Sally’s New Life- Chapter 12 – Harriett’s Sunday Lunch Invitation (Part Two)

"The budding young Domme, Elizabeth, demonstrates a vivid imagination as she asserts full control over Sally."

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Ellen had Elizabeth and Sally help her clear the table after lunch, and she brought a pot of coffee with cream and three glasses of port back to enjoy with her guests while they witness her daughter’s emergence as a dominant.

Then she addressed her daughter, “Elizabeth, darling, we are all nice and comfy now. Why don’t you put Sally here out of her misery and give her that spanking she’s been dreading right through lunch?”

Elizabeth rose from her seat, smoothed down her skirt, deliberately picked up and then replaced on the table the large wooden spoon she had brought from the kitchen. “I’ll keep this for later.”

She then moved her chair back from the table a few yards, sat and smoothed her skirt again. “Sally, you can take off my T-shirt now and come over here by my side.” She pointed to a spot on the floor just to her right side.

Sally did as she had been instructed, keeping her head lowered.

“Look into my eyes, Sally. Now hands behind your neck.”

Sally, blushing furiously, obeyed.

“Sally, you have just had a sound caning for being rude to me, and now I am going to follow up with a good spanking for daring to dispute my right to be even present at your punishment. Isn’t that correct, Girl?”

She had locked her stern gaze onto the older girl’s eyes while speaking and now maintained it while waiting for the response. It was as if she were daring her intended victim to look away.

Sally knew she was hopelessly trapped in her submission to this haughty-toned childlike dominant. She took a jerky breath and replied as she knew would be required. “Yes, Miss Elizabeth, that is correct.”

Elizabeth spotted the smiles of approval being shared at the table out of the corner of her eye but did not release her gaze, still locked onto Sally’s eyes. Then, slowly, she moved her eyes down over the older girl’s full bosom and stared there for a full minute before continuing downwards over the tummy and abdomen.

“Take that bra off, Sally, I’ve decided you will be fully nude for your spanking.”  Her next instruction left no space for discussion. “You may put it with your other clothes over there and come right back.”

As Sally unclasped her bra, Elizabeth smacked her own thigh and shouted, “What must you say, Girl?”

“Yes, Miss Elizabeth, sorry, Miss Elizabeth.”

She returned, now totally nude in front of three adults and this teenage demon who was about to spank her on top of the sizzling twelve-stroke caning she had received less than an hour before.

She could not see, behind her back, that those at the table were all looking in amazement at that demon.

Both Harriett and Shelly spotted the teenager’s exited nipples but remarked on the fact in a low exchange so as not to distract from the tense scene unfolding before them.

Not so Elizabeth however, she reached up with both hands and pinched those nipples hard. “From the state of these nipples, Sally, I take it you love showing off your curves like this. Isn’t that true?” A yelp indicated to the onlookers that Elizabeth had intensified her grip.

“No, Miss Elizabeth, please, it hurts.”

“Umm, I think you are lying to me, Girl. More reason to get on with your spanking. Go and get that towel from your chair.”

Her nipples hurt now even more now that they were released. She went and collected the towel she had been given to sit on earlier.  As she picked up the towel from her chair and returned, Sally could feel all eyes studying her nudity and she thought that maybe Elizabeth was right, after all, maybe she did enjoy showing off her full curves to all these pretty shapeless and, she suspected, envious ladies.

The thought made her feel a lot better as she passed the towel to Elizabeth who had her hand held out for it. Elizabeth examined the towel with particular attention, then, apparently satisfied with its cleanliness, spread it on her lap. 

Patting her lap, she ordered, “Place that huge bottom here, Sally, and let’s get on with the second part of your thoroughly deserved punishment.”

The seventeen-year-old did not forget to acknowledge the instruction and then leaned over.

Kneading, pinching, and kneading again the tram-lined sit spots she looked at her audience and was delighted to see she had their undivided attention. Then raising her arm to shoulder height, she brought her hand down with full force. 

Slap!  She tightened her grip on the slim waist and then rained slap after slap hard up and down the far buttock.  The vocal reactions from the young woman over her lap grew satisfyingly louder and louder as her palm bore down, bringing more stinging pain.

