On the wall in the living room hangs a picture of a pair of black pumps. They are shiny with high heels. One is standing; the other one lies on its side. It is impressive how the photographer has found a nice composition and play of light with such simple objects. For those who know, the shoes are a reminder that Tina is not only the caring finance admin her colleagues see. In code, the picture shows her other side. The image is important to her because the shoes changed Tina the office girl into Mrs. Tina Vixen.
After she and Kevin had called quits on their marriage, Tina had dated a few short-term lovers, three in total. None of them had been very satisfactory, and one wine soaked night she had confided in her friend. Amy was also single, but seemed happy and satisfied. Tina asked for the secret to Amy’s happiness.
Amy smiled, “The secret is that there are men, quite a few of them, who can be trained to serve your every desire.”
“I have looked for one, but no luck so far,” Tina giggled.
Amy grabbed Tina’s hand like a teenage girl telling her best friend a secret. “Tomorrow, come to my place at eight in the evening. I will arrange a well-trained guy. Just promise to be open-minded, and not to judge.”
“I promise.”
Next day Tina was confused. She did not put it beyond her friend to play a practical joke, but somehow she sensed Amy was not joking. The alternative, that Amy would arrange a guy for Tina to have sex with, was also hard to imagine. Amy was a wild one, but would she set two people up for a sex date at her house? Just when she wanted to call her friend with an excuse Amy texted, “White wine in the chiller, will see you at 8 ;-).”
What did that wink mean? A hint that the talk from the day before was a joke, or did it allude to a naughty plan? Either way, Tina felt she had to go now.
Deciding what to wear had taken ages. Tina settled on a not too sexy short skirt and a tight top. Underneath she wore matching lingerie because you never know. As soon as Amy opened the door, Tina realized something special would happen. Her friend wore high heeled boots, a short leather skirt and a tight, sleeveless black leather top. It looked utterly sexy and not an outfit for a quiet glass of Chardonnay on the couch.
Amy led her friend into the half-dark living room and served her a glass of white on the couch. Tina’s head raced to keep up with events.
“Your outfit,” she started, “I mean it is beautiful, but I didn’t know you are into… ”
“Kink,” Amy finished the sentence. “I am into it big time, and I think it will work for you too. But remember, no judging. For now, all you need to do is to swap your shoes for these.”
She presented Tina a pair of high-heeled pumps, the same ones that are in the picture. She laughed at Tina’s skeptical face and reassured her she would not have to walk in them. Though she suggested Tina would at least stand in them to experience their power. She did. The shoes made her feel tall and strong like she was surveying the world from a mountain top. She sat down again and sipped her wine. Did she image it or did her friend enjoy her unease?
Her glass empty, Amy called out, “Kay! Refills and service!”
A man walked into the room with a bottle. Tina’s eyes went wide. The man was naked, stark naked. He was also quite good looking. Clearly, he sported a lot and kept his body in shape. He refilled the glasses, put the bottle away and stood before Amy with his hands behind his back. Tina appraised the guy’s body: his strong legs, the cute ass and the well-defined muscles of his shoulders. She had never been with a man so ripped and realized with a shock she might be tonight.
“Thank you, Kay. Now show my friend how much you like her shoes,” Amy said.
The man sat down on his knees before Tina, took her left foot and planted a silent kiss on the toe of her pump. She had to repress a giggle, but felt touched by the sincerity of the man’s gesture. Tina watched him lick the sides of her pumps. She knew vaguely this kind of thing happened, but associated it with weird people at strange parties; not with her friend’s living room. She sipped more wine and became comfortable with the situation. She looked down past her foot and saw the man had an erection. He enjoys this!, Tina realized. Fascinated she experimented. She rotated her foot, and the man licked the areas offered.
She looked at Amy who sat like a queen on her chair. Their eyes met. Amy raised her eyebrows a little as if to ask how the service was. Tina almost did a double take when she realized how hot she found the situation.
She looked down on the man again and saw him carefully licking the shoe. He seemed unaware of anything else and still had that big erection. Tina offered her second foot for the same treatment. This time she paid closer attention to her servant. He made sure not to miss the smallest spot. The total devotion to his job fascinated Tina. He even licked the heel when she offered it to his tongue.
The man unclasped the pump and took it off her foot. He kissed Tina’s naked sole and massaged it. His thumbs slid from heel to toe, following the arch of her foot. It felt good, superb. Tina relaxed and sank into the sofa. She had always enjoyed a good foot rub, and this one was excellent. There was strength in the man’s fingers, though his touch remained gentle. She felt the light, damp touch of his tongue on her big toe, and pushed her foot towards her servant’s face to encourage him. He responded by sucking her toes one by one. It was marvelous how he understood her hints.
