Carolyn knew something was up, but didn’t have the imagination to put the pieces together. But she wasn’t happy with the way the women in her family were treating her husband.
After a lunch of toasted ham and cheese sandwiches and fried potatoes, everyone settled in for a long afternoon of writing and research. Perhaps thinking to avoid Brenda, Cain took the older kids outside to shovel sidewalks and scrape windshields. The snow had stopped and the wind, still blowing, had slowed. It was still bitterly cold.
Snow plows were supposedly out, but none had rumbled past the church. Every road in the state was officially closed.
Thanks to Uncle Paul salting the sidewalks, they were clear in almost no time. Cain and his team couldn’t shovel the parking lot, but they cleared a path to the cars. As they tromped around, scraping windows, they created useful, if icy, paths around each vehicle.
After two hours, they were exhausted, drenched, and ready for hot chocolate. Uncle Paul caught Cain topping his with Irish whiskey, but in return for a sip, he said nothing.
When evening rolled around, everyone was tired, either mentally or physically. Aunt Rachel and some of the older cousins put together several large lasagnas. They ate sat around a large television that someone had connected to a laptop. It was playing family-friendly movies that everyone had seen a dozen times, but which would offend no one.
After the meal, Cain sat dozing in a chair when he noticed Carolyn sitting at a table by herself. He made two mugs of chamomile tea and sat across from her.
“Here you go,” he said, sliding a mug across the table.
“Thanks,” she said. She was looking at her tablet.
“Not into the movie?”
She snorted.
“I’d rather watch one of your action movies than this stuff one more time.”
He glanced up at the Sunday school classroom where he had spent the night with Ellie recently. It was dark, but he could see a shadow standing behind the glass.
“What about you?” she asked.
“Maybe switch Hallmark movie with action movie.”
She continued playing a game on her tablet.
“Any surprises with the project today?”
“Yes, actually. I found out that Grandma was pregnant when she and Grandpa got married.”
“You’re kidding!”
“No. They were always vague about their anniversary date and I never picked up on it.”
“Son of a gun.”
“According to the internet, it was pretty common right after the war. Nobody talks about it much.”
Movement above caught his eye. Shadows flashed in the Sunday school room as someone opened the door. The person turned as the room went dark again.
Carolyn followed his gaze.
“What are you looking at?”
“I thought I saw someone up there. Just a shadow.”
She peered at the window.
“Should we go up there?” she asked.
He sipped his tea, thinking.
“Who could it be? Isn’t everyone down here?” Cain asked, glancing around the room.
“Hard to say. I think some smokers are outside. Uncle Ronnie has spent most of the weekend in the hallway.”
“He’s a strange one, isn’t he?”
“Strange, sure. But he doesn’t have women hanging all over him. No reason to stay in here with everyone else.”
There it is, he thought.
“Baby, listen,” he said, but she held up a hand.
“I get it. You saved Sheri. You’re a hero.”
“I’m not a hero. Sheri needed help, and I was there.”
“To Ellie, you’re a hero.”
“You’re jealous of your little cousin? Is that what you’re saying?”
Since it was probably true, it was exactly the wrong thing to say.
Tears sprang to her eyes, and she stormed away.
A couple of heads turned to watch her go, but most gave them privacy.
Sighing, Cain drained his tea and followed. An apology wouldn’t go far, but it had to be done.
Passing through the double doors, he saw Ronnie on a bench in the hallway. Cain raised his eyebrows in question, and Ronnie pointed down the hallway.
“Thanks,” Cain said, and headed that way.
Several classrooms and a thrift store were down this hallway. At the end, past the thrift store, was the back stair. It was old and steep and received little use.
She wasn’t in any of the classrooms, and the thrift store was locked. He glanced up the stairway and heard a floorboard creak.
He sighed and headed up.
The fourth stair squeaked under his foot.
So much for stealth.
At the top, he paused, noting that Carolyn hadn’t turned on a light. Carolyn was standing at a window, looking out at the night. Moonlight bathed her face, and the pale silver light made her look like a goddess.
He walked toward her, composing his apology. She didn’t look up. He leaned a shoulder against the wall facing her.
Before he could speak, they heard a giggle from down the hall. Carolyn turned her head in that direction, raising a hand for silence.
Neither of them moved. They could just make out hushed voices. Women, it sounded like. Carolyn looked at Cain, but said nothing.
Her anger was gone, or at least on hold. Her expression said: What do we do?
He raised a hand, palm up, as if to say: I’ll follow your lead.
She turned and beckoned him to follow.
