New Found Home Pt.1

"My, how just a few hours can truly change my life."

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Having just moved to New Jersey, I am considerably lost with all of the streets and how to find my way around. I left California just under a week ago due to my job. They promoted me and demanded I relocate to their corporate HQ branch in New Jersey. Of course, I took it in the hope of meeting the woman I had been with for almost two years.

Joanne… the woman who I had loved and submitted to for almost three years lived somewhere around here. After She had told me no, She wouldn’t meet me despite me relocating due to work, I gave up all hope of meeting Her. 

Running around town on a rather cold day, I was quite frustrated because I am not used to snow or ice, it’s not something I encounter on a regular back home in California. I am focused on my phone for GPS, not paying attention to where I walk, and I almost run this beautiful woman over. Myself, being as clumsy as I am, I slip on the ice and fall down hard. This woman offers me her hand, pulling me up.

“Th-Thanks…” I stutter out, shivering from how cold it is.

“Anytime, sweets. How about you let me get you a tea? You look frozen to the bone.” She says, her voice sounding beautiful, the tone soft.

“I-If you’d like, though I would prefer coffee, if that’s alright?” I manage to squeak out, shocked at how this woman I don’t even know offers to buy me a drink.

“It would be my pleasure. Come. There is my favorite tea shop just around the corner and I hear they serve mighty fine coffee as well.”

Now focused on her, I notice she is considerably taller than I am, maybe a head and a half taller. Following her, we make small talk about the streets and shops.

Sitting down now, it’s plain to see I am not accustomed to having someone else with me anymore. It has been almost two years since I have allowed anyone to touch me, or even invite me out to places. I grow curious about this woman, but she beats me to the question asking.

“So, you aren’t from here. If I might intrude slightly, where are you from?”

I internally sigh as she asks the obvious question, already predicting she’s going to ask if I’m from L.A. or Hollywood.. the obvious.

“I’m from California. I just moved here for work.”

The only reply I could think of, I surely couldn’t tell this woman that I was also here in hopes of running into my Mistress, the woman who held my heart.

“California? This must be a big change for you, coming all this way to find snow and ice. I visited there once and it was so different than here. What part are you from?”

That reply isn’t what I had expected… I froze for a minute as the wonderful server breaks my train of thought and brings our drinks to us; my cup being fair sized and a fine amount of steam coming from the cup. Sighing happily, I thank the waitress and take a sip of the coffee, softly groaning at the taste.

“Fresno… it’s in the central valley. And my god, this is really good. I should start coming here more often.”

Keeping my eyes focused on hers, I realize that her eyes are a very soft brown, eyes that I could get lost in.

“Fresno? One of my girls… my friends… lived in Fresno a while back. Interesting.”

Her girls? What does she mean by that?? This couldn’t possibly be…

“My apologies, but I never caught your name, Miss… ?”

I leave the last part open, almost willing her to say she is who I think she is. Please!!! Please say you are!!


Oh… my… god.. this beautiful woman who I had submitted to so long ago… I finally meet her…

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Joanne. Thank you so much for the coffee.. I-I have to go..”

Taking the to-go cup with me, I scramble out the door as my mind is racing. 

She has seen numerous pictures of me, but denied me the ability to meet her, yet offers to buy me a cup of coffee. Leaning against the wall of the coffee shop, I have the cup on in one hand, the other in my hair as I rack my brains trying to search for an answer. Not paying a lick of attention, I hadn’t realized the woman was standing close to me. Feeling a single finger under my chin, forcing me to look up, she is right in front of me. 

“Not how I thought you would take that, Kitten.”

My breath catches in my throat, unable to speak now. Opening my mouth to find I cannot form words, I close my mouth and look up at her with big, wide eyes.

“Now, is that any way to meet your Owner?” She asks, her eyes still as soft as possible.

As we are around the corner, I chose to hide in the alley to keep from the public eyes, I drop to my knees immediately, the cup of coffee skillfully set down in the snow as I placed my hands behind my back, crossing my wrists the exact same way I had online for the past three years. Bowing my head, I let my submissive nature take over all thoughts, seeming easier than to let myself constantly think of the fact I had just met my Owner for the first time in my life.

“That’s better, Kitten. Now.. I had been watching you since you arrived. You have had a hard time adjusting to life here, so I thought I should step in. You have two choices. You can follow me to a car and I can take you to my home so you can warm up and we can talk. Or, we can continue life as if I had never come across you. If you choose the second option though, you must forget I ever met you.”

Hearing those two choices, I instantly know what I am going to choose. My mouth opens and I say the words without actually hearing them.

“Go to the car with You, Mistress.” 

I hear her chuckle, a beautiful and lovely sound. Like music to my ears.

 “Up and follow me. Your sister will be so glad I finally brought you home. She has been asking me since you left California if I was going to bring you home.”

My sister? Who could she possibly be thinking of?? My sister is still in California… wait. She must be talking about Kat. I had completely forgotten until now, thinking that Her calling Haley and Kat my sisters were solely online names… I had never thought this day would actually happen.

