The WhatsApp selfie couldn’t have been more succinct: a full frontal with his erection poking through his fly. ‘Third floor, stationary room. I’ve got a directors meeting in fifteen minutes and need to relieve the stress it’s causing me.’
‘With or without underwear?’ I inquired.
Seconds later, after checking that no one was watching me, I reached beneath my cashmere dress and removed my damp panties. Walking toward the lifts, I had trouble keeping a straight face.
I’m not stupid, I know men ogle me when I walk by. I mean… some of them even have their tongues hanging out, for God’s sake, so it was quite a thrill to wander through the office knickerless. Suddenly, my smartphone chirped.
“I’m on my way,” I said. “Just keep your pants on…”
“Sorry, Andrea, what are you talking about?”
“Shit, sorry Rebecca, I thought you were someone else.”
Although she’s a close friend, this was inconvenient. “Can’t stop, Becks, I’m needed upstairs.”
“Doesn’t matter, I wasn’t doing anything, so I thought I’d call and gloat about our upcoming holiday.”
Every winter her hubby whisks her away on a cruise.
“Next week we’re flying to Miami, to top up the tan before joining the cruise…” She rattled on, but I barely listened; I’d reached the stationary room.
“What took you so fucking long?”
The voice boomed, filling the tiny room, then he saw the phone glued to my ear.
“Who was that?” demanded Rebecca.
“A… a senior manager,” I said.
Obviously having heard the hesitancy in my voice, she asked if I was alright. I wasn’t, but I couldn’t tell her a huge cock was pointing at me and causing me to catch my breath.
“Yes, yes… sorry, what were you saying?”
She resumed talking but my attention was elsewhere: I was being signalled to get on my knees. At first, I gesticulated to my smartphone. However, my arousal proved stronger than my willpower. So, with Becky babbling away, I sauntered across the storeroom, hips swinging like a clock’s pendulum, and dropped to my knees, coming face to face in a manner of speaking with this magnificent erection.
The thick dome glistened when he withdrew the foreskin over the sensitive rim. Like a snake, I flicked my tongue towards the swollen glans.
“And when we get to Bermuda, we’ll have a whole day on the island…”
I opened my mouth and gorged myself on solid flesh. A hand firmly grabbed my head, the intention obvious. Obediently, I relinquished control. What can I say? Having my face fucked while Rebecca unsuspectingly rabbited on, proved to be a real turn on.
“What’s that noise?” she asked midway through a sentence, shocking me to react. I jerked my head against the restraining hand and reluctantly surrendered the juicy morsel.
“Nothing, darling,” I replied, “it’s just that I’m involved in something urgent.”
“That’s funny, it sounded like you were eating something.”
“Yeah, sorry. I was chewing on a pen.”
An appreciative grunt filled the storeroom while the huge erection wobbled in front of my eyes. Then strong hands reached down and pulled at the loose cowl neck of my dress. Before I could object, my lacy bra was exposed.
Startled, I shook my head, but he overruled my objection, his eyes sparkling with amusement. Then he slid the spaghetti thin straps over my shoulders and my excited nipples sprang free. Simultaneously, his prick bumped against my cherry red lips.
Open wide, he mouthed.
Obeying, my tongue flicking over the swollen dome while he bucked his hips, I clasped my lips around the rapidly moving flesh and sucked hard.
“And we’ll be guests at the captain’s table, wining and dining with the hobnobs, before docking in Miami on the twenty-fifth,” waffled Rebecca while my mouth was being reamed.
Then, because the clock was ticking, he withdrew his prick and pointed it towards my exposed chest.
“Sounds wonderful,” I gasped, barely whispering.
I doubted that Rebecca heard but I was staring at the determined expression above me and knew it wouldn’t take much longer. His hand moved in a blur, the spongy dome just inches from my face, his musky scent invigorating. His grunting was rhythmic, perfectly timed with his thrusting hips.
“I’m gonna cum, bitch,” he announced through clenched teeth.
I leaned forward, hands on my thighs for support, and poked out my tongue in anticipation. Seconds later, the first spray of thick, creamy spunk flew towards me. It splattered over my mouth, cheek, and chin. Next, my neck, chest, and shoulders received a coating.
In my ear, Rebecca paused, then asked, “Am I boring you, Andrea?”
Before I could reply, another load of hot seed splashed over me, some of it flying into my mouth. Because I wasn’t expecting it, I almost choked and nearly gave the game away.
“Sorry, darling,” I replied. “I’m involved in something I’m not allowed to talk about. No, not even to you,” I insisted when she pressed me for further details.
“Look, I’m very busy. A director has created a situation here, and I’m up to my neck in it. Can I call you tonight?”
As we said our goodbyes, the last drop of spunk oozed out of the engorged helmet and, unable to help myself, I swallowed the bulbous end. This elicited a grunt of approval, but my joy was short lived as he took a step backwards, stuffing his cock inside his trousers.
“Thanks, Babe, I really needed that.”
He smiled triumphantly, moving towards the door, zipping up his flies as he went. Before leaving, he turned to face me. “Who was that on the phone?”
Now it was my turn to smile.
“Your wife.”
Author’s note:
Goes without saying, a special thanks to Jwren