Kicked Around: Chapter 1: A New Beginning
I never dream.
My dreams are nightmares.
When I dream, I’m always fighting.
I’m always dying.
Not anymore,
Not today.
I am winning.
No more nightmares.
Goodbye darkness, my old friend.
“Today is going to be the start of a new beginning.”
It was very early in the morning on a Sunday and emotions were mixed. Erik had just awoken from a short night’s sleep, and now he was filled with excitement for his new power.
“I’m awake because of you.” 4:05 AM. Press return. Results: It fucking worked…”
Erik was reviewing the log file for a script that he wrote just hours ago. The script completed and had successfully pulled all of the grades for every graduating class since the system had been implemented along with the final grades for the semester for any current student. Erik scanned through several of the grades, just to see how his fellow students fared in their final semesters.
Erik had been at it since 10 PM last night when he made his initial discovery.
This particular episode started while watching an old sci-fi classic. Erik was in his bedroom, drowsily watching as the main character was given a choice. That choice was leading the character into a brave new world where he was forced to question everything, including what was real and what was a dream. Just at the character was waking up in the real world, Erik’s phone sounded with an alert of a new email from Erik’s High School, containing his final grades for the year. Erik turned off the TV and clicked the link for his grades. The action took Erik down a rabbit hole of discovery for the rest of the night.
The email that Erik received was from “Streamer High Staff” and had the subject “Semester Final Grades” along with a canned message in the body. In the body of the email, there was a web link that contained Erik’s grades for the semester. This was typical. Erik would receive a similar email from the school at the end of each semester that Erik could use to find out his grades. The web link sent to him had a name-value pair alphanumeric parameter (letters and numbers) at the end of it. The value was 32 characters in length.
“Looks like a hash value,” Erik thought when he was reviewing his grades in the browser.
A cryptographic hash is a “one-way” algorithm. It’s used in modern computing as a means to store passwords securely. The concept around a “hash” is you can hash a value, but you are not supposed to be able “un-hash” the hash. This way, passwords can be stored on a system without anyone being able to read them easily.
Erik decided to view the link in a full desktop browser, so he opened his laptop. The screen turned on to the state it was in before Erik last closed the lid to his laptop. There was a web browser window opened to the “Guns A-Blazing” message board on a thread with the title “Team Onyx wins Annual Vegas Open!”. Erik opened a new browser tab and navigated to the link in his email. Curious, he opened up another new browser window and researched weaknesses in cryptographic hashes. A very popular algorithm known as “MD5” was used widely amongst developers for many years and was now susceptible to a “brute force attack.” An attacker would use what is called a “rainbow table” to check this hash against a database of hashes to find a match. The database would contain both the “plaintext” value (the “pre-hashed” value) and the hashed value. This comparison allowed Erik to find out that the plaintext of this MD5 hash value was “Thisisabigpassword123!655321.”
“Wow,” Erik thought. “That number at the end looks familiar.”
Erik reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. Erik found his student ID and looked at his student ID number on the card: 655321.
“That’s interesting,” he thought with a smile creeping onto his face.
The value “Thisisabigpassword123!” appeared to be a “salt,” a means of adding randomness when hashing a value. However, this salt didn’t appear to be random at all.
“I wonder if that’s the same salt that they are using for everyone,” he thought.
“Let’s try this,” Erik said as he incremented his student ID number by 1, making it 655322. Then, Erik hashed the new ID number with part of the string value he found: “Thisisabigpassword123!655322.”
Erik took the resulting MD5 hash value and replaced the hash value in the URL with this new hash value. Erik opened a web browser and sent the request. The response was a web page with the grades for “Jeffery Mertons.” Jeffery was in Erik’s grade. Erik didn’t know him personally, but he recognized the name because it was the next student that was shown after Erik in the class yearbook every year. Erik’s smile got wider.
