Christmas in April

"Recovering from a lengthy illness, April has no Christmas present for her boyfriend. Or does she?"

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April awoke to the sound of a winter wind blowing outside her window. She shivered a little at the sound, then sat up and took a couple deep breaths. To her relief, she didn’t cough and her lungs felt more or less clear. After checking her temperature to confirm that her fever was gone, April jumped out of bed and stretched.

“It’s over,” she said aloud to the empty room, “That fucking disease is really over.”

April had been bedridden for most of the last month. It had begun with a nasty flu and progressed into an even nastier pneumonia. April’s boyfriend Ross even had to rush her to the local ER one night when her breathing difficulties became so bad that she passed out. It had taken her a couple more weeks to recuperate after she was discharged, including a brief relapse. All through it, Ross had slept on her couch, taking care of April as she convalesced.

Walking over to the closet, April dug out a favorite skirt and sweater along with some underwear. After three weeks of wearing nothing but pyjamas and hospital gowns, she wanted to wear real clothes again. As she slipped her pyjama top off, April noticed herself in the mirror. She turned and gave herself a closer appraisal.

A month of illness and poor appetite had left April’s normally lean and toned body looking skinny, even emaciated. Her enhanced breasts, a legacy of her previous life in the sex trade, looked even more out of place than they usually did. She had been contemplating having the implants removed but Ross seemed to like them and she wasn’t exactly rich.

Slipping the rest of her pyjamas off, April dressed. The thick, warm sweater’s bulk would hide her out-of-shape body. As she checked herself out in the mirror again and teased her hair into shape, April’s nose twitched at the delicious scent of food. She was hungry, ravenously so, after the meager diet she had consumed during her illness. Turning from the mirror, April headed out to see what Ross was preparing for breakfast.

Food was forgotten, though, when she saw her living room. A six-foot tree with lights and ornaments twinkled in one corner. Two neatly wrapped packages lay beneath. Wreaths hung in the window and over the sofa, while long garlands ran from the ceiling lamp to the corners of the room. A sprig of mistletoe dangled from the lamp itself.

“Oh my God, it’s so beautiful,” she gasped as she drank it all in.

Ross came out from the kitchen. He leaned against the wall and flashed her a big smile.

“Merry Christmas, baby,” he said, “Welcome back to the land of the living.”

April took another long look at the Christmas decorations, then sprinted up to Ross. She threw her arms around him and kissed him twice. As she held on to him, April looked around the room again.

Unhappy memories of past Christmases danced in April’s head for a moment. There was the time her mother’s drunken boyfriend had beaten her savagely on Christmas Eve for peeking at a present. And the time she had spent the day turning tricks in a grungy apartment while carols played loudly in the next unit. April had come dangerously close to suicide by the end of that Christmas. Even recent Christmases when her past was starting to recede had often been painfully lonely. The realization that this Christmas would be different, that she would finally be celebrating and enjoying the holiday with someone she loved, stunned April for a moment.

“Merry Christmas, Ross,” she said quietly, her voice quivering with emotion, “I can’t believe I’m going to have a real Christmas this year.”

As she broke down, Ross hugged and kissed her back.

“It gets better. Mom’s invited you to Christmas dinner tomorrow, too,” he said, “But I told her it depends on your health.”

April smiled and sighed, “If I feel as good tomorrow as I do right now, we are going. A family Christmas dinner is another thing I’ve never really had. Worst case, I find a comfy chair and hover quietly in the background if I get tired or don’t feel well.”

The thought of food turned April’s attention back to her empty stomach and she looked over at the table where waffles and coffee awaited.

“Those are for you,” Ross said with a laugh, “I’ve eaten already. Go easy, though. You’re still recovering.”

More cheerful than she had been in a long time, April sat down and dug into the food. As she ate, April kept glancing at the decorations and at her boyfriend. Ross had entered April’s life as a university classmate and good friend. The previous spring, she had seduced him on a night out, which had transformed that friendship into a sexy romance. At the time, April had not anticipated the impact that their new relationship would have on her life. Now, as she thought over what Ross had done for her over the past month, April realized that it had changed her life profoundly.

Then April’s eye fell on the parcels under the tree. Her heart sank when she realized that they were probably for her. She had nothing to give Ross in return. It was the last shopping day before Christmas and there was no way her weakened body was up to fighting the last-minute crowds at the malls. A tear ran down her cheek and she began wracking her brains for how she could give Ross a gift.

“Something wrong, baby?” Ross asked when he saw the tear.

“I don’t have a gift for you. You’ve done so much for me, shown me so much love, and I have nothing to give you for Christmas,” she said, weeping.