They crept toward the upstairs classroom, where the voices must have come from. Once they could make out the conversation, they stopped.
“How old were you when you and Uncle Will started dating?”
“We were 16 the first time. I think we were 20 before we were officially a couple.”
As soon as Cain heard “Uncle Will,” he knew Brenda was the second voice. But whose was the first?
“Was he the first boy you kissed?”
Brenda “hmmm-ed” in thought.
“Yes,” she said. “The first boy, not the first kiss.”
Carolyn grabbed Cain’s arm, but said nothing.
“Aunt Brenda! Are you saying… you kissed a girl?”
“Oh, Ellie, you’re so precious. I’ve kissed more than a few girls.”
It was Ellie, his wife’s young cousin. Cain’s overworked penis began growing, despite his exhaustion. Carolyn’s grip tightened.
“What was it like? Do you like boys better? Men, I mean. Does Uncle Will know? How many girls? I… have questions.”
Carolyn crept closer to the corner and pulled Cain along with her. He followed gamely.
“I could get into trouble telling you about this,” Brenda said.
“Oh, please. I won’t say anything. I promise.”
“How do I know you’ll keep your promise?”
“I always keep my promises, Aunt Brenda.”
“We’ll have to make a pact. If I tell you my secrets, you’ll have to tell me yours. At least one.”
There was silence for many seconds.
“Okay, I have a secret, but you can’t tell my mom.”
Cain’s blood ran cold.
“We should leave,” he whispered in his wife’s ear. “This isn’t cool.”
She glanced at him, then down at his erection. The tent in his trousers was casting a substantial shadow in the moonlight. She patted it and turned back to listen.
“Do you want to begin, or shall I?” Brenda asked.
There was a shuffling sound, like someone getting comfortable on a sofa.
“Yours will take longer. You start and we’ll take turns.”
“Mmm. Well, my first kiss was my best friend, Mandy. We did everything together. One weekend, we were on an overnight volleyball trip. We shared a bed in a hotel room with two other girls.”
Cain’s erection grew more solid, and he reached a hand up to Carolyn’s shoulder, pulling himself closer. His erection pressed into her hip. She shook her head at him.
“What happened?” Ellie asked, breathless.
“We talked for a long time. After the others went to sleep, we moved close and whisper to each other.”
“What did you whisper about?”
“Her mom didn’t let her have sleepovers. We had never been alone like this. We talked about boys, teachers, girl stuff. I couldn’t stop looking at her, stroking her hair.”
“Did you love her?”
“Mm-hmm. I still do. First-love….”
Ellie sighed.
“Are you cold?” Brenda asked. “Here, share my coat.”
There was more shuffling and rearranging.
“Much. Thank you.”
“So, you and Mandy kissed?”
“A lot.”
“Wow. Nothing… else?”
“We petted a little, but with the other girls, we couldn’t do much.”
They both laughed.
“Not long after that, she and I started dating boys.”
“Uncle Will?”
“Among others,” Brenda laughed.
“Are you worried he’ll find out? About Mandy, I mean.”
There was a low, sultry laugh.
“Oh, he knows, sweetie. I shouldn’t tell you too much….”
“But Aunt Brenda…” Ellie pled.
“How can I refuse you?” Brenda said, her voice muffled. “Mmm. Your hair smells delicious. Did you wash it?”
“Mom brought some shampoo back from Grandma and Grampa’s.”
“Ah, yes. Of course. She had a nice hot shower there, didn’t she?”
“Yeah. Lucky. I mean, aside from almost dying.”
“Okay. I’ll tell you this one thing, then you can tell me your secret. Deal?”
“Well, Uncle Will dated Mandy before he dated me.”
“Oh! Is that how you met?”
“Yeah. I’m afraid I wasn’t a good friend.”
There was a pause. Carolyn started massaging Cain’s cock, and he slid his hand over her shoulder to her breast.
Brenda sighed.
“Will took Mandy from me. Or, that’s how I felt then. So I took him from her.”
“Oh,” said Ellie.
“Yeah. I went a little crazy when she told me she slept with him.”
“Okay, my love. Your turn. Tell me something juicy.”
“I haven’t slept with any girls or anything yet,” Ellie said.
“Oh…well, not YET, yet. I just mean… you know what I mean.”
“I’m teasing.”
“Well, but I have slept with someone.”
Carolyn caught her breath and squeezed Cain’s cock. He froze in fear, his hand pausing its ministrations to Carolyn’s breast.
“Oooh. Is he cute?”
Ellie sighed.
“He’s big and strong.”
“Older than you?”
“Yeah, like, a lot.”