With this knowledge, Erik was even more curious, so he wrote a shell script that submitted requests to the URL with a new ID starting at 1 and ending at 1 million. The ID would be appended to the same salted value he found and then hashed using the MD5 algorithm. The script made a GET request to the web server and responded with the final grades of the corresponding student for the current semester. The script saved the grades to an HTML file (a web page file) with the ID appended and the name in the title tag of the page, which was conveniently labeled with the name of the student. The file looked like this “ID – Name.html.” When opening these files, they would open in any browser to view.
Erik starts up his script.
‘This is probably going to take a while,’ he thought.
Erik looked at the time; it was midnight. Erik was exhausted, so he jumped in his bed and fell asleep. He woke up around 4 AM and quickly went to the laptop to view the results.
Reviewing the logs, Erik noticed that there were several blank records mostly from form ID 1 to 100000. For those records, there were no grades.
‘The programmer probably started the IDs at 100000,’ Erik thought.
This is common in web applications, because if you see an ID start with number 1, people may try what Erik just did.
‘Security through obscurity,’ Erik thought. “Hey, I guess it worked for ten years.” Until today.
Erik clicked through several of the grades. Then, he started doing searches by name to see what some individual students grades were. This continued for about 2 hours, checking the grades of several students who he knew to be braggers of their academic accomplishments. Strangely, he found that some weren’t the straight-A students that they postured themselves to be in front of the rest of the students. In turn, he also looked at grades of some students that had bad reputations. Most of these students had grades that matched their poor image at the school. But surprisingly, he found students that were “known” for their non-school extra-curricular activities that were far from academic, yet these students had better grades than some of the students that ‘acted like they were smart.’
Eventually, Erik became bored and tried something else. Erik removed the name-value pair of the URL and submitted a new request in the web browser. The response showed a login page.
‘I wonder,’ Erik thought.
Erik entered “admin” in the username field, and the salt he found in the password field “Thisisabigpassword123!”. The site responded with “Login success” along with a search page for every student who ever went to Streamer High.
“Hole. ly. shit…,” Erik said slowly under his breath.
Erik just hacked into the server that stored all the grades. He clicked the first name for “Aaron Adams.” There were Aaron’s final grades, with the ability to edit them.
The site had everything: all grades, personal information, address information, phone numbers, parent contacts, emergency contacts, disciplinary action, everything. It was the school’s database for storing all the permanent records of all the students that had ever attended Streamer High School.
Erik navigated to his own page on the website. In the form, there was a button to “Reset Student Grade Link.” Erik assumed this was to change the URL of the record’s external grade link. Erik continued searching the site for other actions that were available. In the “Users” section, Erik found that he could reset passwords for all the users in the application. All of the administrative staff and teachers each had their own logins, including the principal. Erik could change the principal’s access to the site to a regular teacher if he wanted to. The power Erik felt was amazing. Thinking about how Erik was going to wield this new weapon, his mind floods with anger and hatred towards one individual. Jacob.
The bad blood caused by years of conflict was now coursing through Erik. Erik searches for Jacob Schmidt.
“Oh Jacob, it’s too bad you failed shop,” Erik laughed to himself.
Erik threw caution to the wind as he updates Jacob’s grade to an “F” for Industrial Arts. Erik didn’t consider the consequences. In this moment, he felt vengeful and righteous.
“Poor Jacob. The fucking idiot couldn’t make a lamp. Maybe, just maybe, you’ll stop fucking with people,” Erik says to himself.
In Erik’s mind, Jacob was a total asshole. He was on the Streamer High School Varsity Football team. Jacob was twice the size of an average Streamer High Student and he loved to use his size to his advantage, bullying those smaller than him. Jacob was built like a brick shithouse with a personality that matched the contents of the structure. Jacob had tormented Erik since Junior High. Jacob’s harassment became worse over time. In Erik’s Sophomore year of High School, the bullying was so severe that Erik ditched a class he had with Jacob for the entire year just to stay away from Jacob. The school called Erik and his mom in for a conference, trying to determine why Erik’s straight-A record had this blemish. Erik didn’t dare say who he had a problem with, but Erik did admit that he had issues with a student in the class and it was affecting him personally. In the end, the school agreed to overwrite the grade if Erik took the class over summer school, which he did. The school updated the grade, and the F was changed to a B.