Harriet and Shelly were amazed at Elizabeth’s energy and together looked at Ellen, who was smiling broadly at the show being provided by her daughter. She did not seem at all surprised at the force being applied. Now they appreciated what she meant when she had told them of her daughter’s rigid training routines. Her girl was all muscle and sinews!

Elizabeth paused for a moment, licked her upper lip, smiled down at the results of her first barrage and changed buttocks. Slap! Slap! Slap! 

The reactions now turned to louder crying and that gave her greater encouragement as though she needed any. The semi-hemisphere nearer Elizabeth took on a darker red hue as the spanks continued upwards. When she was satisfied that she had both buttocks a deep red, she rested her palm on her victim’s right upper thigh and smiled at her mum, “Mum, would you be so kind as to bring me that wooden spoon, please? I want to hear this cheeky brat really squeal.”

Sally wanted to protest that she had not been ‘cheeky,’ but her thought died before it reached her vocal cords as she felt her waist being squeezed tighter by the younger girl who now raised her right knee and dropped her left so Sally’s lower bottom and thighs were raised and presented an easier target. 

She yelled as the first blow lashed into the crease between the right thigh and buttock. Whack! Whack! Whack!  Other side, Whack! Whack! Whack! She yelled in earnest and tears flowed as she banged her fist on the ground. ” Please Miss Elizabeth, I’m sorry for being cheeky!”   

The response was “Oh you will be ” Whack! “Very sorry” Whack! “Once I’ve raised more blisters on your big backside, Girl!” Whack! Whack! Whack! Up and down each side. 

Bearing in mind the earlier caning, this spanking was fierce, as fierce as anything Harriett had ever witnessed or given but she did not intervene yet. She knew her husband’s niece would remember this for a long time and of course, that was the whole point of a severe spanking. To ensure the submissive learnt the lesson well enough to fear a repeat in the near future. A repeat was of course inevitable.  The Dominant would simply raise her expectations if the girl did not step out of line of her own accord. 

After another couple of minutes and much bawling, Elizabeth passed the spoon to her left hand, resting her right on the trembling roasted lower buttocks. The flesh was red with blue patches all the way down each wide semi-hemisphere to halfway down each thigh. She caressed the throbbing skin lightly and in the sweetest of tones, “There there, Sally, it’s all over. You’ve paid the price for your silly temper. You will be a lot more careful thanks to this lesson, won’t you?”

The girl across her lap managed to stutter a “Yes Miss Elizabeth.” 

Elizabeth allowed the older girl to stand but then jumped up, holding the towel out towards the adults. Then looked at her own skirt with relief to see that nothing had seeped through onto her clothes.

Harriet shouted, “Come over here, Sally and get into the attention position!”

Shelly had seen Harriett put her niece in this ‘position’ before but this time it was an extraordinary sight to behold. The very lovely young woman with tears streaming from her beautiful green eyes, full breasts with erect pink nipples made even more prominent because she was obliged to place her hands behind her head, legs spread wide displaying to all, her shaven vulva. It was obvious why the towel was soaked.

“So, Sally, you orgasmed while being spanked, correct?”

“Head up, Girl and look at me.”

Sally’s tears increased and she still did not reply. She was blushing furiously. Harriett got to her feet and placed her arms akimbo threateningly.

Stuttering, Sally blurted, “Just a little bit Ma’am.”

“From the look of that towel Girl, I would say a copious amount and that indicates you enjoy being punished, doesn’t it?”

Much to Elizabeth’s disappointment, Harriett did not press her point and without waiting further for a reaction to her question, sent her niece with her clothes, to the bathroom. “To freshen herself up before her walk.”

Elizabeth followed closely and pushed her way into the bathroom with Sally. “I am here to keep an eye on you, Girl, so no funny business. You may use the toilet, the bidet and wash your face.”

As Sally sorted herself out, Elizabeth stayed by the window exchanging texts with her best friend Amanda. Smiling broadly as she sent the last line, ‘OK, cu there in 45 mins 4 the biggest surprise of ur life.’

Sally was stepping into her knickers when she looked over.

