Time Travel

"An escalation."

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It’s been so long
Just a faded memory accompanied
by certain urges
Blurry and distorted
contorted by time
more distant
than the horizon

I see you 
my heart races
seratonin surges, 
intellect turns to retrospect

and feeling emerges

• •

It’s hard to believe
this unending attraction
You are forever
an irresistable lure
You were always the one 
that the whole room
had their eyes on

clothed in pretense
shy and demure
perpetrating the fraud
that you were 

perfectly pure

• • •

Your voice echoes quietly in my ear
resonates vibrantly like sonar
rebounding against the distant past
Now we resume 
our exploration
pursuing experimentation
impossible to advise on

In destructive thoughts, iconoclast
potent, dark images 
awake at last

and surfacing fast

• • • •

Your scent is identical
it’s mystical, remarkable
the flashback parenthetical
this storm is electrical, impossible
It’s curious, suspicious
The perfect mystery
to theorize on

Complex and metaphysical
with undeniable appeal 
there is nothing 
you can’t make me feel

You are fucking magical

• • • • •

You kiss me
and everything’s spinning
starting to unravel
You fuck me
like you miss me 
An incendiary passion 
burning fuels it relies on

Holding on, fucking my ass
you’re rough as gravel
and I’m as smooth as glass
Every time you touch me

I experience time travel


Published 7 years ago

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