The next morning, Elizabeth woke to the smell of fresh-brewed coffee. For a couple seconds, she wasn’t sure where she was or how she got there. She looked around at the unfamiliar surroundings. Then she saw her empty suitcases stacked neatly in a corner and it clicked.
She felt relief wash over her and she got out of bed. Without a nightgown (she had forgotten to pack hers), she wore only an oversized sleepshirt and her panties – what she normally wore around her own house. She came out of her room, following the smell of coffee, to the kitchen where Peter was pouring himself his first cup as well.
“Good morning! How about a cup of starting fluid?” he asked.
“Yes, please. I have to admit, I was a bit startled this morning… waking up in a strange room. My first thought was Oh no, not again! but then I saw my suitcases in the corner and I remembered,” she said sheepishly.
“Well I’m glad you remembered… it probably wouldn’t have helped any if I had come in to see why you were screaming!” he chuckled.
“No, I suppose not!” she smiled. The two sat down to enjoy their coffee. Peter noticed that Elizabeth was glancing up at him over her cup secretly, looking away when he caught her. Peter had put on his sweatpants and a tight white t-shirt. Normally, he only wore his sweatpants throwing on a shirt if need be for delivery people or visitors. But with having company now, he wore the t-shirt for her comfort.
“Peter, unless you have something else planned, I would like to take a shower?” Elizabeth asked.
“Certainly. I thought we’d go to the store and buy some groceries. I didn’t know what you liked to eat or if there was something special, like you were a vegetarian or lactose intolerant or ate gluten-free or something. But we can do that this afternoon or whatever,” he said.
“No, I’m none of those. I’m just a regular meat and potatoes kinda girl. I’m kind of adventurous when it comes to food – I like to try new things. Some work out, some don’t, but you never know till you try right?” she said.
“That’s right. Okay, I’ve got a little work to do in the study while you are showering and then I’ll be out here if I get done before you,” he said.
So Elizabeth went back to take a shower and Peter poured himself another cup of coffee and went into the study to work. He had been in there typing away for about twenty-five minutes when he heard the door to his study creak open. He turned around expecting to see Elizabeth, but he didn’t expect to see her like THIS!
“Elizabeth! W-what are you doing?” he asked, stunned at her appearance. Elizabeth was standing in the doorway to his study with her hair damp from the shower and only a towel wrapped around her. “Do you need something, Elizabeth?” he asked.
“Mmmhmm,” she said, as she came closer. She opened her towel and he saw she was completely naked. “I need you, baby,” she said lustily. She dropped the towel as she walked up to him. “I need you so bad, baby, I need you so bad.” She came up to him and ran one hand through his hair as she touched his lips. “I need these lips to kiss me”… she took his hand and put it on her naked tit. “I need these hands all over my body”… she reached down and cupped his cock, “And I need this big fat cock deep in my hot wet pussy,” she whispered lustfully.
Elizabeth pushed him down in his chair and climbed up on his lap, straddling him and facing him. She reached down and pulled his t-shirt off him. Peter was too stunned to offer any kind of resistance. Elizabeth reached down and took his hands placing them on her tits and then reached forward to pull his face to hers in a deep passionate kiss.
She parted her lips and pushed her tongue into his mouth wanting to find a playmate there. She ground her bare pussy on his lap moaning as she felt him getting harder. He couldn’t help himself. Elizabeth was a very lovely woman and she couldn’t have thrown herself at him any more than she was! She was practically begging him to take her and ravish her!
Any other time or with any other woman he’d have done just that. But he knew that it wasn’t Elizabeth his patient on his lap right then. This was the Elizabeth that came out to play during her episodes… the one that got her in trouble at the bar and the one he was called on to figure out. And while he would have been more than happy to take her up on her appealing offer, he knew that it wasn’t a legitimate offer – she was under some kind of mental shift.
Peter was a professional and knew what needed to be done. “Okay baby, why don’t we go to the bedroom and I will make you feel really good,” he said. She hopped off his lap and took his hand, leading him through the house to the bedroom. She was going to walk to the master bedroom, but he stopped. “Why don’t we go in here? It will be more fun in this bed… smaller and more intimate,” he said.
Elizabeth grinned and went inside. She got up into bed and he acted as if he was going to join her. “Oops, just a second, baby, I left the coffee pot going. Don’t go anywhere, I’ll be right back!” he said. Elizabeth nodded giggling and laid down on the bed. He left the bedroom closing the door and waving goodbye playfully. He shut the door and went into the living room and sat down on the sofa, glad to have avoided the situation.
