Helping Out The Shutterbug

"The twins entertain their secret admirer."

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The last gray wisps of sleep fade away as I feel you snuggle into me, your hand sliding across my tummy to rest against the curve of my breast.

“Good morning, sleepy head,” you murmur into my neck with a kiss.

“Same to you,” tousling your hair, knowing we always wake within a minute of each other.

You jostle against me, shifting your hips.

“What’s the matter? You got bugs?”

“Ass hole’s a little sore, if you must know.”

“Well, I told you to put the lube under the pillow last night. Besides, I didn’t hear any complaints,” giving your nipple a gentle tweak.

“And you never will. Wet or dry or dipped in chocolate, I love it when you fuck me like that,” giving my breast a caressing squeeze and pulling my earlobe between your teeth.

“Mmmm, chocolate…”

“Paige! Paige! Get up you two! Breakfast is almost ready!”

“Coming, mom.” we both yell back.

Perhaps I should explain. We are both named Paige. And we are twins. We were named for the woman who seduced our mother when she was our age. They were together for almost ten years until Paige was killed by a drunk driver. Mom swore that her first child would be named after her, her first love. When we were born, she decided we both deserved the honor, so I am Paige Anne and my sister is Paige Marie, but every one just calls us P1 and P2.

We are very identical, which we try hard to maintain. There is only one tell that we have found. Paige has a tiny mole just to the right of her clit, but only a few people know it — me, mom, her girlfriend Mrs. Parker down the street, and a camp counsellor named Big Sue. We are also inseparable lovers, Paige and I, sharing ourselves with each other in our bed, the bath, and anywhere else we could manage as we grew up.

Mom discovered the truth when we were sixteen. We were in the bath and making enough noise that she poked her head in to check on us. What she saw was Paige sitting on the edge of the tub with my face buried between her legs. We didn’t even notice she was there till we paused to swap places and saw her leaning against the counter, her head thrown back, her robe open, and her hand a blur rubbing her clit. We watched in awe as she drove two fingers into a cunt so wet it made little slurpy noises with each thrust, bringing herself to a climax that nearly knocked her to the ground. When she finally came back to the living, she looked down at us with bright, teary eyes and a wide smile.

“I’m sorry I interrupted you, my darlings, but you are both so beautiful together and I love you so very much, I had to celebrate my joy.” She pulled her robe closed and slipped out the door. “Take your time, girls.” she called back as she went down the hall.

That night, we both tasted our first grown up woman and our mother tasted each of us. From then until now, the three of us have enjoyed each other with relish and abandon. On our eighteenth birthday, when most girls are having parties and pushing hands away from their titties, the three of us enjoyed a fancy dress dinner out together. Later that night, with candle light and champagne, mom ceremonially took our maidenheads to celebrate our coming of age.

“Paige! Paige! This is the last time I’m telling you! Time to get up!” mom’s voice echoed down the hall.

Instead, I pull you closer and trail kisses along your jaw.

“Maybe we should call in sick and find some chocolate,” I whisper in your ear with a lick, making you shiver.

“No. We have Shutterbug to deal with.”

“What about her? She just likes to look at us. Doesn’t bother me.”

“Well, it bothers me because I think she is a very lonely girl and needs someone to give her a little love. And I think it should be us.”

“She does have those massive boobs. Okay, so what’s the plan?”

“After gym, we…”


We know that’s last call or starve, so we scramble up and into the bathroom.

—————————————— 2

When gym comes to an end, we lag behind as the other girls head for the locker room. Steam is already rising from the showers by the time we come in and the air is noisy with giggles and gossip. We kill some more time stopping by Coach Jamie’s office. We know all it will take is a question about the latest women’s soccer rankings to eat up a good ten or fifteen minutes. By the time we eased away, the room is nearly empty. We quietly make our way to our lockers.

“If we don’t do that woman soon, I am going to explode!” you hiss, glancing back at coach stripping off her top, her muscled body rippling in the garish light.

“Patience, darling, patience. Remember, we are her forbidden fruit, but if the squeeze she gave my ass today is any indication, we are in for a treat the day we graduate.”

“Wait! She grabbed your ass?! What the hell is wrong with my ass?! I’m the one that wants to. . . “

“My ass is your ass, remember? Now shhh! Ready for your shower?”

As you go off, I circle back around the long rows of lockers. I know which alley holds our Shutterbug and she has not disappointed me. She is sitting on the bench, wrapped in a big towel, staring into her open locker. I can see pictures of Paige and me taped to the door. Loud humming starts to echo against the tile walls and you stroll over to the shower head directly in front of me and Bug.

As you kick on the water and drench yourself, Bug leans slowly back, peering past the open locker door. You pour out a huge glop of bath gel and begin soaping your body until you’re covered in a sea of bubbles. Your hum grows louder as you sway and caress yourself, eyes closed and head tilted back, as if lost in a sensual world of your own.