And then, there was senior prom. It was just weeks ago, but Erik was doing all he could to try and forget it. Up until that point, he had never been part of something so traumatic. What Jacob did was unforgivable in Erik’s mind. He crossed a line that couldn’t be overlooked. Erik couldn’t wait for the opportunity to exact revenge in a manner that would cause both shame and embarrassment, the way that Erik felt on a day that should have been a happy memory. Erik blocked out the recalling memory, as he focused on his actions here and now.
Erik continues to reflect on the change in grade. What if Jacob was really held back a grade? Then he would continue to torment others that are now even smaller than Jacob, given that Jacob will be a year older and even bigger than the new incoming students at Streamer High. The more things change, the more they stay the same. No, Jacob’s parents will force him to take summer school so that he can graduate and move on to the next stage of his life. Or, maybe, Jacob will have to take over Erik’s old job and flip burgers for the rest of his life while people from school point and laugh at him.
“No,” Erik thinks. “He’ll take this up with the teacher, who will tell the principal, and the principal will review the submitted grades and see that someone used the admin account to update Jacob’s grade. And then, what will they do? Who the fuck cares? I’ll be long gone by then.”
This action was rather brazen of Erik. Erik was very reserved in High school. He was mostly a straight A student with the occasional B, but he had only one lasting blemish on his record for getting a C in Gym.
“Fucking Soban,” Erik would say to himself whenever he thought about his gym teacher. “I did the fucking pull-up. Does it really matter that I can only do 1?”
Erik never was in any serious trouble, and always made sure not to cross any line that could cause him any issues in the future. In fact, Erik was bullied for a significant portion of his life. He had always been scrawnier and weaker than the other kids, and he didn’t have the sharp wit that is gifted to most teenagers in High School. But on this morning, something snapped in Erik.
Erik scanned the room. The room looked empty now that all his stuff was packed into a few boxes in another room of the house. His cap and gown were hung up neatly in the closet.
‘Only 4 hours until graduation,’ Erik thought. “And then, I’m outta here.”
Erik’s hard work throughout High School had paid off. Erik applied and was accepted to the college that he wanted to attend, majoring in Computer Science. He was an aspiring video game developer with a dream of making the next blockbuster. This was Erik’s dream, and it was this dream that helped him through some rough times in High School. Today will be the last day that he will ever need to walk through the doors at Streamer High. After today, Erik will be at The U, starting college early with summer school classes. The timing couldn’t be better. Graduate on Sunday, start school the following Monday.
But, on this morning (The Day of Graduation), when his mind should be focused on the future, instead he was obsessed with the past. He was on his own personal high, and it had nothing to do with his planned destiny. Erik imagines Jacob’s name being called over the loudspeaker, just before the ceremony begins. The principal would tell Jacob that he failed a required course for graduation. Jacob would become enraged upon learning that he couldn’t graduate. Jacob would punch the principal. Mr. Soban would try to wrestle Jacob to the ground but would go down himself after Jacob’s elbow met his face. Jacob would continue to cause a chaotic scene as the security guards rushed him. It would finally end when the guards roughly “escort” Jacob from the building.
Erik smiled at the thought of being on the other end of the bullying. Erik’s dreams began to escape him as more realistic thoughts poked into his head. No one will even check the grades, as this had probably been done a week in advance. Jacob would walk across the stage and collect his diploma, the same as all the other graduates in the building. And, down the road, if the changed grade is discovered, it will be changed back to the correct grade.
Or, maybe, someone will look into the error. They will see the system admin changed the grade on the morning of the graduation and start to investigate. Tampering with academic records is probably a serious offense. And Erik is no longer a minor; he turned 18 just before high school ended.
