Joyce And Debbie, Joyce And John

"Joyce enjoys girl-girl but then finds love with an old man"

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I first met Debbie during year one at the university. We shared some classes and lived in the same accommodation block, but weren’t close, just acquaintances. We lost touch in year two because I moved off-campus into a small flat that I rented with Maria, another classmate. This flat-share worked well and continued into my third year. However, during the spring semester, love or lust must have been in the air; Maria decided to shack up with her boyfriend. I would probably have done the same had he been mine. He was a hunk and judging by Maria’s tired looks many mornings he was also an enthusiastic lover.

I was struggling to keep up with my coursework at the time and didn’t need the extra hassle of moving or finding a new flatmate. So, despite the expense, I decided to stay alone in the flat for the remainder of the semester. 

Just before the Easter break, a classmate, Cathy came to see me. “Are you still on the lookout for a housemate?”

“Not really, I’m going to wait until after the summer break before deciding what to do about the flat. Are you looking for somewhere to stay?”

“No, I’m settled, but do you remember Debbie? She needs a place.”

“I thought that Debbie was living with her boyfriend, Tom.”

“Tom dumped her. He’s now got a tactile first year to satisfy his sexual appetite. Debbie has been kipping on my sofa for the last few days, but my mum is coming to stay for Easter, so Debbie will have to find somewhere else. Could she lodge with you for a while?”

“Of course, I won’t see her stuck. We girls need to look out for each other.”

“Thank you so much. I’ll tell Debbie.”

Early next evening, Debbie arrived, suitcases in hand. To be honest, she looked a wreck. I showed her through to the bedroom and left her to unpack and put her things away.

“I’m going to make some supper. Just come through when you’re ready.”

Debbie said hardly a thing as we ate our meal and then watched television. She seemed to be on the verge of crying and, eventually, she broke down. I hugged her, holding her tight as her tears soaked my blouse.

“I’ve been a fool. I thought that Tom loved me, but I was just his sex toy. He wanted it all the time and screwed me again and again to satisfy his lust. To him, I wasn’t a person, only a body to use at his will. Other than having my fanny ravished by his cock and filled with cum, I got nothing from of our liaisons. There was no satisfaction. Intercourse was all about his needs. Most times, I had to fake orgasm to make the stud think he’d done his job and could stop shagging me. Sometimes even that backfired. Tom occasionally saw it as a challenge to try to ride me through multiple orgasms. One time, he was insatiable and despite five fake climaxes, he kept on drilling my fud until he exhausted himself. I could hardly walk afterward, but Tom still retook me next morning. I should’ve realized that Tom was only using me. But, as they say, love is blind.”

I’d had sex only once up to then, so I couldn’t imagine how Debbie coped with servicing Tom every day, often multiple times. She must have been exhausted all the time. That might be okay during the first flushes of lust, but not acceptable in a long-term relationship. My fud winced and twitched at the thought of the abuse inflicted on Debbie. It must also be devastating for her to realize that Tom had exploited her deep love for him to meet his ravenous carnal needs.  

“Shush, be strong, don’t let Tom win.”

“It’s too late,” said Debbie. “Tom’s already taken everything he wanted, thrown me in the garbage and moved onto his next willing bimbo. In one sense I’m lucky, he would still be shagging me silly if I hadn’t suggested rationing our lovemaking so that I could have time to rest and study for my exams.”

Debbie took a deep breath. “Tom lost the plot then and said, ‘I’m the only important thing in your life, if you don’t want sex with me then leave’. What a charmer. He’s supposed to be educated and enlightened. I’m sorry to say that I succumbed to his blackmail. I feared to be on the streets, so I continued to make myself available to him on demand. But, any passion or pretense was gone, and Tom knew it. Essentially, he could masturbate using my fanny. Despite this, it was still a massive shock to come home one day after classes and find him in our bed riding a busty blonde newbie. She was squealing and enjoying the rough sex, which excited Tom even more; making him think he was the great lover.