Ross put his hand on hers and tenderly caressed it.

“You’re alive and healthy, April. That’s what I want more than anything,” he said quietly, holding April’s hand in his and lightly kissing it, “That night when we went to the hospital, I was afraid I was going to lose you. That thought scared me shitless. Having you is more important than some gift in a pretty wrapper.”

“Thank you. I still feel like I should do something. It’s my first Christmas and I have no presents to give.”

“Just be here for me when I need you, that’s all. I love you, gift or no.”

They hugged and kissed, then April settled on the couch while Ross cleaned up from breakfast. When he was done, Ross joined her. She cuddled up close to him and he put an arm around her.

“I feel so much better,” April said softly, resting a hand on Ross’ thigh, “I couldn’t have asked for a better nurse.”

Ross chuckled and answered, “Glad to be of service. I’ve never seen anyone that sick before.”

April’s hand was caressing Ross’s thigh and suddenly, something occurred to her. She twisted to face him and slid her hand up between his thighs.

“I know something I can give you,” she whispered in her sultriest voice, “Something you haven’t had in a long time.”

Ross smiled as she began fondling his cock through his sweatpants.

“You sure you’re up for that?” he asked quietly, stroking her short, brown hair.

“Hey, I can just lie there and let you do all the work,” April replied with a wicked laugh, “But it’s not as fun that way. Slide your pants down, I want to touch it.”

Ross obeyed, sliding his sweats and briefs down to disgorge his cock. It stood up slightly, already aroused by her touch. April began caressing it, enjoying the feel of his flesh in her fingers.

“So have you been attending to your needs as well as mine?” she asked after giving a Ross a long, deep kiss.

“Yeah. I’m not going to go a month with no release. It was just to get it out of the way, though. Didn’t really enjoy it that much most of the time.”

“But you sometimes enjoyed it?”

April had wrapped her fingers around his cock and was slowly jerking it.

“Sometimes I thought about more pleasant times with you as I stroked and that made me feel good,” Ross said, watching her hand intently, “Like that first night you seduced me. And I do know where you keep that stash of your old movies.”

“Which one gets you off?” April asked with a smile.

“That first one I ever saw. The one with the outdoor threesome. You and the other woman both actually seemed to be enjoying it.”

April smiled. It was, indeed, one of the rare porn shoots that she had actually enjoyed. She had been in a bit of a relationship with the other actress, making the shoot more enjoyable than usual.

“I did. But it was still a porn shoot, not real sex with someone I love deeply,” she responded.

With that, April pulled her sweater up and off, becoming nervous as she did so. She wasn’t sure how Ross would take the sight of her body. Her bra followed quickly, then April stood up and started unbuttoning her skirt.

“I look so awful right now. Like a fucking skeleton. I hope it doesn’t turn you off,” she said, her voice a bit sad.

“Not at all. I’ve been seeing you naked a lot, you know. One of the fringe benefits of helping you bathe and dress.”

After letting her skirt drop, April got down on her knees and pulled Ross’ sweats the rest of the way off. He parted his legs, letting her move in close. After lightly kissing the head of his cock, she put her lips around it and gently sucked.

Ross watched, fascinated as always by the sight and feel of April giving head. Ross never failed to enjoy benefitting from her oral skills, honed over her years in sex work. Leaning his head back, Ross closed his eyes, focussing on the gentle suction as April worked her way down his stiff cock.

Suddenly, April pulled off and had a coughing fit. Ross panicked a little.

“You okay?” he asked nervously, recent memories of her coughing until she choked dancing in his head.

“I’m good,” April replied as the fit subsided, “Obviously still a bit phlegmy. Can we move to the bed? It’s a bit chilly out here.”

“No objection.”

Ross got up and shed his sweater. April took his hand and led him to the bedroom. She lay down and covered herself with her heavy comforter, then Ross crawled in with her.

“Warmer?” he asked, pulling April’s naked body against his.

“Much,” she said softly, almost sleepily.

April slid her panties down enough to let Ross’ aroused cock between her thighs. Slowly, she rubbed her pussy against his shaft, leaving a little trail of moisture along it.

“You’re wet,” Ross pointed out.

“It’s been over a month for me, too,” she responded, enjoying the feel of his cock pressed against her aroused pussy.

“You were too sick to notice for most of it.”

April giggled. Ross began kissing her and running his hands over her body. He could feel her ribs beneath her skin in a way he couldn’t before.

“Damn, you really did lose weight, didn’t you?”

“And not in a good way,” April added with a sigh.

“These are still nice and plump, though,” he went on, his hand kneading her breast.