‘What if they decided to prosecute?’ Erik thought. “Are school grades considered government property? Did I just tamper with government records?”
The computer systems at Streamer High haven’t caught up with the state standards yet. Erik lived in a small town, with a small budget, and an even smaller pool of talent as far as technology was concerned. The computer system the school had in place was at least ten years old, and it didn’t follow modern security standards at all.
Erik’s daydreams were turning into nightmares. Paranoia took ahold and distorted his reality. Visions of long, drawn-out court proceedings that pulled Erik out of college began to flood his imagination. He didn’t hide his tracks at all. Erik just played with the web link in the email he received about his final grades. Once he logged in as the admin, he only viewed his personal grades link and Jacob’s. These were heavy thoughts for Erik early on a Sunday morning with only a few short hours of sleep. The anxiety of his actions was setting in.
As Erik’s mind raced about what could happen to him if he were caught, he decided to change Jacob’s grade back. Afterward, Erik logged off of the site. Erik’s anxiety took hold, and he didn’t know what he should do next.
‘Should I wipe the laptop in case they try to confiscate it?’ Erik thought. “What the fuck do I do?? Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit…”
Erik’s anxiety level continued to ratchet up. He couldn’t get a hold of himself. His mind raced for about an hour, and Erik’s only thoughts were of doom and gloom. It was about 8 AM now, he was very low on sleep, and he hadn’t eaten yet. Erik felt horrible, and he couldn’t get a handle on what to do.
“Fuck, I just need to relax,” he kept thinking. “Yeah, I just need to calm down, everything is going to be OK.”
Erik knew exactly what he needed. He craved his own perfect drug. Erik needed it, right here, right now. His own debilitating anxiety allowed this to occur and he convinced himself that this one feeling, the only feeling that mattered, was his only way out. This held the power to influence everything. This was his high, this was the exit, and it controlled him.
“I am Jack’s constant urge to masturbate.”
Erik opened a web browser and navigated to his favorite porn site. The red glare of the website’s banner reflected over Erik’s eyes. His zombie-like look reflected his narrow, one-sighted feelings of release. He knew exactly what he was looking for and he wasn’t going to stop until he got it. He searched for “Asian reverse cowgirl anal.” The first result was the clip he had been focused on.
Erik unzipped his pants and pulled them down with his boxers. He started in. He watched the Asian porn star as she bounced up and down while moaning seductively. She was completely naked except for her white socks and shoes. Erik had watched this clip several times. It was his favorite, and it was the one that always made him cum the fastest.
Erik was transported to his favorite place. In this fantasy, he was laying on the bed while the beautiful Asian woman bounced on top of him. Erik was holding both of her ass cheeks as he watched her sexy tight asshole fuck his cock. She was breathing deeply and screaming in delight.
Within 2 minutes start to finish, it was all over. Erik hadn’t masturbated since the day prior. Usually, he averaged 2-3 times per day (depending on if he had anything else to do that day). The number of times would increase on weekends. Since this was his first time of the day, there was a build up. And now, that build up was all over his hand and thighs. Erik released one last deep sigh as his orgasm had subsided.
Just then, there was a quick knock at the door, and a split second later the door opened. In came Erik’s mom.
“Oh good you’re already up and dressed,” she said.
She walked in and dropped off clean, folded clothes on Erik’s bed.
“We have a long day today. First, we need to pack up the car.” She continued talking as she was opening the shades. “Then, we need to go pick up your flower boutonniere on the way to Grandma and Grandpa’s house. Grandpa isn’t feeling well this morning, so he doesn’t want to drive, so we’ll have to pick them up and head to the ceremony.” She continued talking as she reached into his closet for more dirty clothes. “Then, if Grandpa is feeling better, we’ll go out for an earlier dinner after the ceremony.”