“’I warned you,’ he said to me. ‘You’re not wanted here anymore, frigid cow. Pack your things and get out.’ The girl smirked at me. I didn’t say a word, just got my suitcases and packed them. To rub salt in my wounds, they kept up their wild lovemaking while I was doing this. I was sick to the stomach and left as quickly as possible. Thankfully, I remembered that Cathy had recently moved into a nearby flat and went there. She let me stay for a few days.”

“You mustn’t beat yourself up about this,” I said. “Tom is a waster, don’t let him break you. Get your life back. Move onward, doing what you want. Finish your degree, start a career, and become independent. You will find love again but on your terms. Now, you should get some rest. We’ll talk again tomorrow.”

“Okay, you’re right, and I am tired.”

Debbie went off to bed while I tidied up the kitchen. I expected that she would be asleep by the time I went through to the bedroom but no, Debbie was restless, tossing and turning. I changed into my pajamas, got into my bed, turned out the lights and tried to sleep. But Debbie’s fidgeting and occasional sobbing kept me awake. I got up, went over to her bed and took her hand in mine and started stroking her hair.

“Hush, hush, it’ll be okay. You’re safe, you need to rest.”

Debbie put her arms around me. “I’m scared, please don’t leave me alone.”

My bed was only four feet away, so it was clear that Debbie wanted something more than just my presence in the room. I slipped into bed with her, and straight away Debbie cuddled up close. She relaxed as we snuggled and soon fell asleep. Debbie was still nestled with me when I awoke next morning. This closeness brought back fond memories of times with my sister: we shared a bed as youngsters, cozying up together in that warm protective cocoon, keeping each other safe from the scary monsters that were out there in the dark. I wondered if Debbie was reliving similar reassuring times with her sisters.

Debbie and I lay snoozing until the alarm went off. Then, it was toilette, dress, breakfast, and a mad dash off to our morning classes. Debbie was quite chipper, so different from the night before. We parted to go to our separate classes, and I didn’t see her again until late in the afternoon. I was shocked to find Debbie looking as bad as the night before. She didn’t say anything until we got back to the flat, where she broke down again.

We were in a tight hug when Debbie told me that Tom had found and taunted her that afternoon. “He said, ‘I don’t know why I put up with you for so long. You were rubbish in bed. Zara is the real deal, she’s fantastic and always ready to do it at any time and in any which way. So, good riddance.’ I just broke down, but fortunately, my classmates saw what happened and chased Tom away. Why did he do that? Why won’t he leave me alone?”

“Don’t worry. I’ll protect you, and with your classmates, we’ll make sure you’re safe from him at the university. They’ve seen how badly Tom treated you and will be glad to help. Tom is a self-centered bully who wants to get his way in everything. You challenged that dominance by questioning his right to sex with you, and he can’t deal with it. That’s why he’s acting the dork. You’ve won, you’re free of his dominance.”

“Thank you for being so kind to me.”

“Glad to help. Let’s get something to eat and then maybe have an early night. I think we both need some rest.”

“Can we be sister-sister again?”

“Ah, I did wonder if last night revived good memories for you.”

“I always felt safe with my sister. It was the same when I cuddled with you last night.”

“Of course, sisters look after each other.”  

Debbie and I snuggled in bed that evening; so snug and comfortable together that the stresses of the day quickly melted away and we fell into a deep, deep slumber. From that night, Debbie and I were bed-mates. This arrangement was not only for her benefit. To my surprise, I felt calmer and more at peace with myself once I began sleeping with her. I hadn’t realized the debilitating effect my lonely existence was having on me. Our relationship was platonic at this stage, but we became girlfriends with benefits near the end of the spring semester.

The students in our year organized an end of exams party. Debbie and I both attended and like most of the people there drunk a little more wine than we should’ve done. We were both tipsy when we left the party, but relatively sober by the time we had walked back to the flat. I was sitting on the sofa when, with inhibitions relaxed, Debbie kissed me; not the usual peck on the lips but a long lingering kiss. I didn’t resist. I embraced her gladly, and soon we were French kissing and making out. 

I said, “At last, I can make love with you. I’ve wanted to do this for a long time.”

“Why did you wait?”

“After the troubles with Tom, I wasn’t sure that you’d want a sexual relationship. I worried that I would scare you off if I made a move. I needed a sign that you were up for it.”

