Boarding School – Punished by Matron and her Friend

"I was sent to Matron for a spanking but ended up being humiliated by two women"

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Matron has written her account of my punishment and told me to post it without any changes or she will punish me again. She instructed me to explain the background and nothing else. 

My name is Adam and I am nearly 17 years old. I am quite fit and enjoy most sports. This is my first day at Boarding School (Matron told me not to say which). When my parents brought me here the headmaster told them that discipline was very strict which they were happy to sign up for as they thought it would be good for me.

At my first lesson of the day Mr. Bradley came into the room and everyone stood up … except me. He shouted at me and made me stand for the rest of the lesson and told me that all pupils stand when a teacher enters the room. I started to tell him that I didn’t know this but he got angry and told me to go to see Matron. I began to ask why I was going to see Matron but he got more angry still and told me to go to see Matron and to make sure to tell her he was cross with me.

I’d already come across Matron when I first visited the school. The headmaster had been talking to two attractive women and the person showing us round told us one was Matron and the other, Mrs. Smith, the headmaster’s secretary. 

Matron says I was right to give the second lady the name ‘Mrs. Smith’. She says that is enough from me and told me she will write the rest.


Matron’s Account

My room is next to the headmaster’s office and the boys are usually sent to me for punishment unless they have done something very serious when the headmaster takes over.

There was a knock on my door.

“Come!” I called.

The door opened and a boy in sixth form uniform came in and began speaking immediately, “I was sent…”

I put up my hand and stopped him, “I will tell you when to speak. Why are you here?”

“Mr. Bradley told me to come to see you,” he replied.

“You know who I am so you will use my title when you speak to me,” I said sternly. “Try again.”

“Mr. Bradley told me to come to see you .. Matron.”

“That’s better. What is your name and class?” 

“I’m Adam Taylor. I’m in the lower 6th.” 

The boy saw my look of annoyance before he added “Matron”

“Right, did Mr. Bradley say anything else?” 

Adam quickly added, “Oh yes, he said to tell you he is cross with me.”

“I see, you should have told me that immediately. So you are here for discipline,” I said.

“No, he just told …” I put up my hand to stop him again.

“I hope I won’t have to tell you everything more than once.” I sighed, “I’ve already explained that I will tell you when to speak.”

He waited for me to continue. Good decision!

“Mr. Bradley sent you here to see me,” I said, “that means that he wishes me to punish you. He told you to tell me that he was cross with you, that means he expects me to give you a more significant punishment. What did you do wrong?”

Adam looked unsure, thought for a moment, and realised. “I didn’t stand up when he came into the room. It’s my first day and I…” I put up my hand again.

“It’s your first day and already you are here to be disciplined by me!” I shook my head, “Tell me what you did to make him cross.”

“I don’t know,” he began, “Oh, probably because I told him I didn’t know about standing for a teacher and then I asked him why I had to come to see you.”

 “You seem to be making a habit of speaking out of turn,” I said. “Right, remove everything but your underpants.”

Adam blushed, “I don’t understand, what are …” He stopped when he saw the look on my face.

“How many more times? Don’t argue boy, do what you are told.”

I watched as he removed his blazer, tie and shirt and I admired his handsome physique as he took off the rest of his clothes.

I picked up a whippy three foot cane. “I am going to give you six strokes on your behind. That is your punishment today. Take off your underpants and bend over the desk”

He looked shocked and stayed where he was. “I can’t take off my underpants in front…” 

My look stopped him. “Take them off immediately. Have you ever had the cane before?” I asked.

“No, Matron.” But still he stood looking down at the floor.

I went up to him and made him look me in the eye, “Then it’s about time you found out what it’s like,”  and I swished the cane. “Take them off.”

Still he didn’t move.

“Right, stay exactly where you are.” and I knocked on the headmaster’s door.

My friend Mrs. Smith, the headmaster’s secretary, opened the door and took in the scene. 

“Mrs. Smith, would you mind helping me with a disciplinary matter in here.”

She quickly entered the room, shutting the door behind her. “How can I help?” she asked as her eyes roamed over his fit body.

“This young man is about to be given the cane but has refused to take off his underpants. Would you take them off for him please?”

She smiled, “Of course, whatever I can do to help.”

Adam looked horrified, “No, please, not in front of both of you. Please.”

“How many more times do I need to tell you not to speak until I tell you to,” I  continued. “I will now give you twelve strokes of the cane … and if you say anymore it will be more.”

Mrs. Smith was keen to do her bit and we both noted the growing bulge in the poor boy’s underpants as he realised he would be naked in front of two young women.

She knelt down in front of him, tucked her fingers into the elastic and briskly pulled them down. A very respectably sized erection sprang out and caught Mrs. Smith on the chin, making her shriek.

