Femmes of Spring Break: The Art Gallery

"A surreptitious picture leads to a young woman learning about herself."

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Angie pawed through her closet, searching for the perfect dress. Hard to strike the right balance, she mused. Gordy’s photography gallery opening needs class and elegance, not sexy. My old prom dress would be over the top. She pulled out a formfitting, low-cut black dress, shook her head and hung it back on the rack. Frowning, she sat at her combination vanity/desk.

Think design, girl. The main attraction are Gordy’s photos of nature subjects with fuzzy focus trees as the background. Impressionistic, pointillist. Her eyes lit up and she rummaged in the closet again. Way in the back she found a dress she hadn’t worn in years. It had a black background and many dots of varying sizes and different pastel shades. Standing before the mirror, she held it against herself. She nodded. Perfect, it’ll complement the exhibit. It’s attractive enough but I need something to add elegance and class. Gordy hired me as his assistant for two weddings during spring break, so I can afford to spend a few bucks.

She drove to the mall and, after visiting only three stores, came home with her purchases. She showered and put on conservative makeup before she slipped into a bra and panty set. She smiled as she snapped the waistband into place. The high cut bikini had a pastel flower on the front panel. She thought, my outfit is kinda like the exhibit, dots framing a flower. She slid open the packet of pantyhose and pulled them over her hips, adjusting the legs carefully. Angie knew her long legs were most attractive feature, and the new pantyhose featured a glittering spiral of tiny sequins down one leg. Her new shoes barely hid her toes and gleamed in patent leather and gold. She inspected herself in the mirror and nodded in satisfaction.

She arrived at the gallery early to help Gordy set up. He greeted her with a hug and asked about school and her photography classes. They chatted as they walked around the gallery, giving Angie her first look at the selected photos. A young man came in from the back room.

“Oh, right. Angie, you know Paul. He works for the gallery owner. He’ll help us out.”

Angie nodded and said hello to Paul, with whom she’d attended high school. She even took his graduation picture. He asked her out once, but she turned him down. He habitually leered.

Nevertheless, Paul was helpful. He helped set up and decorate the table of refreshments and wine, made sure the wastebaskets were emptied and answered any questions that came up. The three had a few minutes to sit and relax before the doors opened. They sat and chatted.

“Angie, your dress is perfect. It almost looks like the backgrounds.” Gordy smiled.

“I hoped it would. I thought maybe it would be over the top, and it would, if the dress itself was anything but black.”

“I like the bling on your beautiful legs,” Paul said, obviously staring.

Angie ignored him.

The opening went very well. Several of Gordy’s married clients showed up and even a reporter from the local paper. Note cards and CDs were the most popular items, but three of his large print sold as well.

After everyone left, the three cleaned up. Angie offered to wash the dishes if the others would bring them in from the front room. The two men bustled back and forth. Once, as Angie bent over the sink to scrub, she heard the click of a shutter. Wondering who found a suitable photo subject in that mundane environment, she turned around. Paul stood there only a few feet behind her, completing a motion of standing up, hands in his pockets.

Angie figured it out. Arms akimbo, she grated out, “You took a picture up my dress, didn’t you?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Oh, yes you do! Hand it over.” She reached out for his phone.

 “No way am I gonna give you my phone!”

Gordy walked in, carrying a platter with a few broken crackers. Taken aback, he stopped in the doorway. A furious Angie whirled to face him.

“This perv took a picture up my dress.”

“I did not. Paranoid, stuck up bitch.”

“I want to see his phone!”

“I’m not giving you my phone! Fuck that!”

Gordy shrugged. “All right, she says you did, you say you didn’t, you don’t want to give her your phone. Simple enough. Give it to me.”

“I’m not gonna give it to you either.”

“Why not? I’m a neutral party and we’ll know the truth.”

“I’m not showing my phone anybody. It’s my constitutional right.”

Gordy shrugged again. “Okay, but I’ll certainly report this to the owners. They’re friends of mine too, you know.” He eyed Paul suspiciously.

Paul’s demeanor changed rapidly. “No, don’t tell them. Please don’t tell them.”

Gordy held out his hand. “The phone.”

Reluctantly, unable to make eye contact, Paul dug his phone out of his pocket and gave it to Paul.

Gordy punched a couple of buttons, then looked disgusted. He held up the phone.