“Well, I’ll ring the bell now if you want. Come on, let’s get naked, get to bed, and make up for lost time.”

We slowly undressed each other, taking time with each item and caressing or kissing each newly exposed erogenous zone. Already hot and bothered, we lay on the bed and clasped in a tight embrace: lip to lip, breast to breast, mound to mound. Debbie started to kiss my neck and caress my breasts before moving down and latching her lips onto a nipple. I was sighing in response to the lovely sensations coming from my boobs when I realized that I could get Debbie’s tits in my hands. I began to gently stroke and massage them, then clasped a nipple between my lips and sucked steadily on it like a baby. This exciting action continued for some time. When I was on top of Debbie, I released her breasts and slowly stroked and kissed my way down to her hairy mound. I began to caress her inner thighs and through the fuzz around her pussy lips. When she spread her legs, I moved down and licked and sucked on her labia while rubbing her clit.

“Oh my, oh my, no-one’s gone down on me like this before. It’s blowing me away. Please, please, don’t stop.”

“You mean Tom never did this.”

“No, fingering was his limit. He could readily trash my fud with his cock but couldn’t bear to get near it with his lips.”

“What a fool, missing out on something this good. Enjoy this first time, I’ll give you my best.”

Debbie was contentedly moaning as I began to lick her fanny lips and then I pushed my tongue into the entrance of her love tunnel. I was probing Debbie’s fud as fast as I could when it began to convulse, she groaned, her body spasmed, and cum flowed. The contented smile on her face as I licked out every drop of her sweet nectar was priceless. 

I drew myself up beside Debbie, and we shared a French kiss, my tongue soaked with her juices. Debbie then worked her magic on my fanny, and she soon had me quivering and flooding her mouth with cum. Her tongue tasted so sweet as we finished off with a lingering kiss before slipping between the sheets and having that joyous just after sleep.

Early next morning, Debbie was gently nibbling my neck. “Wake up. I want it again.” 

Our lovemaking was as passionate as the night before — and again, and again, as we repeatedly shared each other over the next day. Two delighted women were canoodling in bed the following afternoon.

“I love you so much. The passion has been wonderful,” said Debbie, “but I can’t cope with it all the time.”

“Intercourse with Tom became a never-ending, and a non-satisfying chore for you didn’t it? Sex shouldn’t be like that; it should be a mutual pleasure shared at special times by loving couples. That is what I want for us.”

“Yes, I’m glad you understand. I love you so much and don’t want to spoil things. I can promise that when our desires do overwhelm us the passion will be exceptional and we will rock each other’s boat.”

“I only want you to be happy and satisfied. Let’s go back to sister-sister until we both feel the urges again.”

To avoid any doubts Debbie and I agreed on a signal system. A pink perfume bottle left on the bedside table indicated that one of us was up for woohoo. Placing of a second identical bottle on the table meant that the other was also ready. This second stage was a bit redundant since neither of us would turn down the chance to make love to the other. But to know that we were both up for it was a release. There were no inhibitions, our lovemaking was unfettered, intense and mutually satisfying.

For the first couple of months we made out once or twice a week, but then the dynamics changed. We noticed that there was a cluster of five to six days in each month when we were both very frisky, but outside those times, our urges were infrequent. Neither of us could understand this but eventually realized it might be due to synchrony. Since Debbie and I began sleeping together, our monthlies had steadily harmonized. It was likely that we also ovulated in a coordinated manner and that meant that our libidos were at their highest at the same time as well. No wonder we could hardly keep our hands off each other. We had to make sure there was plenty of high energy food available to sustain us through those randy days.

Debbie and I were a settled, happy and loving couple for almost a year but this changed during the spring semester of our fourth year at the university. I received a telephone call from Linda, the mother of my former flatmate, Maria.

“My father John is staying with me while recuperating from illness,” Linda said. “His recovery is going well, so now it is only a case of providing some tender loving care and companionship. But I need to go away for a few days to nurse my sister and I can’t leave John here on his own. Maria can’t come home because of her field trip next week but she suggested that you might be available. I know it’s an imposition, but could you spare a few days to look after my father?”