Standing up and letting her take the lead once more, I follow her to a beautiful car. Gasping, I let my interest in autos show. I look over the car and pinpoint the size of the engine based on how the car’s body and exhaust are designed.

She laughs at my interest, knowing that I had always told her I am obsessed with cars. Opening my door, She gives me a single look then glances to the passenger’s back seat. Confused, I slide in and buckle my seat belt.

“I have a stop to make before I go home. Don’t worry your pretty little head, Kitten,” She says, not even looking at me this point. 

I decide to start to play with my phone, my safety net for moments where my anxiety levels are sky high. My hands trembling, this time not from the cold. A woman close to my age slides next to me in the back seat, buckling up. For the first time, I look up to see yet another beautiful woman with strikingly beautiful brown eyes, just like Joanne. Swallowing hard, the lump in my throat finally disappears.

“Hello. You must be Ashelynn.”

How does this woman know my name? Who is she?

“Y-Yes… And can I ask who you are?”

Internally, I am kicking myself because I can’t seem to get my nerves under control. 

Plainly obvious that I’m nervous, this woman so easily takes the lead in the conversation. 

“Oh, I’m Kat. I have heard soo much about you from Mistress! I have been begging Her for DAYS to let you meet her!! I can’t believe you’re finally here!!”

I sigh softly, realizing who she is now. I look from her to the beautiful woman whom I have called Mistress for two years now, wondering what else she has in store.

“It’s hard to believe… I have asked so many times over the last year alone if I could meet Her. I get promoted and move out here, and it’s like a chance encounter. So many things are different out here. The food, weather, even the people. But to run into Her… And She offers to buy me a cup of coffee. That’s what is nerve-wracking…”

I trail off, now becoming slightly embarrassed that I have started to let my emotions be known to these two women whom I had just met.

The slightly older woman next to me takes her hand and places it around my shoulders, pulling me closer to her. I allow myself to be moved, not feeling that she had undone my seat belt. I jump slightly as I feel her hand on the small of my back, earning a soft giggle from Kat. Blushing a deep crimson red, I lower my head down in an attempt to hide my red face.

“Oh come ooonnnn, sis.”

Kat says, using her free hand to turn my face towards her now. She places a soft kiss upon my red cheek and whispers softly in my ear.

“Mistress has many plans for you. No need to be shy.”

I look at her, taking my hands off of my phone now. Hesitantly placing a hand on her leg, I marvel over how soft her skin is.

“One last stop, Kittens.”

The sound of Mistress’s voice startled me and I let out a soft squeak in return. 

Having been allowed to relax in the back of the car against Kat’s body, my head on her shoulder the whole ride, I realize now that we are in a part of town I hadn’t been yet. Looking around, it is beautiful. Mistress steps out of the car and greets yet another woman. She hugs her and kisses her cheek. They stand talking for several minutes outside the car. Next to me, Kat is almost bouncing in her seat. Confused, I watch the exchange, the woman looking familiar to me.

Finally, after what seems like an eternity, they finally come to the car, the younger woman sliding into the other seat beside me. Her perfume is intoxicating, and I wonder who she is.

“Hello…” I say, hoping to find out if this woman is who I think she is.

“Hey, sis!” Is her reply.

The only one to reply like THAT must be Haley. 

Haley… wait… holy hell! Not only did I meet Mistress, but I also met Kat AND Haley all in one day. I offer a half smile, excited yet nervous still. 

“Alright, now we’ll go home, my lovely Kittens,”  Mistress says.

Home… is that Her home, Kat’s home, or Haley’s home? And how far is it from where I just moved to? And what does She want to do there? How far am I going to be taken today? Is She going to take it easy on me, especially seeing how I haven’t been with a woman in so long?

It shows on my face that I am deep in thought now. Kat and Haley apparently have some kind of sister language that is completely non-verbal, so I don’t catch on to anything until they both slide a hand onto my thighs at the same time. Startled once more, I softly gasp and sit up straight. They both gently rub the inside of my thighs, and it feels so calming.

Haley, having been the one who I had talked to so much more for countless hours, knows my turn-ons. Haley slowly takes her free hand and wraps it in my hair, giving it a firm pull. I let out a shuddering breath, biting down on my lower lip as I think back, trying to remember how much I had told her. Haley makes a motion towards Kat, who in turn leans down to kiss and nip on my neck. 

I’m in heaven, I think. To have both of these women attacking me at the same time, my nerves are all but gone. Not even realizing the car has stopped for a moment, I have my eyes closed. I feel a third pair of hands on me now… the fingers gently wrapped around my throat.

Gasping in surprise, my eyes flutter open to find another pair of bright brown eyes staring down at me. She tilts her head, motioning towards my…. sisters. They both leave in unison, taking the keys from Mistress’s front seat to unlock the front door. She then allows me to step out of the car, my legs still quivering. She walks me to the front door and says in a very soft, almost unable to be heard, voice.

“Welcome home, Kitten.”

Published 7 years ago

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