There stood Angie bent over the sink. The picture had been taken from near the floor level revealing all of her legs, the heavier material at the top of her pantyhose with the central seam running right through the white triangle of her panties where they peeked from under the hem of her dress.

“I knew it! You’re a liar and a pervert.”

“Angie, why don’t you delete it?” Gordy handed her the phone. “Then give it back to him.”

“Good idea.” Angie punched a few keys, her eyes snapping at Paul. She laid the phone on the counter and he sidled over and retrieved it.

Gordy said, “This is a serious matter. Ed and Marilyn aren’t going to like it when they hear about their employee.”

“You said if I showed you the camera you wouldn’t tell.”

Gordy and Angie exchanged quizzical looks. “Don’t start that kind of bullshit. No one said anything of the kind,” Angie said through clenched teeth.

“Oh, please don’t tell. I’m sorry, Angie, really I am. It’s just that you’re so beautiful and have such great legs and you won’t even date me. They’ll probably fire me and tell my parents and it’ll be very embarrassing. Look, it’s just one photo and it’s gone. Let’s forget the whole thing. I promise not to do it again…to you or anyone else.”

“Do you believe that, Gordy?” Angie felt a bit of concern. What if Gordy bought the male idea that the photo was harmless fun?

“You can stop that kind of crap right now. You’re in trouble. Angie’s a great kid and deserves respect. Any woman does.”

“Worth me losing my job?”

“Why not, perv?”

“I know Ed and Marilyn. They’re decent people, wouldn’t like this at all.”

“Look, I really need this job. Is there any way I can get out of having you tell them?”

“I feel a responsibility. She’s my employee and you’re theirs.”

“Please? Anything?”

“You deserve everything that you get and you need to be punished.” Gordy paused. “Well, taking a picture like that is really immature. I have a suggestion, but the decision is Angie’s.”

“What’s the idea?” the others said in unison.

“An immature act deserves a childlike punishment. You take a bare butt spanking from Angie, as long and as hard as she wants.”

Angie looked surprised, then smiled. She craned her neck as though to size up Paul’s butt. “I quite like the idea.”

Paul shook his head and blinked. “No way! I’m not getting spanked like a little kid.”

“Okay, that’s your decision.” Gordy produced his phone from his pocket. “I’ll call Ed right now.”

“Wait, don’t call!” Seeing Gordon pause, he looked relieved. “Is there some other way I can be punished? Something less embarrassing? I agree I deserve to be punished, but let’s compromise.”

“I’d have to agree to any compromise and I like Gordy’s suggestion. A lot.”

“How about it, kid? Ready to drop those drawers?”

“Bare butt, no limit? Let me keep my undies on at least.”

Angie, beaming, rubbed her hands together in anticipation. “You’re bargaining from a position of weakness.” She pointed at his waist, then pointed her finger straight down.

Paul looked from one to the other and saw further discussion was useless. Head hanging, unable to meet their eyes, he shuffled over to a chair, sat and removed his shoes. He stood, then unfastened, dropped and stepped out of his pants. He wore camouflage boxers.

Angie giggled. “It’s a little late to try to hide now. What silly underwear.”

Biting his lower lip, Paul finally met Angie’s gaze. “Please? Let me keep them?”


”Shit,” said Paul as he tugged his underwear down. As he straightened up, he covered himself with one hand.

“I’m going to see it anyway, take your hand away.”

Shamefacedly, Paul revealed a 6 inch, circumcised cock, fully erect, pointing straight up.

Angie looked at him impersonally. “Not bad. Average. I’ve seen bigger and prettier cocks. Let’s get on with it. Lean against the counter.”

Angie wasted no time once Paul took position. She slapped his buttocks, alternating cheeks. To her surprise, the fair-haired boy’s cheeks reddened after only a few blows. Also to her surprise, her hand began to hurt long before she felt Paul had suffered enough. “You wait there, I’m not done with you yet.” Her handbag, stored in a desk drawer, was only a few steps away. She retrieved her hairbrush and smacked it against her palm menacingly.

Paul, glancing back, saw the implement and gulped.

Angie resumed spanking him. The hairbrush quickly elicited a greater response from Paul. He grunted and shuffled his feet at each blow. “You really are a creep, Paul. I’ve half a mind to tell our friends, but I won’t unless I hear of you doing similar things. You violated my space, my privacy, my dignity and my sexuality.” She punctuated her list with extra hard blows for each item.