Tina put her other foot on Kay’s the muscular upper leg. He managed to open the clasp, take off the shoe and carefully put it away with one hand. He lifted her second foot to his face, and licked and sucked both. Tina noticed that special sensation between her legs. She knew it from masturbation. From when she pinched her nipples in just the right way and stroked her inner thighs with just the right pressure. Seldom had a man given her this special pleasure. She had gotten aroused and wet enough with various guys, but this almost electric tingle had always remained in the realm of solo-sex. Tina’s hand strayed to to her thighs, but she controlled herself.
Amy must have noticed. “Good, that will do for now. Follow me.”
Kay put down Tina’s feet and followed his mistress to the door. Tina reluctantly got up. She was a few steps behind Kay on the stairs and struggled not to grab his firm buttocks. They looked so tempting. Amy led them into a room with a large bed. She fitted leather cuffs to Kay’s wrists and ankles. Tina watched in silence how Amy blindfolded her sub and guided him onto the bed. Again, she marveled how well Kay knew what was expected of him. He lay down on his back, spread his arms and kept his legs together. It could not be a coincidence that the eyes on the cuffs met up with three short ropes connected to the bed frame. It took no time for Amy to tie the man down. The last thing she did was to roll a condom down the hard penis of the horizontally crucified man.
Amy walked to the door. “He is all yours now. He knows not to have any orgasms before you allow him. Once you are finished, please untie him and come back down. Kay will let himself out.”
Tina rushed out of her clothes, so much for the matching lingerie. That the man could hear but not see her was liberating. She noticed how he remained calm though he must have heard how impatiently she undressed. She checked the wetness of her sex. To her surprise, two, three fingers slid in at first touch. She looked at the hunk on the bed and decided to find out what else his tongue could achieve. Tina knelt down with his head between her legs, putting her hungry vagina inches away from her servant’s face.
“Lick me.”
Immediately, Tina felt the touch of Kay’s tongue. His skills did not disappoint. Though blindfolded, he found all the folds and creases between her lips. Unlike the hasty fumble for her clit most guys had treated her to, this was a leisurely, complete exploration of every pleasure point in her sex. She lowered herself further down on his face. Before she realized it she was smearing her wetness all over. She groaned while she rubbed the hairy mound above her clit on his chin. Kay adjusted his position to give Tina the most intense sensations.
Tina grabbed wildly behind her and found the hard cock ready. She craved it like she had never had before. Changing position, she impaled herself on Kay’s erection. Tina gasped for air; she had to sit still for a few seconds to avoid an immediate orgasm. This was too good to finish already. Once she had her breath back under control, she rode up and down Kay’s shaft. She planted her hands on his chest muscles, closed her thumb and forefinger around his nipples and pinched. A long, low grown came in response.
“Move boy, get into my rhythm and fuck me like you want me to cum.”
Kay obliged, and how. He thrust his athletic hips up to meet her butt, moving underneath her, doubling the fire in her crotch. Tina’s orgasm approached like an avalanche. She bent over forward and bit hard in Kay’s shoulder; a primitive act that felt completely natural. Even Kay’s flesh did not silence the scream that accompanied her orgasm. It was a primordial cry. And, with that cry Tina the Vixen was born. She rolled off Kay’s chest, smiling a stupid smile. Tina saw it all crystal clear. This was the way she would use men from now on.
After a few minutes, she started to play with her servant’s cock. She peeled off the condom and stroked the gleaming head with the tips of her fingers. This elected twitches and small groans from Kay, but he did not cum. She grabbed the cock and wanked it fast and rough in a way that no man had ever held out against for long. Soon, Kay asked her if he was allowed to cum. In a flash of inspiration she opened her hand.
“No, not yet.”
The guy desperately tried to relax his body, to bring his breath under control and to come back from the edge. Tina was impressed he managed and told him so. She gently stroked his cheek as if to console him with his suffering. Feeling his warm body against hers reawakened the lust between her legs. She had always though multi-orgasms were a myth, or for other woman than her, but tonight might be different. She straddled Kay again. This time the other way round as if for a sixty-nine. But, she had no inclination to suck him.
“Lick me again. Be gentle this time.”
The man obeyed, and Tina felt the soft touch of his tongue tracing her outer lips once again. Taking all the time in the world, the tongue touched and probed: never too hard, never too fast, producing a steady flow of pleasure. Tina stroked Kay’s thighs and balls. His cock twitched, but he still controlled himself. Soon, Tina pushed her hips back to signal that Kay should increase his efforts. Her own climax coming closer, she grabbed his erection again.
“You may come when I do.”
Her second orgasm hit Tina. She cried out again. A deep growl and a large amount of cum escaped her sub miliseconds after. Tina collapsed, breathing like a person saved from drowning. After five minutes she untied the man who had given her so much. She took off his blindfold and kissed him. He seemed almost embarrassed by her enthusiasm. After a long, warm hug she let him leave. She put her clothes back on and walked down the stairs.
Amy greeted her with a glass of wine, “That sounded like it worked for you.”
Utterly unembarrassed Tina put on the pumps and walked a few unstable steps.
“I think I will take these. They work for me.”