I stepped towards him, “How dare you wave that thing around in front of us.”

“I’m sorry,” he mumbled, holding his hands over his penis, “I couldn’t help it.”

“Put your hands by your side,” I told him and his erection sprang out again. 

“Now come over here and bend over the desk.”

When he was in position I slid my hand between his thighs and made him stand with his feet wide apart. 

“Twelve strokes,” I reminded him, “if you try to protect yourself or get up without being told I will start again.”

Mrs. Smith stood beside me to get a better view. 

I delivered the first stroke with a satisfying crack as it struck his firm buttocks. 

He leapt up clutching his bum and danced round with his erection swinging from side to side. Mrs. Smith’s eyes were on stalks as she took this in.

“Bend over immediately.” I told him, pushing him back over the desk. “This is going to take a long time if you keep getting up.”

‘Crack’, ‘crack’, ‘crack’ and the tramlines were forming nicely across his bum.

I examined my handiwork before stepping to one side to deliver the next three strokes. 

‘Crack’, ‘crack’, ‘crack’. This cane made a lovely noise as it swooshed through the air before striking taut bum cheeks with a loud crack.

“Stand up and rub your bottom before I deliver the last six strokes.”

As he stood we could see straight away that his erection had not dissipated one iota. Again, it waved around as he rubbed his bum.

Mrs. Smith stepped over to me and said in a loud voice “I think this boy should be given an extra punishment for failing to control his penis.”

Adam covered himself again and looked mortified. 

“I agree, Mrs. Smith,” I said before I pushed his hand away and I flicked his penis with the tip of the cane. “You had better learn some self control or I will teach you the hard way. Bend over the desk.”

‘Crack’, ‘crack’, “Aaagh,” the boy cried out as the last stroke hit him at the top of his thighs.

“Well done for staying in position,” I told him.

I put my hand between his legs to part them more and felt a very rigid penis, making him groan.

I took up my position again and crack’, ‘crack’, ‘crack’, ‘crack’, I delivered the final four strokes with such satisfying sounds. 

“Stand up and turn around,” I instructed him, “hands by your side!” as he tried to cover his erection.

Mrs. Smith took me to one side and suggested we use the short leather strap to tame his penis. I showed her the springy plastic ruler that I was planning to use. 

“Adam, I distinctly advised you to control your penis, yet you continue to disobey me and point it at us.”

“I’m sorry but…” he began.

“Right, I’ve warned you enough about speaking out of turn. Mrs. Smith suggested we punish your penis with the strap and I thought this ruler more appropriate. Because you have continued to interrupt us you will be punished with both.”

Mrs. Smith whispered in my ear and I nodded agreement. She cleared my desk. 

“Adam, lie down on your back along my desk.”

He hoisted himself up on to the desk and lay there with his erection throbbing skyward.

I wrapped my hand around the thick, hard, throbbing erection and pulled down his foreskin to reveal the glistening helmet. I picked up the ruler and hit the shaft, either side three times, ‘swat’, ‘swat’, ‘swat’.

Mrs. Smith stepped up eagerly and she too gripped his penis to uncover the head. She brought back her arm and flicked the strap hitting the tip of his penis hard. 

“Ow, ow,” he cried, using his hand to cover his penis.

“Right, I’ll start again. You know the rules.” she said uncovering the head again.

The strap made a loud ‘whack’ each time it struck his erection which swung sideways after each stroke. ‘Whack, ‘whack’, ‘whack’.

Adam began to get off the desk.

“Don’t you dare move until I tell you.” I shouted. “You are getting six strokes from each of us. I will now try the strap.

I gripped his erection which was rigid. This boy was well endowed and it was making the punishment very satisfying for us.

“Three strokes of the strap across the head I think.”

‘Whack, ‘whack’, ‘whack’ and although he cried out he avoided moving. 

Mrs. Smith was becoming reckless. She wrapped her hand round the thick shaft and moved it slowly up and down causing Adam to groan aloud. A stream of pre-cum ran down across her hand. 

She wiped her hand on his firm stomach and picked up the ruler.

She delivered a hard ‘swat’, on the tip making him cry out and put his hands out to protect his manhood.

“Oh dear, you stopped me so I’ll have to start again.” she smiled wickedly.

Three hard ‘swats’ followed, each making his penis swing from side to side and making him cry out so we were worried someone might come in.

“Get up and get dressed,” I told him.

When he was dressed he signed the punishment book, indicating that he’d been disciplined according to Mr. Bradley’s instructions.

After he left the room, Mrs. Smith and I shrieked, hugging each other in disbelief at the pleasure we’d had administering this punishment and remembering the look and feel of his penis in our hands. 

We quietly agreed that if we got the chance we’d punish Adam again and this time we’d make better use of that erection. 

Published 7 years ago

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