“Leave those off, Girl, just your bra, no knickers, girdle or stockings needed. Slip into your dress and let’s go. I’ll lend you some rubber boots and socks as the woods are wet right now and those shoes would be ruined. “

Knowing how tight the knickers and girdle are normally, never mind over such a sore bottom, Sally was happy to comply, Thinking Elizabeth was suddenly being thoughtful she even thanked “Miss Elizabeth. ” The younger girl laughed as she held the door open. 

Mrs Lee was seated alone at the garden table when they got back. She was sporting bright yellow rubber boots on which Elizabeth remarked, “Ah good, I’ll just pop and get some for myself and Sally and too.” 

Once they were alone, Sally asked where her aunt and Ellen were and she was told they had, “Gone upstairs to catch up on old times.”

Then Mrs Lee did something that Sally had not expected.  She got up, opened her arms for a hug and gently drew Sally to her. “I have been meaning to tell you all week that I think you are a very special girl, Sally but today you have demonstrated a remarkable capacity to accept your place in life as submissive.  You can be very proud of yourself. I know your aunt is and I sure am too.” With that, she kissed Sally softly on each ear, then her eyes and finally her lips before releasing her.  Sally smiled too. She sensed she was on a path to fulfillment.  She would have to think about this deeply but later. Right now, ‘the demon’ had returned. 

Once Sally had been equipped with rubber boots too, Elizabeth let them through a gate at the end of the back garden and locked it after them.

The woods opened before them as dense hazel and copper beeches gave way to oak.  Elizabeth led them down a winding slope, slippery from old leaves that had fallen the previous autumn.  Yellow, pink and mauve-coloured primroses decorated the clearings on each side of their pathway. Sally was at peace as she drank in the woody air. The easing soreness in her bottom, the amazing events of the past few hours, the praise from Mrs Lee, all now fitted and felt right. Her uncle’s second wife, whom she addressed as Aunt Harriett, was severe beyond anything she could have imagined a few weeks ago but still, her world felt good, and she laughed as she spotted a red squirrel race away across the branches above. 

Elizabeth twirled to see what caused Sally’s mirth and followed the older girl’s hand indicating the branches above.  She did not focus in time but Shelly had done so and laughed, sharing what simply passed as Sally’s moment of joy in nature. 

“Your mum’s idea to get you to bring us here was a super one, Elizabeth, thank you, Dear.” “It’s my pleasure, Shelly. The lake and park are just six or seven minutes away now. My friend Amanda will be there at one of the tables by the lake waiting to meet us.”

By the time they got to greet Elizabeth’s friend, Shelly already had a shrewd notion as to the purpose of this appointment.  It was evident that Sally had not yet arrived at Elizabeth’s purpose though, as she enthusiastically greeted the stunning redhead.

Poor Sally arrived with a bump however when Elizabeth cut her short. “You, Girl will refer to my friend with the same respect as is required from you towards the rest of us. It’s Miss Amanda to you. Is that clear?”

Sally started to say, “Oh I thought,” then changed her reaction to immediate submission. “Yes, Miss Elizabeth, I understand.” 

Shelly smiled at Sally but of course, the ‘demon‘ was far from finished with her prey.  Standing by her smiling friend, with her arm wrapped around Amanda’s waist. “Stand in front of us, Sally. Head up and look in Miss Amanda’s eyes. “

Shelly studied the new girl. She was only a little taller than Elizabeth but very much a shapely young woman rather than displaying the childlike form of her friend.

Amanda returned the affection by sliding her arm around the other’s waist and watched Elizabeth’s new acquaintance.  

At Elizabeth’s first instruction she gaped at Elizabeth but said nothing. Gradually the shock drained from her face as she saw what was happening, to be replaced by a broad smile which enhanced her green-eyed beauty. 

Sally was instructed, “To keep your eyes on Miss Amanda’s, do not look away. Now raise the hem of your dress right up. Higher, Sally, much higher. ”  

Shelly could see the tears gather in Sally’s eyes, but she observed also that the submissive side once again quenched any millisecond of rebellion.

Sally raised her dress to reveal that she was wearing nothing on her lower half. Shelly guessed this was simply because she did not want anything tight across her sore backside and of course, that was partially correct.  