Peter had been in the living room for about thirty minutes, recounting in his mind everything that happened and writing down some notes when Elizabeth walked into the living room – this time properly dressed.
“Have a good shower?” he asked tentatively. He wasn’t completely certain who he was talking to!
“Oh yes, it was very nice. I feel so much better. Is that the grocery list?” she asked.
“Not exactly. Sit down a minute please, Elizabeth,” he said. Elizabeth sat down on the sofa looking at him with concern.
“Elizabeth do you remember coming into my study a few minutes ago?” he asked.
“What? No… OH GOD! NO! Please say I didn’t do something stupid! Oh, GOD! Oh, I’m so embarrassed!” she said, as she put her face in her hands.
He put his arm around her. “It’s all right Elizabeth. This is what I needed to see. I needed to see what I was dealing with and now I know. You truly aren’t aware of what you do or remember anything about it. It’s like you blackout, but you still are awake and functioning… only it’s a different version of you.”
“I’m so sorry, Peter! God, I feel so foolish… I just want to crawl into a hole! Here you have been so nice, so wonderful and I go and do something like this!” she said. He went and got a box of tissue for her and dried her eyes.
“Now, now, Elizabeth, don’t feel so bad about it. I knew that something was going to happen – I wanted to see what you were like. Granted, I was a bit taken aback by it happening so soon, but hey that’s why I’m a shrink! And now that I know a bit about it, we can try some things that may just be able to help solve this dilemma,” he said.
“Really?” she sniffed, “Do you really think you can help me?”
“I can’t make any promises of course but I’m not going to stop trying until do. So dry your eyes and don’t beat yourself up about it. Oh, and just so you know… it was a very tempting offer you made me! Had the situation been different…” he said.
She smiled at that and stopped crying.
When Peter got dressed, they decided it was a good time to go to the grocery store and get the shopping over with before the crowds hit the store. On the way, Elizabeth started asking some questions about her condition and the treatment he thought might help her.
“Peter, what’s wrong with me?” she asked him point blank. “Why do I do this sort of thing? I’m not like that really. I’m not a slut or a whore.”
“Well Elizabeth, I don’t really know for sure why you do it. It could be that the death of your mother and knowing that you were now alone in the world triggered it. It could go farther back than that… back to your father’s abandoning you even. Perhaps a boy that you really liked dumped you and you had been rejected so much you just felt worthless and this was how you got attention. Or it could be a combination of things that caused it,” he said.
“Really, Peter, you think that’s the cause of it?” she asked.
“Whatever brought it about, what happens, it would seem, is that you have a personality split. There are two Elizabeth McGowans; one that I am talking to now – the sweet, well-mannered, and polite one that is confused about what’s happening to her, and the other Elizabeth… the naughty, sexually promiscuous, wanton little slut Elizabeth.
“Now what we need to do is try to bring the two Elizabeths back together and establish the good Elizabeth as the dominant one. That way you can control your naughty side, keeping it from coming out and getting you in trouble,” he explained.
“How do we do that?” she asked.
“Elizabeth, one of the therapies I use is hypnosis. With it, I can get people to stop annoying and dangerous habits like smoking and drinking as well as cure things like stuttering and OCD symptoms. I would like to see if hypnosis can help bring the two side of you together,” he said.
“Is it dangerous?” Elizabeth asked. “I’ve never been hypnotized before. I’ve never even known anyone that has.”
“Not at all, Elizabeth. I simply put you under hypnosis, give you a suggestion – in your case, it would be something like you will control the urge to have sex with others inappropriately – and then wake you back up. And all those old wive’s tales about hypnotists making a subject do things that they normally wouldn’t are just that – old wive’s tales.
“No hypnosis is going to make a person do what they don’t want to do. You can’t turn a good, conservative, puritan woman into a slut any more than making them cluck like a chicken can get them to lay an egg. Hypnosis only can help a person by giving them the confidence and belief in themselves to do what they want to do anyway. If you want to stop being this other Elizabeth, then hypnosis can help you. But if you want to be this Elizabeth, then you will just ignore my directions and continue being her,” he explained.
“Peter, I am willing to try anything to fix this. I can’t keep going on like this – never knowing when one of these episodes will happen, who or what I will do during it, or where I will be when I come out of it. It’s not an acceptable way of life! I almost wish I would go to jail – at least there I could feel relatively safe!” she said.