Bug isn’t bothering to be coy any more. One hand grasps the door as she stares at your liquid dance and the other is pressed between her legs. As I pad cat-like up to her, I can hear her soft plaintive squeaks as she rubs herself, her towel struggling against the heavy breasts swaying in time. I lean down and whisper into her ear.

“She really is a sexy bitch, isn’t she?”

“AHHHHHHHHHH!” Bug screams, her body going every direction at once in fright. Desperately grabbing at her gaping towel, she twists around to stare at me, white faced and wide eyed.

“Fuck! You scared the shit out of me!”

“Oh, I’m sorry, Bug,” I murmur, looking into her face with doe eyes and stroking her cheek.

“Don’t call me Bug! My name is Syd!”

“Of course it is, but you are still Bug to us.”

“And ever shall you be, Bug,” you say, sliding onto the bench on her other side, so she is sandwiched between us.

“What is this? What do you guys want?”

“We want you.”

“For what? What are you going to do to me?” Bug asks nervously, looking from your face to mine, her hands clutching the towel tight to her large breasts.

“It’s not what we are going to do to you…” I say, dragging a nail lightly down her plump upper arm.

“It’s what we want you to do to us,” you finish, tracing a line down her other arm.

“What? What do I have to do?” Bug asks with a tremble, still looking back and forth.

“We want you to take our picture.”

“A picture? Of you?”

“It’s for our mom’s birthday, a surprise.”

“But I don’t… I’m… I’m not that good…”

“Don’t be modest, baby. We’ve seen your pictures in the art lab and you got that scholarship for college next year. You’ve got a good eye behind those glasses,” I murmur close to her ear, “besides, it’s not like you haven’t taken a lot of pictures of us already. . .”

“Or didn’t you think we knew?” you ask with a smirky smile.

“I… I… I…”

“It’s settled then — our house after school, four o’clock.”

We both snake our arms around her and hug her tight between our naked bodies. We share a smile, as she drops her head and lets out a low moan.

————————————- 3

“Will you relax, Paige? She’ll be here.”

“I’m just worried she fucked herself into a heart attack after we left — that girl was quivering bad and I could smell her pussy like it was a fresh baked pie.”

“She’ll be here.”

Minutes pass while we continue to fidget and shoot each other glances. Finally there’s a quiet knock at the front door.

“Here, you get it, P,” tossing me a robe, “she’s your wounded dove.”

Sticking my tongue out at you, I hurry down the hall to let the shutterbug in.

“‘Bout time, sweetie. We were getting worried you’d stood us up.”

“Sorry, I had to get my gear, sorry,” she ekes out, as she squeezes past carrying an armful of bags and light stands.

“We’re down there, second left,” I point and follow as she totters down the hall.

Coming in behind her, I point at the bed. “We’ll be there. You can be wherever.”

She gives the room a careful look, calculating the scene in her mind’s eye.

“I’ll need a light here… and here,” she mutters to herself, as she unpacks a small mountain of gear from her bags.

“Is it really that complicated?”

“Hey, this is what I do, okay?”

“Whatever, Bug.”

“And don’t call me BUG! My name is Syd.”

“Okay, okay. Are we ready now?”

“Yeah, we’re ready.”

“Paige, sweetie. Bu — Syd says we’re ready.”

You come out of the bathroom, a towel around your hips. Bug looks over and you let it drop at your feet.

“You’re… you’re naked.”

“See, you do have good eyes. She is, too,” pointing to me lying against the headboard in the middle of the bed.

“But I thought… your mom… picture…” Bug stammers, her head swivelling between us.

“We want to be just like she first saw us.” I answer

“Smooth and naked as the day we came out of her sweet cunny together,” you add, climbing onto the bed and snuggling at my side.

“Jesus,” Bug mutters, shaking her head and fiddling with her camera. She looks up and settles her glasses, then stares, planning her shots.

“Ah, can you scrunch up just a bit more,” pointing at you, “and tuck back your hair over your ear. Good. Okay, heads straight, but follow the camera with your eyes. Smile.”

She begins shooting, shifting from side to side around the end of the bed.

“You’re too close, Syd.”

“What?” she asks, pausing.

“You’re just getting out heads. You need to get all of us,” I explain, pointing a finger from our heads to our toes.

“What’s the matter, Syd, aren’t we pretty enough?” you ask with a pout.

“No. I mean yes. Oh fuck.”

Syd flusters and goes to her bag and changes lenses. She comes back and takes aim.

“Ah, P… wait, which one are you?” pointing at me.

“One,” I smile, holding up a rigid middle finger.

“And I’m Two,” you add with a giggle, holding up two rigid fingers.