Erik was frozen, like a Deer in headlights. The blue sky was crisp and reflected through the window over Erik’s eyes. He was still holding himself with his right hand and covered himself slightly with his shirt in the other hand. He inched himself closer to the desk and leaned into his laptop slightly to provide more cover. His pants and boxers were still around his ankles, and his legs were exposed. In what amounted to microseconds, his bliss turned into sheer panic and dread, once again, as he waited for his mom to exit his room.
Erik’s mom was just about to leave the room and then stopped. Erik’s heart was pounding as his face went white in terror.
“You OK honey?” she asked. An awkward silence filled the room as Erik mustered the courage to speak.
“Yeah mom, I’m fine,” Erik said quickly. Erik’s mom sighed and walked further into the room. She moved slowly over to the edge of the bed and sat down.
Erik’s mom calmly looked outside and then closed her eyes. She took a deep breath and then said, “Look, we need to talk.”
Erik still was frozen, eyes getting wider stared blankly back at his mother. His mind was racing about what her next words were going to be. But he just wanted her to exit this room right now without saying another word.
“I know things haven’t been easy,” she started. “And I know you’ve found your own way… Of coping… with everything. I… I’m just…. I’m really going to miss you, Erik.”
Erik’s nerves were shattering as his mother continued to talk. Every word she said was like a million hot needles stabbing him in the stomach repeatedly. The cum was liquefying, dripping down Erik’s hand, making him even more conscious of the fact that his mother was having a heart-to-heart talk with him while he held his dick in his hand, full of cum, under his desk.
‘This is a fucking nightmare,’ he thought.
Erik continued to stare at his mother with a pleading look. His only response was: “OK.” Erik’s mom looked at him troubled.
“Erik, I know I haven’t been the best mother. I know I haven’t always been there, but I’m really, really going to miss you. It’s going to be hard not to see you every day. In my eyes, you’re still my baby boy.”
Erik realized that he needed to say something, or she would continue to pour her heart out to him while he sat there with a wet hand.
“Mom,” Erik said. “Can you give me a minute? I need to take a shower and get ready.”
Erik’s mom looked hurt.
“Erik, I just… I’m having a hard time letting you go,” she continued. “I just… I really just want you to know how much I love you, and that I’m so proud of you and I just want the best for you.”
She smiled at him hoping for a better response from her son who continued to be frozen and staring at her.
Erik was now sweating. He had no idea how to get out of this situation. He tried giving her the cold shoulder, he tried being polite, but she persisted.
“Mom, I really need to get ready,” he responded.
Erik’s mom looked down, feeling defeated.
“OK,” she said. “I guess, I’ll just…,” she paused.
She noticed that there was a small pile of clothes at Erik’s feet. She looked further up and realized that he was hunched over, completely hugging the desk. Then, she looked at the laptop and saw a popup screen for a “Camgirl” website, featuring “Live nude women.”
Erik’s mom was now frozen, not sure what it was she is seeing.
“Erik?” she started. “Are you…,” she realized what she was about to say and stopped herself.
She could see that Erik was not wearing anything below the waist. Her eyes widened.
“Oh my god!” she screamed out.
She stood up and darted for the door. She walked through the entryway and then stopped.
She turned back through the door with her face toward Erik’s desk.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to..,” she was cut off at the sight of her son standing, with no pants on, his wet hand reaching for the door but touching her shoulder instead.
The dampness quickly seeped through the shirt leaving a damp stain. They both looked at each other, eyes wide. They stood there for a second, either one not sure what to do next.
Erik’s mom backed up out through the door and said, “I’ll let you get ready.” She glanced at Erik’s hand touching her shoulder. “And I’m going to change.”
She moved backward, with a handprint on her shirt and then closed the door behind her. Erik stood there, blank-faced…
‘What the fuck just happened?’ he thought. “What the fuck…”
Today. Today is going to be the start… of a new beginning… This can’t be real… This must be a dream… Shit like this just can’t happen. Or can it?
Kicked Around
Chapter 1: A New Beginning
By Carmine Slate
Published on 2017-12-24
Edited for formatting
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