“Elizabeth, before we do something that drastic, would you be willing to give my hypnosis a try and see if I can help you? Believe me, you will be safe – I won’t let you go home until I know that you are merged and won’t have a setback. Even if that means you will stay with me for a few months, I want to be sure I have blended your two personalities and that these episodes are over with,” he said.
“I don’t know, Peter. I don’t want to be a bother or anything – I mean it’s one thing to stay for a night or two, but for months… won’t you get tired of me hanging around? And what if you want to go out and do something?” she said.
“Elizabeth, I don’t have much of a social life. Very few friends and nothing significant. So my ‘going out and doing something’ consists of going to the store or maybe to the video store to get a movie to bring home and watch. And that is very rare. I am not a party-goer or sports bar kind of man. Work and home are my domains.
And as for you being a bother, trust me when I tell you that having you here is a real treat for me. I am allergic to cats and dogs so I can’t have a pet, so there’s only me here at home… and I make lousy company for me. It’s nice to have another living soul in the house and someone I can have a conversation with besides myself. I am completely enjoying having you here so no, you are no bother and no, I won’t get tired of you hanging around,” Peter said.
“But what about work and my apartment? What am I going to do about those things?” she said.
“I will take care of that. I will tell your work that you are undergoing medical treatment. They will hire a temp or something but your job will be there when you are ready to go back. As for your apartment, well, I will take care of that too. I will speak to your landlord and make sure your apartment stays yours until you go back to it. This treatment is court-ordered which gives me a lot of leverage to deal with things like this. As long as you are undergoing treatment ordered by the courts, they can’t fire you or give away your apartment,” he said.
“Without a job I won’t be able to pay my bills or contribute my share to the food or utility bills at your house,” she said.
“Elizabeth, you let me worry about all that, okay? I just want you to focus on getting better – that’s all I care about. The rest of this stuff I will deal with. Your job is to just relax, not get stressed, and get better. Will you do that for me?” he asked.
“Oh Peter, you are a wonderful, sweet man! Yes, I will do whatever you think is right. I will go under hypnosis if you think it will help me and I will stay with you… but only as long as it takes for me to get better – I don’t want to become a mooch or a burden!” she said.
“It’s a deal, then. Since you just had an episode today, I think we should wait a day or two before we start the hypnosis. I want to put you under while you are you and not cause you to drift back to the naughty Elizabeth. I want to hypnotize you, not her. You are the personality we want to be the dominant one,” he said.
“Okay, Peter whatever you think is right,” she said.
“Also we need a way to determine which personality is present. So let’s do this: if it’s you – the sweet, nice, good Elizabeth, that’s what we will call you. If the naughty sexual version of you is out, we’ll call her Beth. That way when I ask who I’m talking to, I will know and can deal with that then. Okay?” he said.
“Okay that sounds like a good idea,” Elizabeth said. “I hope you can help me. Beth just gets me in trouble and one of these days she’s going to go too far!”
It was a couple days later when Peter and Elizabeth were sitting in the living room together. They had finished breakfast about an hour previously and were just watching TV.
“Elizabeth, it’s been a couple days since Beth has been around… how would you feel about giving that hypnosis treatment a shot?” he asked.
“Um… I guess so,” she said. Elizabeth didn’t want to tell him, but she was having a very nice time being with Peter and wasn’t really excited about the idea of going back to her old life, even if she was cured. Like Peter, she just stayed at home alone when she wasn’t working, and it was nice to be with someone else for a change. She enjoyed cooking and cleaning for him and was secretly hoping that the hypnosis wouldn’t work right away so she could stay with him for a while.
Peter pulled out his pocket watch. “Okay then, lay down here on the sofa and get comfortable,” he said. He brought a chair from the dining room and placed it next to her head on the sofa. “Now I want you to just relax and watch the watch. Don’t think of anything else just let me do all the work. Trust me, Elizabeth, just watch the watch,” he said.
He began swaying it back and forth a little and Elizabeth watched the moving timepiece as he instructed.
“Now listen to my voice. You are getting sleepy… very sleepy. Your eyes are getting heavy… you can barely keep them open. You are relaxed and warm and happy. You are so tired… all you want to do is sleep. Now sleep, Elizabeth, sleep,” he said.
Elizabeth was completely unconscious. Peter had her under his hypnotic spell and now he was going to try to implant a suggestion that would help her merge her two personalities.
“Now Elizabeth, I’m going to try to merge your personalities. You are going to become the dominant personality and Beth will be under your control. You will determine when and if she comes forward and she will be obedient to…