“Right. One. Can you close your legs a bit? Like your mom’s going to see all the way to China, ya know?”

“Don’t worry, baby, our mom’s been all around the world.”

Syd just stares at us and slowly brings the camera to her eye. As she begins shooting, I let my hand drop down and cup your breast, flicking your nipple with my finger, feeling it swell with each stroke. You snuggle closer with a soft moan and give my neck a nibble. I feel your hand slide over my thigh and a finger dancing along my cunt. It strokes up and down, pressing in as I open. You tease me, coating it with wetness, bathing my clit, making me shutter. I push up with my hips, pinching your nipple in earnest, when you whisper in my ear.

“I think she’s seen enough, P.”

I open my eyes and look over at Syd. She has her back up against the wall, her camera wedged between her fat breasts. Her eyes are squeezed shut, her head thrown back and her mouth open, her whole body shaking. One hand is crammed down the front of her sweats, the other outside pressing up hard between her legs as she fucks herself.

We slip off the bed and move to her. I toss her cap aside and you carefully lift away her camera and glasses. As we each take an arm, she jerks her eyes open and lets out a plaintive groan, her head doing a tennis match between us.

“It’s okay, baby, we’re here to help,” you whisper in her ear.

“We’re here just for you,” I whisper in the other as we draw up her tee and pull it off.

She squeezes out a moan as we each slip off a bra strap and unhook the back. We slowly draw it forward and down, our fingers caressing the soft, blue veined white skin of her pendulous triple d’s. As it slips off and we see the enormous plum black nipples exposed, we both gasp. Working in haste now, we pull off Syd’s shoes and sweats. Shivering in our hands, we lead her to our bed and lay her down in the middle.

Kneeling on either side, we both lean in, bathing her face with kisses, taking turns dancing with her tongue. Our finger tips draw down her neck and we fill both hands with an enormous white breast, squeezing and kneading, moaning over the silky excess. Syd is letting out little whelps and digs her fingers into the sheets as we lift them and lower our mouths over her thick engorged nipples. We suckle them, drawing them out between our lips, teasing them with our tongues, rolling them in our teeth. As her moans grow louder, we draw back and look at each other with a smile, then look down to her white little boy panties.

“I think it’s time to see what else Sexy Syd has been hiding from us, P.”

We snake a hand over her quivering tummy and slide our fingers under the band on either side of her wide mons. Our finger tips find each other, tangling through the thick, silky curls covering her sex. We both scoot down and hook the waist band with our thumbs and slowly pull her panties off. We spread her legs and gaze at her glistening cunt, open like a salmon pink orchid edged in jet black curls.

“Oh, baby, you look so delicious! Your clit is so big, so beautiful!” you husk out, then slurp your tongue up between her soaking lips and cover its fat pearly head with your mouth. Syd’s hips jerk up and she lets out a strangled cry as you pull her curls hard, opening her to your onslaught as you lick and suck. Syd begins to shake, giving a strangled cry as you fuck it between your lips like you were sucking off a little cock.

I slide my hand under your head and slowly push two fingers deep into her cunt, feeling her thrust up against us both. We move in counterpoint and in seconds, she explodes, her body arching, muscles pulsing, her mouth open in a wailing scream.

As she colapses on the bed, I pull out my fingers and suck them clean, then turn your head and lick away the sweet juice that covers your mouth and chin.

“I think she liked that, P,” I murmur, caressing your neck as you nuzzle your cheek in the thick soft curls on Syd’s mons.

“Mmmm, told you it was a good idea, P.”

We move up and snuggle each side of Syd, who is sighing gently as little twitches continue to play across her body. As we lick and kiss the sweat from her face while edging our own clits, a voice calls out from the hallway.

“Girls, I’m home!”

“Hey, mom, we’re in here.”

“Hi, sweeties, I thought I heard something. Who’s your friend?” she asks with a smile, taking a step into the room.

“This is Syd. Syd, this is our mom.”

Syd’s eyes open wide and she tries to cover herself with her hands, but we pull them away, leaving her body on display.

“Nice to meet you, Syd.” mom purrs, her eyes slowly moving down her body, “My, you’re a very pretty young lady, so very…” her voice catches as she reaches Syd’s wet, forested cunt, its lips still gaping open below her long clit.

With a throaty “mmmm,” she slowly backs out of the room, bumping the door frame as she continues to stare between Syd’s legs. A moment later, we hear a soft bump against the wall in the hallway and mom’s voice softly calling out “Ohhhhhhhhhh fuck!” then a tiny squeal we know very well.

“I think our mom likes you, baby!” you giggle in Syd’s ear, tilting her head and giving her a deep kiss.

“And I think you should stay for dinner, baby,” I add, “You’ll just love what mom does for dessert.”


Published 7 years ago

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