Snow Day

"How to wake up on a snow day."

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I wake with a long low moan, hands on my thighs holding me still. It’s daylight. It can’t be daylight. I panic for a moment until the flicker of his tongue over my clit makes my back arch. “Stop, I- I’m late.” But my feeble excuses land on deaf ears as his slips one long finger into me and I am lost again to blearily confused and disoriented pleasure.

“Snow day, Darling, just relax,” he murmurs, flipping the covers back from over his head and smiling at me, forcing eye contact as his tongue lashes across me again making me cry out, hot lust arrowing straight through me. My fingers reach down, spearing into his hair as I moan, pushing my pelvis closer to his all too generous tongue. I groan as his free hand tightens on my thigh, his tongue, lips and fingers devouring me with practiced precision. He has always knows just the pattern to turn me wild as I begin to grind and move, feeling my stomach tighter and my legs begin to tense.

“Don’t stop!” My gasp is desperate as I feel him slip another finger into me, this time curling them upwards to find my g-spot. A keening cry escapes me and my back arches again as I feel my cunt drip over my thighs. “Oh Christ, Richard… Oh God.” He hears me straining, he knows, he always knows. He reads my body like an open book, angling his fingers just slightly higher, pressing his mouth just slightly closer and one final flick of his tongue over my clit sends me reeling. His hand holds my down as my body tries to bow away, taking the impact of a thousand waves of ecstasy as the rush through me, leaving my legs shaking and the sheets beneath me wet. I am lost in clouds as his hands slip back up, over my thighs, my hips, over my breasts, tracing my neck and cupping my face as his lips connect with mine, sharing the sweet tangy flavour of my orgasm with me in a lazily erotic kiss which has me kissing him back, my hands gripping his shoulder blades.

“Good morning.” His whisper is intimate, his breath lighter than a feather on my cheek as I feel his erection brush up between my thighs.


“Shh… Be a good girl, Mina. Let me in.” My legs spread without hesitation, one moving to hook over his hip, the other bending up to the side as I acquiesce to his desires, feeling the need for a void to be filled with sudden desperation.

“Yes, Darling.” He smiles before pressing down, the pressure allowing his slow, deliberately long-winded entry, even at my hips lift to try and speed the process, he knows just the angle with which to drive me crazy. “Please.” I groan, my eyes closing for a second as my head drops back, feeling my body stretch and my cunt tighten down around his delicious member.

“Please what, My Love,” I hear the strain in his voice though. I know he likes these games, the edging around the lust that pours out between us. He leans in, kissing over my neck and I hiss through clenched teeth.

“Fuck me, Richard. Please.” He moves ever so gently, short, yet somehow, deep, slow thrusts which send my senses reeling as my fingers dig into his back. He smiles, his hands running over my arms to pull them up above my head, his fingers linking with mine to hold them in bondage. “No, let me touch you.”

“It’s my turn, My Love,” His smile is wicked, the type of smile that sends both thrill and fear into my heart as he takes control, his thrusts becoming longer, sharper, needier, as his fingers tighten around my hands as he begins to lose his impeccable self-control. His breathing becomes ragged, his voice echoing my own moans which erupt from me with abandon. “Don’t cum, Mina. Don’t you dare cum yet,” He growls, his teeth moving from those gentle butterfly kisses to scraping along my over sensitised skin, making my spine arch upwards once more. His words make me ever more aware of the impending orgasm which is speeding towards me and I am unsure in my current state of confusion, if I can hold on as he continues to plough on, his length now moving quickly and deeply, his head cradled against my neck as he pushes us closer and closer to our limits. I feel his body tensing, his moans becoming more and more rough, his hips beginning to shake.

I try to concentrate, to focus on holding back, keeping a grip of the pleasure, which has built up and up, but it is no use. The moment he sounds his release with a guttural roar I scream my way into oblivion, my whole body bucking from the bed as I feel him fill me, my cunt throbbing and gripping tightly around him. He growls, his thrusting not ceasing until, with a heaving and pained sigh he gently lowers himself to be cradled against me.

My chest rises and falls quickly beneath his head, nestled between my breasts, his fingers still tangled with mine. “You’re a naughty girl,” He murmurs after a time, pushing himself up to look at me, a boyish twinkle back in his eyes. “We’ll need to remedy that.” I flush deeply and he watches me with his piercingly green eyes and I know, as with everything he says, he really does mean it.



Published 7 years ago

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