It May Never Happen – Part 4

"Life goes on as Sally and Jim's affair looks like getting even more intense"

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Sixty-one-year-old Sally O’Rourke and sixty-year-old Jim Reed, both married, were having a so-far secret affair.

They had known and fancied each other for about thirty years, but their sexual connection was very new. They had so far met for sex on three occasions, all in Sally’s house when her husband Pete was out.

They were great together sexually, they both said that sex between them was better than anything that they had had before. Both of their marriages were sexless and had been for a while. It was a remark by Sally and Jim’s response, that lead to them discovering that they were each trapped in a marriage where their spouse no longer wanted sex whilst Sally and Jim did.

Sally had purchased a pay-as-you-go mobile phone for each of them so that they could keep in touch secretly, the need for secrecy meant that the phones were usually switched off and only accessed when Sally or Jim was on their own, meaning there could be big delays between a message being sent and being read.

They were due to attend a dance with their spouses and three other couples in a few days, but both were wondering how they would cope with being together socially but not being able to let their feelings for each other be known.

The night before the dance, Jim sent Sally a text.

Not sure that I will be able to go to the dance, seeing you but not being able to touch you will be unbearable. I might tell Sue that I feel sick and tell her to go on her own.

Sally understood what Jim was feeling, she replied.

I know how you feel, it will be so difficult. The decision is yours, baby.

Throughout most of Saturday, Jim was still undecided about going, but he did lay some groundwork for possibly crying off my telling his wife Sue that he was not feeling very well.

It was getting near the time that Jim would have to decide because he would soon have to get showered and changed if he was going. His mind was still in conflict, but he decided to go and hope that he did not regret it.

Jim and Sue were being picked up by a people carrier vehicle that would also include Sally and Pete plus two other couples, the third couple was getting dropped off at the dance by a relative.

Sally and Pete were picked up just before Jim and Sue, Sally was wondering if she would be seeing her lover in a few minutes, or not. She was hoping that she did but was also a bit apprehensive about what might happen during the evening, especially with lots of alcohol involved.

The taxi pulled up outside Jim and Sue’s house, and Sally’s heart skipped a beat when she saw her lover come out with his wife.

“Hello everybody,” said Sue to the other occupants of the people carrier when she got in.

“Hi,” said Jim, as he got in.

There were a series of ‘Hello’s’ and ‘Hi’s’ in response.

Jim’s and Sally’s eyes met briefly, just as an acknowledgement.

The taxi arrived at the hall where the dance was being held, and all piled out.

In recent times, they had got into the habit of each couple buying their own drinks rather than rounds being bought, although all ten of them were good drinkers so all consumed just about the same amount of alcohol.

They were seated at a large round table but as they were all friendly with each other, they were not sat in any particular order. As it happened, Jim and Sally were just about opposite each other, so eye contact would be easy but being in such close proximity for maybe four or more hours would be testing.

Their eyes frequently met, and smiles were exchanged, but both of them were finding it difficult.

The band started playing and some couples started dancing. It was rare for Jim’s wife Sue to be away from her television set but she did let herself go at these dances, she more or less dragged Jim onto the dance floor for what was a high-tempo seventies song.

Pete got Sally to get up to dance when the next song started, and Jim and Sue were still on the dancefloor.

Sally engineered the positioning so that she was facing Jim, and they were really dancing with each other, despite their respective spouses being in between.

Alcohol was flowing well, and Sally got more ambitious on the dance floor. All ten of their group were dancing but Sally managed to get close to Jim, and deliberately backed into him, her arse making contact with Jim’s backside.

“Oh, sorry Jim,” giggled Sally.

“Anytime,” smiled Jim.

They were both wishing that they could go off somewhere right now and fuck.

At one point in mid-evening, Sally and Jim were the only two at the table, everyone else was either dancing or at the bar.

“How are you coping?” asked Sally.

“It’s hard,” replied Jim, and then they both laughed at the double meaning.

“Pleased to hear it, but not a lot of use to me at the moment,” smiled Sally.

“Yeah, I mean it’s difficult,” said Jim, but the brief chat was ended by a couple returning from the dancefloor.

It reached the late evening and nothing untoward had happened, although neither Sally nor Jim was as relaxed as they normally would be at one of these dances. Their eye contact and smiles across the table had been frequent, Sally in particular was hoping that nobody else had noticed.