Gordy, avidly watching, reached into a pot on the counter containing kitchen implements and handed Angie a long handled wooden spoon. “Better leverage. Flick your wrist.”

Angie smiled her thanks and accepted the spoon. She quickly discovered how to rain fast, hard strikes on the punished lecher.  She grinned and licked her lips.

Gordy, also grinning, caught her eye. “I like watching you work. You’re a natural.” He made a show of adjusting his erection in his pants.

She smiled wickedly, opened her mouth and ran her tongue around her lips suggestively. She turned her attention back to Paul. “You’re a slimy little bastard, just as I always suspected.” She struck him harder and faster.

“Ow! Ouch! That really hurts!”

“Well, you deserve it, creep.”

“I learned my lesson. I’ll never do it again. Ow!”

“You sure won’t try it with me, but what about other girls?”

“I’ll never do it again to anyone, I promise. I’ll disable the camera on my phone, just please stop. It hurts too much!”

“The deal was I spank you as long as hard as I want and I’m not satisfied.” She continued smacking his inflamed cheeks.

With a knowing smile, Gordy whispered in her ear, “Feel how warm his cheeks are.”

“Oh, you’re right. His cheeks are very warm. I bet that stings. What do you say, Paul?”

“Sure it stings, enough to teach me my lesson. Are you done?”

“Not on your life. Gordy, would you like to feel also?”

“No, the only male spanked cheeks I like to feel are my own. Go on, you’re doing great.”

Angie rained another series of blows on Paul’s inflamed ass. She braced herself with a palm in the small of his back.

In serious pain, Paul hopped from one foot to another, moaning wordlessly.

Suddenly, all his resistance broke. “Wahhhh, waaahhh!” He shook his head and tears flew from his eyes.

“Oh! Crying!” As her breathing became loud and ragged, her blows, while still strong, became more rhythmical. “Oh!! Ahhhh! Whhooooo!” She tossed her head from side to side, sending her hair flying.

Grinning Gordy popped two thumbs up. “Over the top, Angie!”

Angie, coming down off her peak, hugged herself, swinging her body from side to side. “Oh, I love that! I had no idea! That was so hot!”

“Please, please no more. It’s too much. I’m on fire!” Paul sniffed back more tears.

Panting, Angie said, “Turn around. Face us.”

Paul turned around, little unsteady. He braced his feet far apart. Tears stained his cheeks. He looked pathetic. “Please don’t hurt me any more. Please.”

Angie pointed to his limp dick. “Not so proud and horny anymore, are you? What a silly little thing. I do like hearing you beg.” She brandished the spoon. “Let’s hear it again.”

“Please, please Angie, I’ve taken enough. I’ll never do it again. I learned my lesson. Please, Angie, don’t spank me again.”

“Apologize, thank me for punishing you, and thank us both for not telling. Because we won’t.”

“Thank you for that?”

She waved the spoon. “Maybe you haven’t had enough…”

“No, that’s okay. Thank you for punishing me. I shouldn’t have taken that picture and I’m sorry I did. I’ll never do it again, not to you, not to anybody. And I thank you both very much for promising not to tell anybody about this. I sure won’t mention it.”

“I bet you won’t,” snorted Angie derisively. “Get your clothes on and get out of here. Gordy and I will lock up.”

Paul scuttled over to his discarded clothing and quickly threw them on, not even bothering with his underwear and socks, stuffing them in his pockets. With a final plea for them not to tell anybody, he departed.

Gordy followed him to make sure he left, then returned to the office.

Angie threw herself into his arms. “I don’t care about our professional relationship. I need to be fucked right now!”

Gordy picked her up and whirled her around. “Yes! I’ve lusted after you since… Well, I didn’t act on it.” They mashed their lips together passionately as he carried her to a couch against one wall of the office. They sat together, she fooling with his shirt buttons, he unzipping her dress. She quickly unstrapped her slides. They stood and Angie let the dress fall to the floor. She discarded her bra and skimmed down her hose and panties while Gordy kicked off his shoes, threw his shirt over his head and stepped out of his pants.

Angie propped up her head with a handy pillow and threw one leg over the back of the couch.

Gordy knelt on the couch and bent towards her pussy. “You’re all wet, and the aroma…”

Angie groped toward his cock. “Fuck me now! Dessert later.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He slid his arms around her back. As he kissed her, his cock slipped into her moist slit.

