften, then pulled back. Abbott sucked it hard, trying to keep it in his mouth. Without saying a word, Sven turned back to the shower and rinsed the cum and saliva off his cock, turned off the water and nearly stumbled over Abbott who was still on his knees.

Sven grabbed his arm and pulled him to his feet, looked into his eyes and leaned forward and kissed him. Abbott almost went down on his knees again and would have had Sven not had a firm grasp on his arm. Sven turned, took his towel, and left.

During the next year, Abbott sucked Sven off five or six times. He would have done it much more, but Sven didn’t need anyone and had no intention of becoming attached to anyone.

In the three years, Abbott had been in prison he had become Baron’s sex slave, but he hadn’t broken. To the contrary, he had become hardened and had learned from Baron how to be ruthless.

One morning, the guard came to see why Baron wasn’t up and found he had died during the night. It was determined he’d had a heart attack. Abbott was free, but he wasn’t for the taking. He was not to be anybody’s bitch. He could hold his own against the worst of them. Nobody would mess with him.

Several long months after Baron’s death, a new group of prisoners was brought in. Among them was a twenty-one year old who had been part of a car theft ring which shipped the cars they stole overseas. This young man was called Blade. He was almost six feet tall with a slender body which he had developed with hours in the gym. He had black hair with a slight curl and startling blue eyes, with a small patch of black hair the center of his well-formed chest.

Despite his strong build and bad-ass reputation, he was scared shitless. He tried valiantly not to show it, but the hardened prisoners could sense it, like the remnants of cologne. Abbott moved in and befriended him, saying he knew the ropes and would lead him, offering protection without stating it. Blade trusted him and psychologically clung to him.

Abbott gained his confidence and at the same time told him all the terrible things that could happen to him, pointing out the other young, tender guys who belonged to the tougher men, or worse, were passed around among them.

When the connection was firmly in place, Abbott informed Blade he was to belong to him, or he would abandon him to the others. But he startled Blade by informing him Blade was to be his lover, providing him with all the cock he wanted. Abbott had checked it out and knew Blade had a really nice cock.

Blade couldn’t believe this good-looking tough guy wanted to suck his cock and get fucked in the ass, but he had no choice. Although he’d never considered having sex with another man, he decided better that than to become some monster goon’s cunt.

The first time Abbott took his cock in his mouth, it was the first time any man had sucked his cock. He reached a climax in a matter of seconds. He was embarrassed but thrilled with the way it had felt. The second time Abbott went slower. He had Blade strip to reveal his beautiful, young body, and licked his balls and cock before he sucked on it.

Blade learned he liked to kneel over Abbott’s prone body and fuck his mouth. As for ass fucking, he preferred having Abbott lie on his back while Blade held his legs up in the air and thrust his cock deep into Abbott’s ass. He discovered if he did it a certain way and timed it right Abbott would cum at the same time he did.

With the passage of months, the lust that had initially gripped Abbott and Blade evolved and quietly came to resemble something more like love. Even more months passed and emotions and the desire to please his lover led Blade to find he could suck Abbott’s cock and let Abbott fuck him.

And Abbott found he liked cumming in Blade’s mouth or up his ass. He liked that it put them on an equal basis, so neither was the “cunt”.

Blade gained his freedom before Abbott and he often returned to visit him. They agreed that they were now a part of each other’s life. In a way, they needed each other. Neither of them could bring himself to say he was gay, nor declare his love for the other. But, without Abbott asking him to, nor Blade swearing he would, he waited for Abbott.

When Abbott was finally released Blade collected him and took him to the apartment he had rented for them. It was hard readjusting to society, but by supporting each other they both eventually found employment and never ran afoul of the law again.

Published 7 years ago

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