I had no exams at that time, so I readily agreed and traveled out that afternoon so that Linda could go to her sister as soon as possible.

John was sixty-seven and looked a bit frail but he was cheery and talkative. I made dinner, we ate together, and then chatted into the evening. John was interested in my studies and the vagaries of student life. He went off to bed around nine o’clock. I checked that he had everything he needed for the night before I retired to Linda’s bedroom and quickly fell asleep. It had been a hectic day.

I heard a noise at around three in the morning and went to investigate. John was talking in his sleep, “Maggie, Maggie, this is wonderful, I love you so much.”

He repeated this time after time, but seemed otherwise at ease and okay, so I took my tired body back to bed.

We had breakfast together, and I proposed that we go for a walk since it was a warm and sunny morning. John was delighted with the idea, and we were soon on our way. Linda had told me that John liked country walks but failed to mention that this could involve hiking for miles over rough ground. I struggled to keep up with him as I was used only to walking to and from lectures, not country rambling. But, I enjoyed being out in the sunshine and spending time with John. He was worldly-wise and chatty with many experiences and tales to share.

John left school at fourteen, became a farm laborer and then rented his first croft when he was twenty-four. He married his sweetheart Maggie, and together they built up a successful sheep farm which they operated until five years ago. Maggie had a severe illness, so they gave up the farm and moved into a small house. Maggie’s health stabilized and they had a further three contented years together before she passed away. Since then, John had lived on his own.

“I miss Maggie so much, she was my soulmate, we did everything together and depended on each other.”

I could see that John was grieving and, following what happened last night, I thought he must be dreaming about their times together.

“Maggie and I both enjoyed sex and shared our passion as often as time would allow,” he said. “We couldn’t get enough of each other. I miss that intimacy and passion. Now, I only have vague memories of the wild times when we shagged each other silly.”

Oh my, too much information!

I was embarrassed at hearing such explicit details about their love life and blushed profusely. However, I soon realized that John was just trying to emphasize the strength of the bond between them. In his enthusiasm, John didn’t realize how graphic he was being about their activity between the sheets. We all have older relatives who can say the most atrocious things and not understand that they’ve done anything wrong. I just went with the flow and, over that day, got the full history from John. If he and Maggie did it so often, how did they have the time or energy to do any work? Talk about burning the candle at both ends. I didn’t think that he was exaggerating. It seemed this intimacy was essential for both of them and John’s dream last night now made sense. 

It was late in the afternoon when we arrived back home. We had dinner, and then he fell asleep on the sofa while I washed up and tidied the kitchen. John woke up when I came through and switched on the television. We watched the news and then went off to bed, exhausted by all the hiking. As on the night before, I awakened at around three.  Again, John was calling out the name Maggie and saying how good she was, reliving their fun times together.

Over breakfast, I suggested that we visit a nearby stone circle. I knew that he and Maggie had often gone there together and thought the trip would rekindle fond memories for him. Little did I know that this hidden spot was where he and Maggie went to share their love while they were courting. We reached the site by mid-morning. John happily showed me around and talked about the history of the area but became melancholy and almost tearful when speaking about the times he and Maggie spent there.

It was a warm day, and we were lying on the grass, soaking up the sunshine when I glanced at John. He looked sad and dejected; not what I’d hoped to achieve that day. I still can’t be sure what triggered my next action, probably the heat of the moment or delirium. I sat up and pulled John’s hands onto my breasts.

“I think you need to relive some of your youth.”

John looked startled. “Joyce, are you offering yourself to an old man like me? Lassie, I want you but only if you’re sure.”

“Age is only a number. You’re only as old as you feel and what you are feeling is a young love-hungry female.”

Very soon, we were naked in the long grass, and he was stroking and licking my breasts. John knew all the erotic buttons to push and quickly got me aroused and my slit was soaking wet. I ran my hands up and down his chest and circled down there, stroking his erect cock with my hand.

“Leave that, for now, lass. Let me do the work, just relax and enjoy.”

