Working In An Office – Revenge on the Boss (Part 2)

"I'd been spanked naked and groped by my boss. Now it was his turn to suffer"

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Now it was my turn. I sounded bolder than I felt. “The girls and I were talking about the way you spank us and touch us and…”

“Be quiet girl. I’ll tell you when you can talk.”

“No sir, I won’t be quiet. We have decided to tell the owner, Mrs. Evans, what you’ve been doing. If it was just one of us she might not believe us but when we all tell her about the spanking and the groping.” I left the threat dangling.

He went white and said, “You can’t do that. I’ve only punished you girls when you needed punishing, I… er…”

I stood my ground, even though I was stark naked. I stared him down. 

He could see there was no way out. “You can’t tell Mrs. Evans, I’ll lose my job, my wife will find out. Please,” he begged.

“You should have thought of that before,” I told him. 

He just looked beaten. I left the threat hanging then added, “There is another option.”

He was so keen to find a way out, “Anything, anything to avoid me losing my job.”

“Very well,” I paused, “We have decided to punish you. All of us will spank you.”

“Now hang on a minute,” he croaked, “when I said anything, I meant…”

I cut across him, “It’s that or we report you. Your choice.”

He was totally out of his depth. Reluctantly he muttered, “All right, you can punish me. What do you want me to do?”

“Strip down to your underpants,” and when he hesitated, I ordered him. “Now!”

I dressed quickly and watched as he removed his shirt, he was not in bad shape for a man in his thirties. Shoes, socks, trousers all came off and I walked round him, stroking his thighs, bum, and let my fingers run down the length of the stiffening penis in his pants.

I picked up the strap and cane. “Right, come out into the main office,” I instructed him.

“No, please, can’t you punish me in here?” he whimpered.

I brought the cane down hard across his bum and he cried out in shock. Realising I was not going to change my mind he opened the door into the shop and stopped in horror when he saw the girls waiting.

They shrieked in amazement. They had obviously not believed I could make him accept his punishment. Mr. Andrews quickly put his hands over the bulge in his underpants. Again the cane swished across his bum, bringing a cheer from the girls.

The four of us formed a circle round him. I stood directly in front of him and ordered him to drop his pants. When he hesitated I swished the cane in the air which did the trick.

Despite his predicament, the idea of being naked in front of four girls had aroused him. As he slid his pants down an engorged penis came into view until he covered it with his hands. Mistake! Another swish of the cane and he uncovered his swollen manhood with a cry. 

He was completely at our mercy and no longer the big ‘I am’, lording it over us all. We were determined to make him suffer the way we had suffered at his hands.

“Bend over the desk,” I told him. When he hesitated, “Do you want us to open the blinds so that anyone passing sees you being caned?”

He realised that we would do it and quickly turned and bent over the desk. I reached between his legs and pulled his rigid cock down so that it was trapped by the desk edge and on show for us all. Then I spread his legs further so we could all see it.

I picked up the strap, flicked it three times across his bum to get his attention. 

Stepping up close behind him I put my hand between his legs, took hold of his throbbing penis and whispered in his ear, “You know, I think there’s a more delicate part of you we could use this on. That should help you understand that you shouldn’t touch our tits and our cunts.” The girls shrieked in approval and his head sank lower over the desk.

I put the strap in front of him on the desk and picked up the cane. “Each of us will give you six strokes with the cane. Don’t try to stop us and don’t move until we tell you. Do you understand?”

He muttered something.

I brought the cane down hard across both cheeks. “Do you understand?”

“Yes.” he croaked. 

Another stroke of the cane. “Yes, what?” I asked.

After a few seconds thought he replied “Yes Ma’am.”

I forced him down hard against the desk and flicked the cane through the air, enjoying his reaction as he winced in fear. Then, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, I crisscrossed his taut buttocks without pausing. He leapt up, yelling and holding his bum.

The girls’ eyes were on stalks as his rigid cock swung up and down as he hopped around.

“Right,” I said, “You can’t say we didn’t warn you not to try to stop us and not to move.”

Sally came up and whispered in my ear.

“Brilliant idea.” I yelled. “You’ve tried to stop us caning you and you’ve moved so we’re going to up the stakes and punish your cock.”

“No, please,” he whimpered looking in hope at each of us.

I cleared his desk, “Lie along your desk on your back.”

I watched him quake as he worked out what this meant, “No, no, please.”

“Be quiet,” I said firmly, “you should have realised that you can’t grope us when you want to without consequences. Well, these are the consequences.”

His cock stood rigidly and was just begging to be spanked. I eased down the foreskin revealing a glistening swollen glans, bringing more shrieks from the girls.

I picked up the strap. Thwack, thwack, thwack. He yelled out as each stinging blow hit his shaft. It was so satisfying hearing the ‘smack’ of leather on skin and the girls shrieked, watching his cock swing with each stroke. 

“I’ll never punish you again,” he pleaded. “Please stop.”

“You will never punish us again or grope us again.” I told him as I grabbed his rigid cock, “But all four of us will use this strap on your naughty penis until you are truly sorry.”

I pushed the foreskin back down. Thwack, thwack, thwack, three more stinging swipes but this time across the glans which brought more yells and cursing from our now humbled boss.

I held up the strap, “Who’s next.”

He was not going to get off lightly as Sally, Ellen and Beth all reached for the implement of correction. Sally got there first and was clearly remembering some of the occasions she’d been humiliated.

She flicked the strap across his cock and then stroked her fingers around his balls, up the length of his cock and around the glans until he groaned and his erection grew even more rigid. When she was happy that he was fully erect she pushed the foreskin down and began her punishment in earnest, thwack, thwack, thwack……..

Ellen took over next then Beth who was determined to make him suffer and used the strap well. 

I took the strap from Beth and began to stroke his cock which despite the punishment was still erect and oozing. 

Thwack, I struck him hard on the tip of his cock and he cried out. 

“You will never punish any of us girls again.”

Thwack, another stroke hit the tip of his cock. “You will never touch any of us again or we will punish you and then tell Mrs. Evans what you’ve done.”

Thwack, a real stinger on the tip, “Do you understand?”

He nodded and when I lifted the strap to hit him again he cried, “Yes, yes I understand. I’ll never do it again.”

Thwack, I landed another stinger on the tip and mocking his voice, “Yes, yes I understand. I’ll never do it again – what?”

Through gritted teeth, “I’ll never do it again – Ma’am.”

“Good,” I said turning to the girls “Has he suffered enough?”

They nodded and I faced him, “Go back to your office and get dressed.”

As he got off the desk, covering his cock, I said, “Right, we’ll be off. See you all tomorrow.” 

The girls loved it and we opened the shop door wide and departed, laughing, as he ran to shut the door before anyone passing could see his reddened swollen cock. 


Published 7 years ago

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