“Oh! Yes! Oh yeah!” Angie bucked her hips as Gordy slammed into her, fucking her as fast as he could.

Angie screamed aloud as she came. “Oh that was so fucking hot! Spanking! What a turn on!”

Gordy, breathing hard from his efforts, gasped, “I knew you’d like it.” He bumped into her more slowly, recovering. He squeezed and sucked both of her breasts.


Gordy eagerly obliged and soon Angie exploded in another orgasm.

In the afterglow, Gordy slipped in and out of her at a more sedate pace. Their kisses became more  sensual than desperate. Gordy squeezed her breasts and thumbed her nipples. She scratched his ass and playfully spanked it. “Oh, I loved spanking him! It wasn’t so much hurting him as having him under my thumb. When I saw him crying, I went over the top. Only time I ever came without something going on down there.”

Gordy laughed. “I always figured if you ever get started, you’d be a natural.”

“A natural what?”

“Dominant female. You’ve always been assertive, don’t take any crap from anybody and stick up for yourself like you did with Paul. Angie, I gotta tell you I get very turned on by take charge women.”

She knit her eyebrows together. “That’s right. You said something about your own spanked cheeks. What did you mean?”

He looked straight into her eyes and said, “I love being spanked by a woman as a prelude to giving her fantastic sex. Want to go for two in a day?” he invited with an impish grin.

Angie snickered. “Wow, what an offer. Nicest offer I’ve had all day. Now I have to choose between fucking and spanking.”

“It can be very different if the spanking’s for funishment and instead of punishment. You were right on to ridicule his dick and have him bent over, but in a foreplay for spanking it’s nice to have the guy over your lap. It’s more intimate and you can reach around and play with the cock that’s going to give you so much pleasure.”

“Sounds intriguing. But won’t you wilt like he did?”

“Probably not. For one thing, I like being spanked. For another, maybe you’ll keep playing with it once in a while. What you say? Fuck or spank then fuck?”

“No contest. Spank then fuck. Let’s get going.”

After a kiss and a few more thrusts, Gordy withdrew and stood up.

Angie sat on the couch, pointing to her lap. “Get your ass over here if you know what’s good for you.” She couldn’t help smiling as she spoke.

“Sec,” Gordy said. He darted across the room to grab the wooden spoon. “I suggest you start with an intimate hand spanking, then use the spoon,” he said eagerly as he lay across her firm thighs.

“Oh, this is going to be fun!” Angie’s hand roamed over the rounded cheeks, into the crease and tickled his ass hole. She scratched his ass, then started to spank. She started light, alternating cheeks, but soon slapped harder and smacked one cheek several times before switching back to the other. “You don’t get red as fast as Paul did.”

“I guess you’ll just have to spank me longer and harder. Angie, this is wonderful. You can’t imagine how many times I’ve thought of being just like this with you.”

“Wow, you never let on.”

“It would be unprofessional and besides, you started working for me when you were in high school. But now you’re of age and then that spanking… Oh, the spanking feels so good, Angie.”

 “I’m glad you like it. I sure do.” She swatted him harder. After a bit, she paused and rubbed his ass. “Now you’re getting red and warm, too.”

He reached around. “Yep, that’s the way I like it. Nice and warm. I hope you’re not done.”

“No way. Do you think you’ll cry like Paul did?”

“No, there has to be real fear, if not contrition. Do your worst… um… best.”

“My hand’s starting to hurt. Thanks for the spoon. But first… Spread those legs.” She reached between his legs and caressed his balls, then wrapped her hand around his stiff cock and pumped it. Gordy raised his hips. “Mmm, you’re right, you stay nice and hard.”

Gordy gasped and grunted. “Hard not to come.”

“I can tell. All that pre-cum. You better save it for my pussy.” She let go of his cock and spanked him with the spoon.

“Oh, that’s it. That stings. I love it. Keep it up!”

“Oh, I will!” She rained blows down on alternate cheeks, then concentrated on one spot on the far cheek. Again and again she struck him, savoring his reaction.

He grunted with each blow, then gasped, finally kicking his legs and pounding his fists on the couch. “Oh, that hurts! You’re so talented, Angie!”

“Oh, God, I love this! I am getting so fucking horny.” She smacked him again and again.

Beyond words, her boss cried out, “Ah! Ah! Ah!”