They, and the others in their party, had been drinking quite heavily, and Jim was feeling the urge to have a snog with Sally. The alcohol intake had freed his inhibitions and had made him less capable of sensible thinking.

Sally had gone to the ladies, and as she returned, Jim staggered towards her.

“Give us a kiss,” Jim slurred, as he put his hands on Sally’s shoulders.

“Don’t be silly, Jim,” Sally said nervously, hoping that nobody from their table was watching. They were several yards away from the others.

“You like kissing me,” Jim said.

“Not now, Jim, please let me go,” said Sally, in a loud whisper, if there is such a thing.

What was happening now was what Sally was most fearful of happening, luckily Jim seemed to come to his senses.

“Sorry, sorry Sally,” he said, taking his hands from her shoulders.

Sally returned to the table, trying to gauge if any of the others had seen what was going on. Two were absent from the table, and none of the other six looked like they were aware of what had just happened. Jim went in the opposite direction, to the gents.

Sally hoped that she would have no further problems with Jim this evening, she was not sober but she was sober enough to know that she did not want anyone’s suspicions raised about her and Jim.

Last orders were called at the bar, and most of the ten got another drink, although perhaps surprisingly Jim did not, although Sue sent him to get her one.

The band at these dances played on after the bar closed, a return people carrier for the eight had been booked for midnight, and the other two were getting picked up.

Sally was now nervous about Jim doing or saying something on the journey home, she was pleased that he did not have a ‘last orders’ drink when he could have done. She was finding that her concern about what was to come seemed to be sobering her up.

The taxi firms were stretched and all bookings were tight for time, so they ask that people be outside and ready to go at the booked time. The eight for the people carrier were outside but not standing close together.

In retrospect, Sally maybe should have been standing close to her husband or one of her friends, but she was standing alone, and Jim moved towards her.

“When are we going to fuck again?” asked Jim, slurring his words.

Sally was thankful that she was away from the others, it crossed her mind that Jim might have asked the same question even if she was next to someone.

“Soon baby, please don’t say anything in the taxi,” replied Sally, panicking slightly.

“But I want you,” said Jim, staggering a bit whilst trying to stay upright.

“You will have me,” said Sally, checking to make sure nobody was within hearing distance.

“I mean I want you forever,” said Jim.

The taxi arrived, and Sally prayed to herself that Jim did not try to continue the conversation in the vehicle.

Jim and Sue were the last to get in, as they would be the first out. Sally, and Pete, were in the row behind them. Sally was on tenterhooks, she knew that what she and Jim had had for the last couple of weeks and what they might have in the future, could all be wrecked in the next few minutes.

“Your football team are not doing very well, Jim,” said Colin, one of the other husbands.

“Fuck off,” responded Jim.

“Hey, careful, there are ladies here,” Sue admonished her husband.

Sally did not know why Colin had decided to mention football now when it had not been mentioned during the previous four or five hours, but she was glad that he did.

Mike, the other husband from their circle, then said something about football and there was a drunken argument which, to Sally’s delight, lasted until the taxi pulled up outside Jim and Sally’s house.

The passengers got out, saying their ‘Good Nights’ and staggered up their path to their house, Sally could now breathe again.

On Sunday morning, all ten were feeling groggy to varying degrees. Late morning, Sally decided to send Jim a text to see how he was but on switching on her ‘secret’ mobile, she had a text from him.

Hi, did I make a fool of myself last night?

Sally chuckled to herself and then replied.

Ha, you came close to it a couple of times, but as Basil Fawlty might say, I think we got away with it. How are you feeling? xxxx

Jim must have been on his own and with his mobile on because he responded immediately.

I feel a bit rough. I remember trying to kiss you but what else did I do?

Sally was pleased that she was in contact right now.

When we were waiting for the taxi you asked me when we were going to fuck again, I was dreading you asking again in the taxi.

Jim absorbed that message and then replied.

Fuck! Did anyone else hear me? I remember arguing about football with Colin in the taxi. You must now think that I am a hopeless drunk.

Sally replied.

You are not a hopeless drunk baby, you were just letting your hair down and you had things on your mind. Nobody else heard. Strange that you remember arguing with Colin but do not remember saying that to me.