John’s hand moved on to my mound, and his fingers ruffled my bush before seeking out the mother lode. My pussy lips quivered as his fingers gently massaged them and stroked my now available clit. Then, John went down on me, kissing my labia, sucking and licking, and then driving his tongue between them and into me. That supple organ found and stimulated many sweet spots in my vagina. Debbie had licked me out on many pleasurable occasions, but this felt more intense and exciting, possibly because an experienced man that was pleasuring me but more likely from knowing that this was just a starter for the main course. I began to moan and shudder and soon copious juices were dripping from my fud.

John moved up to me and started to tease my snatch. His cock looked ample in size at this early stage but rose even more to the occasion. The shaft lengthened and swelled and, as soon as his cock tip found my moist pussy lips, John’s love tool went from a medium baton to an engorged truncheon. Oh my, how am I to cope with this fanny buster?

The tip of John’s erect cock burst through my vaginal entrance and slowly plowed its way into my love tunnel. This penetration wasn’t painful, probably because my pussy was already soaking wet, and John was gentle and took his time. I was, however, struggling to deal with his shaft. The length and girth stretched my pussy in every which way. Fortunately, John stopped when his cock was entirely inside me and lay down on my chest. I clasped my hands around his back, relaxed and tried to breathe normally again. Then, a female sexual wonder came to the fore: my vaginal muscles steadily adjusted, allowing my love tunnel to accommodate but still tightly encase his enormous cock.

John sensed this, pulled back a little and then started slowly stroking the shaft back and forth inside me. In no time, he had ridden me to a climax. John stopped to allow me to recover a little but soon started drilling my pussy as before. After a few minutes, the frenzy building in my fud was threatening to overwhelm me, and my whole body began to shudder. John increased speed in response and I was shrieking in ecstasy when his cock spasmed again and again and shot its load of cum inside my exhilarated fud.

Although it wasn’t my first time with a male, I consider that I lost my virginity on that day with John. My first occasion had been a non-satisfying quickie at a school-leavers party; The eighteen-year-old lad was just about inside me when he ejaculated. This time the sex was all-consuming as John raided the whole of my pussy, ravished it and rode me to orgasm. I was used as a woman, responded as a woman, and had satisfied my man.

We lay on the grass, exhausted but ecstatic. I planted a long lingering kiss on his lips. “Thank you, that was amazing. You’re all man, and I’m not an innocent lassie anymore, I’m your woman.”

“It’s me that should thank you. That was the best medicine for me. You’ve made me feel alive again. You are all woman.”

Eventually, we got dressed and slowly wandered our way home. My knickers became soaked as cum trickled from my satisfied fud. As they say, what goes in must come out. I didn’t care, a small price to pay for post-coital bliss.

We were both exhausted when we reached home, so had a light snack and soon went off to bed. I followed John through to his room and then stunned him by undressing and slipping into his bed.

“I don’t want to sleep alone. I want to be with you in this nice double-bed.”

John needed no further prompting. He quickly undressed, got in beside me and took me in his arms. We kissed and cuddled before sleeping. In fact, we slept through to mid-day. John was just stirring as I slipped back between the sheets after going to the loo. He leaned over and kissed me.

“Yesterday, you said you’re now a woman. That’s true, but you’re still a novice. There are many things to learn so that you become a whole sexual woman, who can take and give pleasure in a full and equal measure.”

John started to stroke my breasts and kissed me longingly on the lips. Is he going to have sex with me right now? I thought that the latency period for older men was several days, but when I slipped a hand down to John’s cock, I found that this was not so. The beast began to stir as soon as I touched it. The realization that I could turn John on again so quickly made me feel feminine and sexy.

John started to stroke my breasts and sucked my nipples. I was already sighing when he began kissing and licking downwards to my belly button and my mound of Venus. Pushing off the duvet, John slipped down the bed and nestled his head on my legs. I spread them wide to give easy access to my pussy, which he slowly fingered. Then, he pushed his tongue deep into my love hole and began to lick me with abandon. I was surprised to be exhilarated so much by this oral; it was almost like being touched for the first time. Soon, I had an intense orgasm, and John was struggling to sup my flow of honey.