Angie flicked her wrist as her arm descended again and again.

Crack! The handle of the spoon broke and the head flew across the room. “Wow! The spoon broke!”

“That’s too bad… I think. You really got me going, girl. My bum stings like hell. Thank you so much. How can I repay you?” he said with a lilt in his voice.

 “Get up, you. Make me cum. Lick me until I tell you to stop.”

Gordy dropped to his knees on the floor, put his hands high on the insides of her thighs, and spread her legs. He paused to take in the sight and aroma of her damp pussy. Girl juice leaked towards her perineum. The darker outer folds of her inner lips protruded invitingly. Delicately, Gordy kissed her, licked her, and, encouraged by her gasp, probe with his tongue and flipped it over her clit.

Burying her fingers in his thick brown hair, and she moaned and gasped as she achieved another orgasm. “More! More!”

Eagerly, Gordy kept licking and sucking her clit. He slid two fingers as deep into her dampness as he could, wiggling them about.

“Aaaahhhh! Oh, yes! Oh, yeah!” Angie screamed out another strong orgasm. As she came down offer peak, she gasped, “Fuck me! Fuck me now!” She let go of his head and lay back on the couch as she had before.

Gordy wasted no time climbing back onto the couch. Grinning, he pressed his body to hers and kissed her deeply. A little probing and he slipped back inside her. He started out moderately fast, pistoning in and out of her, mumbling, “You’re so hot, Angie!”

Angie dug her fingernails into his warm buns. She scratched him, then kept spanking him. “Spanking and fucking! Spanking and fucking! I love it! Ohhh! Ahhhh!”

“I love it to. Makes you cum real easy!” Gordy slowed the pace after she came. He sucked in her breast, savoring the dark aureoles and erect nipples.

“Oh, my tits feel so good! Keep licking ‘em!

Gordy picked up speed and Angie went over the top again. “I can hold out much longer. Want to finish on top?”

“Sure,” beamed Angie.

Gordy slowly withdrew and lay on his back on the rug on the floor. “Take me, I’m yours.”

Grinning, Angie straddled him on her knees. She tucked them into her and then raised and lowered herself very slowly, pausing with just his cockhead inside her lips.

“Oh, my God! That is so hot! Ride me! Use me!”

“I love being on top.” She watched his face intently while she rocked back and forth, holding his cockhead between her lips.

Gordy gulped and grit his teeth, setting his job. “Feel so good, but I want more!”

“I love seeing your face all screwed up like that.”

“I knew it. You are a very talented dominant! I saw you first!”

Angie dropped her body down its shaft. They met with an audible slap. She worked her hips up and down fast, sliding his dick in and out of her pussy.

“Trying not to cum …”

Showing superb control, Angie stopped at the very top of the stroke, tiny hip movements massaged his cockhead.

“Oh, wow! Whew!”

“Do you like it when I fuck your cockhead?”

“Yes! Yes, I do!”

“Then you won’t mind if I just let it pop out when I’m done?”

“You’re in charge; you can use me however you like. But I would so like to cum!”

Angie drop down and fucked until he was just about ready to come once again. She stopped at the top and fixed him with a sardonic grin. “Which do you like better? Fucking or teasing?”

“Are you kidding! They’re both terrific!”

Angie leaned forward to kiss him as she resumed fucking, hips rising and falling as Gordy thrust up to meet her. “Cum! Cum together!” Angie tossed her head from side to side and ripped his ass tightly.

Wordlessly, they bellowed and screamed together clutching one another, mouths and tongues momentarily meeting, only to part for more screams and gasps.

Eventually, the pair lay side-by-side on the floor holding each other, kissing, telling each other how wonderful it been.

“From now on, all my boyfriends get spanked. I can’t believe how fucking hot that was.”

“Lucky them. Lucky you. Lucky me. Um… Do you think we can repeat?”

“We’d better. I’m not done with you yet. You’re a very good lover.”

“Thank you. Back atcha.”

With a few final kisses, Angie got up to dress. As he watched her, Gordy said, “You really got me going with those schoolgirl ensembles you used to wear— tie, vest, pleated skirt, knee socks, loafers. The stuff of fantasies.

Angie grinned. “I guess so. I used to get a lot of attention in school when I dressed like that.

“Maybe next time you could…”

“I’ll see what I can do.”


Published 7 years ago

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