April sighed, “A rare advantage of implants, I guess.”

“Still thinking about losing them?” Ross asked, remembering past conversations on the subject.

“I am. With your permission. I know you like my tits.”

“I’d rather have you be happy, April,” Ross said, “And if that means a breast reduction, then we can do it.”

“It won’t be cheap and I don’t know if Medicare will cover it since it was an elective boob job to start.”

Ross smiled, and said, “The cost isn’t a problem.”

April gave him a puzzled look. “How so?” she asked.

“They settled my uncle’s estate and I got a nice chunk of change out of it,” Ross explained, “We can use some of it to get a good cosmetic surgeon to fix you up and save the rest for when we want to buy a house together.”

April was surprised. She had known that Ross’ uncle died with no children of his own but hadn’t realized how much her boyfriend stood to benefit from the estate.

“You sure you want to spend your inheritance on me?” she asked.

“I’m spending it on US,” he emphasized, “And I’ll bet there are guys who’ve spent a lot more on you than I have.”

April laughed.

“Oh God, yes. Even this apartment was originally paid for by a sugar daddy,” she said as she giggled. Then she became quieter and more sober, nervously asking, “Does that bother you?”

“That’s all past, isn’t it? As long as I’ve got you all to myself now, let bygones be bygones.”

“It is behind me, Ross,” April said softly, fingers stroking her boyfriend’s face, “You’re my present. And, I hope, my future.”

April kissed him, then began rubbing against him again. Ross took the hint and resumed massaging her tits.

“I’m feeling better all the time,” April whispered, “Much, much better.”

She gasped and her body twitched. Ross felt his cock getting wetter. He was a bit surprised at April climaxing so easily but, as she had said, it had been a long time.

“Want to fuck me now?” she said when her orgasm had passed, “It will only cost you a boob job and a house.”

Ross laughed as he rolled April on to her back and mounted her. His cock slipped in easily, much more easily than he expected.

“God, that feels good,” he sighed, delighted to be inside his girlfriend again.

“Me, too. Your cock is so perfect for me,” April replied, still feeling a bit dreamy from her orgasm.

Slowly, gently, Ross began moving inside her, feeling her warm, slick tunnel around his cock. His climax began to rise fairly quickly but he kept his thrusts slow and even. It was better for him that way and he was still afraid of being too hard on April, given how fragile she looked after her illness.

“Harder, Ross,” she said quietly but eagerly, “I want it harder. Don’t just make love to me. Fuck me.”

Ross took April at her word and began fucking her fast and hard, seeing her tits wobble with each impact of body against body. He was close to climax and his body was eager for it. April’s hands held him and she began moving her hips, pressing herself tight against him.

“Jesus Christ, yes,” Ross cried out when his orgasm hit. His cock pulsed as it pumped a load into April’s body.

April held on to her boyfriend’s body and urged him on. Finally, she let out an inarticulate cry of triumph as she climaxed again. For a moment, they were both in the throes of near simultaneous orgasms, then they relaxed and Ross rolled off of April.

“Are you okay?” Ross asked after quietly cuddling her for a while.

“Better than okay. I needed that fuck as badly as you did,” April answered in a quiet voice.

“Sexual healing?”

“Something like that. Now, though, I need a rest.”

April pressed tight against Ross and shut her eyes.

“I’ll be here,” he said, caressing her bare skin.

“I know,” April responded sleepily.

Soon she was dozing in his arms.

Ross sat up a couple hours later, surprised to realize that he had fallen asleep, too. He was even more surprised to find April gone. Long naps, sometimes lasting whole afternoons, had been the norm during her illness and convalescence so he had assumed she would be out for a while. Sliding out of bed and realizing he had no clothes in the room, Ross wandered out to the living room naked.

April was sitting on the couch in an oversized night shirt and leggings. There was a thoughtful look on her face. When she saw him, April smiled and her gaze fell to his soft cock. He was surprised to see lust blazing to life in them again. His girlfriend had a very active libido and it seemed that it was recovering along with the rest of her.

“Hello. I was surprised to find you sleeping when I awoke,” she said.

“I was surprised to find you up when I awoke. Guess it’s a sign you really are getting better,” Ross responded as he put his sweater and sweatpants back on, “Decided to go more casual?”

“Yeah. This is probably going to be a casual, cozy day at home, isn’t it?”

“It is. Get as much rest as you can before we go to my folks’ tomorrow. Most of my family have never met you so you’ll be the toast of the party.”

“That was really wonderful, Ross,” April said as he sat down beside her, “Best sex since our first time, I think.”