When then, Elizabeth said, “Shelly, would you please be so kind as to tuck her dress into the top of her bra so that she is free to place her hands on her head like Auntie Harriett has her do. I’d like Amanda to get a really good look at her.” Shelly did as requested and profited to whisper to the humiliated girl. “Do not rebel, dear Sally, you are doing wonderfully, and I will not allow this to last long.”

Sally’s only consolation was that they were in an artificial dip, created around the bench that Amanda had chosen.  She was, at this moment, only visible from the other side of the lake, which seemed deserted. 

Attention position, Sally and keep those eyes on Miss Amanda’s.”  

This was becoming more and more embarrassing, thought Sally as she opened her stance and placed her hands, interlocked, behind the nape of her neck. 

Amanda spoke for the first time. “Gosh Liz, she’s hairless down there. I thought at first that she had a Brazilian cut but she’s totally bare on her pubes. Does she often go around without knickers?” 

She did not give Elizabeth time to answer her question as she added in an amazed tone, ” Wow, look, she is enjoying showing herself off, look at her puffy labia!” 

Sally was blushing furiously at this forced display compounded by Amanda’s observation which was, perhaps, embarrassingly factual. 

Her thought was interrupted by Elizabeth, “No Amanda, I told her to leave her knickers back at the house. I wanted you to have a good look at her the way she has been since early this morning. Tell Miss Amanda why you were told to remove your knickers this morning, Sally.” 

Sally’s blush got even deeper, “Yes Miss Elizabeth. Because my aunt and Mrs Lee caned my bottom Miss Amanda.”

Elizabeth coughed, “And then, Girl?”

“And Miss Elizabeth spanked me over her lap Miss Amanda.”  

Amanda was speechless and just gaped from Sally to Mrs Lee and then at Elizabeth.

“Turn and show your big fat bottom to Miss Amanda, Girl.”

Elizabeth had the greatest of pleasure in watching her friend’s expression as she surveyed the bruised and tram-lined flesh. 

“Lean over with your hands on your knees Sally, I want Miss Amanda to see where Mrs Lee caned you under those huge overhanging buttocks.”

Sally obeyed. Blushing and with tears tracing down her cheeks but not even dreaming of protesting. Her aunt had put this demon in charge after all. So any protest would simply result in more punishment.  

Amanda came closer and placed her hand low under Sally’s exposed bottom cheeks, “Wow, she’s still on fire here. Tell me all about it, Sally, please. What did you do to merit this punishment and exactly how many strokes of the cane have you had today? There seem to be some fainter lines too.”

Just then Mrs Lee stepped in. She pointed to the other side of the lake where, in the distance, a couple could be seen walking. “Stand please, Sally. Let’s get your dress down before those people get closer. “

Elizabeth grumbled and Amanda reluctantly removed her hand from its exploration of Sally’s derriere and stepped back. Mrs Lee then fixed Sally’s dress. “Answer Miss Amanda’s questions now, Sally, please. “

Amanda, not to be totally denied her pleasure, came closer again to Elizabeth’s young guest, placed her hand around her now, clothed waist, and turned them both around to face the lake.  Feigning to look out on the lake with Sally, “So, how many strokes of the cane today? The fading ones are from today or yesterday?” Whilst waiting for Sally to respond, she moved her hand from around the waist to the hem at the back and then slipped it under and back up over Sally’s, now trembling, thighs.

Sally gasped at the unexpected contact.

“Easy now, stay still, Sally and tell me about those fading strokes first.”

Elisabeth joined them in the fake admiration of the lake and placed her hand around Sally’s waist so that she was now sandwiched between the demon friends. Sally described how her aunt had carried out a ‘maintenance’ caning of six of the best just before they started out to come here that morning. She had the greatest of difficulty in ‘staying still’ as first Miss Amanda and then Miss Elizabeth, fondled her upper thighs and bottom under her dress.  Their fingers traced the sore ridges and her bottom cleft, Miss Amanda’s nails none too gently reawakening the caning. 

The lady of the couple over the other side of the lake recognised them and waved. Whatever she shouted was lost in the wind, but Amanda and Elizabeth waved back with their unoccupied hands. They laughed in unison as Amanda said, “I bet Jonesy wants to know if we’ve prepared her mock thesis for the morning. ” Shelly asked for confirmation that the waver was their teacher and was told, “Yes, English Literature.”  