John came up beside me on the bed, and I started to kiss and suck his nipples. It felt strange to latch on to these small hairy buds, but his appreciative sighs indicated that he enjoyed it. I moved down and kissed his belly button. After lingering there for a while, I moved to the critical area and slowly licked the underside of his cock. This action roused John’s love tool and when I took it in my mouth I couldn’t gobble the full length. But I licked and sucked as much of the mighty shaft as I could, all the while stroking between John’s legs.

I felt his cock start to get even harder. “Stop, I mustn’t cum. That’s for elsewhere.” John turned me over on my back, lifted me up slightly, placed a pillow under my hips and parted my legs. This move left my fanny propped upward and wholly exposed. I soon realized why John did this. When his cock was inside me, previously pristine depths of my love tunnel were now being stretched and trashed by the pulsating head of his cock. As before, John stopped to allow my vagina to adjust and comfortably clamp around his member and then he started to slowly stroke in and out.

After five to ten minutes, I was bucking wildly on the pillow and close to orgasm, but John stopped for a few moments, allowing my arousal to stabilize. When he restarted, the strokes were much faster, harder, and more penetrating than before. I nearly climaxed because of the new pleasurable sensations from the depths of my fud but managed to hold on. John’s balls were banging against my bum as he rode my pussy faster and faster. I was again closing on climax when John gave three mighty thrusts with his cock. I went into a screaming orgasm as his cock then tremored and tremored inside my needy fud and filled it with masses of cum. We held each other tightly, enjoying every sensation as fanny and cock pulsed together and slowly settled after intercourse. The earth moved for both of us that day.

Eventually, I pulled the duvet back over us and cuddled up with him. “Thank you so much, you’re a wonderful lover. I’m on cloud nine.”

“It’s not all down to me. You’re naturally amorous and sexy. You know how to turn on a man. We can work on this some more tomorrow if you want?”

“Oh, yes please, yes please.”

We slept through to next morning. “Are you awake lazybones?”

I felt embarrassed to find that John was already up and about while I was still in bed, tired but in bliss from our exertions of the day before. I showered and dressed, and we shared the meal that John had prepared that morning.

My pussy tremored when John said, “Eat up. We’ll need plenty of energy for today.” 

John and I made love daily during my stay. He taught me many ways to give and get pleasure through intercourse, showing that nothing is better than sharing sex as equals and knowing that you have satisfied each other in full measure. 

Linda telephoned to say her sister had recovered and that she would be home on Tuesday afternoon. So, on Monday afternoon, I washed and replaced the bed linen and tidied the house just to be sure there was no evidence of our sexual activities.

John and I woke early on Tuesday, had a hearty breakfast and set off for the stone circle site where we first made love. I took a rug with me, which I saw intrigued John, but he didn’t ask about it. We were warm when we arrived at the spot and soon became searing hot as we petted heavily.

Now that we were both randy, I sprung my surprise for John. I got up, put the rug on top of a fallen standing stone and bent over with my chest resting on the material and my fanny up in the air at around cock height.

“Do me doggie style.”

“Are you sure. I don’t want to frighten you.”

John was hesitant because this most animalistic form of sex requires the female to relinquish any control and place themselves entirely at their man’s disposal. He wasn’t sure I was ready for that.

“I know that you want it. I trust you completely, so do me, do me now. Let yourself go, don’t worry about me.”

 John kissed my expectant pussy lips and began fingering them before entering my snatch with his hard cock. The penetration he achieved in doggie style was terrific; I’m sure the tip of his cock was sniffing around my cervix. Also, this position allowed me to concentrate exclusively on the action in my fud. His cock struck every sweet spot on the way in and on the way out. The unexpected was that in the backstroke John almost took his cock out of me, leaving only the tip in the entrance before driving the full length of the shaft back into me. He did this at least twelve times. My fanny was on overload and trying desperately to clamp itself around that rampant shaft to lock it in place.

“Please, I feel like I’m going to burst. I can’t take much more of this pounding.”

John didn’t stop, only switching to shorter albeit more rapid strokes. I began quivering as my fanny frantically tried to tease that cock into giving up its load. I was well on my way to climax when John plunged his cock deep into me and stayed there. My fanny was now impaled on his throbbing shaft as it began to ferociously pulse and tremor. I screamed as I orgasmed while his cock delivered its load of cum.