“So your parents wouldn’t approve?”
Ellie snorted.
“Not at all.”
“Does he make you feel good?”
“Oh, Aunt Brenda, it was so good. I mean, I’ve played with myself, you know? But this was a thousand times better.”
Carolyn melted back into Cain. He resumed kneading her breast while she stroked him. He nuzzled her ear, terrified but aroused.
“What did he do? Did he use his mouth?”
“Yeah,” Ellie breathed. “He did. I… did too.”
“You wicked girl,” Brenda said. They heard kissing.
Cain pressed Carolyn against the wall, taking her mouth with his.
“Sorry, Ellie,” Brenda said. “I shouldn’t have done that. I got carried away.”
“Mmm. It’s okay, Aunt Brenda. It was nice. Completely different from, uh, from him.”
Cain sighed. She didn’t say his name. The relief was nearly orgasmic.
“And did he do other things, your mystery man?”
Ellie giggled.
“He did. We were very naughty.”
“Your mother may not approve, but I do.”
Cain slid his hand inside Carolyn’s blouse and bra and rolled her nipple between thumb and fingers. She pressed against him and closed her eyes.
The sound of more kissing came from the classroom, followed by gasping and panting.
“Tell me more,” Ellie whispered. “When did you… do other things with girls?”
“Hmm. Other things. I had an English teacher that I fantasized about doing other things with.”
They giggled while Cain nibbled his wife’s neck.
“But I never did more with a girl until college. A lot of girls were experimenting then. For a time I thought I might be exclusively into girls.”
“What happened?”
“New Year’s Eve party one year. I slept with Uncle Will. He changed my religion, so to speak.”
More kissing sounds came from the room. More rustling.
“Ooh, Aunt Brenda. That’s nice.”
“You can touch mine, too. Yes. Just like that. A kiss? Ahh.”
“Oh, my, god,” Carolyn whispered.
Cain opened her pants and slid his hand inside. She shivered.
“Your breasts are beautiful, Aunt Brenda. I hope mine grow that big.”
“Don’t worry, sweetie. They might not, but boys, men that is, will still love them. And if they don’t, fuck ‘em.”
Ellie tutted.
“Aunt Brenda!”
“Well, I should say, DON’T fuck ‘em.”
They laughed. More kissing sounds followed.
“Oh, Aunt Brenda, we can’t! Everyone’s still awake. Someone might come in.”
“You’re right. Here, move onto my lap.”
Cain rearranged Carolyn’s clothing to give himself better access. She unzipped his trousers and took out his cock. She kissed him twining her fingers in his hair.
“There you are, sweetie. Now, let’s see how we do. Did your man touch you here?”
“Mm hmmm. Yeah, he… oh…god… he did.”
“Did he kiss your pretty little nipples at the same time?”
“Mmmwwwhoa. Yes, oh, just like that.”
“Well, it certainly sounds like he did things right. There… there you go, my love.”
Cain heard the unmistakable sound of Ellie’s orgasm, muffled though it was by Branda’s mouth.
Carolyn began quaking and shaking her head.
“Cain…Cain, you bastard, don’t make me… cum…. Ahh!”
Cain kissed his wife, hoping to muffle her sounds as well.
“Can you do the same for me, sweetie? That’s it.”
Juicy sounds came from the classroom.
“Oh, sweetheart, that’s it. Gods, just like that. Then my nipple.”
Carolyn stopped shuddering and held on to Cain. They kissed in the hallway, listing to the debauchment of her young cousin.
Cain turned his body sideways, so the moonlight illuminated his erection again. Carolyn looked down and sighed.
“You’re so bad,” she said into his ear.
But she kneeled in the moonlight, stroking him.
There were more multi-orgasmic sounds from the classroom, and pre-cum lubricated Cain’s shaft.
“Ellie,” Brenda whispered. “Ellie, are you okay?”
The girl’s voice sounded dreamy and far away.
“I’m really fantastic, Aunt Brenda. You’re so pretty. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, my love. And I think you’re prettier than me.”
They were kissing again. Cain wished he could see, wished he could hear kissing from below his belt, but Carolyn seemed content to rub him with only his pre-cum for lubrication.
“Tell me, your mystery man, you said he was big and strong,” Brenda said.
“Yeah, so strong.”
“Was he big and strong all over?”
“You mean… his… thing?”
“I mean his cock, silly. Did he have a big cock?”
“It’s the only one I’ve ever seen, Aunt Brenda. But it seemed big. I felt really stretched when it was inside me.”
“Inside your pussy or your mouth?”