“Maybe not the most intense orgasms. If I was stronger, I could have done better. But I felt more intimate with you than I have in a long time.”

“That I agree with.”

The cuddled and kissed a little, then April remembered something she had been thinking earlier after she woke up.

“That little church we can see from my balcony? Do they have a service tonight?” April asked.

“They do,” Ross answered, “I saw their sign when I was doing runs to the pharmacy for you.”

“Can we go? I have rarely gone to church, let alone a Christmas Eve service.”

“Haven’t gone in a while myself. You getting religious on me?”

“In a way,” April answered after a moment’s thought, “You said that you had been afraid of losing me when I was in the hospital. I was very afraid that night, too, but for other reasons. I worked so hard to escape the nightmare that was my life up until a couple years ago. The thought that I was just going to lose it all because of some damned virus … God, that would have been an awful end to the story.”

“So you want to thank God for your recovery?”

“I guess. The idea that someone has our back is kind of appealing after all this.”

“It is, isn’t it?” Ross responded, “I’m okay with going. They are a fairly liberal church as I understand it. And it’s not far.”

The service turned out to be a fun night out. They sang carols, saw a play by the children, and then joined the congregation for snacks and social time afterwards. As they chatted with a couple who had approached and welcomed them, April’s eyes fell on a familiar man in a suit mingling with the congregation.

“Who’s that?” she asked.

“Oh, that’s our minister, Reverend Austin,” replied Marilyn, the wife, “The Sunday School did the early service but he has to do a candlelight communion later. Do you want to meet him?”

“We met once, I think,” April answered, “A long time ago.”

She slipped away and went over to where the minister was standing by himself. She wasn’t really sure if she should even talk to him, but figured enough time had passed since the cold night when she had briefly been his lover.

“Hello, Reverend,” she said quietly, “I don’t know if you remember me. I’m April. We met a few years ago.”

He looked startled and April realized that her appearance had changed quite a bit. She had been a blonde back then for one thing. Then, recognition dawned on his face.

“Oh yes, April. It is good to see you again,” he said, shaking her hand.

“This is your church now?”

“It is. More suited to me than the last one, I think.”

“How are you doing?”

“Much better than when we last met,” he responded in a cheerful voice, “I’m getting married in the spring.”

April smiled. When she had last seen him, he was grieving both a previous fiancée who had died in a car crash and the fact that the woman had cheated on him with a good friend of theirs.

“That’s fantastic,” she said, “I’m so happy to know things finally worked out for you.”

“How about you?” he asked, “Are you still…?” He stopped short of naming her old profession.

“No. I’m in university now. Sociology here at Eversham. And I have a wonderful boyfriend who’s accepted my past and just nursed me through a serious illness. So all’s well,” she answered.

Both were silent for a moment.

“April, that night …,” he began, then seemed to choke up a bit, “It helped. It helped me so much, both in getting over Lisa and in my new relationship. Thank you.”

This stunned her. She had never been thanked by a former client so profusely before.

“It helped me, too,” she said, taking his hand in hers, “It started me on my present path. Maybe even saved my life. Merry Christmas.”

“Merry Christmas, April. God bless you and keep you in whatever comes next in your life.”

“Do you know that minister or something?” Ross asked her when they were walking home.

April looked away for a moment, then replied in a tense voice, “We met once. In my previous life.”

That sank in quickly.

“He was a client?” Ross asked.

“Just once,” April confirmed, “He was at a different church then. I actually stayed longer than he paid for and I gave him the money back. He was kind of a broken man at the time, suffering from both grief and betrayal by people he loved. Bringing a couple hours of pleasure and company to him that night really opened up my heart. It was probably the start of me leaving the trade for good.”

“A hooker with a heart of gold story?” Ross asked, giving her hand a squeeze.

April giggled and squeezed his hand back, replying, “I never thought of it that way, but I guess so.”

Back in the apartment, they shed their coats. April walked over close to the tree, standing just under the mistletoe, then turned to Ross. Slowly, she began unbuttoning her blouse.

“Come get your next present,” she said, lowering her voice to a seductive whisper.

“Never had a present unwrap itself,” Ross pointed out.

“Then maybe you should come unwrap it,” April responded, dropping her hands to her side, “It’s an old blouse so you don’t need to be too gentle, either.”

Grinning, Ross walked up and grabbed the front of her blouse.

“You sure?”

“Do it.”

With a sharp yank, he pulled the blouse open sending the remaining buttons scattering on the floor to the sound of April’s laughter. Tossing the ripped blouse aside, Ross put his arms around his girlfriend and undid her bra, sliding it off her arms. When the bra had joined the blouse in a heap on the floor, Ross took April’s tits in his hands and massaged them roughly while laying a firm kiss on her lips.