As I was regaining composure, I saw that John was now lying on the ground gasping for breath, having taken me to my word and wholly exhausted himself on me. I also spotted a herd of cows looking over a fence at us. I laughed to myself. Were they jealous? They had every right to be because for me it had been fantastic.

I managed to crawl over to John and hugged and kissed him. “Thank you. That was the best. I’m glad your animal lusts took over.”

“Wonderful. I did as you asked and let myself go but I was worried that I’d overdone it. I’m happy that you enjoyed doggie style. I can see that you’re a hungry sex vixen.”

“There were stages I thought that I wasn’t going to cope, but I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. Now I know how satisfying it can be to give yourself freely to a man that you trust.”

After sleeping in the sun for an hour, we dressed and set off back to the house. Linda was already there and had afternoon tea prepared.

“Where did you go today?” she asked.

“We went to the stone circle.”

“Ah, you used to go there a lot with Maggie.”

John nodded sheepishly.

We all dined and chatted for a while before I said my goodbyes and set off to catch the bus so that I’d be back at the flat by late evening. Leaving so soon helped avoid having to deal any with uncomfortable questions about what John and I had been up to during the week.

John had looked old and frail when we first met, but as my well-used pussy could testify, he wasn’t weak in all departments. Also, he was now a different person, active, bright, and perky. Sex was apparently the perfect remedy for him. The fact that our rampant and satisfying love-making had been therapeutic for John was the icing on the cake for me. I had plenty to mull over on the journey home.

As soon I approached the flat I knew that something was amiss.There were no lights on. When I got into the flat, there was no-one there, just a letter from Debbie. She and Tom were again a couple. They met by chance on a field trip during the previous week, and the sexual sparks reignited immediately. They were soon at it like rabbits. Love being blind, Debbie decided that this time it was for real and had moved back in with Tom.

I was devastated by Debbie’s choice but, considering what I’d been doing during the same week, I’d no grounds for complaint. But my previous euphoria drained away, leaving me feeling sad and lonely during that long, long night. By morning, I had resolved to move on and I threw myself back into my studies. I became a workaholic.

It was about four weeks later that I noticed changes within me. I had unexplained pains, cramps, and tiredness. I went to the doctor and soon had a diagnosis that merited visits to my Mum and John.

One week later there was a knock at my door. Debbie stood, soaked to the skin and crying her eyes out.

“Come in and get those clothes off before you catch your death of cold.”

I got warm towels and dried Debbie as best as I could, but she was shivering. I put her to bed and got a couple of hot water bottles, but this had little success. I knew that exchange of body heat might work, so I stripped off, got into bed and clasped her tightly to me. She felt cold but slowly and surely warmed up and stopped shivering.

“What has happened? Why did you get soaked like that?”

“Tom threw me out when I told him I was pregnant. I thought he would be pleased, but no. He just said, ‘If you’ve got a bun in the oven, that’s your fault, your responsibility, not mine. So, get out of here now.’ I couldn’t believe it but just left his flat and was making my way here when the deluge started.”

“Rest now. You’re safe, and we can deal with all these things.”

“I’ve been a fool, I’ve ruined everything.”

I took her hand and placed it on my abdomen. “You’re not the only fool. I have a little one growing in here as well.”

Debbie looked at me agog. “How did that happen?”

“Do you want a biology lesson?”

“No. You know what I mean.”

“Let’s just say that I fell for a well-endowed farmer. The sex was mind-blowing but left me with an extra present.”

“What’s going to become of us?”

“Well, we’ll be an unusual couple, two mums and no dads.”

“You mean?”

 “Yes. I love you. If you’re happy, we can be a family.”

“I’d like that.”

I was pondering all these events as Debbie lay sleeping in my arms. We’d been a happy monogamous couple with no inclinations to stray, so the odds against both of us going out and getting pregnant at the same time must have been enormous. Then it dawned on me: Debbie and I were in synch and that first time apart from each other had coincided with our usual monthly frisky-time. For both of us, the egg was ready, the nest was ready, and we were up for it. Given this impetus and available males, mother nature did the rest and found a way to close the procreation loop.




Published 7 years ago

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