Sally knew that this exchange of messages could not go in indefinitely, because the need for secrecy meant that the sender of a message had to be on their own. She got another message from Jim.

So my behaviour last night has not turned you against me?

Sally smiled to herself before responding.

Baby, I want you more than ever. Oh, Pete is coming upstairs, got to go. Bye xxxx

Jim read and re-read that last message, god he wanted that woman. He knew that there was no point in replying because the conversation was over.

A bit later in the day, Jim sent another text.

I am longing to have sex with you again, I can’t get enough of you. xxxx

That evening he read Sally’s reply.

I am gagging for it too, hopefully, we will get a chance during the week, I will let you know xxxx

Text messages went backwards and forward over the next two days, the original £10 that Sally had put in each phone was going to need topping up.

On Wednesday, Sally sent another text, with good news.

Hey, Pete is working for a few hours tomorrow and then meeting a mate for a pint. Do you fancy telling Sue that you will be out for several hours? xxx

There was quite a delay before Jim saw the text and responded, but his reply was as expected.

I wish it was more than several hours, but of course. I am longing to have you again. xxx

Whilst waiting for Jim’s response, Sally had been doing some thinking and some research.

What do you reckon about a few hours in a hotel room?

They had mentioned the possibility of an assignation in a hotel or motel room when they first discussed having sex together, but so far all their fucking had been in Sally’s house. Being the more proactive of the two, Sally investigated the possibility of getting a room for a few daytime hours.

Jim responded with a one-word question.


In her thinking time, Sally had grown rather fond of the idea of a hotel room fuck.

We could do it tomorrow. The hotel just out of town lets you book a room for daytime hours but we can look at doing it another time if you do not want to do it tomorrow.

Jim had given the idea a bit of thought and concluded that having sex with Sally O’Rourke in a hotel room seemed even more exciting and erotic than doing it in her house. Jim responded.

No, tomorrow would be great. How do we pay?

Sally felt incredibly turned on.

They need a card number. I can book it online, the room is from ten in the morning until four in the afternoon. Shall I do it?

Jim was very much up for the idea but did not want Sally paying.

Yes, but I will pay for it.

Sally was happy to split the cost.

I am not sure if they take the money in advance or not but we will sort it out. Will you pick me up?

Jim had not yet told his wife that he was going to be out for a large chunk of the next day, but Sue had not been bothered about him disappearing for hours at a time over recent times. She might be bothered if she knew what he was doing though.

Jim texted back.

Yes, can you be down the town end of your road about a quarter to ten?

Sally replied that she would be. Both mobiles would need their pay-as-you-go topped up.

Yeah, see you in the morning, baby. Hotel room fuck. Mmmm. xxx

Neither slept much that night. Jim told Sue that he would be out for most of the day the next morning, he said it as casually as he could although his heart was thumping, and Sue barely acknowledged what he said.

Sally thought that she had better cover herself for the possibility of her husband getting home before she did.

“I am spending a day wandering around town, you might be home first,” Sally told Pete. She did not feel particularly guilty about having an affair but she felt strangely guilty about her lie about wandering around town.

Sally had enough time after Pete had left home to make herself look quite sexy, some make-up but not too much, and a white blouse and a shortish tight black skirt. She went to the end of her road to await her lover, hoping that nobody she knew noticed her looking as she did at this time of the day.

Jim pulled up very much on time.

“You look amazing,” said Jim, as Sally got into his car.

“Thank you, you look handsome too,” smiled Sally. They wanted to kiss but thought it best not to, in case they got seen.

“This is so exciting,” said Jim, as they set off for the hotel.

“Yes, doing it in a hotel room seems even more naughty,” giggled Sally.

“How do we pay?” asked Jim.

“I put my card details online, I think the transaction goes through when we check in,” replied Sally.

“Okay, well I will draw cash out later and pay you whatever it costs,” said Jim.

“I am so fucking horny,” said a very happy Sally.

“Me too, babe,” smiled Jim.

“Yeah, so I see,” laughed Sally, looking at, but not touching the lump in Jim’s trousers.

“This is going to be amazing, isn’t it?” said Jim.

“Yep,” confirmed Sally.

They were soon parked in the hotel car park.

“I will go and check in, do you want to come to reception with me?” said Sally.

“Um…,” said a self-conscious Jim.

“Thought not, you wait here,” smiled Sally, as they entered the hotel.