“Oh, Aunt Brenda. Both! But, honestly, I couldn’t fit it all inside my mouth.”
Cain could imagine Brenda wishing she could gloat over the girl. She had no problem fitting his cock in her mouth and throat.
Carolyn looked up at Cain, her eyes wide. She was thinking about the girl, trying to fit a man-sized cock in her mouth, when she rarely did it for her husband. She looked back at his cock and squinted.
Should he help her? Guide her in? No. Best let her get there herself.
“There are tricks you’ll learn,” Brenda said. “You just need to relax. If you want a cock to fit, it will fit.”
Cain almost laughed out loud. Earlier that day, she had told him that her husband’s cock caused too much pain to take him in her ass. He should have told her, “If you want it to fit, it will fit.”
“What positions did he fuck you in?” Brenda asked.
“Positions? Like, where we did it?”
“Like missionary, doggy, cowgirl….”
“I don’t know what that means,” Ellie said.
Brenda explained.
“I liked missionary, and when I was sitting on his lap, and when he put me on the table…”
“Hmm. So you liked it all? You just enjoyed fucking.”
Ellie giggled.
“I really did. We didn’t try… doggie. That sounds so dirty. I wish we had.”
“I bet he does, too,” Brenda said.
Carolyn surprised Cain by taking the head of his cock into her mouth. He sighed and petted her hair.
“Good girl,” he whispered.
“So, when was the last time, besides now, I mean, when you did anything naughty with a girl?”
“I have a couple of friends that I regularly play with,” Brenda said.
Carolyn’s eyes grew wider. Cain felt his orgasm creeping up.
“But… but… does Uncle Will know?”
“Oh, you poor, sweet thing. Of course he does. He usually plays with us. Well, not usually, but it’s not uncommon.”
“Oh. He likes it?”
“They all do, sweetie. They just don’t want you to lie about it.”
Carolyn moaned as she stuffed Cain’s cock deeper into her mouth. He tapped her head and shushed her. He took a handful of hair, just in case.
“Will you tell him about this? About me?”
Kissing sounds.
“Of course not, my love. I promised you this is between us.”
“Thank you, Aunt Brenda.”
Cain imagined the two sitting on the couch, breasts exposed, perhaps pussies too. He imagined being in between the two, perhaps one on his lap, fucking him, and the other standing, being serviced orally by both of them. His cock strained in his wife’s mouth.
Almost there.
“Aunt Brenda, can I ask one more thing?”
Carolyn took him deeper than she ever had. Cain was on the verge.
“Have you ever, since you’ve been married, cheated on Uncle Will with another man?”
Cain’s eyes flew open. The image of his dick in Brenda’s ass less than twelve hours ago blazed through his brain.
“I have.”
“Many times?”
“So, you don’t think cheating is bad?”
“Cheating is bad when it’s really cheating. That’s why Uncle Will and I separated a few years ago. We were both cheating, and it was ruining our marriage. Now, we cheat with each other’s blessing. We’re supposed to tell each other about it when we do.”
“So then, it’s not cheating if you tell.”
“Not really.”
“But you won’t tell about me?”
“No. Today, I get a free pass.”
“Does Uncle Will get free passes?”
“If he gets a chance to do Scarlett Johansson, and I’m not available to join in, he gets a free pass.”
Ellie laughed.
The image of Ellie and Scarlett intertwined floated through Cain’s mind, and suddenly he was cumming into his wife’s mouth. She pulled back, struggling not to gag. Cain had little to give, but painted two more shots onto her chin, using his grip on her hair to keep her from retreating too quickly.
“Did you hear something?” Ellie asked.
“Maybe we should get dressed,” Brenda said.
Cain helped Carolyn to her feet, and they tiptoed to the back stairway. Carolyn went first, adjusting her clothes.
“Skip this one,” she whispered, pointing to the squeaky one.
They made it to the restrooms where, once again, Cain bathed himself in the stall with wet paper towels he hoped would flush.
Back in the fellowship hall, he and Carolyn reunited.
“I can’t believe my little cousin, still in high school, is more sexually experienced than I am,” Carolyn whispered.
“Yeah, well, different times, you know?”
“But what about Will and Brenda? Did you know they were swingers?”
“No, but honestly, are you surprised? They’re beautiful people.”
“I guess. I feel like such a prude.”
“Being loyal to your spouse doesn’t make you a prude,” he said, feeling guilty. “Besides, considering what you just did, I’m pretty sure you lost your prude card.”
“You liked that?” she asked, with an embarrassed smile.
“It was amazing. I’d love for you to do more of it. And I’d love it if you let me do more of it…