“You’re playing with your present and you’re not even finished unwrapping it,” April said in a mock stern voice.

“Some presents are hard to resist playing with,” Ross growled back, beginning to undo her slacks.

April giggled as he kissed and nuzzled her neck after pushing her pants and underwear far enough down to get a hand between her legs. As his lips and teeth gently kissed and nibbled her throat, a finger explored her soft lower lips and the opening between. April moved her hips a little, eager to have the finger inside her.

“Never thought going to church would be a turn on,” Ross said softly before nibbling April’s ear.

“Anything with you can become a turn on for me, Ross,” she answered, “But now I think I need to unwrap my present, too.”

Ross stepped back and helped April step out of her pants, then she pulled his sweater off over his head. Getting on her knees, she began undoing her boyfriend’s pants. When she pulled them down, his cock sprang out, already getting hard. Leaning in close, April kissed the tip and swished her tongue around the head.

Standing back up, she started stroking Ross’ cock with her fingers while giving him a long French kiss. After a moment, Ross began caressing and stroking his girlfriend’s tits. Her fingers moved back to caress and fondle his balls.

“Bed?” April asked quietly.

“Here,” Ross responded firmly. Their first time having sex with each other had been on this very floor and doing it there still aroused him fiercely.

Sinking to his knees, he pulled April down with him. They knelt facing one another and kissed again. Hands began exploring intimate spaces, April massaging Ross’ cock as his finger probed inside her moist pussy.

“Fuck me,” April finally ordered, turning around.

She got down on all fours and wiggled her ass at Ross. Grinning, he moved up behind her and guided his cock to her opening. With a swift, hard thrust, he entered his girlfriend’s wet pussy.

“Yes,” she gasped, “Take me hard, Ross. Make me your Christmas fuck toy.”

Ross didn’t really need the encouragement as he began fucking her as fast and hard as he could. April was very wet inside and his cock moved easily. Her big tits swayed underneath her body with the fast movements and collision of body against body.

“God, this is good,” Ross moaned.

“Want something better?” she asked between gasps.

“What?” he said, stopping with his cock half inside.

“Take it out and put it in my ass,” April suggested.

“Really? I’ve never even done that before. With no lube?”

“It’ll be okay. I’m hardly new to being fucked in the bum and you’ll be plenty wet from my own lube.”

A bit nervous, Ross nonetheless slid his cock free and moved it to the small, puckered hole above. He pressed the head inside slowly, feeling the tight opening grip it.

“Shit, that’s tight.”

“That’s what’s great about it. Keep going, Ross.”

Swallowing hard and worried about hurting April, Ross nonetheless slid it in all the way. The tight passage felt very different from her slick, rather loose, pussy. Slowly, he began working it back and forth inside.

“Oh God, this feels good,” he moaned, “I won’t last long.”

“Then don’t. Fill my ass with your hot cream, baby,” April moaned, moving back a bit to force him in deeper.

A few more thrusts and Ross cried out as his cock spasmed in April’s ass. The intense orgasm made his body shake with each blast of his seed. When he was drained, Ross slid out and just stared at his cream dribbling from April’s hole.

“I can’t believe I did that to you,” he whispered.

April got up and turned to him. Gently, she stroked his face with her fingers.

“There’s nothing wrong, Ross. It doesn’t hurt or anything. I enjoyed it. The tightness makes it a very intimate feeling for me.”

She kissed him, then stood up, feeling his seed running out of her ass.

“I need to shower, though. Join me? I can wash your cock for you.”

Smiling, Ross stood and they dashed to her bathroom. Once they had cleaned up, April put on a favorite nightgown and Ross put on his pyjamas. Then they turned out all the lights in her apartment but the tree and sat on the floor in front of it.

“Did you like your present?” April asked, slipping her hand inside Ross’ top to caress his chest.

“Very much. Beats a pair of socks,” he replied, giving her a light squeeze.

April laughed and kissed him, then rested her head wearily on his shoulder.

“So how’s your first real Christmas going?” Ross asked, “Living up to expectations?”

“Better. I feel so happy and alive tonight. But tired, too. I think that illness really did take a lot out of me.”

“Let’s get to bed, then. I assume we can start sleeping together again?”

“Of course. It’s been so lonely sleeping alone. I really need someone to hold me and rock me to sleep.”

April yawned, stretched, and stood up. Ross joined her and they kissed one last time under the mistletoe before walking hand-in-hand to her bedroom.




Published 7 years ago

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