Sally approached the desk, there was an attractive woman, probably aged in her late forties, in reception.

“Good morning, Sally O’Rourke, I booked a room online,” smiled Sally.

“Oh yes, a daytime room,” said the receptionist, with almost a smirk.

“Yes,” confirmed Sally.

“I will now complete the debit card transaction, okay?” said the receptionist.

“Fine,” Sally responded.

Sally had no way of knowing, but the receptionist, who was wearing a wedding ring, was having a tempestuous affair, and although she had not had sex in any of the hotel rooms, she and her lover had had daytime fucks in other hotels.

“That is done, here is your key; you need to check out by 4 pm; your room is at the far end of that corridor,” said the receptionist, trying to look beyond Sally to see who she was with. Sometimes women of Sally’s age booked a daytime room to have sex with males that were hardly out of their teens.

“Thank you, yes, I understand,” said Sally.

“Have fun,” smiled the receptionist.

“We will,” laughed Sally.

The receptionist caught a glimpse of Jim, who may be Sally’s husband, but the receptionist doubted it. She squirmed her arse on her chair thinking of her illicit sex sessions.

Sally and Jim giggled as they went down the corridor, Jim had his hand on Sally’s arse.

They got into their room, faced each other, and had a long sensuous kiss.

“We have six hours in here, lover,” said Sally, when the initial kissing stopped.

“Six hours, just you and me,” replied Jim, and they snogged again.

Jim’s hands were on Sally’s large backside over her skirt, his stiffness pressing against her front.

“Oh, the receptionist said to have fun,” smiled Sally.

“That was nice of her,” replied Jim.

“Yeah, I suppose she is used to couples booking in for a fuck,” laughed Sally.

“I suppose so,” agreed Jim, and they kissed again.

“I am going to take your clothes off, Mrs O’Rourke,” said Jim, when the latest kissing ended.

“Be my guest, Mr Reed,” replied Sally, moving from their embrace.

They looked deeply into each other’s eyes, as Jim undid and removed Sally’s blouse. Jim’s penis was straining for release from his trousers, but getting Sally naked was his current mission.

Jim moved behind Sally and unhooked her bra, when that fell to the floor, Jim fondled Sally’s large breasts and kissed her neck.

“Mmmm,” purred Sally, grinding her arse against Jim.

After playing with Sally’s tits and nipples for a while, Jim unzipped and pulled down Sally’s skirt and she stepped out of it. All she was wearing now was her knickers.

Jim knelt behind Sally, and very slowly pulled her knickers down, baring her substantial bottom.

“You have an amazing arse, Sally,” complimented Jim.

“Yeah, you have told me that before,” replied Sally, stepping out of her knickers.

Jim kissed Sally’s buttocks, and then kissed his way up her back to her neck as he got to his feet, his hands were back on her tits.

“This is so good,” said a very turned-on Sally.

“It is perfect,” said Jim.

“It will be perfect when I have got you naked,” said Sally, turning to face her lover.

They kissed again, Sally naked and Jim clothed, and Jim squeezed Sally’s bare arse.

“Time for me to take your clothes off, Mr Reed,” said Sally, her eyes alive with lust.

“I am all yours, Mrs O’Rourke,” replied Jim.

Sally unbuttoned Jim’s shirt, and that was removed.

Sally caressed Jim’s bulge through his trousers, and then undid and unzipped his trousers and pulled them down.

Sally was kneeling, she caressed Jim’s erection through his underpants.

Sally very slowly pulled Jim’s underpants down, and his rigid penis stood proud.

Sally assisted Jim in stepping out of his trousers and underpants and then took off his socks to have him join her in nakedness.

Sally licked the outside of Jim’s rod, and then took its head into her mouth.

“Oh fuck,” murmured Jim, as Sally sucked his penis.

The cock sucking continued for a while, and then Sally stood and they snogged again. Jim’s fingers went to Sally’s already very wet cunt.

“Shall we make love now?” said Sally, seductively.

“Let’s do that,” replied Jim, as they eased their bodies onto the bed.

They kissed and caressed and then Sally’s right hand guided Jim’s stiff cock into her cunt, and slow and sensuous lovemaking started.

Jim’s penis slid slowly in and out of Sally’s vagina, and they were in a sexual world of their own.