The couple over the other side carried on with their walk leaving the two youngest girls free to concentrate on their further humiliation of Sally.  They squeezed, they pinched, they scratched but, above all, they verbally abused. 

“Feel the weight of her buttocks, jeepers I bet they are at least a stone each. When I was spanking her, the flesh here wobbled and jiggled like a massive bowl of jelly. It’s no wonder her aunt insists she wears a girdle normally. I’d never even seen one until today, but it suits her perfectly. “

Amanda took the cue and asked, “What’s your weight, Sally?” When Sally responded, rather embarrassed, that she weighed ten and a half stone., Elizabeth yelled, “See, I told you, Amanda, with her slim waist, all that weight must be on her bottom and breasts!” 

They heard the noise of boys playing ball over the hill behind them and Shelly suggested they return to Elizabeth’s home.  She too enjoyed the way the others were teasing Sally. She had every bit as much or more of a dominant streak than these girls, but she also felt it was her place to ensure no unwanted attention was attracted. 

Elizabeth asked Amanda to join them as she wanted Amanda to have a look at what she had prepared for the mock thesis tomorrow.  Amanda agreed heartily as it gave her a chance to enjoy more mischief at Sally’s expense. 

She wrapped her arm around Sally’s waist and led the way back. 

The others exchanged shrugs and followed close behind. 

Amanda loaded question after question on Sally only to twirl around as they reached halfway through the woods and almost screamed at her friend Elizabeth.

“Did you hear that? She is caned on her bare bottom in class by all her teachers.  The others can keep their knickers on, but she has to take them off.”

That of course led to more questioning for detail by both younger girls, questions which went on until they were through the back garden gate and were within sight of the house once again. 

Ellen heard the fuss and called them from the garden table. 

Shelly noted a strange smugness about Ellen and Harriet but said nothing as she smiled and sat by Harriett.

The younger girls excitedly recounted their discoveries about Sally to Ellen while Harriett and Shelly listened happily. 

Shelly patted the seat by her and signalled to Sally to sit, which she gladly did to try and be less the centre of attention. 

When at last the two girlfriends calmed, Ellen announced a piece of news which did not fill Sally with joy but made the younger ones very happy; She wished to invite their three guests back to spend the weekend from the following Friday evening and hoped that was okay for Shelly. 

Sally, noticing a pause for thought by the Korean lady, took her hand, and squeezed it. “Please Mrs Lee, come with us?” Sally feared what might happen without Mrs Lee as a brake on the two younger ones’ imagination. She did not even consider protesting about her own presence as she knew well that all decisions of this sort were anyway not hers to make, so any hint of protest would result in painful consequences.

Mrs Lee consulted her appointments on her phone and then replied, “Yes, thank you, Ellen, I’ll be delighted to join you. My husband gets back from the States on Saturday but I’m sure he’ll just want to sleep off some jet lag.”

Harriett spoke then and her words sent a shiver down Sally’s spine. “Elizabeth, as your mother knows, I have just arranged for the site I normally use, to send six of their best senior punishment canes to this address for your personal attention. Three of them are for you to use on Sally whenever and as often as you feel is appropriate. The others, please pass to your mother to keep aside for my use. You may wish to discuss with your mum on how you might get some practice before the weekend.” 

Elizabeth was delighted with this responsibility although she failed to imagine how she could get any ‘practice’. Shelly noted immediately the vivid flush rise on Ellen’s face and her fidgeting on her seat. She stared at Harriett and found it difficult to fight down a gasp, as Harriett smiled and nodded, confirming Shelly’s suspicion about what had been going on during their absence this afternoon.  

Sally, like Elizabeth, had missed the significance of the second part of Harriett’s phrase. She was worried about the apparent total authority that was being handed to the sixteen-year-old demon

As if to demonstrate her new status, Elizabeth got to her feet and said, “Excuse us a few moments please all. Sally pick up your shoes and let’s go to the bathroom, time for you to get out of those boots and get your underwear and normal shoes back on.” 

That brought a surprised reaction from Harriett.  “She’s been out walking without any underwear?”

