i’m dying—
there can be no other explanation for
the way my heart beats against its bone cage
the way my lungs tighten and swell
as your tongue maps the arch of my throat
to the curve of my breasts.
i’m dying—
burning to death
as your hands fan my ribs, nails
bite into my skin, tongue
departs to explore the
burning apex between my thighs
leaving a trail of fire in its wake.
i’m dying—
as your fingers part me, tease me, tempt me,
flirt with the part of me the aches for you,
throbs for you, beckons you,
quivers with nerves alight,
but you don’t;
you bastard, you won’t.
i’m dying–
and my cries are my death throes
as finally you move over me
as you move into me,
hands on my wrists and
lips on my neck and
hips locked with mine,
the two of us, skin and sweat and
scorching heat, entwined.
i’m dying—
but as your body collapses onto mine,
and we shudder and shake
and gasping mouths seek and find;
as ecstasy spills between us
from where we pulse with heat, combined,
i know:
i have never felt more alive.