“I love you, Jim,” said Sally softly, as her lover’s cock moved in and out of her.

“I love you too, so much,” replied Jim.

They were both very content making love slowly, there was no reason for urgency. They were in a sexual paradise.

Their bodies worked together, still at a slow and sensuous pace. Sally had not cum yet, although she was not far from doing so, but that did not matter, there was plenty of time for cumming.

The middle-aged couple, longtime friends but very recent lovers, continued their lovemaking.

Sally was loving what they were doing, but she wanted to cum.

“Fancy speeding it up a bit?” she smiled.

“Like this you mean?” replied Jim, surprising her with his sudden increase in pace.

“Shit, fuck, shit, fuck,” shouted Sally, as the sudden speeding up had her cumming.

Jim slowed down as suddenly as he had sped up.

“Did you like it?” teased Jim, as Sally shuddered through the end of her orgasm.

“Fuck, of course I fucking liked it,” laughed Sally, as the sex continued at the original slow pace.

Sally had her legs locked behind Jim’s back as his penis slid slowly in and out, both of them knew that a sudden increase in pace by him would have Sally cumming again.

Jim deliberately kept it very slow for a long time, Sally was constantly expecting a sudden fast fuck.

Without warning, Jim started thrusting hard and fast.

“Shit, fuck, you bugger, oh fuck, oh fuck,” shouted Sally, as she came again.

It was then back to very slow sex, the day was going wonderfully well.

Although she should not have done, the receptionist had left her area and had wandered down the corridor leading to the room that Sally had booked. The other rooms in the corridor were empty although the chambermaids were about. The receptionist happened to have her ear to the door when Sally had her second loud orgasm, the receptionist went to the ladies’ cloakroom to lock herself in a cubicle and masturbate.

Jim was loving how the session was going but knew that at some point, he would ejaculate. He wanted to time it so that it was at the same time as Sally came, and to achieve that, it probably needed another fast fuck.

“Want to speed things up again?” asked Jim, this time giving Sally some warning.

“Yeah, go for it,” said Sally, preparing herself for another fast fuck.

Jim did as expected and soon had Sally cumming again but this time he did not slow and kept fucking as he felt his spunk rising.

Jim groaned as he spurted his cum into Sally’s well-lubricated cunt.

They eventually collapsed in each other’s arms, laughing out loud.

“That was quite good, wasn’t it?” chuckled Jim, pleased with his performance.

“Not bad,” laughed Sally.

Although this was only their fourth sex session together, arse play had already become something that they both enjoyed.

Sally rolled onto her front and Jim gave her backside the full treatment. He kissed it, caressed it, licked it and fingered it.

Jim had already discovered that having her arse crack played with sent Sally wild, and he had her cumming loudly as he fingered and licked her arse crack and tongued her arsehole.

“We have decisions to make,” said Sally, still on her front after her arse play orgasm.

“At the moment I am deciding whether to spank you or not,” said Jim.

“I am serious, are we going to go on as we are or are we going to be together all of the time?” said Sally.

“You are right, of course; we do need to make decisions,” agreed Jim.

“Are you happy us just meeting occasionally for sex?” asked Sally.

“It is all that we have at the moment, if we want to make it more than that then we will have to make it public and deal with whatever fallout we get,” said Jim.

“I know; just seeing you as and when we can is not enough for me, but the alternative is ending our two marriages,” said Sally.

“Both marriages are over in some respects though, aren’t they?” said Jim.

“Yes, they are,” agreed Sally.

There was then a period of silence before Sally’s thoughts turned back to sex.

“We have to be checked out by four, will you be able to manage another fuck before then?” Sally asked.

Quite a lot of their six hours had gone, but there was still time for more sex if Jim was up to it.

“I think so, one with you with your arse in the air I reckon,” replied Jim.

After Sally had got Jim erect with her hand and mouth, she was on her knees with her big backside pointing at the ceiling. Jim ran his stiff cock up and down her arse crack before entering her cunt.

It was hard and fast and Sally was on her second orgasm of the fuck when Jim came.

They then showered and got dressed and checked out of the hotel, a different lady was in reception but her look made it obvious that she was aware of how the couple had been spending their time in the hotel.

More daytime hotel room fucking was a possibility for the future, unless they announced their love for each other and walked out of their marriages into a home of their own.

Published 2 years ago

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