“Stand and raise your dress, Girl!”

Sally knew well not to say anything until her aunt asked her the direct question. She simply did as she was told.  Standing there with her bare pubes and striped and bruised overhanging bottom on display, wanting desperately to explain but knowing it was not her place, she waited. It was again Mrs Lee who rescued her. 

The Korean simply looked at Elizabeth and coughed.

The budding Dominant said sweetly, “Ah yes, Auntie Harriett, she did seem rather happy when I told her she could leave her knickers, girdle and stockings off for our walk as I wanted my friend Amanda to get a good look at her enormous bottom.”   

Harriett was amused by Elizabeth’s continued adoption of the term ‘auntie’. It did no harm and strengthened the relationship. “Okay, Elizabeth dear, as long as it was your decision and not her initiative but next time, ensure she has at least her knickers on underneath before going out.  Given that you were going through the woods, her stockings could have been damaged anyway.”

“Off you go, Girl and get dressed properly with Miss Elizabeth. We need to be on our way so no dawdling.”

Amanda, without being invited, announced, “I’ll join you.”

Once they were in the bathroom, Sally requested they leave a moment as she needed to pee.

Elizabeth put her hands on her hips and announced, “You need to ask my permission nicely whether you may use the toilet, Girl and I certainly will not be leaving you on your own so that you can get up to monkey business. Now come here this instant!” She pointed to the spot on the floor, in front of her.

“Hold that dress up high so that Miss Amanda can give your big bottom twelve hard spanks to teach you some manners.”

So, Amanda got to deliver her first-ever spanking and she revelled in the experience. The first smack was light, but she then stepped back and to the side more and really laid into those, already bruised cheeks. 

Elizabeth encouraged her and she did not want to disappoint her best friend who was offering her this very special opportunity. She licked her lips and whacked with all her strength. Delighting in the way the ample buttocks wobbled after each hard spank.

When Amanda had delivered the allotted correction, Elizabeth addressed Sally once more, “Now, Sally, ask permission to use the toilet.” The sniffling and thoroughly submissive, almost eighteen-year-old, addressed the much younger-looking girl; Please Miss Elizabeth, may I use the toilet now? She had not dropped her dress. She had not been given permission to do so. That was noted by both the others. 

“Yes, Girl, you may, but be quick about it, you heard your aunt say she is in a hurry.” Sally emptied her bladder while the others looked on, blushing hugely because of this new shame.

Elizabeth chose her moment to maximise embarrassment, “You know, Amanda, I’ve been thinking about the minimum six strokes rule in this girl’s school.”

Sally lifted her head and watched the two demons smile at the object of their amusement as she wiped herself dry.

“Were I to suggest to Auntie Harriett that the minimum be raised to twelve strokes, I’m positive she’d have that change made immediately.”

Sally stood in panic, “No please, Miss Elizabeth, I will be very very obedient to you and Miss Amanda but not that, please Miss. I will of course do absolutely everything you both wish.”

The broad grins exchanged between the two younger girls caused a shiver down her spine as then Elizabeth reiterated, “absolutely everything we ask, Sally or else you will of course be caned soundly and then I will make that recommendation to Auntie Harriett. No second chances.”

“Yes Miss Elizabeth, thank you, Miss.”

The two watched intently as Sally stepped into her tight knickers and struggled to tug up her girdle. A task which Sarah normally assisted her with. She then sat on the toilet again while putting on her stockings.

Standing to attach the suspenders she was instructed, “Okay, Girl, lift your dress high and turn slowly. Show Miss Amanda the way that girdle flattens your enormous bottom.”

Her “Yes Miss Elizabeth” was drowned out by Amanda’s squeal of delight.

“Liz, you are so right, her big round bums are totally flat now and I bet she’ll be feeling every one of those cane strokes all over again squeezed like that.”

Ten minutes later, Sally was seated in the back of the Maserati as her aunt sped them out the gate and towards home. She feared next weekend would be a massive challenge, but she was determined to be on her most submissive behaviour and avoid giving Elizabeth a motive to make her threatened recommendation. Her bottom throbbed but she concentrated her next thoughts on getting home to Sarah’s attention. That thought made her smile, and forget demons.

Published 2 years ago

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